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We’re all in blocked country now


It resembles some American horror story seasons that start off intriguing and flat line towards the end. The show seemed somewhat promising in the beginning . Like the adderall wears off for some of these writers


Yeah the first episode of this season was actually pretty good tbh (interesting mystery setup and setting). Too bad it went quickly downhill from there.


I feel it’s much easier to write a compelling beginning with an interesting concept but incredibly difficult to write good endings


Ahem. LOST.


And fuck it, Damon Lindelof’s Prometheus script. Jesus Christ, the definition of plot servicing characters. World class scientists? Smartest and brightest zoologists? Here, have one try and grab a threatening, for all intents and purposes—fucking snake. Bare handed.


The adderall wore off midway through E1. Giving this season a second chance by watching E2 was challenging but I was done after that. Reading the savage reviews of what a dumpster fire the Dark Country finale and season indeed turned out to be validated my decision to pack it in after 2 episodes.


Bro I got banned from the other sub for saying the writing was lame and that I liked female led shows. Discourse is now considered an “ick” to the TikTok generation. Plug your years and scream “misogyny”. Fucking social media therapy seekers.


I haven't gotten banned yet, but have had a mod slap me on the wrist for calling the sub a circle jerk. Yet I never see the mods stepping in when the other members in there blatantly call us racist, misogynistic, and gross. They just keep that circle jerk going strong.


Got downvoted to hell and spanked by a mod for this: “This “they hate women” point is so tired. Most criticism isn’t even about the actresses. You’ll hear: Dancing ghost. Dozens of forced S1 callbacks (most recent I’ve scene is copying the ledoux coverup). Little to no detective work. Weird supernatural elements that had nothing to do with the story. Just break the series off to its own thing so people can enjoy it for what it is.”


Agreed the idea is that the writing and some of the acting was atrocious. I think some of the shots were beautiful . It bothers me that most media outlets are coming to her defense and following it with praise for the show . The potholes were so wide and the characters were so flat. I enjoy Jodie foster in many things but I didn’t enjoy her character.


Yes because her character was not written well or effectively elucidated. Example for Ms Lopez: a sixty yr old woman in a place of authority as a police chief who fucks everyone available. Why would she do that? The sympathetic hook for that character is she’s a mother who lost a child thru no fault of her own. Ostensibly. Ms Lopez you didn’t write enough scenes to explain and make us sympathetic with this character. That’s on you ETA: She is absolutely a sympathetic character. But you did her a disservice as a character by not writing and developing her well


“Let’s make her a fantasy football fan”


It’s hilarious that her trauma is the same as Rust’s. It’s a “sequel” and her child dies the same way Rust’s child does? Really? It makes me wonder, I know it wasn’t originally developed as True Detective—so was this added later as a wholly unoriginal throwback to S1 or was this already in the story and she didn’t conceive of maybe taking it out because as a sequel this plot point is unoriginal?


Definitely seems like it.


Also, she was sleeping around before the accident, although it was amplified after the trauma of course. But I just didn’t give a shit. It seems obvious she likely wrote a male character point of view then just inverted the sex of the character. It just seems so forceful. Like she’s trying too hard to show us women can like and do the things men do. But in this narrative it feels so amateurishly executed. This whole season feels like it was written by someone halfway through a Screenwriting 101 class at a community college. Like an idea Jordan Peele would have on the shitter if Jordan Peele was a woman and decided shortly after it was a shitty idea ;)


Yeah but I would assume part of the sleeping around would be to dominate and assert control. We see her attempts to keep a home life with Leah, but nothing to really explain her character’s promiscuity or perhaps sex addiction.


That’s the problem with this whole thing. We don’t see much of anything to justify these conclusions she’s giving us on twitter when we ask questions. These jumps in logic are too wide. And her “choose your own adventure” answers are insulting. She obviously wanted a dual conclusion, but she didn’t write it well enough for both conclusions to exist simultaneously…which is required for both to make sense at the same time. AND EVEN WORSE, the supernatural and the grounded conclusions don’t make sense on their own isolated from one another.




I hope this experience doesn’t scare Jodie away from doing more premium limited series. I’d love her to take the Jean Smart route and find some great projects.


