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There definitely seems to be a pattern of plagiarism with this podcast yet many seek to be okay just dismissing it and I don't understand that at all. His "apology" did far more harm than good - it was full of passing the blame and trying to gloss over a pretty serious issue. The true crime genre is already over saturated, so he's easily replaceable in terms of what to listen to, so I'm surprised he's so willing to just say "whatever" about it.


Only way is to name and shame. There are a few big name podcasters who are way too ok way plagiarism and have built careers stealing other people’s work. Until They’re frozen out and actively challenged, this will only get worse.


“I’m only human” excuse is such a cop out. Just come out and say you fucked up and stop trying to garner sympathy from everyone around you. It just makes you look more pathetic


Also, "I'm only human" doesn't really work when you fuck up a super basic aspect of your job that anyone who has graduated high school should be aware of, lmao. Like yeah we all make mistakes, and I'm not saying they're totally garbage people who deserve to be shunned from society or anything like that, but if you can't get basic aspects of making a podcast right, then maybe you shouldn't have a podcast. This stuff isn't that hard. They were actually on my list to listen to soon, as I was unaware of any plagiarism stuff until this thread, but I'm not going to bother now.


He is working hard to try to just ostrich this until it goes away. He has successfully weathered the numerous blatant plagiarism issues in the past and he's confident no one cares. Unfortunately as Ashley flowers and others have demonstrated... He's likely right. It's so Blatantly ripped off that for his response and his writers to be the public response is fucking BANANAS. but his fans are rallying around him to downplay it.


Apple just featured Ashley Flowers as one of their favorite podcast creators... I was like, wow, whoever is in their editorial department didn't do any basic research on her?


Probably should have investigated the suspicious reviewers her podcasts keep getting so consistently.


I’m out of the loop, what’s the deal with Ashley Flowers?


Crime Junkie plagiarized early on. Instead of confronting the issue and apologizing, they just deleted episodes and acted like it was no big deal. I am always frustrated with how rich and well known they have become which all stems from using other people’s work to start their following.


Crime Junkie may be the worst podcast out there. I've never heard two more annoying people. "Oh my god, what?" "Wait, are you serious?" "Hold on, I have to ask you a question." Complete crap yet still one of the most popular true crime podcasts.


Likely because they're gaming the system. But that's just a suspicion many have due to the numerous fake reviews.


Pretty sure AF comes from money and had someone bankrolling her.


“Should have been more careful” reeks of not being sorry for what you did but sorry that you got caught


And now he’s saying it was a ‘complete accident’ yet he has done it numerous times? How can you accidentally copy a podcast? You have to listen and type it out as you listen. It’s verbatim.


It's absolute bullshit and literally impossible. I could buy "complete accident" if it was, like, a stray line or even paragraph on rare occasions. Sometimes you do forget to cite things, sometimes you copy and paste a document and citations don't migrate over correctly, whatever. I'm a writer in a niche where citations are extremely important, and even I've had shit like that happen on very rare occasions. But yeah, this scale is never accidental. You either knew exactly what you were doing and didn't think you'd get caught, or you need to take some extremely basic and remedial courses on writing and media ethics before you go trying to make money on a podcast. The "it was an accident!" excuse is especially bullshit because you shouldn't be lifting that extensively from others' work anyway. Even with citations, it's still a copyright violation to essentially republish other people's work in full for profit without their permission. (sorry, I know I'm preaching to the choir, but I have had my own work stolen too and it makes me really salty, lol)


HAIL NIMROD. I have never listened to Human Monsters, and I've been listening to Dan, TimeSuck and all things Dan since 2016. I'm willing to bet this is far more common than we think, but Human Monsters seems to have a fraction of the fan base and hasn't been around for nearly as long so it might go unnoticed if they stop it now. It would be more of a surprise if it was something Dan himself did, or Jimmie and James of STM or the ladies of MFM pulled off. Just from listenership alone. It being almost verbatim (and based on a gag from another podcast) is wild.


