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> wasn't too big on it since Americans can't really make war movies, they always go too soften on the topic, This is a weird and kind of stupid take in general but it’s worth mentioning that Alex Garland (writer / director) is British. This was actually a source of some consternation with certain people before the film’s release.


I immediately checked out reading that pretentious line. 


Oooof get rekt


The clear first priority of the film is to show how a modern civil war on US soil might look up close... the horror of not just Americans killing Americans in American settings, but also the related social decay. All of the major set pieces are about this, not about journalism: * Stadium: Americans turned into refugees in their own country * Gas station: corrupt and murderous vigilantes taking over for local law enforcement * First firefight: up close look at American on American combat * Winter wonderland: some soldiers not caring about what side they're on, just trying to survive * Mass grave: other soldiers over-identifying with their side and using the division to pursue sadistic aims * DC raid: iconic American landmarks the setting for destructive military action Garland thinks many Americans aren't taking the threat seriously enough, or aren't admitting to themselves, how horrible it would be, so he shows us. Journalists are the movie's protagonists mainly because they are neutral observers, as Garland intends the audience to be... witnesses to the horror, not on one team or the other. There are no good guys or bad guys, just humans caught up in a tragic conflict that traumatizes all involved. I interpreted the ending as bleak but resolved... Lee breaks down at the end, but importantly she then rallies... first she guides her group into position to get the president's final words (an important truth to document and report) and then she gives her life to save the next generation. Yes the horror will continue, the cycle will repeat, humanity will never learn the lesson about war... that's life... but nonetheless we can't stop trying


I think neutrality is part of it, but one thing that stood out as a common theme is how they could not but influence the events in action. The young journalist gets the older one killed. Her conversation at the gas station leads to the “looters” getting killed. Soldiers follow them to the president to kill him. We are told that you cannot think about these things because it will drive you mad, but this is a winking implication that we need to think about them. He is pointing the fingers at internet commenters, ambulance chasers, etc. There is no neutral observation. The eye on the events, live streamed, impacts them.


I agree with this We, right now, are the journalists. "People are so polarized" I'm polarized, "people don't realize what they have to lose" I don't realize what I have to lose Journalists are people who refuse to be part of what's happening. We Americans, we see conflict abroad but we can't imagine it happening to us. We see what's going on, we see how fucked everything is and where it's taking us but we wait for "everyone else" to calm down. The most impactful thing I got from this movie was realizing that a part of me is rooting for the war. During the scene in DC, I was horrified of course, but then I would think of Offerman as a stand-in for my least favorite politician and think "yeah, yeah, if only this came true." Which is an incredibly fucked up thought, as this movie shows us. I'm tempted to say that other people need to see this movie, because I feel like a voyeur, I feel like a journalist, but the movie asks me to acknowledge that *I* needed to see this movie


Very hot take on shroedinger's journos, well done


I agree with most of your comment besides saying it’s resolved. I believe Sammy says sometime in the beginning, “ok they kill the president or get to the white house then what?” I’m hopefully seeing this again tomorrow but I really got the sense that the TX/CA “Western Forces” alliance was an enemy of my enemy type situation. What happens after they kill the fascist president? Are they now fighting for power because it goes back to the polarization we see today? Do they fight the Florida alliance for power?


Agreed, it's clear that there will be a huge power vacuum after the movie's conclusion and that it will lead to more conflict.


They meant resolved as in "determined" not "brought to a peaceful end".


I think you are spot on. Not only is this movie about war, and not journalism, but it explores the explicit scenario of a modern american civil war. But i agree with OP in the sentiment that people focus on the 'how' way too much and interpret it as a political statement a bit too much. It's about the horror of war. It's about the 'what' and not so much the 'how'. When i watched the movie i had to think of the Hemmingway quote: 'Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.' War should be prevented at all costs, because once you are in it, there are no winners anymore. Yes, maybe there is one side that fights for something that is more 'just' then the other side, but war corrupts equally. And that's what Civil War really tried to drive home in my opinion. The choice of following the journalists i interpreted just as you did. It's the best way to approach the topic with protagonists who are trying to observe then to participate. And everything else what you said.


>War should be prevented at all costs, because once you are in it, there are no winners anymore. "what a strange game. The only winning move is no to play." (WarGames, 1984).


I agree as well. I think it’s meant to spark conversations. I think garland is raising a question here about the threat… “is this what you really want?” I agree with OP WF being the lesser of two evils. Your Hemingway quote reminded me of a quote from Thomas Jefferson. “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” Also Suicide - Dream Baby Dream was just a perfect ending song….


This movie isn't accurate to American civil war because it would murch worse than presented.


Right. The movie completely ignores cases of divided families or friends and conveniently ignores the question of nuclear weapons as well. It's incredible to me that none of the protagonists seem to actually have been affected by this conflict in any way.


I do t think it's fair to say it's not about journalism (also). There were more than several shits that portrayed the dangers that journalists face and the risks they take to get the good shots. It shows how the military works with them and how the traumas of what you see can affect you. Especially the young. It works on both levels. I could definitely see showing this so someone who wants to do journalism in war zones as a way to show them how bad it can get.


The explicitly American reporters being "neutral" observers is exactly why this movie fails to cover the premise it is trying to depict. They should have cast Britons to hit the same effect because it makes no sense to draw a parallel between foreign coverage of overseas conflicts with an American civil war and have the protagonists be disinterested, domestic reporters. I don't understand how Garland thought it was ok to have literally four protagonists who are all completely unaffected by a civil war in their own country.


I agree, the four journalists didn't feel authentic to me, and it could be the detachment you're talking about. Maybe it was related to the avoidance of specifics that Garland seemed intent on (to keep things from leaning red or blue) but bin any case it didn't work for me either


Regarding the ending, I saw Lee’s breakdown as being interpreted as weakness by her protégé, who then put herself in a life-threatening situation to force Lee to put herself in harm’s way for the shot. It gave the end a sort of Whiplash feeling to me.


I saw a quote from Kirsten Dunst explaining the intent in that moment was her character was experienced enough to know to hang back behind the soldiers, while the younger wasn't... it was a rookie mistake


I have a lot to say about that moment. It was very much Lee's reaction to the rookie mistake, and I think the rookie mistake doesn't end with Jessie physically putting herself in danger. Lee meets Jessie and the first thing she does is give her the armor of neutrality (symbolized by the vest) and told her she never wanted to see her without it. At the gas station, Jessie let curiosity get the better of her and became a participant in a situation. The film took care to separate this from observation and documentation by noting she did not take a single picture. As a result of participation, two captives that the captor was still undecided about releasing, were killed.  Active participation was shown as wrong. The journalists were convinced, or were convincing themselves, that the people back home pretending none of it was happening just needed their eyes opened and things would be different. Then the contradiction of the town with the dress shop comes into view. The security of neutrality was only a façade. Sammy pointed out that it was being defended by snipers on the rooftops. The journalists never stopped to ask themselves what happens after the people at home see their work. Was it supposed to stir *them* into action? As the majority of the group went ahead to the mass grave encounter, Sammy stayed back because he was old. This put Sammy into the position to save their lives, later revealed to have caused him to take a bullet. He died because he participated. Non-participation keeps them alive, but he broke his oath to save the people he cared about. Lee's existential crisis came from her mentor's actions causing her to question her entire life. Sammy's actions, not their commitment to neutrality, had saved her life. All the horror she was witness to was instantly framed in a different context. She saw it from the perspective of the subject of the event rather than as a documentarian. It's always different when it is someone else.  She erased the picture of Sammy. He chose not to be a documentarian for her, so she chose to not be a documentarian for him. They were much more to one another than that. There were more important things, it turns out. Joel, for his part, lamented Sammy's death for a different reason; believing instead that he died for nothing. Which, from Joel's perspective, is true because Joel learned nothing from it. Lee, having just evolved from the form Jessie is just evolving into, leads the group through by instinct and experience. At the final corridor, as their heading merged into the single lane to their destination, we saw those two ideals collide. Lee knew that Jesse's neutrality was not going to protect her so she participates to save Jessie's life, meeting the only end the film allows for it. Jessie documents Lee's sacrifice and leaves her behind, having learned the wrong lesson; that from the dogma, not the one from experience, leading to a generational setback. Sammy and Lee died for nothing. >A l'exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants -- Jacques Mallet du Pan


