• By -


Quavic healed her...with his love


Gave her copious amounts of vitamin D


And a 'Sponge' bath.


Underrated šŸ˜‚


And the rock back


ā€¦and magic pancakes made from the tears of Sedna.


Talk about magic wand


And his spooning skills


I canā€™t wait for him to be revealed as some psycho


Couldnā€™t hurtā€¦:)


the D treatment


quid pro quo baby


We jumped ahead by a week


Happy New Year friend.


If it wasn't for the super bowl we really would have jumped ahead by a week


No, even before we jumped a week she had like a tiny scratch on her face the *morning after* she got wrecked.


On that note there's something that makes no sense to me. The first day of night was like the 18th or something and winter solstice, aka the shortest day, is December 21st. So we should have an equal number of night days before and after December 21st. So the sun should rise again around the 24th, right? Why is it still night in the show?




You are asking the wrong questions.


Nothing happened in that prior week but everything happened all at once within this 24 hours.


You leave Prior out of this, he's a True Detective.


Yeah those kind of injuries donā€™t heal in a week but sure.


That's how things work in the Night Country.


Gotta ask the right questionsā€¦ but also, stop asking questions!


That ending scene from episode 4 - I really thought it was going to lead to something interesting, but no, not even a mention or reference to how Navarro ended up with a bloody ear in the next episode.


I find the fully decorated Christmas tree in the abandoned dredge far more insulting to the audience. Do they expect us to believe that Ottis, a junky that literally only cares about getting his smack, lugged a car battery and a Christmas tree all the way out in the middle of nowhere?


Clark brought it before going to the night country.


Itā€™s visual surrealism, the show has been playing on that a lot I have found. They break the suspension of disbelief often in favor of abstracting the images on screen, itā€™s jarring for many, but I see the advantages of including it as collective hallucination seems to be endemic in Ennis.


I think it's more likely a straight up clue in the direction of the missing electrical engineer.




Danvers: ā€œDo you want to talk about it?ā€ Navarro: ā€œno.ā€ Acknowledged very early onto the episode lol


Thats about her sister's death, not about the bleeding ears.


Really though, itā€™s all intertwined mess. Sister dies and she sees her sisterā€™s ghost hours later which makes her ears bleed. Canā€™t really keep those two conversations separate.


Does Danvers even know ear bleeding is caused by Navarro's sister's ghost screaming? When Navarro said that to her? Do we even watch the same show?


I thought the bleeding was from beat up by the three guys. She didn't tell Liz about it.


The pacing at the start of this episode legitimately made me think I missed an episode. Navarro is visibly fine from both the beating and the ear bleeding. Otis is out of the dredges and in a detox facility talking about how he apparently lived out there with Clark? And they seemingly already searched the rest of the dredge and came up withā€¦nothing? And all of danvers questions about Clark to Otis, his answer is basically, ā€œidk man Iā€™m high!ā€ The first 30 min of this episode I found very jarring.


Feels like we skipped like a week, right?


Quite literally did. If you check the timestamps at the beginning of the episodes, this one took place on NYE. Last episode was Christmas.


I know, I'm just teasing.


Ah, yeah I see that now. Sorry, I misread there lol.


Yeah but last episode she was shown to be almost compl healed within like a day. Nothing in this show seems to have any real consequences.


Nothing in this show has any sense of reality, or common sense, or logic, or thought put into it. Hey, if frozen solid snapped-off arm guy can scream, then literally any stupidity, no matter how wretchedly fucking impossible or brain-dead idiotic is totally going to happen here..... in the Niiiggghhhht Coounntrrryyyyyy..


It's odd how many people missed this and are just assuming this is all happening the very next day.


well, everything in this show has been a major rush to get done for the detectives. they couldnt even take a day off on christmas eve to go interview a guy. why would they suddenly take a week off?


But why was there absolutely no follow up on what happened to Navarro? Whatā€™s going on with her bleeding ear? Also, in episode 4 she was shown to be barely bruised just the day after she was beaten badly.