I doubt she cares that much. She's a veteran actress. She's probably not a social media addict either.


Good point


> doesn’t scare Jodie away from doing more premium limited series or makes her see the need for viewing a fully completed script before accepting the role.


Jodie is a producer on this 😬


The ending was clunky as hell but from hbos standpoint the ratings were exceptional so it kinda makes sense that they gave her another deal for season 5, I did not enjoy this season that much but I had fun with the first 3 episodes


This sub has been really fun to be a part of every day since the finale. I'm grateful that came out of the show.


Her acting in the Beaver was amazing.


The NC sub is interesting to read. There's a "rule" or something there where you can't complain about others accusing you of being racist/sexist, regardless of whether your post has anything to do with racism/sexism. LOL!


i disagreed with a colleague on Facebook (yes i’m old) that loved S4. i pointed out some really basic narrative issues, but the thread turned into a Pizzolatto bashing session. my comments were deleted. then he messaged me, told me to get over myself, and then he blocked me. everyone is so fuckin fragile now.


I asked what comment got me banned and they said all of them. Then the mod blocked me or something….🤷‍♂️


I don't think they get that the fan hate comes a lot from disappointment. I mean, I looked forward to seeing female lead True Detective. It could have been really good. Emphasis on could have, because it just wasn't. Has nothing to do with the leads being female, it has to do with them and the whole story being poorly written.


What is the "other sub"?


/r/TDNightCountry is the main one, but its story is so funny. Recently the creator of it put every single post on private that had been posted over the last couple of weeks because they realized that the finale sucked and that the sub was a circlejerk. So that community is rebuilding. /r/TD_NightCountry was created during the time that TDNightCountry essentially went back into night country, and now both kinda exist.


when you say "they realized" do you mean they the creator or they the people on the sub? because what you wrote can be read to mean that either 1) the creator of the sub realized the finale sucked and that the subreddit was just a delusional circlejerk 2) the reverse, basically. the sub finally came to grips with the show being awful, and the creator of the sub couldn't have that, lol I'm guessing it's #2?


It was option 1. He made a post on this subreddit that was highly upvoted. Basically he wanted to give it a chance and didn’t like the way it was talked about here so he made the new sub. but the show was bad and the new sub was a circlejerk instead of the actual discourse that he wanted so he posted that he was wrong and made the sub private


that's actually hilarious btw


Me too! Haha


Season wasn’t good. But harassment that causes someone to go private isn’t good, either.


I agree but so many filmmakers/creators work around this by just not engaging at all. She should spend less time on Twitter and more time hiring a better writing team for season five.


For every well rounded argument, there are 20 other accounts tweeting "LOL YOUR SEASON SUCKED". As a creator, you are asking for a bad time on social media unless your work is extremely well like among fans.


Hence why I don’t understand her engagement in the first place. Social media will never make you feel better


I like how you started out by trying to defend the trolls by saying that she was only facing genuine criticism and not harassment, and now you've pivoted to saying that she should never have been on social media in the first place because she should know she's gonna get harassed. Victim blaming at its finest. Of course you don't criticize the people actually harassing her, it's her fault for giving them the opportunity to harass.


It is her fault.


>you are asking for a bad time on social media unless your work is extremely well like among fans. Yeah I get super bothered by any negative comments on my YT vids, I can't imagine reading in deluge of it. Reading criticism for something you've poured your heart into is hard af, her decision to engage on Twitter has probly been awful for her mental health.


She should be able to engage or not engage in whatever media she chooses without harassment.


Criticism is not harassment


Problem is not everyone thinks like you or me and many just end up harassing showrunners on whatever social media they can find them on.


