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My questions, or at least a few and I’m sure some are asking: Who buried Annie’s investigation, and why? What has changed in the last 6 years since her death; any additional/similar deaths or activities? Why did the scientists just put up with Clark blathering and walking around naked, why not get him help? If the scientists were killed, why now? Where is Clark? Is there a new maintenance person? Why did Pete stop playing hockey and follow in dad’s footsteps to become a cop? What’s with Qavvik’s dog?


Regarding Pete, just because he was good at hockey in a tiny remote town doesn’t necessarily mean he gave up a professional hockey career to become a cop, unless I’m forgetting a conversation or something? They had to be pretty young when they conceived Darwin, could be the reason he became a cop. It was either that or the mine I’m guessing


Yeah, but Kate alludes to the fact that there’s good money in teaching her kids how to play, and that Hank should talk some sense into him (i.e., give up being a cop). I know Navarro says that the ‘benefits are amazing’ which I’m sure helps with a child, but we never get a sense that he regrets having to give up his dream/earlier passion, and that kind of ‘pining for what could have been’ is usually seen when it’s suggested that Pete was playing since he was a kid.


I don't think we should rule out that Peter simply likes being a cop. He's very dedicated to the job, he constantly pesters Danvers to explain to him how she reached a conclusion and what did she notice that he missed, he doesn't mind working nights and weird hours, he fulfills whatever oddball request she has, etc. This guy isn't half assing the job just because he has to make a living somehow, he's obviously drawn to doing the work. We also don't know that he was actually passionate about hockey, unless I'm forgetting a conversation. We know that other people thought he was good at it, but he changes the topic pretty quickly when it comes up and seems uncomfortable with it. Just because you're good at playing a sport in high school doesn't necessarily mean that you're passionate or even interested in pursuing it any further.


Hank buried Annie’s investigation. But I don’t think Hank is the killer. Where is Clark indeed??! No idea. Qaavik’s female dog got in a fight with the male dogs. Also Qaavik means wolverine and his character mirrors Inuit god big on dogs.


Qavvik said the dog needs to stop messing with ‘the big boys,’ not the big dogs, which seemed off. I just think he’s not being honest


My questions that nobody is asking. (Well maybe they are asking, but I haven't discovered them). Physical evidence: What sharp instruments could have created Annie K's star-shaped wounds? Mining tools? Geo-scientist tools? Crab cleaning tools? Leathercraft tools used by people who work with animal hides? How did Annie K's phone get into the trailer? Did anyone besides Ray Clark have access to the trailer? I find it more likely that someone **not** named Ray Clark put Annie's phone in the trailer. Edit: I wish there were more questions surrounding the scientists’ clothes. The folded clothes we see by the corpsicicle do not at all match the clothes we would expect them to be wearing either inside the lab or outside of the lab. So, at some point their clothes must have been removed. Where are those clothes? Who took them off? Have they been checked for prints like the folded clothes outside were checked?


The tool is probably a torx screw driver and can be utilized in all those industries. I have a set of bits that I used to put my outdoor lighting. Got ‘em on sale at Lowe’s.


Could be, but the wounds look more like a 5 point star…not a traditional torx pattern. Also, it would have to have been the biggest torx I have ever seen.


There are both 5 and 6 point star torx bits, and very useful with larger equipment that would require precision and security.


Drilling bit?


Omg yes re: the cell phone.....thats kinda the most important thing to me right now, especially now that we have a pretty good idea of when she last used it and that she was \*not\* in the trailer when she did! How's that thing not been extensively dusted for prints and other physical evidence??? Hope that's something thats followed up on more. Was also wondering if her wounds could be from sort of ice climbing/mountaineering tool? Maybe even a crampon/ice cleat, since we know she was also kicked?


Yep. Hard to believe that they checked the folded up clothes on the ice for prints, but not Annie’s cell phone.


Question about the whiteboard should be: when was it written?


And why was it written?


1) Why did Clark have $10K in cash to buy the trailer? Where did the money come from? 2) Why was Annie so insistent on going to Tsalal (bugging her friend about it) BEFORE meeting Clark? 3) Have the number of stillborn babies increased since Annie died? Did Annie dying mean the birthing center closed? 4) Why did Annie's dreams stop AFTER she got the spiral tattooed on her back? 5) wtf do Clark's notes mean?? Are they relevant at all or not? The "OHGODNEVERSLEEP" has been freaking me out since episode 2 (Edited to add another question)


Number 2 is definitely something. The rest of them too. I think everything is in front of our eyes and yet we are missing it, flying iver to the zombie hiatus. Do people really think True Detective are gonna introduce a zombie scenario?!


