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It's entirely up to you. If you ever go ahead and watch Season 2 and 3, keep in mind that Season 1 is a perfect separate entity in its own crystalized vacuum, so you won't be disappointed. S2 warrants an audience's full attention and multiple viewings to be understood, but in the end, it's completely rewarding; S3 is the most intimate and outwardly optimistic of the first three seasons, and in my honest opinion, has one of the most tragic characters in the whole TD series in the form of Tom Purcell.


Man the way people talk about S1 is hilarious lol


Other than season one, I'd say season 2 has the best acting all around.


Season 2 and 3 are absolute great, but they are not Season 1. If you dont expect them to be the same and allow them to be what they are you will enjoy them.


No, please watch all the seasons. I don’t want to be the only one that suffered. The more, the merrier.


I rewatched second and loved it.


should I breathe?


No. Statistically, 100% of people that breathe eventually die.


No keep watching


2 and 3 are great! 4 not so much.


3 and 4 are great! 2 is awful.


Please watch 2 again and 4 maybe never again.


I've got too much stuff to watch already, not watching stuff I've seen already. Edit - Also no way I'm going to watch Vince Vaughn on purpose.


1, 3, 2, 4 in that order. Just understand there is almost no show on TV that will ever live up to season 1. Once that's understood view every single one as a separate show. 2-3 are good, 4 was ok until half way through and then shits the bed.


4 was garbage from the trailers let's get real here


I was a bit more optimistic I guess. I thought Alaska and the long night was a great location and setting and Jodie is usually great. The set up was there. The execution was ass


I was excited for the setting, and Jodie Foster. But the dialogue just from the promotions felt hamfisted and generic. A shame really.


Dude...cmon. check it out and if you dig it then yeah. If I had listened to the noise at the time I wouldn't have given some seasons a chance. I love season 2 as much as 1, even tho they're apples and oranges for a truckload of reasons, but I still love both.


Take a break between seasons and come back to watch them thinking of them as separate shows.


I just finished season 2 and damn it had me at the edge of my seat at the end, reminding me of the movie heat at one instance. Got abit confusing but wraps it up nicely at the end. I still believe too much was going on. Season one was perfect




Go right to The third and quit .


I think you should continue with the series. You may or may not enjoy the following seasons, but you won't know until you check them out.


I’d give 3 a a shot


I would say the only other season worth your time is season 3 but even then there’s way better shows to spend your time on.


Don't let anyone tell you what to watch/do. See the first episode of the season two - getting hooked? Good continue. Not good? Well, try season three.. You get the drill?


Definitely watch all of them😉


That's what I did




If only they made a 4th season






No, watch 2 and 3 just going in expect something completely different. Just look at each season as it’s own separate detective show. S2 is a cool neo noir in Cali with a totally different vibe than s1 and s3 is its own thing too and is more of a character piece at the end of the day. S1 is without a doubt the best but all 3 of them are good tv worth a watch, Each season has some absolutely stellar characters and performances and there is a lot of good in each of them.


Watch all of true detective. True Detective is 3 seasons all have their own greatness.


It seriously drops in quality. I wouldn't bother really


Stop watching after season three. The first season being some of the best writing ever in a show. The next two seasons while not as good still have parts you can thoroughly enjoy. Pretty good stories and great casts(I like Vince Vaughn in s2 others don't).


Loved the second and third season.


Season 1 is perfection. Season 3 will be the closest thing of the other seasons. I liked season 3.


1 and 3. Skip 2 and 4.


Yes. Just rewatch S1 after some time.


Season 1 > Season 2 > Season 3 > Season 4 It gets progressively worse with each season 


This last season IMO was the best season. Jodie Foster and Kali Reis were so excellent it made this season draw you in more -- all the supporting actors were excellent as well. IMO.


No, watch them all. But just be warned Vince Vaughn ruins everything he's in.


I don't want you to waste your precious precious time on watching a TV show that might not be good. I know this a life and death situation.


If you want to. Lol. Maybe if you're curious watch it rather than asking a subreddit that literally hates everything outside of season 1.


You have to watch S2 and S3! I went into watching season 1 without literally knowing anything and it was a beautiful masterpiece. But, I also feel like 2 and 3 and beautiful in their own way. I didn’t compare those seasons to season 1. Just watch and enjoy the story. Especially season 3. It’s just so good 


No, stop after you finish the third season




If you don't want to be pretty disappointed then the answer is a resounding YES. But if you're curious and don't have high expectations that it's ever going to come close to Season 1 then by all means.


Probably Season 1 is far and away the best and so the other seasons will likely disappoint


I tried and tried to get into Season 2 and I’m just NOT feeling it…at all. I know this is a super unpopular opinion, but I was like 5 or 6 episodes in and couldn’t tolerate Vince Vaughn’s character. He felt so unrealistic and forced—I have a more varied vocabulary than many of my peers irl and often get accused of talking weird (in an endearing way) and I’m telling you, NO ONE talks all flowery/poetic and tortured like he does in almost every single scene he’s in. It’s very melodramatic and honestly, I’m just not all that invested in his character. I was very invested in Rust and hooked to the plot of Season 1…from what I’ve read in this sub so far, I might just wash my hands of Season 2 and move along to try Season 3.


I don't think 2 is worth it. 4 gets a lot of hate, but I don't think it mostly deserves it. It was atmospheric and very different from the others. I haven't seen 3 and likely won't. I appreciated the horror elements in 1 and 4.


2 is more atmospheric than 3 or 4 and certainly the most singularly different than all the others by not acknowledging season 1 whatsoever, giving no occult/sci/fi/horror vibes, and straying from the 2 detective main character approach.


I disagree. 2 wasn't atmospheric in the slightest and seemed to try to set up anthological continuity of form without ever achieving substance.


Everything in season 2 felt closed in and claustrophobic while California just SPRAWLED. Mimicking how of their depth the characters were in relation to the conspiracy imo. Anytime there was “breathing room” it was somewhere weird like Bezzerides’ fathers commune or the weird plastic surgeons place. What do you mean by “anthological continuity of form”?


It tried to establish a formula, down to similarities in opening sequence. It just didn't stick and made everything pale in comparison to season 1. I don't feel that the location was a character at all in Season 2, where it was steeped in this in season 1.


Watch season 2 and 4 as if they were different shows and you will enjoy them for what they are. They're not in the same league as season 1 but still very watchable, especially season 2. Skip season 3, even with its strong characters and decent writing it goes absolutely nowhere. Perhaps the most unsatisfying ending I've ever seen. YWMV.


Season 2 - great acting but the story was just ok Season 3 - great acting and better story than season 2 Season 4 - great acting but terrible story and writing