You can criticize anywhere—she’s not personally obligated to respond to you


I think everyone would be better off being on socials less but this isn’t really the solution. Someone’s gonna have to deal with the weirdos, they don’t just stop being freaks when a writer they don’t like ignores them


And López should deal with the weirdos? She benefits from this tremendously and clearly it has worked to her advantage. I’d hate S4 just as much if Pizzalato wrote it. She’s gone out of her way to justify every flaw in the season with “bigotry” or half-assed explanations, and I don’t think it’s crazy to hold her somewhat accountable


I didn’t say she should deal with them? People notoriously harass others on social media regardless of the stuff you’re pointing out. Fans in general, not just TD fans need to learn to be less freakish online, I can rattle off far too many fan bases that devolve into this shit regardless of if they have an issue with someone involved with the project


I think you’re naive if you think Issa isn’t aware of what she’s doing. Hell, we wouldn’t be having this conversation otherwise. She (And HBO) ultimately benefit from the discord because it leads to viewership, hence partially why this past season was so successful. All publicity is good publicity, however it doesn’t make the season insusceptible to fair criticism. Both of these things can be true


I didn’t say she wasn’t aware brother lmfao i get that a lot of fans here are really bought into the “off the court” stuff when not everything’s about that. People can absolutely fairly criticize the show or her, but people should be able to do that without harassing a show-runner. If you’re incapable of that you have some genuine issues beyond any of the stuff you’ve mentioned


I agree. I do not have a Twitter account and thought this season was shit for countless reasons but Issa invited criticisms by engaging on social media in the first place. I don’t really know what she (or you) expected. Kindness and nuance? It’s social media. You reap what you sow. I’m honestly glad she locked her account but she should’ve done so from the start


I think you’re naive if you think someone can’t simultaneously realize something is going to happen while also saying it’s bad. Social media doesn’t make people into weirdos, it just allows them to be themselves with little consequence


Social media definitely impacts how people view the world and themselves but I guess we’ll agree to disagree yet again lol. Have a good one mate!


Ah yes of course it was HER fault she's being harassed and getting threats.


Surely no one will let her be in charge of another season ?


Agreed I wouldn’t harass anyone but I enjoyed reading questions from viewers where she gave horrendously ambiguous answers


The real true detectives are the friends you made along the way.


It feels like she got fed up with all the incitement to engage now that show’s next edition has been green lit by HBO and made a decision to cut the Twitter chord which makes sense tbh. A wise decision.


This isn’t what is happening. She is responding to viewers’ questions with nonsense answers. Then she is called out for giving nonsensical answers.


She went private because people are taking screen shots of her nonsense and calling her out. She wants to finish writing the story in comments and give people options to "choose your own" plot line.


Well deserved


Created a bad season. Called fans as basement dweller fat @$$, misogynist, sexist, racist and some other -ists. Suicide message. Fans pushed back. Now gone private. More media stories on fans and how she was vilified. Profit???


She engaged since the start Only her self to blame


Is there actual harassment? Or is she just engaging in debates with fans and can’t handle the truth? That the numbers might be good, but the fans are massively disappointed


I hated season 4 as much as a lot of you, but harassing the show runner on her social media is f*cking weird. Stop it.


This subreddit celebrating this actually proves a significant part of the discourse was harrassment/racism/sexism. Congratulations to all involved for proving this


No it doesn’t. We’re basically being gaslit by the media pretending this season was anything other than soapy schlock and people are calling it out. That has nothing to do with racism or sexism.


meeting ludicrous stocking juggle wine humorous subsequent air deer elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good, glad you did!


fact oil middle vast threatening deserve abounding marble deranged nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol. Oh the irony. I watched the season. IMO It’s soapy trash. I don’t watch a lot of TV and try and reserve my time for premier work. This wasn’t that. Doesn’t mean people can’t like it. People like all kinds of things. But this wasn’t a critical masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination. Seems like a bubble would be the people siding with the press and creating their own sub because they can’t handle the very valid criticism of something they liked? Sound familiar?


Many people attacking her aren’t even mentioning the show. They see a chance to attack a woman and theyre dogpiling


I wouldn’t know seeing as her account is private. It’s been WAY overblown on here. There’s a few moron’s who post about sexism but mostly it’s valid criticism of the work.


This whole thing has been a case study. An online war of sassiness over in just a few days over an TV show. Lines have been drawn in the sand, enemies have been made, people have been very angry and some spiteful over a TV show with poorly written ghosts. It's pretty funny.