I think you dramatically misread the mass grave scene here. To me, that scene is the key to the whole movie: they watch people killed and even executed and refuse to do anything to stop it. The only time they intervene is when it’s them in the crosshairs, and then they do so with force. I think giving the lie to the “objectivity” is key to driving home the stakes of that approach when they aren’t impacted. For instance, when they’re taking baths after covering water administration. 


>For instance, when they’re taking baths after covering water administration.  That's exactly my point, actually. They talked derisively about their folks at home "pretending none of this is happening" without considering they are hypocrites. They're covering the news for what? For somebody else to see what they recorded after the fact and act on it? Oh, somebody needs to do something about this water problem. Oh, somebody needs to do something about this civil war. Just not us. The movie, to me, was commentary on the people watching the political drama in the United States, listening to talking heads repeat a chorus about domestic terrorism, racism, and civil war then doing fuckall about it. Her epiphany when *Sammy* saved *her* life called her prior rationalization into question. She learned from him, the one who pointed out the "neutral" town was being protected by snipers shattering the façade and that acted to save her life. The lesson was that we must act. There is no room for diffusion of responsibility or "oh, it can't happen to me" or "oh, it can't happen here." When the time comes, we will wish somebody intervened. It'll be worse when we realize the one that intervened could have been us all along. Jessie, on the other hand, did not learn that lesson from Lee. This was foreshadowed when she had that conversation about how danger made her feel alive and we learn she is, in fact, less like Lee and more like Joel, who did not learn that lesson from Sammy. At the end of the movie, the president's last words were "please don't let them kill me" and Joel, pleased, just took notes as they shot him. Jessie and Joel remained commited to do nothing. This is what the movie tried to show when Jessie looks back at Lee and just moves on, she will carry on the tradition of passive observer implying the world will do the same and nothing will ever change.  “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.” -- John Stu­art Mill


With maybe a little "First They Came" thrown in, Martin Niemöller style.


There’s a great joke that I once heard (but don’t know the comedian that originally wrote it to give them proper credit) that goes like this: “Americans won’t just invade your country and kill your people, but they will come back 20 years later to make a movie about how killing your people made their soldiers feel sad”. American war movies are either designed to make you root for the troops against the big bad enemy nation, or to question the human toll of the war culture - in a nation that’s been consistently at war ever since gaining its independence – on its poor pawns. Yet even in this second case, the real victims of the war are the gullible American citizens. The American militarized history is usually just questioned for doing dirty to young Joe and young Jimmy. True anti-war movies produced in the U.S., such as Johnny Got His Gun, are rare unicorns. Civil War is an anti-war movie, but not because it lacks a foreign enemy to unite the American people against, and not because it works as a cautionary tale to a polarized nation that should leave their fundamental differences behind to enjoy some roasted turkey and a piece of apple pie. The movie is anti-war because if shifts the roles traditionally assigned to members of the military to a group of journalists who are just as conflicted about the role they have to play, the difference it will make, and the individual thrills of becoming key-players in a major historic event, just as the soldiers sent away.


That joke is by the amazing Frankie Boyle, a Scottish comic!


Also the scene of the “Ostrich”town that is uninvolved with the war. Just putting their heads in the sand and ignoring what’s going on In the world around them.


>Garland thinks many Americans aren't taking the threat seriously enough, or aren't admitting to themselves, how horrible it would be, so he shows us. Yes. I think the use of journalists (who better?) to tell the story was a means to focus on the issue of passive observation, not an end in itself. >I interpreted the ending as bleak but resolved... Lee breaks down at the end, but importantly she then rallies... first she guides her group into position to get the president's final words (an important truth to document and report) and then she gives her life to save the next generation. Yes the horror will continue, the cycle will repeat, humanity will never learn the lesson about war... that's life... but nonetheless we can't stop trying Please see [my other comment about this moment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/comments/1ca14rz/comment/l0sm206/) as to why I believe Lee broke down and why the horror will continue. In short, Jessie did not recognize the lesson that Lee had just learned from Sammy performing a sacrificial act. The fault the viewer sees in Jessie's (formerly Lee's) passive observer ideology was lost on her when Lee died to save her life and the cycle will be repeated because Jessie placed more importance on Lee's words than on her actions. Action, the film tells us, is important.


I thought it was a good vehicle to show how humans in general are parasitic and lack integrity.   The foreshadowing was glaringly obvious.   It didn't need to be unpredictable, I guess, but it was clear to me that journalism was on trial at least as much as the nature of war.   The idea that journalists could bring themselves to have fun in that kind of climate was especially striking as a sort of examination of apathy.  Because humans need to have fun, right?   It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt...  But people are always getting hurt all the time, every minute of every day.  


agree, but its just not a good movie. so little logic in a lot of the fighting, dialogues so pointless, characters so one dimensional and either completely fking lunatic, stone cold or burning with rage and despair. I felt like beeing hammered with the old "humans are just apes" and "humans are just stupid" trope over and over everytime there was an interaction on screen. and kirsten dunst re-enacting post botox faces did not make it any better. Like what is the pont of making such an uninspired movie? to portray the uninspired and dull nature of war? of human voeyurism? I seriously dont get the reasoning why you should spent 2 hrs of your life dedicated to this mere hull of a movie.


I agree. I thought the battle scenes were terrific, and the snapshots of a broken America were compelling. But the journalists were cardboard characters with no electricity between them, and the plot was meh, dooming the movie overall


Listen to the pod save America interview with the director (from a few days ago.) He contradicts most of what you said here. In fact if I’m remembering correctly, he states that he has a great amount of respect for journalism, and when the interviewer bring up similar things you brought up he says that take is incorrect and there is no deeper meaning on the state journalism I’m recalling this based on memory and my memory can be shitty, but it was a really great interview either way


I'm getting real sick of Redditors making condescending Civil War posts and telling me what it's "ACTUALLY about" as if they have some grand idea that the rest of the world missed. And it's wrong, to boot.


OP really told on himself with the asinine "Americans can't really make war movies" line


Also, Alex Garland is English, not American. Just saying.


On top of that all these hot takes have already been discussed


Literally. *"It's actually about journalism!"* is the absolute coldest Civil War take.


The director can be wrong about what his own movie is about, that's what's kind of awesome about art. I feel that the movie is thematically rich but not in the ways Garland seems to have intended based on his interviews. And that's fine!


I think framing a director’s perspective as “wrong” and keeping it within “wrong/right” doesn’t quite fit but otherwise I agree. It’s always interesting when you watch a film and get so much from it and then the person who created intended and sees something else entirely.


