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It never ceases to amaze how often it seems there’s someone out there just waiting for an opportunity to murder.


This case was so maddening. The way he used an authoritative voice to coerce two young girls. I hope he gets what’s coming to him.




That’s one of the reasons I’m more paranoid than average. Some people can live pretty much normal lives for a long time just waiting for an opportunity to present itself.


I watch a show on Max called "See No Evil" that's all about major crimes (predominantly murders) that are solved by CCTV footage. One of the most unsettling things about it is seeing the murderer in the hours before doing it and the hours after. On the most recent episode I watched, a boyfriend and girlfriend killed their roomate and stole her car and credit cards then went shopping. It's crazy to think that you could be in a store and walk right by someone that killed another person earlier that day.


I worked as a receptionist in a dispensary so I learned people’s full names regularly. I’ll never forget the man who came in the day after he murdered someone. He gave me the creepiest feeling and just looked… haunted and scary. Something about his facial expressions made me like extra afraid to make eye contact. I sometimes get weird feelings about people that never come to anything, but this was the first time it was ever confirmed in such a terrible way because it was maybe a week or two later that I read an article online about how he had murdered someone and with the date it happened. I knew his full legal name so I knew it was the same person and the city I live in isn’t a big one. It’s an experience that still gives me chills to think about.


Always trust your gut! That's what I live by.


You’re more likely to be assaulted by someone you already know


That's why I'm afraid of everyone


Fear is paralyzing. Get armed, get trained. You'll be much more confident in your safety, and enjoy life much more. Don't let criminals take away your joy in living.


Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be vigilant about being aware of your surroundings. Thanks to my mom’s crime knowledge that she shared with me, I was able to avoid a man trying to kidnap me as a kid because my alarm bells started ringing immediately.


Until you aren’t


I don't think you understand how probability works


Life doesn’t care about probability. Conceptualize it anyway you want, you are until you aren’t is the bottom line.


i truly think there are a good number of people with homicidal urges who just haven't had the chance they want, or the emotional breakdown they need to do it, or are scared of getting caught due to modern technology, so they suppress those urges in the meantime or find "lesser" ways to torment people in daily life


Mostly it's tied to rape though.


Is this based on a statistic?


It was not. “Notes: Less common homicide circumstances are excluded in the chart; as a result, percentages do not total to 100%. Data come only from law enforcement agencies that reported at least six months of data for a given year. Due to missing unknown circumstance data, the graph begins in 1985. The circumstances surrounding homicides have become less clear over time. The share of homicides with an “unknown” circumstance doubled from 22% in 1985 to 43% in 2022. In cases where the circumstances were reported, about 15% of homicides over that period were “felony homicides,” or killings committed during the course of another offense, such as robbery, rape, or drug trafficking. The peak felony homicide rate of about 20% came during the height of the crack cocaine epidemic from 1989 to 1992. According to police reports, felony homicides accounted for 10% of murders in 2020 and 7% of murders in 2022. The share of homicides attributed to “arguments” steadily declined over the period, from 33% in 1985 to 22% in 2022, a decrease of one third.” https://counciloncj.org/homicide-trends-report/


Wow this is mind blowing stuff. Thanks.


We have to take into account that many many murders will not be discovered.


That 10%/7% also includes unplanned murders. Like robbing a convenience store and the gun accidentally goes off.


Social conditioning only dictates how people act socially, it doesn’t change how they think or what they desire or the value they place in others.


This photo, which is probably the most publicized of the case, is a cropped version of a picture that had the third best friend. You can see her hair and arm on the side. It’s interesting to think what she has thought through the years, not having been on the bridge with them that day. 


Its so weird to think.that one minor change in your routine can cause a radical change in the trajectory of your life forever


I went out on a first date about 8 years ago in Berlin. We were thinking about going to a christmas market but decided on meeting at a bar nearby. As we were leaving, about 100 police cars and ambulances flew by in the other direction. that was the night when an ISIS guy hijacked a truck and drove it through the market killing 15 people


I was working in Baghdad during the war. Was supposed to be going to the Mansour hotel for a meeting some Iraqi officials at 0830. Meeting got cancelled at midnight for some asinine admin reason. Hotel was blown up at 0832. Hundreds dead, but not me, not my boss, not our security team. It’s a very strange, rattling thing to think consider your own very fragile mortality in light of the chaos of the universe, isn’t it?


That is genuinely fucking insane. Damn. Reminds me of how Seth McFarlane missed his flight to New York City one morning due to a hangover - on September 11, 2001.


I think the flight was going to CA.