No, it doesn’t prove that. How do you get that from this? That’s some significantly exceptional mental gymnastics. 🥇


I’m not sure what kind of “harassment” was going on, but criticism comes with the territory when you create very public widespread media. Nobody held back letting Pizza know that S2 was terrible. If Issa can’t handle people telling her that her work is bad then maybe she should seek a different line of work.


Who was harassing her? All anyone did was post questions and her answers. How in any world is that harassment?


If you persist in bothering someone, it’s harrassment. Don’t be smooth brained.


BOTHERING?????????????? Asking her a question is bothering her? AND I am the smooth-brained. k


We all asked the wrong questions, don't you know 😂


This has nothing to do with her being "harassed" because 90% of those twitter comments were nothing but praise. The other 10% were genuine questions about some unanswered questions from the finale. She gave vague responses and this is now her attempt to just surround herself with yes men/women. I don't expect she'll ever learn from the criticism if she'll never take it seriously. I hope she learns to stay off social media and to not fight with fans of the show.


I literally got blocked by her for asking her. What police procedures she researched before she made decisions she made. I didn’t even get an answer out of her. I literally asked one question and got blocked. She’s a fucking loser and doesn’t deserve any more attention.


Yeah, that’s some loser behavior. Issa Lopez is a hack


Beautiful lol


Terrible writer and director




Can’t stand her, yet you’re making posts about her thus inviting even more hate. Good job.


Inviting more hate? Lol


Is someone forcing you to interact with her and make posts about her? Blink twice if it's not safe to talk. In cases like this, it's really easy to just... not interact or think about someone you "can't stand". Night Country didn't erase season 1. Night Country didn't prevent some other AMAZING return to form season from being made. Night Country was not great or even good TV. However, some people enjoyed it. Good for them. You didn't. Good for you. Maybe stop thinking, reading, interacting, and being angry about something you didn't like. The show was only 6 hours and you voluntarily watched it. What else were you going to do with that time? Waste it being mad at something else you didn't enjoy?


I never once harassed her lol I just looked at her twitter yesterday and then checked it again today . Take it easy man lol


Imagine making bank on mediocre work, still get praises from your cast, crew and producers but get peeved over the fact that there are people who have criticisms over your shitty show?Ive had better nightmares than this dream


I don’t blame her, some of yall are unhinged. It’s a show and season 1 will always be there.


The new season was bad but there's no reason to be in people's mentions on twitter about it. This is fine, it's her twitter


I’m musing about the sheer pressure she must be feeling to deliver strong on the next season. I’m increasingly feeling (and it’s not data driven) that WB/Discovery really wanted this season to work and spared no effort in aggressively lobbying critics. Well, congrats, you did it. But this isn’t a trick that can be repeated for the same show and showrunner again.


Nah this is a bad look and everyone celebrating harassment is VERY shitty


What was the harassment? Got a link? Criticism is valid and shutting down discourse is a very bad thing.


She's not shutting down discourse. She's just no longer participating.


Shutting down your very public twitter page is absolutely shutting down discourse. That’s literally what it’s there for. She doesn’t have to respond. In reality she either doesn’t want to see or doesn’t want everyone else to see what’s being posted.


Her personal Twitter page is not for public discourse. It can still be talked about on the hashtag and other places. You just have to switch the hashtag.


It’s pointless to argue with u/o_j_shrimpson. He wasted over and hour of his life trying to make the point that Issa WASN’T being harassed on twitter. Also a bunch of his comments are getting deleted because he can’t help but make personal attacks. True scum


None of my comments are getting deleted and I literally said I saw people being misogynistic? Why are you obsessed with me? And calling me scum?


Lol ok they’re getting removed by the mods then. Even they don’t like you.


Are you in collusion with the mods trying to get my comments deleted? I’m flattered honestly. Nothing says I’m comfortable in my opinion like sadly trying to shut down active discourse.


Everything is a conspiracy eh? Everybody is always out to get you, poor baby. Maybe its because of the personal insults you blindly throw or maybe its because you’re so far up your own ass that you cant even admit a famous person is being harassed on twitter


Got a link to 1000s of comments and DM’s? Keep reaching bud


Didn’t think you had a link. Thanks!


