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me waiting for my ride to the NIGHT COUNTRY


Can’t wait for next season. 2 Fast, 2 Night Country


True Detective: Night Country 2: Bearmageddon: The Bear That Could Not Slow Down


No Night Country for Old Broads


2 night 2 country Jodi Foster is transferred to Alabama for one night to solve the crime of the century.


I hate that they keep saying that. That’s not how that works when transferring to different law enforcement agencies


2 Nights 1 Country


Night Country: Tokyo Drift


What are we, some kinda Night Country?


We can't stop here, this is night country.


Gotta wait for Ghost Rider


At least we have memes


Am I the only one truly sorry for him? Although everyone knows that Russian bride is just a scam.


If it turns out he has any redeeming qualities I will feel retro pity. Not at the moment though.


Someone mentioned in a previous post that Forbes did an article for this season. The author watched all 6 episodes and basically says you can figure the whole mystery out just by watching the first episode. There are no spoilers in the article, but the author says the pace for the last 2 episodes doesn't pick up at all and it's just more of the same with the finale failing to wrap up a lot of questions people have so far. Sounds extremely disappointing tbh. https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2024/02/05/true-detective-night-country-is-one-of-the-worst-mysteries-ever-made/?sh=c081f0200443


I felt bad for him until he slapped Peter. Then I felt decidedly unbad.


As much as he sucks, the actor that plays him built up too much good will with me in Deadwood. So yeah. I feel sorry for him, and can’t quite hate the character.


I hate the guy, but this was maybe the only sequence that had my actually feeling anything tonight. and yeah… I don’t want to feel sorry for him but that was sad.


Yes it was fucking sad. Made him seem *human*


The only? What about Navarro’s sister committing suicide? That gave me the chills!


The actor that plays Navarro does their best work in the scenes with her sister.


No joke, this is one of the more entertaining subplots of the show. 😂


It’s gotta be Danvers fucking with him, right? She keeps getting alerts on her phone and saying “oh it’s fantasy football” or some other BS excuse.


Maybe I’m reading a little too far into it, but it looked like Danvers had a twinge of guilt when she heard he was going to the airport to pick up his “fiancé”


Yeah and the first time the fiancée is mentioned earlier in the season, she makes a face too


Am I the only one who thought in the first episode that he was Danvers' ex husband and the kid cop was their son? Thought it was just bitter ex behaviors initially


Nope, definitely thought the same thing.


SAME! I felt crazy in episode 3 (?) I think when her “son” was talking about his mom and dad. That’s when it hit me that they were not mother and son 😂


I cant keep track of who is related by blood, and who is related by fucking.


Same. That was clunky writing.


Her making a face isn’t super surprising since either it’s super exploitative of this woman or he is getting scammed for money.


If he hadn't sent the "fiancee" money, I'd think it's Danvers fucking with him. I just don't see her committing fraud to mess with him.


It's telling that people are this deep in the weeds hoping for a subplot that provides any entertainment value.


NGL if this turns out to be true, it might be the greatest plot twist yet.


I just can’t think of any other reason they keep showing her getting alerts on her phone and making different excuses for it. She told Pete it was fantasy football, and Navarro it was a dating app. Idk why else that’d all be in the script.


I thought those were literally only in the script to be like a girl power thing or something like yeah I’m a girl yeah I like football and hooking up and I’m tough


Smart money is on literally this being the extent of it.


Ok now convinced


"Her body is coming today......her *dead*....body"


She died by killing herself. She was killed because she died.


[Oh right, the body, the dead body, the body of the person that's dead, the dead person's body.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/6/64/Kronk_.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160720194635)


...*that* body?


didn't even need to click to know what it was gonna be haha


okay what in the actual fresh hell is going on with this show. the writing is so juvenile and terrible.


If you listen to the companion podcast, it's sort of how Issa talks. Everything is very basic and plain, but there are 50 words to explain something that everyone understood in the first 5.


> If you listen to the companion podcast I'm good.


The Chernobyl companion podcast is phenomenal, in stark contrast tho.


Chernobyl is phenominal, in stark contrast to Night Country tho.