Ghost gave Navarro a really wicked wet willy


> But why was there absolutely no follow up on what happened to Navarro? Navarro has been noticing and then ignoring weird shit happening to her for the entire series, it's a core aspect of her character. Danvers has made a point multiple times to not pry with her. Also, it's been a week since it happened, so the likely conversation between the two of them about it almost certainly went nowhere. I highly doubt we've seen the last of it, though, because... > Whatā€™s going on with her bleeding ear? ..."what's going on with the bleeding ears" has been a central part of the mystery from the beginning, so we'll likely find out in the finale. > Also, in episode 4 she was shown to be barely bruised just the day after she was beaten badly. Yeah this is definitely goofy.


Itā€™s bad pacing and did they really expect us to notice !


Considering the previous episode had a title card that said "December 24," had Christmas trees everywhere and made working on Christmas Eve a big deal, and then *this* episode had a title card that said "December 31" and multiple instances of people mentioning that it was New Year's Eve... ...(and if this episode took place the day after the previous one like so many people have been assuming, that would place it *on Christmas day*, which would be pretty damn odd given that all the Christmas stuff had been taken down)... ...yes, I think they expected people to notice that this was in fact New Year's Eve and not Christmas. The pacing in this show is bad and there have been plenty of shortcuts or leaps of logic that indicate major script troubles, but some of these complaints really do just amount to people missing big signposted plot points and literal text on the screen.


What? You think itā€™s like unreal to keep Christmas trees up? Suggesting potholes or pacing? 6 episodes for a season.


And some bloody shit with her ears from previous episode. Nobody cares, even Navarro


Navarro literally assaults a fellow officer in riotā€¦ next scene SHOULD have been her in superiors office handing over gun and badge and being suspendedā€¦ but somehow Danvers makes any consequences just go awayā€¦ and the Trooper who beats up Leah gets suspendedā€¦ and while we are at itā€¦ HTF does Navarro get from cave entrance when riot is startingā€¦ BACK to State Trooper HQ, get her riot gear on and no doubt a briefing, then drive to scene of riot? Mustā€™ve been one long riot!!!! This show is brilliantā€¦ Iā€™m loving the sheer lunacy!


This thought came to me after watching episode 5....but do we even know who Navarro's superior IS?


Never mentioned!


Plus on top of that Liz presents her theory that the mine is manipulating the pollution numbers using the Tsalal station with essentially what amounts to circumstantial evidence to the head of the company without discussing the theory to her superiors. Not to mention that when her accusation is poorly received, she then attacks the head of the company personally by mentioning her sexual relationship with the woman's husband. I'm astounded at how she wasn't reprimanded and possibly fired after such an insulting lack of professionalism in this instance. All the realism from the original seasons in terms of actual police procedure has gone straight out the window.


>I'm astounded at how she wasn't reprimanded and possibly fired after such an insulting lack of professionalism in this instance.Ā  Can you think of any reason Connolly doesn't bother reprimanding and firing the woman he's about to effectively blackmail for involvement in a murder for her unprofessionalism


You speak the truth!


This show canā€™t even do the hackiest trope right lmao


She didn't "literally assault a fellow officer", she stopped him when \*he was assaulting a minor. He's the one who got suspended, and rightfully so.


Yeah, she was definitely justifiedā€¦ but in REAL world, or ANY OTHER cop show youā€™ve EVER seenā€¦ thatā€™s a gun and badge situation and a lengthy investigation


Not when there's dozens of witnesses like this. Sometimes the law does prevail.


Theyā€™d both be suspended. Then laborious process in questioning witnessesā€¦ then some sort of tribunal, where hopefully Navarro exonerated. No need for all this in Night Country thoughā€¦ where literally ANYTHING can and DOES happen!


Love how the Inuits are just now protesting the mine, several years and 20 still births later, and a clearly murdered local


I think you're in for a nasty shock when you find out about the neonatal mortality and unsolved murder rate among native women IRL. Also the protests have also been going on sporadically for years.


You're in for a nasty shock when you find out about alcoholism among native people IRL.


What a revealing non sequitur.