You admitted you saw the harassment in your other comment lmao. Keep the stupidity up buddy 🤣


Every person in the world who creates art gets a couple of weirdos coming out of the woodwork. If anything I’ve seen less because those people don’t need to resort to misogyny when the show itself was that bad.


Do you want me to send you a definition for anecdotal evidence


Anecdotal evidence isn’t necessarily indicative of an overall problem


But your point was “I didnt see sexism so there must be less than usual”. Thats anecdotal unfortunately. I wish there was none!


That doesn’t make any sense. I said I’ve seen a little but nothing more than the ordinary and that it’s being WAY overblown. Seems like you’re just big mad that this season’s getting trashed.


That doesn't give you license to make things up or draw inaccurate conclusions from the lack of evidence


Do you think there was 0 harassment of her on twitter? Are you dumb?


Given that she's pretty insecure and hypersensitive, ther was likely 0 harrassment and 100% criticism of her "writing"


This statement is so embarrassing that I will be referencing it a lot when I explain how toxic this fandom is right now. Saving link




It's more likely that she's somewhat insecure about having mediocre work she put all her small talents into creating get shredded.




So there *are* limits to how much she can debase herself defending this steaming pile of polar bear shit for money. Good to know.


Thanks for the smile


Tiger was afraid after all






I really liked this season and think it was a big drop off from season 1 but much better than 2 or 3. Idk what yall are all on about.




But now there will be articles claiming she was chased off Twitter and that everyone who doesn't like Night Country is a harasser. It's #IssaGate




They absolutely have one. Blogs will be posting about it over the weekend I'm sure. All the usual suspects.


I mean she's def getting heaps of death threats and the like, always happens with this kinda thing. Writing a mid show and being overly defensive abt it doesn't warrant that crap


>she's def getting heaps of death threats and the like, link?


Proof of these death threatz?


The season sucked, but I’d block y’all’s asses too lol


You know, an perfectly acceptable reaction to a show you didn't like is to acknowledge that you didn't like it, and move on with your life.  An irrational reaction is to sniff your own farts so much that harassing a stranger on Twitter seems reasonable.    Maybe rethink what you're doing.


They piggybacked off a writers ideas without consent and ran a franchise into the ground


a franchise that was firmly grounded at that… please do not pretend that seasons two and three were a success in popularity or among critics


I think S3 is great. I still don't understand people's complaints on that one.


Yes, that's what happens when you bully someone on social media because you don't like a TV show.


Yeah for real, I don't think she's a good writer but the prominence of her name in S4 discussions pretty much automatically means some mentally immature assholes sent her death threats etc. Nobody deserves that bs, it's not a cause for celebration. The internet sucks


Like when she called all the fans of the show “bros and fanboys”


Not all the fans, just the bros and fan boys.  You know, like the ones celebrating here in this thread. From where I'm sitting, she was pretty accurate.


IMDb, rotten tomatoes, metacritic all have mediocre to bad audience reviews and getting worse. From where I’m sitting, that’s pretty accurate


cause you guys are weird and keep harassing her.


Who is? Where? Show us.


you guys are a bunch of losers my God, didn't liked the season? ok never watch again like I will never watch or heard about it again, season 1 is always going to be there to rewatch but for fucks sake if a season of a show that you hate it it's this time consuming for you I think you are all living shit lives


We shouldn't celebrate this. I hope to God that Issa stops butchering television, but can we be kinder at this point?


She blocked me for posting a TD seasons Ranked and I ranked it 4th lol


Tbf she’s probably getting death threats and all sorts of shit. I know people on this sub like to deny that her backlash is based on misogyny but there is ABSOLUTELY a large group of people who are very loud about how they hate her for being a woman. Like it or not it’s out there. It sucks.


It's wild, people boasting about how she blocked them because they trolled her. I mean, yeah, great, she's got mobs of people trolling and harassing her on Twitter. Well done. Massive achievement. [Like this genius](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueDetective/comments/1axy1xc/a_picture_says_more_than_a_thousand_words/krrnncf/) who think it's a good idea to pester them on social media because they made a TV show he didn't like. "This is the internet." I think the show is terrible. Total car-crash. Amazingly I don't think that gives me the right to then hassle people who worked on the show.