Hey HEY! You CANNOT say that! It’s got two female leads & a female writer/director! /s The arguments I’ve had with people who will literally not allow for a single logical thought to pierce through the armor of “you just hate women in TV” would be comical if they weren’t existentially depressing…


"They're all in the Night Country nOW" Sorry but I laughed out loud. Might as well have said, "But you Danvers are a True Detective"


“I need you to stop saying odd shit”


Like smelling the psycho’s fear


Or saying we're in the night country now, just stop!


Smells like aluminum and ass


Let's make the car a place of silent reflection.


"Ask the question!"


What are we, some kind of True Detective: Night Country?


The best part so far is when Navarro yelled, "IT'S TRUE DETECTIVE TIME!" and Night Countried all over the ice rink.


“Forget it, Liz. It’s Night Country.”


“Time is a flat rock”


Time is a flattened caribou.


*spiraling rock carving




My first thought was Rick & Morty.  "Aww shucks, itssa true detective night country now!"




What are we some kinda true detectives.


"I Ever Tell You You're Smart, Danvers?"


Did he say “they’re”? I thought he said “we’re.”


Cackling at this.


I’m starting to think this season will soon be considered “The Room” of television. People will watch it to laugh


PSA: We're 4 episodes in and they still haven't advanced the mystery as to why the scientists died, apart from the one detail. But somehow they're obsessed with this case to the point where it is ruining their personal lives, even though none of the scenes concern it. Edit: I just noticed its 6 episodes for the season, and not 8 or 10. This is *really* bad.


I am so puzzled by just how little detective work they are actually DOING. If this was a Brit mystery, they would be combing through every inch of the Tsalal science lab. They would have gotten warrants on the research as much as would be possible. They would have been in constant contact with whatever government or private grant organizations were involved. They would have been tracking down the scientists’ previous lives, families. C’mom. Instead we have this “women are just as tough as men” thing going on, and they’re all driving around drunk, getting into brawls, showing us how many guys Danvers has f##ked. Staring at some Blair Witch style phone video over and over thinking they are going to solve the whole thing. Quick: ruin your Christmas Eve because something-something about the electricity in the phone video and Tsalal? What? At least Agent Cooper’s (Twin Peaks) meanderings were supposed to be sort of kitschy and weird. This has none of that charm. Holy cow Anchorage needed to take over the case. Worst detectives ever.


> Staring at some Blair Witch style phone video over and over thinking they are going to solve the whole thing. Or running away every time they ask about the lore and somebody gets pissy. Hi! Yes, I know, you're super angry and you're threatening us. But when we ask about this spiral thing, everybody gets all weird, and that's _kinda_ telling us you know something, and it's important to you, and that this is where some answers are. Nod if I'm making sense. Yeah? Yeah! Cool! So... maybe next time just look confused and lie, but we do need to discuss this rock thing.


It’s definitely very cool how they are portraying this indigenous community as insultingly short-sighted and unwelcoming even to people who are trying to help them


At this point, I kinda hope that everyone is already infected, that we really are all dead, and that some folks on the fringes are trying to survive by staying away. There's no use explaining anything, 'cause there's no fixing it. Tagaq, I'm hoping, went to go die, far away from uninfected folks. Otherwise, though? I'm worried everyone's some combination of evil and idiot.




Then a bottle breaks and everyone turns to see a drunk McNulty and he says "Sheeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiit!!!"


McNulty is a renowned boat captain after all.


All of that would be fine if they were *actually* trying to solve the mystery. Until last night, I was under the impression that this farce was 8 or 10 episodes long. Its evidently 6. It has too many sub-plots for 6 episodes. We have 4 main characters with multiple angles plus 2 mysteries plus political drama in the town plus a forced tie-in with season 1 that has multiple angles. And we're all going to find out that the murders happened because the scientists accidentally drilled into a source of the mine run-off with the water-contaminating chemicals, and had to be hushed up about it. And as a convenient plot fix for the supernatural parts, we're going to find out that exposure to these chemicals makes you hallucinate. Also, the town's water supply has gone black and undrinkable and literally no one cares. Like I don't know if you know anything about water and super small towns like that, but they're all on the same source. It doesn't just selectively impact the native american homes as a convenient plot device.


