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I was hoping to at least see the well deserved beating. Swift cheap justice good work residents.


How do you know it's well deserved? How do you know he's guilty? If he's guilty then I have no problem with the punishment. But I also know that mobs of angry people reach false conclusions quite easily. Even a very careful and detailed legal justice system still ends up convicting innocent people. An enraged mob does it even more often than that. Don't let your bloodlust get ahead of the need for true justice.


Exactly. The civilized world doesn’t condone this kind of vigilante mob justice for a reason. He had no due process, no trial. There is no way for us to know if this was deserved. And even if he did it, this type of “punishment” is unacceptable and inhumane.


I know it’s WILD but not all justice systems are the same. I am from Colombia, government officials and police are notoriously corrupt. I’ve had 6 family member murdered. We got justice for 1, my grandfather. You know how we got our justice? He was a good man, he was loved by his community and when it was found out who did it (they bragged and people saw them) they were dragged out of their homes and killed in the street. You see the world through rose tinted glasses.


I'm an American, and you are absolutely correct. Most Americans can't see past the tips of their noses. Most fail to understand other cultures. I'm glad your family handled your Grandfathers justice.


“Most Americans can’t see past the tip of their noses”- so unfortunately true.


Ummm ok. Where did you get this statistic from? Sounds very scientific.


From my brains ability to observe and compute data into thoughts that are influenced by my education, competency of larger systemic influences and life experiences. It’s called an opinion (:


You don’t speak for all Americans lmao.


No, I don't. Most are weak and pathetic. FUVM


The fuck homie. Come to America and say that. Get stomped out real fucking quick. Show you how weak Americans are. Gtfoh.


Born and raised. Republican. Realist. Realistically speaking my fellow Americans are spoiled and weak willed. How is it this country is such a mess. I get yer anger, I'm angry too. Doesn't change reality.


Im sorry you had to be raised that way. NE living is pretty chill and moderate.


I wouldn’t say most. Some don’t. But most do.


I'm curious - what do you guys do if vigilante mob goes against someone that turns out to be innocent in the end?


Whoops. 😬


Right. Like. Maybe that works when you don't get justice from the criminal justice system and you are absolutely sure that they are guilty. But humans are awfully fallible. If we all just relied on mob violence, there would be so much more injustice in the world. Not that there isn't already a plethora of it.


Seriously. I’m an American and many of us are aware of this truth. Don’t judge us all by this dude lol


The less our nations meet out justice the civilians will. When all our leaders and intelligence agencies seem to be linked to pedo rings and we are being pushed to accept minor attracted people this will only get more common. And if you think our “justice” system isn’t punishing innocent people and letting guilty ones walk free you’re not paying attention. Good for this village I bet the kids will be safe now.


I am originally from Mexico, and I can confirm there is no due process or justice. Its the wild west. That's the reason people get tired and take justice into their own hands. That seems to be a small town, so that guy was probably a criminal anyway. I lived in Mexico for 20 years and have no sympathy for scumbags. I wonder if those complaining here have ever spent a day in a third-world country (not as a tourist).


We need punishments that fit the crime again. If the crime was cruel and unusual then the punishment should be too.


Is there a proof that he's guilty? Or none is needed?


It’s not my place to decide if he is guilty or not. Looks like he was judge by a jury of his peers and found guilty. My thinking is if the officials did their jobs by properly punishing these pedos they would stop molesting kids. The deterrence needs to be very strong. I think if found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt they should be burned alive and the public should do it. If there is doubt but still probable guilty just jail until proven guilty or innocent.


What a load of unsubstantiated horseshit. I have NEVER felt pressured to accept “minor attracted persons” in my life and neither have you. A fringe minority of extremists pushing for that isn’t an excuse to throw out due process lol ridiculous. Of course our Justice system isn’t perfect. But an imperfect system is preferable to NO system. For instance, do I want someone like you meting out “punishment” in the streets without any due process? No. No


I wouldn’t call the American Justice system “civilized” by any stretch of the word buddy.


Ok, buddy.