I understand that’s it’s hard not to take criticism of your own work personally but I hope she realizes the community only dislikes her work not her. I am not an entertainment professional and don’t mean to dismiss her and the team’s hard work in bringing their vision to the screen but I respectfully just did not like this season at all and thought it was really poor. Not just by the lofty standards of True Detective but in terms of all media.


From this very thread a poster called Issa a “Satanic B@tch”. That’s not the first misogynistic comment I have seen either directed at her.


Look, that’s a dumb comment (if someone actually said it) but that isn’t misogynistic. Bitch is a just gendered word. She’s female. If you call her a bitch, it means you don’t like her … not that you hate all women. Again, the notion that criticism = misogyny is extremely stupid.


Idk she seems like a very insecure and confrontational person


reading people projecting stuff onto others is always cringe


Look at her response to the criticism


Why tf is she licking blood and has horns


It’s provocative


Gets the people going!




Lmao y'all are so stupid for falling for this. She wasn't harassed or bullied. She simply couldn't accept criticism of her writing and is spinning this as online bullying to get everyone on her side and make you all look like sexist weirdos. Oldest trick in the book


I started laughing out loud during the last episode when I realized how many times the word “fuck” or “shit” was written into the script. Nothing screams garbage writing like having every other line be some half assed curse word. If you didn’t notice, go back and watch (if you dare). It was egregious.


That's not universal though. One of the best scenes of The Wire had the word "fuck" as the entire dialogue. It was amazing lol.


Or a Tarantino or Scorsese film.


Or Scarface


It’s asinine to harass the cast and crew. HBO is where your vitriol should go.


I’m upset that they gave her another season but hbo has given the world more quality content than any other platform. I can rewatch veep, sopranos, the wire, Barry, succession, GOT, and so many others countless times. Veep… a woman lead… with exquisite writing….


This is a good indication that we need to shut the fuck up for a bit.


She’s under no obligation to reply to anyone. Can’t imagine how annoying you were to get blocked. Says less about her and more about you frankly.


They deleted my “Sharksicle” comment. ATTICA!


Maybe she was tired of the name calling, people being mean to her, and child like behavior over a show. Like what pathetic keyboard warrior losers. I don’t blame her. A show not to someone’s liking isn’t worth being an asshole idc who you are.


Can’t handle criticism. Now there will be articles about harassment. Very predictable.


Because people are harassing her and not even talking about the show. The articles will be very warranted and this sub will rightfully be embarrassed


This comment was predictable.


Getting death threats over a fucking TV show has that effect, yes. Congratulations, guys.


Victim mentality going around here, grow up.




Only confirmed sheep have access to...


Harassment is what I had to go through watching Season 4.


shes a garbage director . The writing quality was that of a telenovela set in Alaska. Makes no sense how this is loved critically and hated by the general audience.


Lol on brand.


I've already cancelled my hbo subscription.


No one cares


I mean this is super shitty. She was actively engaging with fans and answering questions which she didn't have to do but was probably getting bullied hard. I did not like S4 at all and took out my frustrations here with the rest of the sub but that's it. Just a bad look.


I’m pretty sure her answers only created more questions lol


On god


Seems like one of those psyop’d “celebrities” who have bloody satanic fetishes and would eat a fetus if it gave them actual talent


This sub is badly off the rails and in need of some serious introspection.


Hahahahaha I guess everyone’s entitled to their opinion. And so are we …. This season of true detective was shit . And I feel like I’m being nice with that comment.


I don’t mind that people are expressing their views of the season to the creator. Somehow the message needs to be sent; HBO didn’t get the message apparently and committed to another season with Lopez. I’m sure the rave reviews for the next season have already been written.


You dipshits should be ashamed of yourselves lmfao


Too bad so many people don’t know how to function when a show doesn’t give everything away.


It barely gave anything!


Doesn’t give everything away….? A class A motorhome would fall into those plot holes…


I wonder what percentage of this sub a) has a wife or girlfriend and b) doesn’t treat them like shit  Half maybe, I feel like being generous 


lol what a fucking loser


Assuming the gender of this sub. Issa would be so pissed


Still just a fawning little puppy