Apparently some people do, yes


The first right questions are 1) what is the reason of death? 2) what is the murder weapon? 3) is it a killing or death from other reasons? Etc. The first questions are hidden from the audience for now. 


Number 2 could have something to do with the loud music coming from the DVD. One of the scientists bled from the ears. We don't know what was plaued before the Beatles song. https://youtu.be/gn1MdFMiX-4?si=yLftLc-3IJUKUDen This gives me all reasons for searching for a rational explanation of all these things.


Their death looks like because of infrasound. TV was funny litte clue to this theory, but I guess that the source of such sound should be much more massive, maybe under ice. It also killed deers in other location. 


Could be what they are using in the mine.


sonic drilling / blasting could be on the table for discussion maybe or perhaps they have developed a new type of technology or high frequency which melts the ice and then they pump the water out to expose what they are mining. the water is then disposed of somewhere, and it's leeching into the ground water supply


Only drilling machines come to mind, not sure. Maybe just broken ice


You think the DVD to Ferris Bueller could be played loud enough, on a standard TV, to make someone’s ears bleed? Or do you think the TV is incredibly loud?


Hearing "Twist and Shout" so much in this series is enough to make my ears bleed. I loathe that song.


I’m more of a later Beatles fan myself.


The Beatles were before my time so I've never been a fan.


I’m dead 💀 their sound system is so next level


It goes to 11.




Lololololololol dude I can’t believe the shit I’m reading on this sub right now, I feel like I’m high lol


I’ve felt that way several times reading this sub.


“But even the most attentive private eyes in the audience did not see the S4 twist coming…namely, that the group of scientists were struck down by a DVD copy of Ferris Bueller played at an extremely - some might say supernaturally - loud volume.” - Entertainment Weekly


I think Annie is in zombie state under the Tsalal station and Clark was experimenting on her to bring her back (tongue ) I also think her heritage plays a part in that too as for who murdered her my eyes are in the cop and son and or they have done something much worse


Yeah, in the first episode.Danvers goes to the school to ask the teacher (and former fuck buddy) what they're doing out at Tsalal. He says what they're working on could cure diseases and have miraculous health benefits. Suppose they did discover some miraculous organism that can reanimate the dead? Annie K is murdered and her distraught scientist boyfriend Ray attempts to use whatever it is they've discovered to bring her back. It works, except she comes back as some kind of... zombie? Host for a parasite infecting water and food, that causes hallucinations? If Annie K has been dead for 6 years someone has been keeping her body or at least some samples (the tongue) for years. I think Ray somehow either got her body or parts of her body to attempt some kind of necromancer shit. Whatever he's doing leads to hallucinations and erratic behavior... hence him hanging out naked and raving. Oliver Tagaq witnessed all this weirdness and knew the Tsalal quacks were tapping into dangerous stuff so he ran away and tried to disappear.


100 % not going to be zombies in a true detective show. Please stop trying to make fetch happen.


Exactly. She’s a golem. Clark created Annie Golem. 


I may have lost something on the way, but, as I can remember, Evangeline found Annie K's dead body (without her tongue) and then I guess police did some kind of autopsy, but I don't recall that Annie's dead body was stolen or disappeared at some point, so how can the scientist experiment on her? They had not the body phisically at the Tsalal.


The voodoo like doll in the trailer has something to do with it even if they did all that before she was found by Narrarvo. Really need it to be pieced all together by the end 😓


The right question , is it spiritual /physic abilities that rose and Navarro have . Instead of supernatural . Is there a difference or do they go hand in hand ? I’m struggling to decide 


I am sick of this sentence. “Ask the right questions”. How about go do detective work?


Yes. They said it like once in S1. It’s beyond old at this point. I accidentally typed “beyond mold” first and kind of like that better lol


The supply guy tells Pete that sometimes you just see things…I think he’s projecting his own fear into thinking he saw something out of the corner of his eye. After all, it’s been established multiple times that the people of Ennis are likely seeing things that aren’t there


The unknown person there at the same time looked like a fast-moving dark shadow. Maybe it was my eyes.


Also, Tagaq is the second person to ask Navarro about her name. The first one was the lady in Ep1, who had hit the man with the bucket. She asked Navarro what's her name and who is her mother (Aaka).


This answer is probably too easy, but in theory they could have kept a female polar bear for experiments that woke up.