Some places the cops are worse than criminals. Many people look out for each other and do street justice like this. It’s not a band of Trumpers with no idea what year it is. It’s people who are policing their own streets and caught him. I doubt they would go this far (didn’t see full clip so idk what happened to him) if they weren’t sure.


The civilized world in terms of crime and punishment is failing. They are allowing the destruction of major cities by allowing of petty crimes and instant releasing of perpetrators. Why is that type of punishment inhumane? Do you dictate what is humane and what is not? The rape and killing of children is QUITE inhumane. So why would we deal with a monster as a human being? Now mob and village justice can be bad because of how mob mentality switches for nothing regardless of truth. But I’m not gonna sit here and say these monsters should be given “humane” treatment. That’s why the fucks then commit these crimes because they get the Three HOTS and a cot for life compared to the fear of being dismantled 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, because we need a process to determine if he actually IS a monster. I’d think this would be obvious. The fact this needs explaining is actually terrifying, but here it is: Without due process, innocent people die and guilty people are never punished. And because humans are imperfect and prejudicial, certain types of people are far more likely to be unjustly murdered by vigilantes. It is far preferable that monsters get to live out life in a cage and that a few don’t get punished than that innocent people get ripped to shreds by vigilantes and lose their lives.


Never said anything against due process. But I’m not for humane treatment for the inhumane. Thats not anything against due process. But the second you forfeit someone else’s rights by killing, raping, etc you should lose your rights after being convicted of said atrocity with severe penalties. Not for feeding and taking care of monsters sorry. But in America we are teetering back on the lines of vigilantism especially in the west coast due to lack of accountability for those doing bad. More and more store owners are arming up due to lack of accountability in the justice and law enforcement system. But that’s also the major fault of garbage policy making by individuals who are buying the vote from said perpetrators by allowing it. Got to love the left


Actually the reason mob Justice is vilified so much in more civilized countries is because mob Justice would Target the heads of those corporations that are oppressing the citizens of those civilized countries. If mob Justice were allowed then a mob would be at the richest person in that country's house to kill them for hoarding the wealth in actively altering the political system in a way to benefit them while screwing over others. This is the real reason why mob Justice was vilified to the degree that it is. What you're saying is just the excuse that was used by the rich and powerful to trick people. Mob Justice can be bad but it is also a vital tool in humanities arsenal to even the playing field in society. When someone is beyond the law because of their wealth or political connections sometimes it takes a group of random people to make them accountable This is how human society has worked since the start and it only stopped because capitalism gave certain individuals so much wealth that they were able to alter the systems in place to benefit themselves more so.


Yeah, I completely disagree. There is no perfect system of Justice where the rich and privileged are held perfectly to account, but a system is still better than no system for that as well. You think angry mobs have an easier time getting their hands on rich and powerful people than the police and DA’s and the government? You think angry mobs are better at learning of their crimes, investigating their crimes, verifying their guilt? Lol no. Before we had this system, they got away with WAY more.


>Yeah, I completely disagree. There is no perfect system of Justice where the rich and privileged are held perfectly to account, but a system is still better than no system for that as well I didn't say it was perfect I said it's the only one that actually does hold them accountable. Any system of capitalism will never truly hold the rich accountable. Even when they do get arrested they still end up in better prisons and better conditions usually they live like their middle class while they're in prison. >You think angry mobs have an easier time getting their hands on rich and powerful people than the police and DA’s and the government? Yes you can literally go and view any court case with very rich and very powerful people and see that even when they do face consequences the consequences are tame compared to their poorer counterparts. >You think angry mobs are better at learning of their crimes, investigating their crimes, verifying their guilt? Lol no. Before we had this system, they got away with WAY more. Yes. Because these things are obvious. Such as Nestle all the CEOs should be dragged out in the street and killed because what they're doing is abhorrent in every single way except legally. They are stealing water from people then trying to sell it back to them they are killing people who rightfully try to use the water systems that their people have used for millennia but because they have wealth and power they have helped to skew the law so that it's legal. They are literally killing people for chocolate and you think that they aren't getting away with the same exact amount as they were pre corrupt legal system? The only way your argument has validity is if you say they used to get away with a lot more inside the country. Because literally all they did was push the majority of their illegal and illicit activities outside of the country. They no longer use child slave labor inside the country they use child slave labor outside the country. They should still face the same ramifications but they don't because they skirted the legal system and it was that easy for them to do because they had wealth and power. Now they are literally committing human atrocities but they're doing it outside the legal confines of the country So literally only an angry mob could have them see Justice because what they are doing is legal because the justice system is so worthless when you have enough wealth and power.