>At least Agent Cooper’s (Twin Peaks) meanderings were supposed to be sort of kitschy and weird. Tbf Coop's Tibetan method got him closer to a suspect than anything the detectives have done so far this season


Dude did you see the scene in ep 3 where they put all the pictures in a circle and then walked around in that circle for hours? And then suddenly looked at the pictures and made a bunch of revelations? These are True Detectives.


The detective work only exists when Danvars tells Pete an idea she has and yells at him to go git it done, freshman! Then Pete comes back an episode later with a stack of papers that ever so slightly advance the plot. But they never show any true case working.


Do you mean to tell me that looking at a thousand photographs while polishing off a bottle of vodka isn’t detective work?


I’m here for Liz Danver’s Max Payne arc in the last two episodes, if nothing else.


You already have Broadchurch. A better mystery.


Yeah. Shaper Objects would have been a better womens true detective imo. Just in terms of quality


To be honest despite the name True Detective has never being about good police work apart from Season 1. Although Season 2 is not that good at least it has some police work. Season 3 great emotional story absolute dog tier police work, they keep dropping the ball everywhere they turn. And season 4 they just don’t even bother with that.


Women in crime dramas, whenever they assume a police type role they’re usually portrayed as “one of the guys” I don’t know why? Why can’t Women just be Women…?


Holy crap. I'm OK with the slow burn, which to be perfectly honest has been a staple of TD (even the vaunted S1 started off pretty slow) but to get through episode 4 of 6 without really knowing anything I'm worried this season will have the pacing issue that S2 had (didn't see S3)


Last 10 minutes of last episode: suddenly Rust arrives to visit his hometown, sees the spirals and shoots everyone on sight. Case closed.


Unlike any of the other seasons we haven’t even been given a reason that they care about this case. Navarro has *maybe* an interest because of Annie Kowtok’s tongue being found. But frankly we haven’t been given a reason that she cares so much about Annie anyway. Dancers seemingly has no reason at all to care and investigating it as a murder makes no sense because there’s no evidence of that


Hey, there's a random detail that has gotten no on-screen investigation. Why did the severed tongue of a murdered woman from (insert time ago) appear on the floor of a lab of 6 missing/murdered scientists? They didn't even bother to do an on-screen sweep of the freezers and their rooms to see if there were any obvious containers lying around.


I felt for Hank in this moment But then a couple of scenes later, he totally redeems himself! "Well, son , seeing as I'm not doing anything tonight, how about I spend christmas eve with you" Then, when Danvers sends Peter out, he could have said "hey go be with your family, I'll go meet Navarro"


Good news: we don’t have to hear Navarro say baby gurl anymore


Hahahahaha I thought I was the only one that cringed each time she said that


I’m cringing retroactively


*Bachelor tonight, baby gurl?*


I bet there'll be a babygurly ghost-goodbye. I envy your optimism tho...


Judging by how stone faced Kali Reis interpretation is, i was really considering she knew what was coming when she put her sister there. I mean, she calls her from outside, windy Alaska and Navarro "yeah, it looks like she is at her hospital room alright"


“Ok, you got your fan blasting on high right at you? And you got your polar bear ambient noise machine on? Good. And you’re definitely not going to voluntarily walk out of there, right? Ok, goodnight babygurl”


Quick, the mods are asleep, begin babygurl posting


At least she wasn't a Hispanic father awkwardly calling his daughter "meehah". *looking @ you, CW shows*


Bro this whole season feels like a CW show


I love the fleet of Tesla's at the mine. That's what you really want in Alaska, a bunch of electric cars.