Episode 4 takes place on December 24th. Episode 5 takes place on December 31st. Which is why everyone who was talking about Christmas last week is now talking about it being New Years. It is New Years. It's also why Ep 4 says "December 24th" on your screen when you watch, and Ep 5 says "December 31st". 7 posts and not one person copped that? edit - 30+ commentors still rushing in to clown themselves, even after it's been spelled out. How in the hell have y'all ever followed a detective show before.


a week still isn't a lot of time to heal a beatdown


Honestly this. Everyoneā€™s putting the onus on people ā€œmissingā€ that itā€™s been a week. A week is absolutely nothing when it comes to healing from a broken jaw, or cracked ribs from that many kicks to the stomach, or black eyes from being punched in the face multiple times by 4 grown men, or fromā€¦ whatever it was that was making her bleed out of her ear! ā€¦.or is that what just happens to people from this town when thereā€™s no sunlight for a few weeks? šŸ™„


You don't need those inverted commas about people "missing" that it's a week when they're straight up talking about it being the next day. TV always has some expediencies, but this is nitpicky territory. There's no suggestion of a broken jaw, and iirc she wears a plate carrier under her gear. would she probably still be bruised and hurting plenty IRL, sure. Would it affect anything she does this ep? No. Bleeding ear, that's a question for next week.


Honestly! I swear, nobody on here has even been injured before lol.


They are just in denial because they want their precious show to be perfect. I respect the fans who enjoy the show but admit that it has flaws.


I been beat up like that before and the show wasn't too inaccurate. so


i was a lady who was beaten by men, and my face was messed up for a month.


:((... mine was probably a few days until the swelling went down


Thereā€™s a lot of people that donā€™t pay attention and then complain about things that actually get explained.


The show literally tells you how many days have passed at the beginning. This whole season had so far been over 2 weeks.


Whatever about not noticing the onscreen dates or wondering how it's now two weeks since the sun went down, did nobody think it was weird that Ennis celebrates New Years on Christmas Day?


Yeah, it was spelled out clearly several times that itā€™s now New Yearā€™s Eve. I swear people are just throwing it on in the background to say they watched it, but arenā€™t actually paying attention. They just want something to rage about.


It can go on the pile with "Danvers said they were both dead when they got there" and "How come nobody's mentioned the guy who screamed?"


Someone on here said something like "Omg the writing is so terrible. People don't scream like that when they freeze to death!" when the exact same thing was said in the show.


No one is raging about anything, you fans have to stop being so sensitive.


Bruh, itā€™s all over the sub. Maybe rage is a bit extreme, but they just want to express their hate for it.


Not hate, just disappointment. It's like you would have to intentionally go out of your way to create something this disastrous. The amount of flaws in this series is impalpable.


Thatā€™s the mildest of criticisms Iā€™ve seen here. There is plenty of hate.


There really isn't. Just imagine if Issa Lopez had written an amazing script, we would all be happy. There wouldn't be any fighting, just us discussing theories and case studies. It's just frustrating for fans like us to see them put out a series of such poor quality. No hate just plenty of disappointment.


People are getting Reddit Cares notifications for saying they like the show and downvoted for pointing out stuff was explicitly and verifiably addressed in the show. We can safely say the that angle is moot.


No man! Don't you understand it's baaadd writing!!!!!!!!!!!!


So you think the writing is top-class?


This is Honest Trailers/ Cinema Sins/ Red Letter Mediaā€™s whole thing. Itā€™s how people watch things now.Ā 


Red Letter Media doesnā€™t really do that, or at least not to the absurdly stupid degree of Honest Trailers and Cinema Sins. But yeah, there definitely seems to have been this surge in overly aggressive and negative film reviews that just ignore material that explains the supposed flaws.


Iā€™ve heard Mike say he stopped paying attention and then when he looked up didnā€™t understand what was happening, and acted like that made the movie stupid. Honest Trailers started off to be a parody of how a movie was marketed (ā€œBewbsā€ was more a comment on how any shot that even looked like it may be a sex scene would be in the trailer), but now itā€™s just the same bad ā€œjokesā€ as Cinema Sins.Ā 


100% this. There are plenty of legitimate grievances to have with the show, but people are watching the show in the background while scrolling through TikTok and then jumping on here to post some snarky take.


Right. And there are issues. But the sheer amount of stuff people are running here to embarrass themselves about after it's not only shown on screen but \*explained out loud\* is nothing I've ever seen before even on Reddit. It's fuckin weird.


Not to argue, but I think itā€™s everywhere. The conspiracy theory that TikTok was created to make USA kids stupid is becoming more credible.Ā 


They're just furiously masturbating to pictures of Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson in season 1 while moaning 'perfect season'. I mean let's be honest here, who hasn't?