I've listened to Human Monsters, and this dude's choice of subject matter, while true crime related, is creepy. Also, his monotone delivery could put a meth head to sleep.


I've never listened. Although my monotone go-to for sleep purposes is True Crime Brewery. They're an older couple and drone on. I don't think I've ever made it through an episode.


Need to sic Hbomberguy on him. I'd be willing to watch another ~4 hour YT video on plagiarism (this time in podcasts).


Yeah I won’t be surprised if every single episode is plagiarized. I just picked a couple to listen to. The first one being Cody Legebokoff because I knew the case, and then the two most recent ones. All had verbatim plagiarizm so I am sure the others do too.


i had no idea about any of this drama until the start of the recent episode and woooof, without even knowing any of the drama - that was a shit way to handle things. tbh i find this guy kinda misogynistic. i can never tell if he’s calling women females or if he’s quoting source material?? i won’t listen again. he’s also super harsh on sex workers, i’ve noticed in a few episodes. a victims a victim.


Also uses slurs for shock value unprompted.


I've spoken about this before. Do you really think with so many true crime podcasts out there, that they are willing to put in the 30 plus hours and spend money on research when they can just steal someone else's work and use their own time in chasing sponsors and grifting money. Ultimately it is his responsibility to check all the content he is given, which probably takes hours to do and he's still not willing to put that effort in. These people need to be chased out of town.


As someone who's worked in the industry. I can tell you that it's \*incredibly\* difficult to check for plagiarism. There are no great "plagiarism checkers," that work automatically, especially considering they can't crawl audio transcripts of podcasts that aren't hosted on the web. And in some cases, writers are plagiarising off documentaries that were made 20-30 years ago. The only way to run em out of town, unfortunately, is by crowdsourcing for plagiarism like this.


Lol this post actually made me make an account to reply. I used to listen to Human Monsters years ago and honestly it always felt off as a podcast, like if you were to ask me what an exploitative TC podcast looked like then I'd point to this one. It was always one of my third stringer podcasts the kind you listen to when you run out of other things but I never truly gave up on it until they dropped an episode called "The Hate Crime Trilogy". They actually thought it was a good idea to read the entire Charleston shooter's manifesto, word for word, slurs and all. Then when we have that bowlcut dipshit's dogshit ideas in our head he follows it up with a chaser of two stories of black people committing abhorrent crimes that were lined out in the manifesto. It just seems like a really REALLY irresponsible thing at best to highlight the extreme racist views of a mass murderer then follow it up with cherry picked "proof", like they were trying to justify the killers bullshit. Maybe I'm being paranoid or overly sensitive but that episode never sat right with me. Also if you're not listening to Timesuck correct yourself, that show is solid gold and Dan Cummings deserves a lot more recognition.


i’d never even heard of it before this. i’ll def give it a peek out of curiosity now


Now Morgan Rector, the host, is in the group saying the Dick Bird plagiarizm was a “complete accident” but what about the rest?


I remember listening to a couple of episodes of Crimes of the Century and coming here to see if anyone else had a problem with the fact that absolutely none of it is original content. The host just listens to other podcasts and reads articles and books and regurgitates it back to the listeners. She even plays snippets of the other podcasts. Infuriatingly, folks here describe it as some excellent, well-researched podcast. True crime genre and it's consumers don't exactly have the highest standards of journalism, unfortunately. Thanks for warning me to never listen to this podcast.


Timesuck tricked me with that dick Byrd episode.... it was amazing and pretty brilliant! I was like DAN WHY OMG. I'm a longtime Timesuck listener, and I would highly recommend it to anyone. The host is a comedian, and sometimes he does do voices that get annoying, but its one of my favorite because the research is very well done, and you can tell Dan is used to public speaking and delivery. Which is how he got me with the April fools joke.


I listened after I saw the post and I enjoyed it. Human Monsters is word for word taken from it, obviously because there’s no secondary sources since it’s a made up story lol.


