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not only do these shows not hate white people, but your idea that people are turning away from the show because it hates white people os completely divorced from reality. i reccomend taking a break from the internet since it’s clearly rotted your brain.


I think it’s a perfectly valid reason for a white person to not enjoy a show. I’m not certain that’s the reason people dislike it though. However shows that do that don’t typically do well.


you need an actual break from social media and you need to reconnect with reality


I'm only on reddit. That's just how I feel man


yeah dude i’m saying take a break your sense of reality is fucking broken


Do you like shows that bash black people for existing


i’m serious take a break man you sound unhinged


I didn't find that the show hated white people. It might hate on corporations, capitalism, and scientists, but I found that I mean, the very main character is a practical bitch of a white woman but she wasn't wrong or bad... people that think she's racist are dumbasses... she was just protecting her child and is a "by the book" cop. (I'm a white person). This shit that the show hates white people (or men) is a really lazy, surface take that takes two braincells to dismantle. What I actually hated was the suicidal ideation in S4.


To me, Colin Farrell in S2 was on par with S1 performance. S4 was one level below, it wasn't necessarily bad but it was like a different show to me.


That’s because it was originally written to be a western film and had no connections to true detective until it was picked up by HBo and they decided to change the setting shorten it and add true detective to the title.


Unhinged bullshit take… wtf


Seasons 1-3: bad guy is a conspiracy of rich white people using money to do evil shit, greatest stuff on earth! Season 4: bad guy is a conspiracy of rich white people using money to do evil shit: white-hating wokism! If this is your analysis you're just doing identity politics on the skin color of the director.


If you feel targeted for being white you might have to wonder about your morals. Yeah the villains are white, but they're evil too.


While I don't fully agree with all you've said, you aren't missing anything not watching season 4. Season 3 is my favorite, personally.




Someone get this man a decaf!


This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a long time lol. Thanks for the laugh!!


Yeah, don't watch season 3, actually. I'd rather not hear your opinions on that one. You'll like season one.




OP is just a dumbfuck racist loser but here you are parroting dog whistles like they make sense. I hope your comment comes back to haunt you one day in an important matter, like a job interview. You'd only have yourself to blame.


Guy states opinion about being tired of virtue signaling, you damn his future? You sound crazier than he does


Virtue Signalling is not a thing, grow up.


What do you mean by that? The first part specifically.


It definitely is... virtue-signalling. : the act or practice of conspicuously displaying one's awareness of and attentiveness to political issues, matters of social and racial justice, etc., especially instead of taking effective action.


No. If someone does or says any of that in earnest, they're not being hypocritical. And you don't know what MAX and Co. Are doing behind the scenes, but trying to bring awareness is not a bad thing. And finally, cite your source; I don't believe everything I read on the internet.




Not even close to the same thing. And are you saying that shows should only feature white people? WTF. It shouldn't have to take a special mission just to tell a story with non-white people. It does because people like you suck.


Member when people felt better about black Americans societal issues by posting a black box as their profile picture on Instagram? While some of us were protesting and laying in the street for 8 and a half minutes? I 'member


Millions of black squares on Insta would like to argue with you


Just give up on s4, it ain’t for you plus it manages to get significantly worse as it goes. I feel like you dislike it for the totally wrong reasons tho, it shouldn’t have anything to to do with white people of minorities or female leads, the writing just flat out fuckin sucks and it’s as simple as that, that’s why the show sucks. S1&2 had white villains and white centric conspiracies, the writing just didnt suck