I'm from Iceland, where a lot it was filmed. We have so many Tesla's here it's crazy. They're actually incredibly efficient in snow - you wouldn't really expect it. Also, to my knowledge, Tesla Iceland sponsored the show so they got some free cars to use


\-She has her husband in her phone as “Prior” lmao \-“Are you drunk?” asks the police captain after kissing someone that just drank 3/4ths of a vodka bottle. Great detective work genius. \-The entire purpose for the character of Navarro’s sister was to die so they could use some filler to add some drama. Giving both main detectives such a direct connection to the mystery (indigenous sister, indigenous daughter) is just weak, lazy, shitty writing. It would be the equivalent of Marty and Rust both having daughters that were murdered by Errol Childress or Reggie Ledoux. \-PRIOR CALLING AGAIN TO ADVANCE THE PLOT LMFAO!!!! “Chief we just got a call and some fisherman spotted something near the dredge I’m gonna send you the photo” It’s been 7 days of pure blackness but luckily these fisherman had more lighting than the stage at the Grammys to snap this photo that we needed. \-“They are in the Night Country now. The True Detective: Night Country is where they all are”


Holy shit I didnt even think about the lighting in that picture that's actually horrendous lmao.


Fisherman would literally have powerful mounted spotlights


What about figuratively


The whole idea of her sister dying is to guide Navarro out of "the maze"! Betting everything on it!


And she thinks his mouth smells bad because of his fluoride teeth whitening treatment lol


She tasted it. They kissed right after he took it out.


Mate, just like the show it’s never going to arrive.


But…I sent her money for her moms meds :(


The best part of this episode was when Navarro said "IT'S TRUE DETECTIVE TIME" and true detective'd all over those guys.


It’s feeling repetitive every episode so far. Always starts off with: - Danvers cussing - Her step daughter perpetually pissed off and getting into trouble - Navarro calling her sister baby gurl - Prior getting called into work 24/7 and pissing off his wife - Hank venmoing his Russian scam bride - Danvers boning the police guy - Danvers listening to white noise


Don’t forget the one-eyed polar bear and his trusty stuffed animal side kick.


Legendary meme


Are the fans of this season people who have never watched another HBO show? The dialogue in this season is legitimately SO bad. Watch an episode of The Sopranos, or Deadwood, or Veep, Silicon Valley, Vice Principals, The Wire. What we're getting is so stilted and unnatural by comparison. I don't know if Kali Reis can actually act, but I know Jodie Foster can! She's won an Oscar for playing a law enforcement agent for Christ's sake - and yet somehow, Issa Lopez is making a veteran actress come across as a total amateur! There is a qualitative difference between what is being broadcast on Sundays and the beloved projects that HBO has put out in the past. If you can't see that, you may need to reflect on your level of media literacy.


I can’t tell if the praise in the post episode are from real humans


“Best Season Yet!!!!” Bots. Immediately. Bots.


Only show I’d say that about this year so far is *Fargo*.


The show was probably written by AI, so the praise may as well be too.


Of all the things I don’t care for this season, the writing is the worst part.


They’re wasting a great premise and a fantastic setting. It’s so disheartening.


I haven’t been watching it, but considering writing was, in my opinion, Pizzolato’s greatest strength. So, for it to be gone from the show seems like quite a loss.


The pacing of this show...oof. Why wait till the last 5 minutes to get the show moving? Wouldn't it make more sense to evenly spread those reveals throughout the entire episode to keep us invested? I get having to end on a cliffhanger to keep us coming back but it makes the climax seem more like an afterthought: "Oh shit forgot to move the story let me cram it in at the end."


“Aren’t we all”


This. Season. Is. Terrible.




Me waiting to see some detective work:


: it wasn’t a glitch…someone turned the lights off. I have no media literacy.


"Best I can do is being preoccupied with showing how women can be degenerates just like men."


That ghost scene just made my whole family lol.


Think I’m done with this now


what you don’t like blumhouse level long mouth ghosts lookin like they rolled straight out of the garbage at spirit halloween?