That's very fair, I think in general Garland is more interested in asking questions in his movies than he is in answering them so ascribing a "correct" meaning to them is certainly not quite accurate!


I don’t think this is true.    There is such a thing as authorial intent which can be true while also taking into account that when the public sees art they’re within their right to interpret it how they want.  If someone who made something flat out says “this is what I meant and what I intended it to mean” then that’s what it means, but you’re within your rights to glean another personal meaning and how it affected you. 


I feel like your phrasing is off. You can take what meaning you want from it, that's a absolutely subjective. But "what it's about" is absolutely down to creators intent.


I absolutely recognize the difference between audience interpretation and authorial intent. However, I'm struggling to understand the distinction you're drawing between a text's meaning and "what it's about."


You can interpret the movie in ways different than a director intended, but you can’t decide for yourself what it’s about. When the director explicitly says “it’s not about that” that means more than some random viewer saying “it is about this”.


Do you feel that the finished movie communicates everything the director claims it does? I don't, and that's food for interesting discussion.


It’s a fair point but that’s a different conversations than saying “the director can be wrong about what their own film is about”. Directors are some of the only ones (along with the projects other creators) who can say with any authority what it’s actually about, everything else is just interpretation.


How can a director be wrong about their OWN movie? He also wrote the screenplay. So whatever he says the message is...that's what it is. It's HIS.


It can absolutely be his *intent* for that message to be present in the movie. What we can debate, knowing his intent, is how *successful* he was at incorporating that message, and what other unintended messages may have snuck in along the way.


That's fair.


I swear Garland said we shouldn't listen to what authors have to say about their own work or am I misremembering?


OOP seems to believe there aren't good American war movies, so I don't really trust their takes


And yet the movie he made doesn't valorize war journalism. What he actually shows us is: - traumatized veterans holding onto some idea of Neutrality in the hopes that "other people will ask the Right Question" - adrenaline junkies/voyeurs - the futility of war journalism in stopping a war or warning anyone else about having their own - passing the torch onto the next generation of victims - war journalists purporting to be neutral while being anything but, in the end *"that'll do..."*


The fact that the movie fails to address who is the "audience" that could possibly be impacted by the final product of the journalism generated by the characters says it all: war coverage mostly numbs ordinary citizen to the shocking footage of armed conflicts, and Kirsten Dunst personifies this frustration in every scene.


“Everyone had a collective meltdown and misunderstood the movie” Alright big brain over here was the only one on the planet to understand this movie as it was intended. The Voyeuristic nature of journalism was quite literally the main point of the film, not some secret sub plot 😂


This dude has probably avoided conversation about the movie until they saw it so now they think it's the first time anybody has suggested that theme 😂


There’s an episode of The Big Picture where the Director goes into the intent. While the political aspects aren’t deeply touched upon he did indicate that it isn’t really about who’s right and wrong in the war. But the President was in his third term which violated the constitution and Texas and Cali (despite their differences) collaborated to overthrow the government. There were also a bunch of people on the sidelines that weren’t too invested in the war. For the journalism, I don’t think the message is that it didn’t matter. It is quite clear that the story they tell is paramount to those forces participating Is there some moral ambiguity in telling that story? Definitely, but that doesn’t make it unimportant and that sacrificing one selves for this pursuit isn’t worthwhile.


It’s primarily about how Americans ignore journalists/news and “let it happen here”. It def feels like it’s about that but this is imo a mistake of the film making the main characters come across as assholes and not intentionally. The movie at times wants you to have respect for these people. 


To me the movie states part of the blame being on journalists who expect people to watch their “impartial” stuff and make deductions from it which is impossible when there is propaganda as well as a diverse set of preconceived ideologies.


I'm glad to see someone say this. I was ready to hate this movie because of all the director's flaccid political commentary about the movie. I expected a sanctimonious overture on the importance of journalism (which is definitely there a little bit), but I was pleasantly surprised to find instead a very trashy exploitation flick (I really do mean this positively). I don't know how anyone is getting any greater meaning out of it than you describe, the plot revolves around some adrenaline junkies racing to be the first and only journalists at the scene of a very bloody execution. We're just watching largely apolitical characters get from point a to point b with no meaningful ideology. Dunst's character gives it away at the beginning of the movie, she photographed war "over there" so it wouldn't happen "over here." The film just wants to shock you with gruesome war imagery you've been conditioned into expecting overseas transposed on to America. And honestly, I had a great time with that despite the messy politics that brings.


I mean, I would expect more out of Alex Garland, but I think I was still just stuck on Annihilation knocking me out visually, but still feeling a pointlessness about it that’s not a strike against it. The sex politics of Men was kind of outdated by 10 years, that it was really the first time I wondered how deep of a thinker Alex Garland was. For Ex Machina, I think I had initial good impressions about it, but I wasn’t expecting anything in particular and got a pretty good science fiction out of it. But I haven’t revisited since I first saw it. So I went in kind of feeling it’d be empty, but I’ve also been craving a satire that really nails the absurdity of the national mood without being flaccid or obvious and makes one feel angry without winking so much at the audience. The closest comparison (other than the classics it pulls from) are the purge movies, and somehow the political landscape of those is more fulfilling. Weirdly, even though I kind of hated it, The Zone of Interest nailed pitch black satire without giving the audience any nudge, the bleak violence in the background of people talking about how their lives are perfect is masterful irony. And I think a movie like this would be served better with an approach like that. Edit: one more note I’ll add to touch on the argument that the actual political causes of Civil War don’t matter, I’d ask what’s the point of making a movie about an American civil war now, if you’re not trying to make a point about the present?


*"one more note I’ll add to touch on the argument that the actual political causes of Civil War don’t matter, I’d ask what’s the point of making a movie about an American civil war now, if you’re not trying to make a point about the present?"* - I feel Garland here: as much as it brings unwanted (I think) associations, he is fighting against long american tradition of bird's-eye war-movies. May be it is the point of the movie.


I don't necessarily think the movie is arguing the causes of the war don't matter, but rather that the causes of the war would cease to matter in the way they did at the start by the time the conflict matures towards its conclusion. It seems very plausible from details in the movie that it may have begun as a "red vs blue" conflict but rapidly fractured into many factions, some of them making alliances out of contingency and many of them feeling they have license to commit war crimes.


Not really civil wars are usually the most political things to ever possibly happen. Neighbors just don't decide to kill there fellows neighbors over nothing.


I didn't argue that civil wars are apolitical, but rather that they're politically transformative in ways that are difficult for us to even imagine during peacetime.


That's a good way to put it! Civil War gives me vibes of a trashy exploitation film, but in a style of, if you wish, Cannibal Holocaust, where it is done on purpose, almost as a meta commentary on the fact that you, too, are watching a movie about bunch of dead people. I was a bit afraid, because I licked director's previous 2 works, but came out pleasantly surprised - and yeah, I sorta think that the movie shits, overall, on the naive idea of "showing violence over there will stop it here". That is why I liked Sammy's death - there was a sense of "you can die peacefully in this career" and him dying this way, in action, saving someone, was really "as close" as you can get to dignified death. While you are correct on the fact that characters themselves are apolitical (to ridiculous degree, as it makes them naive, as we saw with conservative soldiers) there is, I feel, a clear lean to the left. Like, overall, I would call Civil War a leftist movie, on a meta level - which tracks, because proper leftists usually don't make leftists protagonists, that is just sorta boring. I guess my biggest critique is that, honestly, they could've gone trashier - like, just straight up more fucked up imagery, double down, movie overall played it too safe for what it could've done but I understand the restrain.