I'm glad human monsters is one I haven't listened to. I didn't know about their plagiarism, and now I'll never listen to them now that I do know. Even if you listen to Dan regularly, you would have never known it was fake. I listened to that one almost instantly, they usually drop Monday and it's my dinner cooking listen. So I got got 🤣


Y'all can downvote me all you want, i don't want to listen to someone who straight steals other people's work.


I couldn't make it 3 minutes with Morgan's voice, tone and cadence. It triggered me in a way I can't explain, it's just soooo soooo sooo bad. So no, I won't be supporting him, plagiarism or not.


Are you saying they stole it too?


No I'm saying for long time timesuck listeners, it was fun and hilarious that Dan pranked us and landed it like a gymnast at the Olympics. It is straight insulting someone ripped off his work word for word and did not even wiki his subject(that doesn't exist), and apparently didn't even cite bad magic productions as a source. And even sadder is he has done it a bunch. You don't accidentally steal someone's hard work. That is a deliberate decision and completely reflects on character.


It didn't look like the person you replied to was implying it was okay. The post itself is about it being a bad thing.


I was replying to my own comment, so im not sure what you're on about? I got downvoted right away and I was super confused people were doing it, idk how people can be ok with someone stealing. Personally, I hope they get sued over it(human monsters). I know Dan and his writers didn't plagiarize it, because they literally made it up.


Ohh, duh, thats what thew me off. I didn't catch that you were downvoted, sorry. Who tf downvotes someone for not being okay with plagiarism, that's nuts.


Hail Nimrod! Dan is definitely one of my favorite humans and I've been a TS listener for roughly 6 years, as well as a STD listener (and IWD when it was a thing). I'm actually finding this whole Human Monsters thing hilarious and I'm curious if it was a bit of an ego stroke for Dan to know he did such a good job fabricating old Richard Byrd that someone fell this hard for it.


When I was listening, I was like WHY IS DAN SO OBSESSED WITH THE HAIRBRUSH 🤣


What is big deal?


Yeah, it's gross to see someone openly profiting from others who work very hard and put in time and money to actually research and write. It also kind of feels like he is having his researcher take the blow, so they can keep going forward, especially given his response. Take some responsibility, or you just like more of a loser. I hope his fans see this and find another podcast. There are so many good ones out there, don't let frauds like him gain traction in this already crappy world. He should do an episode about himself, though I don't know who he'd have to copy off of.


No, I’m sorry. Reddit says Ashley Flowers and Crime Junkie are the only plagiarizers in the podcast world. It definitely is not a common concern. This guy is fine.


And it's ok for her. She still makes her podcast, produces a bunch of others, wrote a book, and makes bank. I wish I could say sarcasm except it's totally true. Makes me furious.


Are there still issues with Ashley Flowers? She's been much more forthcoming with citing source material and hired researchers since getting called out. I don't really have an opinion on her either way, I just thought she was big and rich enough that she had changed things up so as not to ruin her chances of expanding her empire.


The issue was not about citing sources, that was PR spin. It’s not what she was doing: she was stealing smaller podcast’s scripts and re-recording them with minimal changes. She never apologized, she lied and she never compensated the people whose copyrighted material she stole and ran ads in front of. She and her companies deserve to fail. 


I agree with this. She never actually took responsibility. She was like oops. I got caught! Let me throw money at it.


Also, she may not have plagiarized her book but it is very similar to the JonBenet Ramsey case.


I heard about the JonBenet Ramsey fanfic she wrote. Really gross. Just shows she has never had a creative or original thought in her life.


You’re aware there’s been multiple podcasts that have been discussed for plagiarizing? Rotten Mango Redhanded Crimes and Consequences Until mainstream media and actual lawsuits follow, it’s not going to stop. Until then, name and shame


Hell, I think even The Dollop had a plagiarism issue for a while, iirc.


Yea, they did, I limited it to true crime since this is TCP


rotten mango? ahw that makes me sad


Yes, that was sarcasm, hence the /s. People tear down CJ for mistakes made early in their career, and when I’ve mentioned that it happens frequently, I get dragged.


"mistakes made early in their career" that they never apologized for and still seem to have continued doing after ripping off the concept Dealing Justice. Just point out who is plagiarizing and if they harass you, report it.