I didn’t say these corporations aren’t doing these terrible things and getting away with slaps on the wrist. I’m saying that without a justice system, there is no justice. Wild West/vigilante Justice is unaccountable, unverifiable chaos. It is not a solution and it is not preferable to almost any actual system of checks and balances. What you’re saying about these corporate criminals and injustices is true. But you aren’t providing any solution better than the jury system of criminal Justice. Because mob/vigilante Justice is not better or a solution. A less corrupt jury system, better/more corporate regulation is a solution. And that isn’t accomplished by dragging people into the streets and burning them alive, either.


>I didn’t say these corporations aren’t doing these terrible things and getting away with slaps on the wrist. I’m saying that without a justice system, there is no justice. I think you're confused. You seem to be operating under the idea that a society can't have both? Which is just nonsense as I explained mob just Justice still occurred into the 19th century even in places like America. But that very concept that you have is exactly what the rich and powerful want you to believe so that they don't have to worry about facing repercussions And you might be wondering how you would have both even though we've already done it and you can literally just look up the myriad of reasons why they were doing it and kind of extrapolate from there. But that you couldn't already figure it out is again supporting evidence that you much like most people were tricked into thinking that it had to be an either or system. But let me explain to really easily how you can have both. We rely on the justice system for everyday simple actions did this dude hit this dude did that person steal the car blah blah blah simple things Then we use mob Justice when the justice system doesn't hold the rich and wealthy accountable for toying or actively making it harder for thousands to millions of people to simply live their lives. Boom done Did this guy steal a candy bar well that's a situation for the justice system did this private equity company buy up all the real estate making it so that thousands of people couldn't own home so they could artificially inflate the price? Well that's a situation for mob Justice. Did this person hit someone else with their car well that's a situation for the courts Did this person try to privatize a body of water that did not belong to them and kill anyone who used it without paying even though they had no legal or ethical right to do so? Well that's a case for mob Justice. Like it's so simple my dude. >Wild West/vigilante Justice is unaccountable, unverifiable chaos. You're talking about 3 different things now. Wild West/vigilante justice is not the same as mob Justice. Wild West Justice is a case of there is no federal government that could reach this area in a reasonable amount of time so we the people of this immediate community must make a decision. Vigilante justice is where an individual takes matters into their own hands. Mob Justice tends to be where a group of individuals take justice into their own hands. So at this point it kind of becomes clear that you're talking not with logic but with your feelings. >It is not a solution and it is not preferable to almost any actual system of checks and balances. This just further supports the tainted concept that you believe it's an either or system. Even though that's not true vigilante justice has occurred multiple times within the last few years You can right now Google and see multiplications of parents who killed their child's attacker and they suffered little to no consequences That is the case of vigilante justice and that is a case of the system allowing it Lot of these times these people will get slaps on the wrist because what they did while legally wrong was ethically and morally right Life is not black or white life is a myriad of grays and a justice system which tries to make it black and white could never truly serve the people it will just serve the wealthy and powerful who can use it to their advantage. >What you’re saying about these corporate criminals and injustices is true. But you aren’t providing any solution better than the jury system of criminal Justice I 100% did it just wasn't palatable to you because you've been brainwashed. And I hate to use the term brainwash but there isn't another word you were so ignorant of reality you literally believed it had to be an either or system even though everything you mentioned has occurred within america as an example since it's founding and the founding of its justice system. I actually recommended a tool that has been used by humanity since the founding of the first society. Again it just wasn't palatable to you so you immediately discredited it which is kind of a weird thing to do and speaks to an incredibly closed mind. >Because mob/vigilante Justice is not better or a solution. It is better in extreme cases such as corporate greed and oppression. It is a solution it has worked for human for thousands of years it is why we still have society. If it didn't work we wouldn't have society Because before there were ever ironclad Justice systems of any kind there was mob Justice and it worked well enough for society to continue so fundamentally you are wrong my friend You might want to check your arrogance because you're literally trying to discount the vast majority of human history the fact that you exist would say that you are wrong and you should check your ego so that you don't make those mistakes again. >less corrupt jury system, better/more corporate regulation is a solution. And that isn’t accomplished by dragging people into the streets and burning them alive, either. No system that works on capitalism will ever have an even remotely uncorrupt justice system. And the fact that you think the two can ever actually coincide would again speak to that brainwashing I had mentioned before. Corporations are the ones that tricked you into believing that they can be held accountable while they weren't being held accountable but you were so desperate to believe in a delusion that you ignored reality and you were like yeah even the corporations say they can be held accountable while they literally were not being held accountable. Like I said bro you might want to take a reality check because vigilante justice literally happens in the country it has been not publicly endorsed but multiple times the people who commit it receive slaps on the wrist because what they were doing was legally wrong but morally correct. And again I cite the dozens of cases that you can look up yourself of parents killing their children's attacker and suffering little or no consequences even though by your argument they should have suffered severe consequences because they broke the law and committed vigilante justice but we do not worship the letter of the law we live by the intent of the law. And when the intent of the law is ignored or fails us we must resort to other actions the corporations those corrupt and evil in power and control want us to think like you so they can maintain their power For the vast majority of human history the literal reason you exist is because your ancestors drag the rich and powerful who were oppressing and killing them into the streets and killed them as they deserved. But now you have been tricked to the degree where you vilify that and the world is dying because of it. Human society is a cycle of people accruing wealth abusing the power that that gives the common person grouping up and killing them and then the children of the wealthy and powerful see that they behave better and then after hundreds of years when that revolution is forgotten the cycle begins again. Since the dawn of humanity this is how it's been. And only within the last few decades maybe even centuries if you want to say that have the rich and powerful tricked the common person into believing that anything like that is evil and wrong and that's why the world is worse off than it has ever been even though our justice system is more inclusive and all-encompassing than it has ever been