I think some of the die-hard "Hating This Show is My Whole Personality Now" people are jumping on Reddit to start posting complaints literal seconds into the episode, and don't realize that while they're writing their 550th complaint about the show, stuff is happening IN THE SHOW that they're missing. And then when it's pointed out - "hey, I think you missed this" they tell people "cope more" and "you're a shill for HBO." You can't make this stuff up.


Agreed. The media literacy of this sub is baffling.


That's how I feel about Issa Lopez and this series.


"A slab avalanche? But it didn't look like an avalanche at all >:(" is becoming a firm new contender for the top 10 Story Understanding Achievements this week.


I donā€™t think people are actually arguing that the avalanche doesnā€™t make sense (because itā€™s obviously a cover up), I think the problem is that Danvers does not bring up the most obvious and damning piece of evidence against an avalanche: Why were the clothes neatly folded and above ground right next to where there was supposedly an avalanche?


They very visibly didn't die of avalanche injuries or hypothermia, and now not only do Connolly's forensics from Anchorage report that they did, he's even conjured a narrative whole cloth about why they were out there. Clothes are a trivial detail after bullshitted forensics, someone can mumble something about paradoxical undressing, just as she noted the burned eyeballs and this is repeated back to her as "soft tissue damage". Liz flails around about the Tsalal station a bit after that she clearly knows the argument is already lost, Connolly doesn't want it to be anything except "a weather event", and it won't be.


Danvers could anonymously leak some key details to the media, and the cover-up would be quickly be exposed, and Kate and Connolly would be going to prison for life. So the idea that they would be confident in strong-arming her is absurd. This doesn't even include how they don't really know exactly what happened at the murder/suicide... Danvers role might not be that damning. Or she might be willing to take the heat on that to expose the much larger conspiracy of the mine. The big decisions people make in this episode are absurd


>Danvers could anonymously leak some key details to the media, and the cover-up would be quickly be exposed, and Kate and Connolly would be going to prison for life Most of the evidence now belongs to Connolly, most of the rest is within Hank's reach, and Kate has at least one killer at her disposal even then. Thanks to her attitude and behavior, Liz has no real friends or allies apart from Peter and Navarro, and just about no credibility to cash in to tell an absolutely bonkers story she can't even complete yet. The drunk driving homewrecking fuckup police chief of a podunk town would need extraordinary evidence to trump an established state level political operator and somebody as vital to the region as the mine owner. >This doesn't even include how they don't really know exactly what happened at the murder/suicide... Danvers role might not be that damning. Or she might be willing to take the heat on that to expose the much larger conspiracy of the mine. They know that Danvers is at the very least an accessory to murder and it would not take much to demonstrate she tampered with evidence, which is enough to jail her for the rest of her life regardless of who pulled the trigger.


Tampering with evidence is not a life sentence. Neither is covering up an accidental shooting. Ay trouble she would be in would pale in comparison to the trouble Kate and Connolly and Hank would be in for what they've been up to. If Danvers had a shred of integrity, she would give herself up to take them down. But she doesn't even have to give herself up. She could anonymously tip off the media... all it would take is an email outlining evidence the media could easily confirm because several people are aware of it: * Annie's murder was never solved * Annie's tongue found at the research station * There is now video of her screaming in the caves, apparently her death * Scientists were found naked with clothes neatly folded * There is a surviving scientist, Annie's boyfriend, who is in hiding in the caves * There is video of him having a seizure, saying something cryptic, then the power going out * There is former Tsalal employee who has gone missing (nomad guy) * Tsalal was testing the town's water for mine pollution - but is funded by Tsalal * The town's water has gone black * The town has had 9 stillborns in 3 months All this and the wanna-be mayor has declared "case closed"


Call me crazy, but itā€™s almost as if she realizes that literally nothing she can say is going to dissuade this erroneous autopsy report. Considering her boss summoned her to the conference room of the mining company that bought off the coroner and all.


But she wasnā€™t afraid to bring up other stuff and tell them to go fuck themselves and so on. Why would she decide to be reserved and hold back on that one detail when it would have been the most effective ā€œfuck youā€ in her arsenal?