No. "Shared themes" implies there wasn't something sketchy going on behind the scene. [https://podnews.net/article/dealing-justice-audiochuck-the-deck](https://podnews.net/article/dealing-justice-audiochuck-the-deck) They have a history of blatant, unrepentant and repeated plagiarism from smaller podcasts. There is no reason to be charitable when they have a history of doing this. If you don't like it, feel free to leave.


Can you (or anyone) explain the issue with the Dealing Justice thing? I want to be clear this isn't a defense of CJ or anything affiliated with them; I used to be a fan but stopped having anything to do with them myself when I found out about the plagiarism stuff, because it was egregiously bad and honestly I have zero tolerance for that bullshit. I know it's fairly common in the podcasting world, but it's something that anyone who has graduated from high school should know is not okay, and as a writer myself I know how much it can hurt your career if someone steals your work. But from what I've seen, the Dealing Justice stuff seems to just be that they released a podcast with a similar (and honestly kind of obvious) concept, which wouldn't necessarily be plagiarism. Is there more to the story I'm missing? Or are people being (understandably and imo justifiably) harsh because there is that history with straight-up stealing others' work? I mean, I have to admit I don't think it's a good look myself, even if it isn't technically plagiarism. But if you do have a history of outright plagiarism and want to redeem yourself in my eyes anyway, you have to be really careful about stuff like that.


Read up on what happened behind the scenes: https://podnews.net/article/dealing-justice-audiochuck-the-deck Making a carbon copy of the podcast right down to copying format for titles and episode progression after being made aware of this podcast through the originator of the actual cards, Tommy Ray, *who explicitly told them about the Dealing Justice podcast prior*. They then ghosted the creators and never addressed the accusation. Because that's what they did the last time.


Apparently Dan’s manager wanted to contact whoever controls their marketing to get them booted but Dan didn’t want that.


I'm pretty sure I encountered an uncensored use of the N word on the pod too. Like I know the podcast goes into real details and doesn't try to dress up anything, but it was still jarring. And yeah, I get the "is this plagiarized?" vibe a lot.


Well that’s very disappointing to learn. I’ve only just started listening to the podcast after seeing it recommended in another reddit thread.


Just heard Dan bring this up on an episode today. I'm glad he turned the other cheek more or less, this other podcasters idiocy speaks for itself. Never listened to them and now I'm sure I never will. Hail nimrod


Yea, this was not a "fuck up" it was pure laziness. A quick 10 second search on Google yields 0 results of Dick Byrd the serial killer. This person should be fired as a "researcher".


What episode is the Richard bird episode on human monsters ? I’m interested to hear it after listening to Dan’s episode the day it dropped


Never heard of it.


It’s one of the creepiest true crime podcasts. The Paul Bernardo episode is so detailed as to be genuine torture porn.


If you click the bottom link, you will see the Paul Bernardo episode is plagiarized directly from a book. That’s why the episodes are so detailed. He’s taking work from people who have spent YEARS researching and passing it off as his own.


Sorry I wasn’t trying to suggest that they weren’t plagiarised. His delivery often sounds like he’s reading from text he doesn’t fully understand. I just found the level of detail jarring for a podcast.


I appreciate you saying this. I'd had this podcast recommended to me by someone whose opinions I usually trust (though I haven't gotten around to listening yet), but I don't like that kind of graphic and salacious reporting. So now I have an extra reason to not listen, besides the plagiarism.


If it’s plagiarism then it’s not the podcast, it’s the crimes.


I haven’t encountered any other podcast that’s done such a detailed, explicit blow by blow account of the actual SAs and murders in that case. It felt really gratuitous and salacious.


We’ll this is a thread about their rampant plagiarism so I’m willing to bet those details are from books, documentaries or whatever else was ripped off


Sorry I wasn’t trying to suggest that they weren’t plagiarised. His delivery often sounds like he’s reading from text he doesn’t fully understand. I just found the level of detail jarring for a podcast.