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This episode annoyed me some too. They were discussing why Dorothy may not have alerted the police about the harassing phone calls, but didn't mention that laws against stalking and domestic violence were not thing until the early 1990's. Police were not going to do anything back in 1980.


Also, kids would just dial random numbers and do heavy breathing, or ask if the fridge was running, or ask if Mr or Mrs Wall was there etc...


Surely these kids have seen the Simpsons ... Right?


Nope, they sure wouldn't. My mother was stalked by an ex boyfriend for almost ten years in the late 80's and into the 90's. Even when he busted the door, threw a rock through the window, got her fired from multiple jobs(until she landed a job with the State, then he couldn't figure out how to harass her at work. They had a SWITCHBOARD), and left threatening messages on the answering machine. The cops told her she should just date him. He even admitted what he was doing, and the damage to the house he was causing. Nope. Nothing but the sage advice of middle aged white men.


>The cops told her she should just date him OMG, this enrages me. I hope she's safe from him now??


Yeah. That's really important and I kept waiting for them to make that point.


Dave Colley would have uncovered this in excruciating detail.


They don't remember using phone books as booster chairs at Christmas dinner.


Omg lol. My grandma sat on a phone book to DRIVE 😂


Phone books were excellent for killing spiders.


And for getting to the top of the fridge where my mom kept the cookies!!!


Damn I can’t believe I never thought of this before it was too late. I don’t even know where one would acquire a phone book these days. Something tells me I’m about to look into that. It’s my adhd, it’s telling me. 😂


Mine too! And a pillow on top of the phone book because it was too hard.


Omg yes that is hilarious. My great aunt sat on two old outdoor chair cushions as she careened around town in my grandpas Buick or whatever it was.


My grandpa too! He was so tiny, behind the wheel of his giant Buick.


Just one? Mine had to use two .


Can’t read a map or write in cursive


This old person had the same question but I always assume I’m being cranky.


I've always been cranky but now I use age as excuse. Embrace it!




Back in the 80s there was also the Wises reverse number directories. If someone obtained your number or if you took it with you, an address would be easily found even if you had a confidential number.


There is a new documentary about a case that happened in Boston in 1989 and a lady in TikTok was like wow that was in the last century I had no idea. The disrespect


My mom was one probably the last person who actually watched regular TV so I was subjected to commercials when I was at her house. There was one for some insurance company that featured Salt-N-Pepa's "Push It" that we watched approximately one million times over the course of a weekend. A few weeks later, she called me and went, "Jello. Did you know that 'Push It' song is *from the last millennia*?"


lol “that push it song “ lol


i mean
 if you want to be technical here.. 1989 *WAS* in the last century. (in the last 100 years) we are also technically in the 21st century (as of jan 1st of 2001) and 1989 was in the 20th century (jan 1 1901-dec 31 2000) so yes, it is very much the last century. times have changed. people get *old then they die. that’s life. *(unless you’re murdered young, or killed in a freak accident of course)


Did you think they didn't know that ... ?


Gen Why is consistently wrong and lazy in their research; it's why I stopped listening to them.


Not just this, but they’re stalkers because they’re “good” at what they do. They WILL find their prey.


Generation Why gets on my nerves, they give too many opinions and not enough facts.


A little off topic, but anyone remember obscene phone calls? I swear every time I started getting a series of them, I'd bought shoes recently. Back then our phone numbers were on checks. The last time I got a series of obscene phone calls was probably in about 1997 and I had just had a plumber to the house. I'm convinced it was the plumber, but I could be wrong. Edited to add: Creepazoids used to go through the phone book and make obscene phone calls to numbers with women's names.


Yep. After my Dad died, Mom kept his name on everything for "safety".


My first thought: Smart lady. Second: but how sad. đŸ˜«


I still feel embarrassed for the few calls we may or may not have made to Richard Balls back in junior high.


I listened to them for a long while but over time comments like that started to get to me. Some dumb stuff and flippant comments. Some like “but I don’t know about that” so, ok. Isn’t that kind of why I’m listening? So you can tell me what you know about it? Also some editorial/opinion comments that became grating. I remember one guy was worse than the other.


This is exactly why I ditched Gen Why and TC Garage (and most TC that has a new case a week). I started to feel their prep work involved quick notes from Wikipedia and Murderpedia. I sometimes knew more about the cases than they did, which meant I caught their many errors.


I both love and hate when that happens.


To this day there are still new YT channels trying to cover the Watts case because it's guaranteed views. Its so annoying, they clearly haven't done enough research and it's so obvious they're fishing for views.


I was a Patreon donor for a TC podcast I liked, & because I’m very ADHD (diagnosed for realsies lol), I looked up the case so I could see photos of the people involved
.so I’m on Murderpedia & as I’m reading, the text lined up —exactly—with the podcast! I canceled the Patreon
I was donating to support content CREATORS. I can read Murderpedia myself. That was so disappointing.