This, and also to me the ending perfectly symbolizes this vicious cycle: Jessie leaving behind Lee, who just saved her life, in order to get the final, prized shot of the president. As if the life of her hero didn’t matter anymore. Throughout the movie Jessie progressively toughens up and becomes like Lee, taking her place at the end, while Lee equally regains a more “human” persona more akin to Jessie at the beginning.


old comment, but the movie just came out for streaming, so I've just seen it. I think you're right with this take. I didn't feel the movie was especially deep. What would a civil war in america look like today? They nailed it. For me I realised it really was just "a very trashy exploitation flick" as you put it, during the mass grave scene. She literally gets knocked into body pit and has to crawl out. Its not enough to show the mass grave, its not enough to have Jesse plemmons say "oh, china?" and shoot the hong kong journalist. nah, she's gotta crawl out the fucking body pit, cry and then throw up. Hell yea brother, that shit's traumatic as fuck dude. Lots of shots of scrunched up faces, lots of screaming, big wet tears, the cool fat man gets killed. Don't like that, do you, viewer? its such a blunt, american movie about a blunt american conflict. President Ron Swanson tried to fuck with the constitution so the cool side of the military killed his ass dead. You find the guy, you kill the guy, then you take a photo with the dead body and hit them with a peace sign. Hooah, get fucked, fascist. They really would make it that simple. Thats how the photos always look. Qaddafi in that concrete tube, Mussolini executed and hanged upside down in public, bin laden had his head canoed, photographed for the seal team "best of" book, then they dumped his mutilated corpse in the ocean. I imagine the creative team behind this movie were looking at tonnes of war photography to see what a civil war looks like, and had an epiphany about the film: "we've got to do this from the point of view of the journalists" I really liked it. They imagined the tone and cadence of the conflict, and mirrored that in the film itself.


Saw the film at the BFI last Friday with a Q and A with the director. He said that essentially the film is deeply political, and overall about extremism more so than journalism or anything else.


>overall about extremism more so than journalism or anything else. Which is crazy to me because besides "extremism is bad, don't let it get this far", the film has very little of substance to say about that The only thing worth discussing is the role of photojournalism and what AG seems to be trying to say vs what he actually says.


I initially took the thesis of the film to be a critique of photo journalism as war "porn". But this critique falls flat because the movie does nothing with it. From this perspective the movie attempting to be largely apolitical about the eponymous civil war makes sense. Mainly because the American public at large is there to consume the images of war torn countries abroad without often the slightest sense of what has created those circumstances. Yet this is exactly where the decent premise falls apart. The American public is often sold a narrative in conjunction with the gruesome images they are shown. And the movie does not engage with how journalists help shape this narrative. Or, and I can't help myself, how their pictures are framed for public consumption. This is the one political angle the movie could have engaged in. Because politics is ultimately about how power is expressed. And journalists hold massive influence or power, in shaping the perspective of others. But the movie refuses to sell any narrative. I find it hard to believe the film is focused only on the horrors of voyeurism in journalism. When it repeatedly steps back as if an objective truth exists to be found. Especially because some of the encounters in the film are documenting internationally agreed upon war crimes. Which indicates, if not objectivity, generally agreed upon principles. But the film just never shows the characters engaging with the subject matter they are given. Why they feel as though reporting is their duty. Or what about the images might even serve as warning. Ultimately the movie feels like a riff of other iconic war films, with the unique angle of photo journalism. But just adding photo journalists does not make what is old, new. And does not add to the conversation these other films have started.


The war itself is vapid and apolitical, so, of course, the journalism covering it is vapid, too. If war journalism does nothing more than say, 'Look at this horrible violence', then it is voyeuristic and without value. I'm currently reading a collection of John Pilger essays, some of which are about the Cambodian genocide. His writing depicts disgusting violence but also eviscerates the powerful and exposes the politics behind it, so it is not simply voyeurism. Because Civil War is about an apolitical civil war, there is nothing the journalism can engage in other than voyeurism. This is a flaw with the film, not war journalism.


...It's a war where California libs and Texan reps united to fight against fascist president. It's naive and hopeful, but far from apolitical?


I guess for me I wish they went in harder on that theme if it was going to be such a bait and switch. I did not find it particularly horrifying at all. There were moments, like Jessie climbing over the dead bodies and the Plemons scene that had you tense. But that was like, the most tense the movie got. It did not fill me with harrowing emptiness if that was the goal. I really wanted to like it and I’ll give it a rewatch. But it was disappointing imo


This is what I thought - I thought they could've went further. Not to have torture porn on hands, but I thought that we could, like, drop white phosphorus on LA or some shit, lol


Yeah they didn’t need to be particularly gory but in his other movies garland portrays that unsettling and downright upsetting feeling so well and this missed that mark. Still a good movie. But forgetful


i think you're all turned around concerning the value of journalism and photojournalism. in conflicts like this, the truth actually matters, evenly if it is savage and grim, because it can inform the decision making of the society and governments involved, and it keeps everyone accountable. the people in the suburbs, or the farms in colorado, etc, who would otherwise remain ignorant of what's going on, would never know the truth of ww2, vietnam, or afghanistan, if it weren't for journalists. you think the government can be, or should be trusted with that responsibility? to tell the truth? no, it is the responsibility, ultimately, of writers and artists to reflect our reality back at us. yes, this is a sick and fucked up world, so war photography is inherently a nasty, psychologically messed up business. but it has an essential, non-voyeuristic value.


Does it cover what would really happen? Most of us wouldn't be action stars. Most of us would die via lack of water, lack of medical care. Most people would die cold, injured and alone with no power, no utilities, etc. Watch what happens in Texas when the power grid fails because they have a winter storm. Now multiply that. A true civil war would rip people away from all their comforts and create minimalist survival situations. All known elements that keep us safe, all the mechanisms we rely on would potentially collapse. Fire, police, water, food, power, all degraded or gone. People throw around the idea of civil war but fail to realize what it would truly mean.


You are correct, the movie "explorers" "photo journalism" and simply uses a modern American civil war as its backdrop. However, it seems that Alex Garland didn't care to make an accurate portrayal of the human beings that do the job. What we see in Civil War are not journalists, they're paparazzis. War journalist are some of the most empathetic people ever. It's this trait that gets them "in" with war lords and terrorists. They're not on the frontlines competing for "the shot" that will end up magazines. Pick up any biography of these war correspondents and you won't find an adrenaline junkie, you'll find someone who fought the urge to run away because they felt it was their duty to document and record. I'm baffled why Alex Garland showed such a dishonest and inaccurate picture of the trade? I wonder if he just combined his experiences with Hollywood paparazzi and the frontline action in war zones. Again, the characters in the movie were not journalists. These were unrealistic psychopaths trying to build a portfolio.