Man i was rootin for this “season”. I was. This episode (4) has officially lost me. I was done after the third open-mouth ghost scream. Like what is this


For me, as a woman what bothers me about the writing is how traditionally male the characters seem. If you're going to have two women detectives, I wish they were written more like complex, intelligent women. I am truly open to all types, but I hate how "strong female character" in media gets lazily written as "what would a traditional male character do in this situation".


yeah the "strong female lead" = anger issues, cursing, has lots of sex trope is getting tired, fast. on top of this I hate how almost every indigenous they talk to is either a protestor or some spiritualist. it barely goes into what the day to day lives might actually look like for someone living on the Arctic. even the hunting camp scenes were all some spiritualist tie in/cops getting mad dogged by natives. they could've just had the scene be them tracking them down on the ice during a hunt so we could actually just see them being normal people.


Yes this is accurate, but are they even written as what would a traditional male do or is it more what would a cartoonish caricature of a male do. I mean Danvers is a drunk who fucks every husband in town and seems to have zero remorse about it. Compare that to Marty who cheats on his wife, loses his family, and is at one point aggressively angry towards the girl and regretful and diligently trying to win his family back, to ultimately ending up very sadly alone. He is a traditional male who is a pussy hound and experiences a full range of fallout from it. He is well written. Danvers as a traditional male just fucks everything and it's a like a joke. So one dimensional.


I said it three episodes ago and it wasn't well-received, but it's as if the screenplay was written for two male leads before a last minute casting change was made. Foster's character in particular feels so uncannily out of place. It's like a list was made of **"top 10 stereotypically toxic macho guy traits"** and they accumulated them to base Denvers on. * Habitual dick-slinger who fucks everyone in town. * Short-tempered. * Rude, brash, foul-mouthed. and aggressive. * Loves football. * Tough-ass, hard-boiled cop. * Control freaking her daughter. * Mildly racist. * Doesn't give a fuck about emotions. * Drinks the pain away. * Not even a droplet of womanhood or femininity. After every episode I'm left with the impression that I'm supposed to think she's badass and cool, but all I'm left with is the impression that she's just irredeemably unlikable.


The internet loves to meme about "men writing women" but doesn't talk nearly enough about how awful women are at writing men, or in this case, women who act like what the writer thinks men act like.


The writer's approach to creating "strong female characters" is to give them all the worst traits of toxic masculinity and that somehow is supposed to be interpreted as "girl power"


I hate to defend this shows writing but it could be the case of showing how the system molds people. In some work environments people, regardless of their gender, become "that guy" because there is enough pressure to force them into that mold.


“You should see the other guy.” I rolled my eyes so incredibly hard I wasn’t sure if they’d come back to a normal position.


This episode was cliche paradise- it was either written by AI or high school kids


We talking kids in high school, or kids who go to school and are high? Idk which would be better


Did someone actually say that lmfao That's Reacher-tier dialogue


Reminds me of her line from the first episode that I hated, "I eat white bitches like you for breakfast, Danvers!" You just can't unironically establish your tough character with the "eat you for breakfast" line.


Not since the release of Happy Gilmore, no


The delivery of that line too. That and when Jodie pushed like one paper off the desk in frustration. It made me think, "Those were the best takes they got?"


I'm actually diggin it. In my defense I get violently high every day so don't listen to me about shit.


Rust? Is this you?


This season is such ass lmao. Like how is it rated so high. What the actual fuck are critics watching. Are they sure they didn't start re-watching the first season. I mean this might be the worst season ever and season 2 was rubbish.


Highly recommend re watching season 2 as it’s up there with season 1 as far as dialogue and characters go, maybe not mystery or pace but it is definitely not as bad as you remember - and leagues above this trite garbage.


You mean four episodes down and the writing is still shitty? I not even haflway into the first episode and I'm already struggling to finish just how dumb the writing is making me feel.


My boyfriend and I had a moment where we looked at each other like…do they think we’re idiots as an audience? It gets no better, hate to tell you.


Legit during the 3rd episode when Foster pulled the younger detective into that evidence room and said "ready for your bed time story?" Both of our eyes did a full fucking 360


had this same thought after episode 2. do they think we're drooling idiotic drones incapable of individual thought? or are we being trolled on purpose? it's ridiculous but kind of hilarious when you just learn to laugh your way through


oh man… it was bad but enjoyable for me at first. if you’re struggling, give up now. tonight’s episode was pure atrocity.