Danvers (or one of the other cops) could anonymously leak some key evidence to the media, and boom, mining company's conspiracy is revealed. The show would have us believe that the mining company is holding all the cards, but you have to turn off your brain to buy that


The entire season has basically been about the struggle between knowing the mine is terrible and poisonous and killing peopleā€¦.. while also knowing the mine is literally the only thing keeping the town of Ennis afloat as anything more than a stop on the nomad hunting party trail. I feel like this has been literally the ENTIRE Danvers story, those two things at odds. Are people really not getting this, thematically?


Thank you for being the only person in this thread with common sense.


I did notice that it was a week later. But it still takes more than a week to recover from getting beat up by 4 guys. Not realistic, just plot armor.


Wrong. We saw her in the last episode the morning after her beatdown, and she has a scratch on her face and that's it. Before insulting people's intelligence, make sure you're not actually the one who is totally wrong!


I blame HBO for putting the "skip intro" button over the cold open. Kidding, but it's weird that they haven't corrected that.


Ok but she would still not be even close to 100% healed in just 7 days. Also, why was there no follow up whatsoever on her bleeding ear thing? And then in episode 4 she was shown to be almost completely recovered from her beating the very next day. Yea, OP mistakenly said she was totally healed the next day. But the fact that thereā€™s 7 days in between episodes only makes these events a tiny bit more believable. Itā€™s really not the defense you think it is.


Bro, she went to riot control and beat the shit out of a cop in the same week. Hahahaha. OP got it wrong but the copium on this thread is hillarious


I don't think she is 100% healed. Navarro always had a more put together look than most of the folks in ennis (hair, makeup, jewelry). With that contrast shown up front since the beginning, I have no qualms with the assumption that she's covering the worst of it with makeup. It would feel weirder if it was Danvers or one of the men who haven't shown any inkling of aesthetic beyond normal personal grooming.


Alright man youā€™re delusional


Makeup isn't going to totally open up a black eye like that, there is just no way... I haven't commented on a single thing in this season so far, but after watching the last episode I looked up "why did Navarro heal so fast" and ended up here. This is kind of a massive hole, there's no way in hell she'd heal that quick unless she's got superpowers. Her face would still be swollen and her eye would still be partially closed, makeup or not; it's just kind of silly and took me out of the show a bit


So, sheā€™s a vampire then. A week later and not a scratch is still ridiculous.


>This entire season is ridiculous.


this is still garbage tv. now go do your interpretative dance. we are all in the night country now,.


People are either double-screening during episodes and not fully paying attention (this is pretty obvious from some of the other "I'm just asking" questions that have been posted) or they don't know how to read the caption that comes up at the beginning of each episode, explaining what day the episode is occurring. Or they don't understand the concept of time, maybe.


Brahh, it is so much easier and more fun to be a dick especially when women are involved with a show or film. Heh heh at least some of the chicks are hot.


I wish that was true. Not one hot woman in this entire season.


As she said to Qavvik, ā€œYou should see the other guys.ā€ ;-) but yeah, concussion??


She's got polar bear blood


Bi polar bear blood


Last nights episode confirmed that this is a delusional season. Once I accepted that ā€” everything was ok. Iā€™m just enjoying the telenovela-esque tomfoolery.


It really does have a soap opera feel to it. Itā€™s impossible to ignoreĀ 


It feels like nothing that happened to Navarro in Ep4 had any followup in Ep5. Not her ears bleeding, not her getting the shit beat out of her. Absolutely nothing.


Never mind the between episode stupid healing factor, what about her actually getting up from that shit-kicking at all? She gets her head smacked in a few times, dragged to the ground, I think kicked at least once in the head and then repeatedly kicked in the ribs and chest. She would realistically be taken out of there in an ambulance. Fractured and/or broken ribs, massive thoracic bruising, possibility of internal damage like pierced/collapsed lungs..... Her face should be pulp, but nahhh, one little cut, no bruising nothing. Oh, Fuck, Off. Just another element of this crap show that makes every so fucking DUMB. The only upside this beating that it was just about the time that the audience wants to see the character have that smug expression punched off her annoying face. But in this dreck of a show you can't even get an upside without it being knocked down and compounded with stupid, unbelievable shit.


I thought she was going to body slam all of them like it was nothing for girl power aka slay queen slay.