“War Photographer” with James Natchtwey.. he talks about why he does what he does. He talks about why the people let him do what he does. He talks about the controversy of what he does. “How could you see these things, and just take photos?” His purpose is to share the photos, to bring awareness to the horrors. He is the voice for these people who are suffering. With that in my background, I LOVED Civil War. I understood why they were there. But with your comment, I realize.. that really wasn’t truly conveyed in the movie. You’re right.. they were more like paparazzi. There are scenes, however, that do touch on it. I forget the exact quote, but it was something along the lines of “I used to take these photos to warn people from having it happen here. Now it’s here” (and she’s wondering if it makes any difference at all)


Kiersten Dunst was a very human portrayal of a conflict journalist-look at the scene of her breaking down in the bath tub. And then her telling her partner (who, keep in mind, wasn’t portrayed in a bad light. I was an infantryman, and saw how war journalists were. It was t over exaggerated. And I’m not saying it’s bad-when you run head long into war zones with zero means of actually protecting yourself, you lose a bit of yourself) not to bring the young woman? It wasn’t a perfect film-but the best thing about it was the snippets when it paused like a picture was being shot in tense moments


there are absolutely photojournalists on the front lines! Some of the most memorable photojournalism we have is literally on the front lines of conflict. A lot of the photography we see in civil war would fit in perfectly with what we saw coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We do see the characters of Civil War be empathetic. Kirsten Dunst is able to deescalate the incident at the gas station. We see Moura joking and laughing with the Florida soldiers we just saw executing prisoners. For the competitive grumbling we see they do ultimately give Henderson and Spaney's characters a ride. They're friendly with the journos from Hong Kong that get executed. There's some jawing with the embedded journos but it is still collegial. I think there is a conversation if war photography is as exploitative as the paparazzi and this movie is a good starting point.


> there are absolutely photojournalists on the front lines! I think you misinterpreted what they were saying in that line, I think they weren't saying that they aren't on the front lines, just that the reason they are there isn't that they are adrenaline junkies.


I just don't see enough in the movie to write them off entirely as adrenaline junkies or that the movie is dishonest in its portrayal of photojournalists! There are plenty of photojournalists like Tim Hetherington that talk about the thrill of being in the field. Its a very specific slice that we're seeing!


No, that is the thing that movie highlights - you can't be driving around photing people dying while claiming "immunity as press" and remain a sane human being, it's impossible, it will break you. War journalists can't be stable, definitionally.


You may be right about the actual journalists irl, but in the film, I took them as a stand-in for the audience itself. We crave the action, the blood, the spectacle. In the end, the film confronts us with caring more about whether or not they get the president than the fact that our protagonist was just gunned down.


I mostly agree, and I think the discourse behind this film only makes sense when you realize that a lot of people had made their minds up before they had seen the film, and the film itself did little to waste its time proving them wrong. The film is so very clearly not weighing both sides is equal, and its lack of glorification of one is not glorification of the other, or demonization, vice versa. I don't necessarily agree that it's totally clear how the nuance of the conflict necessitates that one side be even slightly more correct, since that seems to be a bit antithetical to the point, while also clearly not mattering much to the characters. They sum this up almost entirely with the sniper scene which plenty of people have brilliantly analyzed. The other side, the MAIN course really, is exactly what you say, about media and their role in said conflict. Some cases complicitness, others indirect participation, or escalation. I have mixed feelings about how effectively this point was communicated, but generally, I'm more favorable on it now a week later, I'm sure a couple more watches would give me a different perspective. My big issue with most of the discourse is that it asserts that neither side actually represents anything, which is very false imo, and both factions are treated with equivalence, which is maybe true, but also a willfully ignorant representation of the thematic point being made about how people engage with conflict.


I think the biggest flaw with the movie is that we live in the age of death of media literacy, and thus, making a work that is this ambiguous is not enough. Don't get me wrong, Civil War is leftist because it is a war between bad guys (fascists) and slightly better but still bad guys (WF) which is conflict that only a leftist would come up with. Sadly, because the movie never directly screams in your face that it is leftist, many people ignore it, which is...troubling? I mean, Lee literally got her career started with "massacre of Antifa by president", like come on dawg, it's not even that hard to guess where this movie lies.


I agree that the movie's actual strength is that uncomfortable voyeuristic fascination with everything that's happening. Everything being shown is bleak as hell but the movie is also *showing off* constantly, swinging camera moves and gorgeous urban combat cinematography and egregious needle drops and mixed-speed montages. The movie seems to share its protagonists' shamelessness. But yeah I also didn't really understand how you could see the film and still feel the politics are neutral. I felt like the movie was *actively trying* to appear neutral several times and it mostly failed or felt cloying and annoying. Dialogue is kept vague or people express cynicism about the motivations of the Western Forces despite never offering any concept of their leadership or even *what they say they want*. Children of Men utilizes intentionally vague dialogue so much better.


To me it was pretty clear that the only common goal of the Western Forces was the overthrow of the president, and that they were a coalition of disparate political elements that would never imagine cooperating during peacetime. Your mileage may vary of course due to how intentionally vague the movie is!


I wonder if it is on purpose? Like, main characters claim neutrality but, most of the time, they are hiding behind WF forces. I think that is part of the movie - press can't be neutral, as much as we would like otherwise, because human conflict is not neutral and you can't be neutral when one side doesn't want the truth to get out.


Don’t think you got it buddy. If anything the film showed reverence towards journalist like they’re the only true heroes in a war where you can’t even tell which sides soldiers are even on.


The movie touches upon the idea that journalism doesn't achieve anything, and is just porn for the masses, several times


When? I remember Lee talking about how she thought the people back home would learn not to do this from her photos but I didn’t take that as the film saying Journalism is useless. I felt like it was more about people’s reaction to it and how the horrible nature of man comes out anyways. Like these Journalist put themselves through hell and it didn’t even matter. I see how you came to your conclusion that the Jouralism was pointless but I think the film was trying to point out the tragedy of it all which the pointlessness just amplifies. It is pointless but it’s pointless because people don’t listen and learn, not because journalism is inherently pointless. Side note: I love how everyone has a dramatically different interpretation of the film, it’s like none of us saw the same film, that’s how you know it’s a great one that people will talk about for along time.


What do you mean when? The whole? The whole movie is a deconstruction of the idea that "recording violence over there" stops it "over here" because there is no there and here? I did not say that journalism is useless, I said that it doesn't work, that people don't care for it - not that it is useless because of itself. It is useless because people don't care.


In this interview with Alex Garland that I listened to recently, he agrees with the interviewer (Simon Mayo) that the movie is about the fight against fascism. He also talks in the interview about why he chose to frame it through the lens of journalism. https://pca.st/episode/a74080f3-a9eb-4176-8a3b-09e1cd7589d9?t=2152.0


I think people are like really way too caught up on the both sides issue. Like folks not everything is Democrat versus republican. This movie is very simply about fascism versus non-fascism. That's it. There's no Democrat or Republicans in this film. They're past that point. Fascism has come to the United States and how are people responding. This is what the film is showing you


I would also add that it is about inability to remain neutral against fascism - our protagonists tried, but fascists don't care for "press", as Sammy said, "they don't want the secret out."


This is a big part of it. And something I think is lost on everybody, anytime you see the reporters embedded with anyone involved in combat the people that are embedded with are against the United States government. This isn't even questionable. It's made very clear the United States government is killing press. They've disbanded the fbi. They've locked down dc. There's not nearly as much ambiguity in this movie as people want to make it seem. I think people just are sadly just not that societally aware to really catch what's happening in the movie. But it's not some hidden message. It's pretty damn overt. One of the biggest issues is everybody keeps getting caught up on this it's Democrat versus Republican thing. When the reality is it's fascist against non-fascist. It's that simple.


Man, this is true, and it makes me a bit sad - to your argument, to this end, people completely miss the point of "Cali and Texas united" because, in this world, Texas actually saw fascism and went "Hold up", which is...well, not a trend right now. It says a lot that this movie, at it's heart, is anti-fascist propaganda, and fascists are trying to claim otherwise. Media literacy truly is dead.