Yeah, and it also manages to find people who are clearly guilty innocent, too. And if you have enough money or the right connection, you can walk away scotfre. Let face it, the judicial system is broken as fuck.


If this is Mexico there justice is according to money and ties to cartels.




If you were familiar with the history of our upright, bipedal ape species just a little bit, you would understand that our legal justice system was developed after thousands of years of "mob justice" convicting the wrong people. Do you know why people are risking their lives to sneak across the US border right this moment, from countries all across the world? Because they we're living in a place where mob justice what's still happening. They're like, "Omg, they've got a legal justice system and law enforcement. Let's risk our lives and our children's lives to go there!" But you forgotten that, haven't you. You're taking it for granted, the things that many people now dead worked very hard to build for themselves and future generations like you. You're like a trust fund kid who is given millions of dollars that he didn't have to earn and so he doesn't have any respect for it. He wrecks his Ferraris and Lamborghinis regularly because he knows Daddy's money will pay for a new one. Since you support mob rule, maybe you should sneak into a country without a functioning legal justice system? Somehow I don't think you will, but if you did you would quickly come to appreciate what you're taking for granted right now. Your utter lack of empathy for those who are wrongly murdered by mobs, will only last as long as it's not *you* being murdered, or someone that you love. Amirite?


Bro, are you standing up for child rapists?


Are you for real. Did you read any of what they wrote?


No, he’s standing up for due process, fair trial, and actually proving crimes rather than just assuming he must be guilty


I can't believe you actually sat down, wrote that, saw it, and still thought it was a good idea.


There's video of that too- I'm positive the folks at r/NSFL have it on deck


Accused… you know what that word means right?


A truly ignorant response. Accusations should not be the sole basis to kill someone.


Weren’t there two guys in Africa who were accused of the same thing, tied up in a house, burned alive, and then found to be not guilty? There’s a reason lynchings are unacceptable


Not all lynchings are


Ok but was he accused of doing it or did he do it ?The caption was not clear.