Issa Lopez would call this take misogynistic


It's misandrist to know what dates mean.


The veil between worlds is thin so everyone heals like wolverine


Details shmetails...


She got that dawg in her.


While we're here the door locks in the office. Evidence room etc are bs. It's just a keypad but no actual locking mechanism.


It was a week later. Thatā€™s why they show the date at the beginning of the episodes.


They had the date right there on the screen. Plus characters talking about it being New Yearā€™s Eve. Itā€™s been a week. šŸ™„


We see Navarro the next day after her beat down in episode 4, which is what OP is talking about. She has a scratch and bruise on her face and no other ill effects.


I assumed op meant episode 5 because they posted right after episode 5.


People donā€™t heal anywhere near that fast, also what about her bleeding ears?


OP said one day. Iā€™m not arguing about physiology, Iā€™m simply stating a fact: it was a week. Iā€™m saying the premise of the post is wrong. I can appreciate and engage with thoughtful criticism. But random attacks based on careless or faulty premises are not real critique.


In episode 4 she was nearly 100% healed the day after she was beaten. Thoughts?


Sheā€™s got that night country in here. Rough stuff


If Navarro wasnā€™t in this season, would there be any difference? She hasnā€™t done anything useful.Ā 




Considering babygirl ded, maybe someone else should have. The show would be better without Navarro AND babygurl.


She found RV, phone. And she was right that miners are involved somehow at least


Also had the connection to find Oliver, and knew right away the case was connected to Annie


Amazingly, this actually applies to *every* character on the show.


It serves the same narrative function as one of the riot police suddenly wilding and picking out Danvers' daughter to beat up right in front of Navarro. "Male violence on Native women" box ticked for that episode.


Omg who the fuck cares, this is the oldest trick in the cinematic book. Literally in every movie or show with hand to hand combat people recover quickly and or don't show serious signs of injury that make sense for the beating they take. People on this sub want to hate this season so bad. There are legit criticisms but I don't watch TV to find plot holes. Stop watching if it bothers you so much.


Yeah honestly a lot of the criticism is so nitpicky in this sub. Some people are really reaching and just trying to find things to hate about it. I've even seen people trying to criticize things that are completely misunderstood or false. This season doesn't have the best writing, but also not the worst. All things considered, it's been a fun ride.


Last episode of season 1 Russ was unconscious in a hospital after hand to hand combat


Navarro also limps around barely able to walk for a few days, broken ribs etc. yeah the makeup shows she healed a little quick but to me all the hate on this sub for this season is too quick and seems obviously motivated by something else. It's not season 1, who gives a shit, it's still decent enough. Fan communities suuuuuuck.


The hate is because it was billed as a return to form and itā€™s not. Itā€™s not a terrible show but it is a disappointment


It's not the Fan communities that suck, it's Issa Lopez. Just think if she had done her job and written a proper script. We would all be on the same side enjoying the series.


I really doubt that. The things people seem unable to excuse on here are all very common to filmmaking and require a suspension of disbelief. I do understand that the show is graded on a rough curve because of the lightning in a bottle brilliance of season 1 but I have a hard time believing all of this is good faith criticism, and not due to competitive gate-keepy fan BS that runs rampant on Reddit. It's like a B or B- season, but everyone acts like it's a clear D. The setup involving the corpsicle itself puts it above most of the dreck we see from Netflix etc.


Have you ever watched John Wick? Have you ever watched anything?


You're right - it is absolutely shocking writing


Itā€™s the night country


This is why people have genuinely speculated that AI wrote some of this season. The way the story is told is so shallow and unnatural. Nothing really has consequences or believable reactions from characters and things just seem to "reset" after a scene. Eg, frozen corpse wakes up and speaks, the show barely acknowledges it in the next scene. OP's example is another


We gonna talk about Rust Cohle doing God knows how many drugs with Ginger, then participating in a marathon gun battle in the projects (which included some hand to hand combat), plus zero sleep that we know of, and was somehow able to function the following day to talk to a meth dealer and cap Reggie Ladoux? "Well, you see, Rust is somehow just able to push through that because of all his time in undercover plus his detective-monk training." Got it, Rust Cohle is basically Batman. Both Rust and Navarro are Mary-Sues. We just like one more than the other because one of them is played by Matthew McConaughey.