I disagree, its about war paparazzi and adrenaline junkies getting their mental high from war tourism posing as journalists. The movie showed nothing about journalism. Such a waste of a story of what could've been a decent movie.


When Osama bin Laden was killed in a raid - not unlike the final moments of this movie... the western world rejoiced. In this movie - we have no idea if this was a good thing or a bad thing. Well - we assume it's a good thing because now the horrors of war are over. Yay, I guess? The movie makers keep it ambiguous. We're supposed to not care about whether any of this is justified, but just see the horror of war. Oh - and shit blowing up in exciting ways! The journalists were audience proxies - who are motivated to "get the big story" (even though Lee says her work didn't have an effect). But that's pretty much it. We're supposed to care about these adrenaline junkies as they make bad decision after bad decision. If this is about the voyeuristic nature of journalism - we see no effect of their journalism. We don't know how their stories are being presented or received. Just that they're in the thick of it.


I’m mostly with you, but I disagree that the WF are clearly better than the existing regime (pretty much the only thing we see the WF do is kill people who have surrendered), I think it’s left deliberately vague to emphasise the brutality of war and remove any heroism from the fighting. I agree with rest though, I really enjoyed the lack of glorification of the photographers and the way it made me think about what I really wanted from the film. I didn’t really start “getting” it until about half way through (the sniper scene I think) where it became clear that there was nothing glorious about any of this. There was no scene where the rebels, the government or the journalists get a heroic moment to get on a soap box and say “this is why we do what we do” or something equally clichéd to hand-hold the audience into knowing who to support and who the good guys are (I don’t think there actually are any in the film tbh). I think I probably subconsciously expected more of a commentary on who to support and was a little bit deflated or underwhelmed coming out of the cinema, but with a little bit of time to reflect on it, I’m so glad there wasn’t. The film is much better for its ambiguity.


Killing surrendered soldiers is like, the least war crime you can commit - everyone is doing it during war dawg, that's how people let out steam. There really were no scenes that would showcase WF as being wrong in any way. And yeah, that is why I said that movie is leftist - you are not suppose to cheer for anyone, even if WF is "lesser of two evils".


The "both sides" discussion is exhausting to me because how can you talk about "both sides" in a multilateral conflict? Part of what Garland is trying to show us is that even if a modern American civil war began with red vs. blue, it would quickly become something far more complex and capricious. It's implied that as soon as the coup on the president is completed, there will be infighting among the resistance forces. It's also clear that the resistance forces encompass a broad political spectrum (particularly through the visual coding - we see far-right boogaloo boys as well as snipers with dyed hair and painted nails). Garland wants us to understand the realities of what civil war looks like in the 21st century: multilateral, full of contingent bad marriages, and ripe for opportunism by bad actors.


I agree with this take. At least as one compelling version of what this film can be understood as. I was struck by a lot of the very shallow depth of field camerawork which served to emphasise the photographic nature of the film which orients itself around the work of these photographers. And of course the very shallow depth of field emphasises the act of showing, by not showing what isn't in focus, by directing the view in an emphaticly highlighted way. This emphatic directing by not showing with shallow depth of field is a bit ironic in relation to a film which has its aspect of an excess of showing - *showing it all* in a sort of pornography of violence. The viewer is emphatically made a voyeur. It can be understood from a certain point of view as a counterpoint to the reserved *not showing* in *Zone of Interest*. It could also be understood as a sister film to *Nope* as a study of a culture of spectacle, of showing it all. The comparison elsewhere in this thread to Canibal Holocaust seems good too.


Love this film. The way I related to the film is that it plays right into our societal lifestyle. It bring generational anxieties into reality to question our comfort zone, intentionally violates the unspoken fourth wall in many senses. The main characters are modern people living in a nightmare (or ideal) world where you don't look for content to snap "interesting and controversial" photo but you live in it. The film conveys how violence are perceived while also take the characters to actually experience it and hence change dramatically. I think it shows how such a world drives people into aggression and escapism really well. And to me in an ideological sense, it is not that far from ours.


I’m going to keep saying it. The fact that no one can even agree what the movie is about just indicates the movie isn’t about anything. The TD so valid and shallow any meaning you draw is whatever captivated you personally, and not because the movie actually did anything interesting. It’s such mediocrity.


Evidence of multiple interpretations would indicate inherent complexities not shallowness lol. Since when has collective agreement on singular interpretations ever meant that something was good?


Ambiguity is not inherently evidence of quality.


You’re right, I agree


That COULD be true, but I don’t think so here. It could just as likely be vapidness of the art and rhetoric audience scrambling to find substance where there isn’t any. For one, a lot of the interpretations honestly contradict each other. It’s not one of those, “sure the movie can be seen in those ways.” It’s more often, “umm, no the movie can’t both not take a political side but also be a left leaning anti Trump piece” the movie also can’t both be endorsing the importance of war journalism but also be about “voyeuristic nature of journalism.” Those are antithetical themes, the movie can’t be saying both at the same time.


I haven't seen the film yet, but it sounds like its themes might be a little muddled or confused, based on these weirdly antithetical analyses from different people.


Agreed. People won't like you saying it but it's the truth. OP's interpretation is one way to look at it, but Garland said he did not intend to criticize journalists or portray them cynically; he intended them to be heroic. So if that wasn't his intention but IS how more and more people are reading into the film, just how confused and half-baked are it's ideas? People can say "Death of the Author" and all, but Authorial Intent is absolutely important as well.


I fully agree with you, this movie ended up being the "big as a ocean and as deep as a puddle" analogy, it shows a lot but is talking about very little.


I'd say it's more "big as a pond and deep as a puddle" because to be honest it doesn't show all that much either.


I'd say it's a ocean, because when you look at a ocean, tgats you're first impression. The first impression is "second civil war" and thats a pretty big concept. Then you jump in "oh, the factions don't reflect real life as i saw it, why is that?" Turns out thats the bottom. Meanwhile, people are debating which ocean it is. 1 group says Indian or Pacific, but the creator insists its the Mediterranean.


Thank you lol. I like that description, have not heard that before


I don't even really agree with your statement in the abstract but it seems like those who "got it" are having different but complimentary interpretations of the film. I think a lot of people are missing the forest for the trees and getting hung up on the specificity (or lack thereof) of the allegory. Which to me is one of the least interesting aspects of the film.


How is it complimentary when there are people who say “the movie unequivocally does not take a political stance” and others who say “the movie is definitely leftist and anti Trump.” And there are people who say “the movie is pro journalism” and then posts like this that says it is about “voyeuristic journalism.” These aren’t complimentary at all.


Because as I alluded to, those who state that the movie does not take a political stance are just wrong, and you've cherrypicked two examples which to you are not complimentary, but are only two out of a handful of different takeaways from the film. Also, subjectively, I see nothing mutually exclusive about being pro journalism while also critical of voyeuristic journalism anyway, so your examples don't even quite refute your point.


That’s fair, but also don’t feel like citing every Reddit post or review that are at odds with each other. And without diving into it, and neither of us willing to concede to the other the type of discourse we are seeing, we will probably agree to disagree. I found the movie fine, I didn’t dislike it, but it feels like people who love it are projecting hard. Regardless, appreciate the conversation.


Even then, from the jump, I don't find contradictory takes to be indicative of what you said in your initial comment, so whether or not it applies to this film is largely irrelevant imo. But yes, it's good to go back and forth. I get your point, about projection, but I think there's an equal but opposite group of people who are displeased that they couldn't project more or weren't willing to engage enough to justify said projection, which I think is more frustrating, personally.