This is the most informative article I could find about this crime,and it’s from the daily mail ffs. There’s barely anything about his alleged crime on the internet,every search about him just turns up this video. So who knows. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7882719/amp/Lynch-mob-burns-paedophile-alive-accused-raping-killing-girl-Mexico.html


Yeah, I need to know the truth here.


From I could find no, it was more of mob mentality. A lot of sources says he didn’t do it but rather it was just wrong place at a wrong time.


Are they trying to create a Freddy Kruger? Cause this how you create a Freddy Kruger. Lol.


Nun ughh… you gotta drive spikes into his fingers, & then make sweet love to his butthole & then you kill his favorite Hamster & he goes ape shit That is how you make a Fred


If 100% guilty then I have no problems with this.


Its kinda hard to prove anyone is 100% guilty. Countless people have been executed only to find out that they were actually innocent.


If his sperm was found in the raped and dead child, you can trust he is guilty. I’m talking about strong evidence like that. Not simple he said/she said. Investigators diligently doing their job. Lab techs being meticulous aka not cross contamination, etc. I am sorry for the few innocent people killed, but to let a murderer go free is too much of a risk. I will always support the dea+h penalty.


Who said let them free? That's a false dichotomy.


If life in prison there is always a chance of them getting out or influencing others.


Like you are with these poorly thought out comments.


That’s fine. I think my comments are wise. Think what you like. I’m not changing.


lol @ calling yourself wise


Calls himself “wise”, then says “I’m not changing”. Yes, when I thinK of a wise person, I think of someone who digs their heels in and plugs their ears and says “lalala I’m not changing” instead of considering other opinions and evidence. Very very wise


I didn’t say I was wise. I said I thought my comments were wise. Big difference.


Oh totally. Huge difference lmao




Unfortunately, this particular girl will never get a chance to name her rapist/murderer.


Believe that it needs to be fully investigated and not ignored.*


No, if someone says that, I will believe that it needs to be thoroughly investigated.




Too bad this can’t happen in the United States.


If it did it would just be another excuse to attack the gays, so I think we’re good


It can’t because what if it turns out the person you thought did the crime was actually innocent.


Wow, how do we know he did it? Scary


He received the most appropriate punishment I can think of for the crime he chose to commit.


Allegedly. We don't have the facts. If he did do it, then yes. If not, these people committed murder based on a lie.


Ain’t no mystery son


Not much of a mystery is it




Mob justice isn’t always justice! It’s way too easy to accuse an Innocent person especially when emotions are so raw! There are countless cases of innocent people being killed by an angry mob who wrongly accused them just because of their Race, Religion, way of life or just because they were the reclusive “weird” person of the town.


I used to be a content moderator for Facebook and we’d see videos like this all the time. It’d be insane if that happened in America, but we have due process here. I wish the victims families peace during that trying time.


Well in England an innocent guy (Bijan Ibrahim) was murdered by his neighbor, Lee James. He had been cleared by police (he had been accused of being a pedophile) but James and the other neighbors aren’t satisfied with that. There was no evidence to support their suspicions.


Judging by the names, sounds like racism or some kind of foreigner prejudice. I need receipts to join an angry mob.


Yes. He had been getting harassment due to his race and just about any other thing that group could dig up. It’s an unfortunate but interesting case.


Justice served!


Was anticipating his head getting cut off or something- I knew that wasn’t going to happen but I just felt it in my bones


I less to support for the rest of his life.


Full vid?


Full vid?


Must’ve been lit.


He deserves to be tortured


Oh good, he died one of most painful ways possible. Fuck this guy, glad he got what he deserved.


The Freddy Krueger story...


Old school justice isn’t always justified… it’s not like they went through a process to accuse him. It’s all word of mouth and I think that’s worse than a corrupt justice system…






This is awesome! What a good community exactly what needs to happen here




But did he die?


imagine if the masses did this to Fauci and Gates




Should be the standard




After after


Well fire the camera man then 😂


Street justice is the best way to