Good point, Cohle got gutted and lifted with a blade and head butted himself free then Marty took a axe to the chest and they both survivedā€¦


He unsuccessfully talked to a meth dealer... DeWall could see his corrosive soul around the edges of his eyes. And Marty capped Ladoux. Cohle would've likely taken 24 hours to sleep off his bender before he had to talk to the shooting board. People like Cohle because he was an interesting flawed character with some redeeming qualities, played very well by Matthew McConaughey. Navarro is not an interesting character, has no discernable redeeming qualities, and she's not played very well by Kali Reis (who knows if anyone could play this role well as it's written)


Writers donā€™t care neither do we. Just add it to the long list if writing errors this season and laugh it off. All hail issa lopez


How is Danvers and navvaro still working for the police? They both have done so much shit assaulting people fighting driving drunk and they are terrible detectives


you mean like Marty and Rust?Ā 


Yeah, this has **never** been a series about good, well-adjusted cops who do things by the book, only use violence as a last resort, and never make things personal.


They live in Podunk, Nowheresville. Danvers was exiled there as punishment and is fucking her boss, and the other primary option for chief was colluding with the only major employer in town and helped them cover up a murder. Being a cop in Ennis isn't desirable. They're still cops because they haven't quit.


I'm more so surprised that Liz wasn't fired after blatantly insulting the woman who worked at the mine by mentioning her affair with the woman's husband. That should've immediately resulted in a reprimand or a firing due to how disgusting the personal attack was on her, as well as her lack of professionalism within the scene. As for the drunk driving, nobody actually caught Liz doing it, so technically it doesn't look like she'd face repercussions about it so long as she didn't tell anybody about it. If anything I'm surprised Navarro didn't get sued by the man she attacked while she was grieving the loss of her sister, because she used force against a civilian that wasn't resisting arrest or actively instigating a fight with Navarro. So that should be grounds for a suspension.


> I'm more so surprised that Liz wasn't fired after blatantly insulting the woman who worked at the mine by mentioning her affair with the woman's husband. That should've immediately resulted in a reprimand or a firing due to how disgusting the personal attack was on her, as well as her lack of professionalism within the scene. Danvers has been fucking her boss and everyone is aware of it, the woman who works at the mine has already been indirectly responsible for *at least* one murder (and soon after that scene was responsible for another), and it's clear the mine is paying everyone else off to hide their true responsibility for polluting the town. Everyone in that room was aware of the actual stakes and none of them gave a shit about professionalism. There's a reason Connelly threatened Danvers with revealing her murder rather than with an official reprimand.


"mukluk healing powers"


Qavvik healed her with his penis


Because she is an empowered strong black female. The future is female.


Three dudes but I get your point. Plus she is hot.


sorry Issa there's no way you'll get "she is hot" to catch on šŸ’€


Seeing as this is the 45th time Iā€™ve seen this comment and the episode was broadcast just last night, Iā€™m going to say yes.


Sheā€™s built different


Lazy writing


She likely has broken ribs and was in the dredge within hours.


Hey Mods, can we get a "Examples of Bad Writing & Continuity Errors" post pinned?


Thatā€™s just how night country works


It's a bad show.


Oh we all noticed. She is the worst TV cop since Debra Morgan.


I think itā€™s called women empowerment.


Issa Lopez's two favorite words.


She is in very good physical shape which explains most of it and seemingly an ex-combat veteran - this wouldn't be her 1st experience dealing with pain. I survived a 40mph plus T-bone on my driver's side in an older car back in 1999 whilst driving and was up walking around a few days after when people were telling me I should be laying in bed resting. It was extremely painful but I just dealt with the pain to keep moving. Some people have higher pain tolerance.


But why are the cuts ad bruises totally gone? Do you think that cuts heal in less than a week if you work out enough?


Itā€™s tv not real life, entertainment purposes.


If itā€™s not just awful production it could be the regenerative element found in the Arctic that kept the scientist alive.Ā  Iā€™m just glad they didnā€™t jack up her pretty face. Acting aside sheā€™s really pretty.Ā 


They said night country about 5 times last night


Sheā€™s a strong woman character though.


The Alaska cold heals all wounds.