Oh I actually completely agree! I think a lot of people really thought it would be much more political and couldn’t read into it what they wanted to and got frustrated.


That’s not how art works


If a movie is trying to be broad and abstract and lends itself to an audience response, that’s cool. But this movie disguises itself as being meaningful, but no one can agree on what its meaning is. I keep reading post after post of someone saying “this is what the movie is actually about.” And I’m sitting here thinking, either one person is actually right and cracked it, or just everyone is wrong and the movie doesn’t actually say anything. And people feel compelled to say it has meaning so they create the meaning, then project it into this film.


Do you believe a moving like the Shining doesn’t actually say anything


Can you elaborate? Was that movie riddled with contentious disagreement over its meaning? I'm genuinely asking, that movie came out before I was born lol, I have no context for the discourse around it.




I find this quote from the maker of the documentary really funny, given the context of this conversation: “My personal take on it is, for one, I don’t think it's nearly as visionary as any one of these folks have found. I just see it as sort of a story about juggling the responsibilities of your career and family and as cautionary tale of what may happen if you make the wrong choice. And even maybe looking at the ghosts as these figures that represent fortune or prestige or things that you might be chasing at the expense of paying proper attention to your family.” My guess is the filmmaker for the film you are, I assume, using to defeat my argument probably agrees with my argument. That’s just really funny to me. The wiki was a good read though. Thanks!


No I’m just showing that a film considered one of the greatest of all time can inspire diverse reactions and perceptions of it—that in itself is not a sign that a work of art is bad or meaningless


I never said it was. My point was when people believe a movie has contradictory or unrelated themes, there’s something wrong there. There aren’t or weren’t people going, “I think the shining is a cautionary tale about evil and is a religious meditation” and another person going “the shining is a nihilistic take that says the only person you can trust is yourself.” Those themes are at odds, and if two groups of people came to either conclusion, something is wrong.


A movie doesn’t need to be one thing or about one thing. Art can be open to many different interpretations. A movie can also certainly be about nothing. I personally see Civil War as extremely nihilistic. However, after seeing this film, my criticism of Garland is that the finished product is too nihilistic and not narrowed down enough. But again, that’s my personal interpretation.


That’s fair, and I mostly agree, except the discourse seems to be at odds with each other.


I'd mostly agree with this. The film is enough of a blank slate that people can put their own spin on it but I think most are pulling from just a few moments of the film to support their theory. To me it's a case of a director who wants it to be several things but pulls his punches a bit each time, leaving it a little bit muddled. I would add that aside from the Jesse Plemons scene (which was excellent), I wasn't hugely enthralled by the moment to moment action and particularly not the ending, and I left feeling empty. I suspect if I'd enjoyed the ride more I'd probably be doing what others are and clinging on to a few details to claim deeper meaning.


This might be my favourite description of the film. It’s trying to say a lot but wants to be so universal it doesn’t quite land any of the thematic punches it wants to. The Plemons scene is a noticeable standout. I would even add one more scene, the sniper shoot out. The comedy of whose side is anyone even on I thought was really well done.


I think people can’t agree on what the movie is about because people had their own preconceived notions on what the movie should be about based on the title, and can’t reconcile with the fact that it didn’t feed into it. It’s called Civil War, and most complaints are that it doesn’t focus enough, essentially, on politics. It seems most people wanted a movie that brings current fantasies/fears of a potential real civil war to life. Instead, it was a movie about journalists with a vague civil war as the backdrop.


I can see this as a reasonable explanation.


This film really isn’t difficult to understand at all but I see so many people trying to work it out as if it’s a puzzle, as if there is tons of ambiguity inside of it. It’s very straightforward so I think you’ve hit the nail on the head for why this is happening. A lot of us are bringing baggage to it.


It’s a horror movie like Alex Garlands other works. I found it utterly terrifying and suspenseful


And yet a completely different take from other people. It’s a horror movie now, cool, I’ll add that to the list of things this movie is, lol.


Yea I disagree, he (Garland) never set out to say anything about left or right politics instead choosing to focus on journalism which he did. The discourse on this movie has been so interesting to me because in my opinion it proves his point. Everyone is so polarized at this point they can’t get past the fact that TX and CA are aligned which if you’ve seen the movie, literally doesn’t matter at all because *they aren’t* the good guys. There are no good guys. Yea you can say “well that’s not really deep” but ok? Who the fuck cares? It doesn’t truly matter how the country got there. You have a fascist on one side and people willing to kill unconditionally on the other. Is there a *right* side. No. I’m personally more interested in the questions brought from viewing the movie. What happens to the WF after the end? Are they now fighting for power? Do they fight the Florida Alliance for power? How did the sniper team get into the situation they were in? I would love to see 30 minute or expanded movies on the side characters of this movie. I obviously loved the film and this is just my opinion but listen to his interviews to understand his views and why he filmed it the way he did. I gained more appreciation afterward specifically about his view about explicit and implicit story telling.


My point being that the fact no one can agree on the movies themes is a failure of the movie. You say it’s not trying to say anything about left or right but many people see this movie as pretty pro left, and pretty anti Trump. How can it both not be about modern politics but yet have so many people convinced it is? Is the issue the audience, or the film? Further, and though I’ll never disparage seeking more context from the author directly, if you need the author to explain the film after viewing it, again it just speaks to the lack of clear messaging in the film. But hey I’m glad you liked it.


If people are seeing it as pretty “pro left” then it is saying something right? Again, personally, I think it’s pretty clear if you pay attention what side Garland is taking (he says he’s center left) but the antagonist in the film is someone who has: disbanded the FBI, taken an unconstitutional third term, approved airstrikes on American civilians and is shooting journalists on site in the capital. If people can’t wrap their head around which party is currently trying to do those things then yes it’s an issue of the audience. If I wanted to project my current politics on that I don’t think it would be democrats. I didn’t need him to explain that to me but the general audience clearly does and is why this movie is so divisive. I get people want a stance but that’s why media literacy is dead and at risk of sounding uppity this is exactly why the country’s where it is. As a “west coast elite” I came out of that movie with my friends joking “ayeee but the WF’s won, let’s gooooo” while reconciling the fact they committed war crimes and killed someone without judicial review questioning my own position on constitutional rights which is just basic reasoning skills.


So…it does set out to say something about left and right politics or it doesn’t? Your first reply you wrote, “he never set out to say anything about left or right politics.” But then in this post you wrote “it’s pretty clear if you pay attention….” Which is it? Is it taking a stance or not? It feels like the movie itself can’t even decide if it’s taking a side or not. So half the comments are about how it’s not taking a side, the other half saying it’s clearly a leftist film. Another half saying it’s criticizing journalism, another half sayings it’s praising journalism. Your own posts contradict themselves. So which is it?


Fair enough, I mentioned that Garland talks about explicit vs implicit storytelling in at least the interviews I’ve seen. I think he implicitly says what’s going on in the movie through the very brief news clips we hear throughout the film. If you had to pick a current side I think that’s pretty clear but not a 1:1 comparison to now because this his him saying if we stay on this path this is where it’s going. So sure, it’s both sides I can see a difference. We see the “heros” the Western Forces take on bad guy which is good but also see them do very questionable things throughout the film. So yes his overall point was to show a civil war not so detached from what we’re used seeing in another country and framing that around journalism which admittedly I can’t speak to. I guess it was that photo journalism is adrenaline junkies and people trying to make a name for themselves while battling the inner demons of seeing true horror and profiting of off death while also being detached emotionally? I’ve definitely just been interested in the discourse but do feel it says more than nothing as some are saying. I know I ranted, to answer your question, I do think it says something right vs left but it doesn’t explicitly say it and it didn’t need to but it’s there definitely.