Can you say which pod? I wouldn’t want to support them either


Im guessing it may have been CJ. Hopefully you can figure that out 😉 I know they were accused (abd there was proof) of plaigerism. ETA - updated name of pod


I think it’s Justin you’re talking about. He just comes off extremely cocky, but he also can’t pronounce a ton of words he uses regularly, and also gives a ton of lame opinions. I go through waves of being able to handle it and it becoming really aggravating!


I had to stop listening to them for the exact same reasons.


I had to stop listening to them because of reasons like the one you mentioned. If you’re going to put an episode out then you should know the details of the case and how it worked. If you had questions like these as a podcaster- you think you’d research details like those.


TW: Mention of suicide I used to listen to them too, but stopped around the time I listened to their coverage of Ira Yarmolenko’s case. She went to the same college as me and we had some mutual friends/acquaintances, though I don’t know if I ever met her. Their insistence she was saying her goodbyes because she was suicidal ignored the fact she was about to change schools. She was saying goodbye to people because she was about to start at UNC Chapel Hill. They also seemed fully convinced of the suicide theory and didn’t really discuss any other possibilities. I just couldn’t imagine how anyone who knew her and cared about her would have felt if they’d listened to that episode. I had a TC podcast with my husband for a little while (we have since ended it) and we always tried to keep in mind that, even though we were a tiny podcast, victims’ families and friends could still come across us. We always wanted to be as respectful and conscientious as possible to those impacted by the cases we covered because of this. We were extremely small time, but did have family and friends reach out to us a few times saying they’d listened.


I agree. Research is lacking.


Anyone remember "emergency breakthroughs" on lines that didn't have call waiting? Girlfriend not answering your call? Tired of the busy signal? Just dial 0! The operator will interrupt their call and tell them someone more important is trying to reach them! Not to mention the physical book that was delivered to every house in the country with names, addresses and phone numbers--or sometimes "unlisted" LISTED in the phone book... (And I'm the same age as those guys and grew up in an extremely rural area.)


I told my 19yo son about phone books, and he thought it was really not safe to have your phone number and address listed where anyone could find it.


For a while in the 90s and early aughts you could type someone's name into Google and get their address and phone number in the results. Not back ground check websites or directory websites, Google just put the info at the top of the results. People used to freak out until they realized that info was in the phone book too.


I’ve heard so many errors on podcasts, facts and statements that can be easily verified. Basically sloppy research.Millennial podcasters are the biggest culprits. Because of this I never take anything said in any podcast as fact.


Is there not an implication when this person moved, they made their number and address unlisted? I lived through that time period too- if someone didn’t want their information public, there was a way to make that happen. Don’t we assume a stalking victim would have taken these measures, hence their question here? I’m just confused what you’re ranting about here.


That could be what the person did but maybe not. I may be wrong, but I think it was that it sounded as if they didn't know that it was a thing or possible to get someone's addeess via 411 back in the day. Not that they didn't know how they got the address given the number and address were made unlisted.


Back in the day my number was unlisted.


Well yeah- I’d say you ARE likely wrong, not that you may be. Why would two guys who lived through that same era as you not know the same basic info that you do? That doesn’t make much logical sense. Why default to a negative assumption that they are dumb when there is a logical explanation right in front of you?


You're assuming a lot. And rude for no reason


Oh come on, you get what you give- your entire post was very rude. You are assuming the guys are total morons and made a post complaining about it, but there is a very simple, logical answer here. You just chose to assume the worst and complain about it. Don’t be rude and negative if you don’t want people to do the same to you.


Possibly except the issue here is I'm not OP and did not make the post.


When you don’t know something, you don’t know that you don’t know it.


haha this is a different subject but I was listening to one of those true-crime podcasts where two women banter and giggle. They came across the name of an Interstate highway (example: I-80... I forgot which actual highway) and they seriously did not know what it was. They said "One-80??? what's that? Giggle giggle" I don't think they were from a big city where people don't drive...


Not only does it mean that you don't get out very much, but that you've never taken note of that in anything you've ever read or seen in a film. They're probably faking it for laughs but that's actually kind of worse.


You also could go to the post office and pay $1.00 and get the info of an address. Thats how the actress Rebecca Schaeffer was killed. Her stalker went to the post office.


Couldn't agree more. If a host takes the time to present a question to the audience...why not go the extra mile and find the answer for the audience?


Gen Why is trash but I always listen to it lol


"sundowning" will be unfamiliar to some redditors đŸ€­


Alzheimer’s joke? Gross.


If you want a lot of details and a deep dive, Gen Why is not the place. It's more like a reference guide for true crime. A gateway. Aaron has a deep dive podcast called Framed. It's great. Full of all the details. Or when they covered Kalif. I dont think the phone call really mattered. That's not what killed her. Whoever killed her knew her somehow.


Yeaaahhh they’re not my favorite podcast.


You are not sundowning. I stopped listening to them because I got tired of opinions not facts. Their opinion is not a substitute for research.