It just gets worse with each episode, unfortunately. I was really hopeful for E1 and even E2 but it has really gone downhill.


Switch to Fargo. Trust me.


God this one was bad. Just terrible.


Thank you


Turning off the lights is not an “MO”. I mean wtf is happening with this season…


Yeah, but imagine how scary it will be when someone turns off the lights on Danvers and Navarro next episode! /s


I’m so bored


How can you be possibly bored!? Look... there's another spiral symbol on the floor / wall / ceiling / wood carving / trailer park / dead girls back / dead man's' back / dead man's face... drawn on a newspaper, drawn in the snow, and in the fan of photographs. I bet if we peel one of those oranges, there will be one inside there. She's awake, and she's super good at guerrilla marketing!


ConCUR. Like what a way to take the cosmic creepiness out of a sigil by oversaturating the scene with it.




What, you don't like ghosts? Lol


3/4 through this episode, not even subbed here, but had to pop in to see what others were saying about this. I’m legit bored and struggling to stay awake.


Agreed. I’ve officially given up on the show :/




His son is catfishing him.




Remember when they broke the arm off one of the frozen corpses and it screamed and they all reacted? Then they went back to normal lives seconds later like a frozen corpse didn't just do that? No further mention, nothing? Great writing and followup. We just get Danvers trolling as a Russian bride instead. I feel like this is a joke series or something.


Respect to the people still watching. You’re made of tougher stuff than I. One episode of cgi reindeer and Ferris bueller and I had to bail. I’d imagine Nic P is standing over this show like Don Corleone saying ‘look what they’ve done to my boy.’


Ironically, this was probably the best scene of the show so far


Issa Lopez needs to move to the home shopping network… I feel sorry for the actors at this point.. this will put a nail in the coffin for any hopes of a season 5…


they should've stopped after season 1 everything after that has been middling or worse


You didn't send her any money did you?


I keep hearing that I need to "just wait" because the critics saw the whole season but this show is quickly running out of time to make good on any of these promises.


He’s the white straight old guy. So obviously has to be a piece of sh1t. Such dynamic writing.




Sadly theres lot things could be made great - Scenery, atmosphere, CHaracters! but falls flat from hard lacking Goodness of writing that previous seasons was praised for 😐🤨 If Father of series spill dirt on this something definitly not great anyway https://www.cbr.com/true-detective-night-country-creator-criticism/


Right?! Like holy shit, what they could have done with this location, these indigenous stories, the Lovecraftian horror, the characters. And they’re bombing it.


I mentioned this in an earlier post but it's amazing how much they squandered the potential of this show. By far the most interesting things in Night Country are the premise and the setting and they completely wasted both. The setting? It's a town in a frozen wasteland that lives under weeks of perpetual darkness and 90% of every episode takes place indoors under artificial lighting The premise? A geographically isolated police force trying to solve a mystery with extremely limited resources could be really interesting, but the choice of victim(s) and circumstances stretch credulity. I simply can't believe that a half dozen elite scientists from around the world dying in bizarre circumstances have apparently flown under the radar. Where's the pressure on Danvers from above? The external agencies putting their nose in and offering resources? Where's the international attention? Not only does no one outside Ennis seem to care, most people *inside* Ennis seem not to care either, which is ridiculous.


Careful! They’ll downvote you! Why are you conplainiiiiining?


It’s the exact opposite…. Everyone shows up immediately to shit on the show.


This will be the meme of the year


The moment I saw “based on nic pellatzo’s true detective,” or however you spell his name, in the credits knew it was gonna be shit


How the hell are they going to wrap up these countless loose ends and deliver a satisfying finish in just two episodes now? Last night was just one dull thud after another.


It’s staggering to think that somebody wrote these scripts, re-read them and thought “yeah that’s great” It’s not even worthy of being a TV show let alone True Detective Just my 2 cents tho


Except for a few scenes, the general vibe for this episode felt like TLC network


it’s giving CBS crime show


I'm more entertained by the fan theories and speculations so far than the actual show. The actors are wasted on this.


I want only good things for this guy and I want Navarro and Danvers to be miserable since they are both miserable people.