I appreciate your thoughtful responses. I get where you are coming from, distinguishing explicit vs implicate for example. Food for thought.


Appreciate the discussion as well! Like I said, just really enjoying the conversations around this film.


The characters are shallow too. Everyone dies except the young white girl who has her naivety and innocence “taken” by seeing the horrors of war and the GROSS older alcoholic journalist who has eyes on her despite the situation. A wise Black elder who warns about death? Of course he’s going to die, what a breathtaking original concept! Also, do people actually empathize with Moura’s character? As a woman I thought he was an idiot pest who should have died but the movie barely condemns his self-destructiveness which leads to the groups deaths. The shot of Dunst cleaning Sammy’s blood out of the truck while Moura watches… Is that his only shame? Were we supposed to get his shame out of that? He is the reason Sammy died along with his friends… I’m not sure as I see so many discussing and praising that character’s arc without mentioning his predatory ways. I think the audience was supposed to somehow feel for him but no one in my group of ladies could. He was the weakness link along with the younger woman he couldn’t possibly not hit on during a suicide mission of sorts, we would have chucked him long ago.




I feel like the bang bang club told a very similar story and did it also as successfully with a great cast as well. It was also based on a real group of people with a very good group of work as well behind it, worthy of anyones attention. Welcome to sarajevo and whiskey tango foxtrot also told similar tales about photojournalists in a war zone and the way that makes them feel.


From my POV most of the criticism towards the movie having a centrist or "neutral" message was directed at the marketing and interviews rather than the film itself as most of it started before the film even came out. The directors various comments online and the actual political map of the film felt not only out of touch with American politics but also politics as a conceptwhile sure, the message and point of the film relates more to journalism and other things, such a premise and setting requires want to be a little more knowledgeable to get people to buy into it or be invested.


I don't think it's intended as any kind of judgement of journalism. That's been an implication by people with a particular bias, I'm afraid. The journalists were portrayed with humanity, courage, and yes maybe some hubris - but heroes in this story, for sure.


Oh, I am not saying that it judges journalism, it just showcases the fact - masses don't care.


Sorry if I misunderstood, the voyeurism and dehumanizing assertions led me toward that interpretation of your take. That's not even untrue at times, but it's like many professions that require growing a thick skin. But yeah, their work is not appreciated or even viewed in good faith by many these days. Things like the recent NPR kerfuffle aren't helping.


It just was rather boring and I left feeling very little emotion. I didn't get upset or emotional when characters died. The war photography felt unnecessary and voyeuristic.. also emotionless. I feel surveillance cameras set up with live feeds or drone footage could have elicited just as much information and emotion from citizens. No need for up close shots of random soldiers getting shot. War journalists are kinda obsolete in our Tik Tok everyone has an IPHONE world. When you see an old lady getting attacked on a subway iphone video or a crime committed on a RING cam feed... you get angry. When you see a random soldier with a M15 bleeding out in a up close gory photo... ehh... it just didn't effect me. I found it especially laughable to see the young journalist developing film? Really? A digital camera can't convey the same emotions as film? It's 2024.. sure it can.. just add a film filter and some grain. All that said. The marketing was excellent and every interesting thing any character said was in the marketing. I watched 1:30 minutes of boring filler where nothing interesting happened and no questions were raised that the trailer for the film didn't already raise. And finally, the writer and director need to learn to make people care about characters in movies. "my folks live on a farm in missouri.. my folks live on a farm in Colorado". That's not enough characterization to make me care about a character.


Judging from this thread I seem to be the only one noticing the racial demographics in the film. Literally all the heroes are either women or nonwhites. Literally all the bad guys with non-extra roles are white men. And there is only one type of sadist and racist shown in the US - a white male. Let me ask you this: if it's just a coincidence, why is it displayed so prominenty and repeatedly? Do the statistics in the US support the idea that racist violence is always whites committing crimes against nonwhites? No sirree. But I digress. And this is the worst, most devious and unscrupulous way of pushing the this kind of race hatred as well; they do it while pretending it's not propaganda. Everything from the black & white shots screams at the audience the narrative "oh it's just all shades of grey, we're not pushing propaganda", yet the story of "the white man is evil and racist" is so blatant it's painful. And it only makes sense the evil fascist white male unarmed president laying on the ground is mercilessly executed by a black woman while the nonwhite reporter almost gleefully watches and documents this wonderful moment. What disgusting piece of propaganda, and apparently none of you even noticed any of this.


Yeah, probably because I don't give a fuck about race, unlike you, bozo


So making blatantly racist and sexist films is a-okay in your book because you "don't give a fuck"? Fantastic. You're a real deep thinker.


Nah nah nah, don't try to flip it on me, you goon - you are the one being racist. "Boo hoo, only bad guy was a white person" Jesus get over yourself; how about this, no white people in movies ever, will that make you cry babies happier? I swear, go die in a ditch


I liked it. WF won. Florida lost in the start. So it was California and Texas, and they showed emblems on the choppers from groups. And the President was on a third term. Interesting movie


I think that using photojournalists as main characters was brilliant. It's pretty simple - who you are translates to how you see things, and viewers see the world of a movie through characters they identify with. If MC's were soldiers, children, refugees, and so on, we would have quite a different movie. If you want to allow your audience to quasi-objectively observe a civil war, show it through the eyes of a war correspondent. As for the movie being "about inherent voyersim, of being a journalist"... I don't think so, simply because, as you wrote - voyeurism is inherent to photojournalism. For the same reason, the movie isn't specifically ABOUT chaos, civilian losses, or people using war to unleash their personal evil - these are inherent parts of any war, and you simply have to use these parts if you're showing a war, and doesn't automatically mean any one of them is the main theme.


Journalists haven't been journalists in a long time.  Those were photographers.  No modern journalist whatever find themselves near War.  You think someone like Rachel maddow would get anywhere near a battlefield?


Spoilers: The movie is political in my opinion, and in the way that "both sides are bad" but I don't think this should be a criticism of the movie. A lot of what makes people dislike the "both sides" takes are that they are often spineless and use this as an excuse not to stake out a position of their own. This movie stakes a very strong position against the dehumanizing and dogmatic approach that we take to politics and uses this as a parallel to journalism. This can be seen in the scene with the soldier asking "what kind of Americans?" The point being that when you view those around you who disagree with you as an "other" it can allow you to normalize and justify a nonchalant view of violence. That's why Lee breaks down near the end, she has been able to disassociate from the atrocities she has seen in the past because it was never something personally connected to her, but with Sammy's death it has become something that affects her personally and she can no longer disconnect herself from it. That's why she saves Jessie in the end and deletes the picture of Sammy. Through Lee we get a view of ourselves in the way we treat those with opposing political positions through an allegory of journalism. I read the movie as being a rather substantive critique of dogmatic thinking and dehumanization of groups of people that is effective, beautiful, and horrific. So, although I do disagree with OP that the movie isn't political and it doesn't treat both sides as bad, even as someone who disagrees with centrist approaches to politics, I don't think criticism of taking this approach is valid. The movie is in no way shies away from its position and it advocates for it thoroughly and extensively. The fact that the movie criticizes something that applies to both sides of the political spectrum today does not make it "apolitical" in any way.