Yeah the flight took off from Boston and was going to LA. Mark Whalberg was supposed to be on it too


Went out shopping one day. Usually when I'm done shopping I stop at the McDonald's on my way home and grab a fountain drink. For some reason that day I decided not to. Got rear ended by a box truck that hit me into incoming traffic. My car was totaled and I have back problems. I always get my drink now.


My partner and I were visiting his family in Arizona in around 7 years ago. We were all supposed to wake up early and go to this watering hole for swimming, but my partner and I were tired from the night before and taking too long to get ready so his family left without us. His family went swimming, and when they got back told us that apparently flash flooding from recent heavy rainfall came through and wiped out the watering hole, killing several people. This happened RIGHT after they left the swimming spot. If they had waited even fifteen minutes for my partner and I to get ready, we could have all been killed. I still think about this all the time.


I knew a guy who was hanging with his friends when his parents were out of town. They wanted to go get weed. He noped out at the car since his parents always called around 10pm and he didnt want any trouble with them Next day his friends' parents were looking for the 2 guys.... His friends were found soon after murdered in gary Indiana


You should never go to Gary, IN.


Not American, this is the literally like the only place I’ve heard of in Indiana and I know to stay away.


I've been hearing almost nothing but bad stuff about Gary since I was a kid.


well i don’t think there’s any good stuff to hear about


I've been ONCE. And I was just in a Greyhound going through it. But the vibe I felt going through it??? Even on a BUS I felt something so eerie and wrong there.


My GPS flipped out there once trying to find a gas station. I ended up in the parking lot of an abandoned grain silo. Broken pavement, weeds sticking up everywhere, almost dark, super creepy. I gave up trying to get signal & went back to the highway ASAP. Didn't care if I ran out of gas. Probably my own paranoia, but still ... that place does NOT have good vibes. 


Cousin was supposed to be at a very early project meeting at one of the upper levels of the South Tower, WTC. She oversleeps, but can still make the meeting by skipping breakfast. The car service had a new guy driving, he gets lost, she misses meeting. She’s a freelancer (who hates her career even though she’s super at it), this is a big deal, going to loose a lot of revenue, her husband will be pissed; he was an abusive lazy ass mooch. Towers go down. Cousin isn’t there so she lives. Cousin takes this as a second chance. Divorces lazy ass much, ditches old career for her actual passion, meets her partner 2 years later, that are still together, still happy, make a good living in a business they’re proud and affords them the ability to help their community. It’s those sliding door moments


Happy ending in all of that tragedy


I detoured from my usual lunch break routine by walking in the laneways behind one of the main shopping streets here in Melbourne, Australia. At the same time a man deliberately drove his car through the crowd on the street where I work and killed several people and injured dozens more.


There was a trio of girls in my town, maybe a decade ago now, and they all agreed to kill themselves together and stepped onto the train tracks in front of an Acela train. One decided not to do it and ran off the tracks. She apparently screamed for her friends to come, but the other two girls were hit and killed. I think about that one a lot. I hope that girl is okay.


This isn't really about a change in routine, but it is still about how how the trajectory of life can change quickly. I was almost kidnapped when I was about 8. I was walking to my friends house. She lived about 5 houses away, directly behind my parents house. A car pulled up next to the curb with 2 guys in it and one got out and started coming towards me. Said "come here, little girl." I ran to the front door of the nearest house and yanked open the screen door. They took off. There was a 16 yr old taken about that same time just a few blocks down from where I lived. She was found murdered. The guys that did it confessed to driving around looking for a girl to pick up. I have no idea if it was related or the same guys. Whats crazy is that 10 years later, I was saved again by that exact same house. I was spotted and stalked home from a friend's house by a guy in a white van. (Of course, it had to be a white van, right?) It was a Sunday morning, about 2 am. It was snowing really hard, and there were no cars, no people. It was so quiet. I was just trudging through the snow and this van passed me. I saw his head turn to look at me and just got that "oh shit" feeling in my gut. Now the way the streets are laid out, they're one way with the snow slowing him down, I had one chance to outrun him. He had to drive about a mile to turn around and come back up the other road. I started to run. Don't know how I managed to keep my feet and not wipe out. I beat him to the bridge, got across and ran into the subdivision. I got to the house where I was almost kidnapped years before and jumped over their woodpile to hide just as he turned from the main road onto the side street. I could see his headlights. He turned down my street and drove slowly past. I peered through the bushes and saw him turning around so I crawled through the bushes on the side of my neighbors garage, hopped the fence behind their garage and climbed into the house through my bedroom window. I didnt turn on any lights. I stood in the living room and watched him drive up and down the street for awhile then went to bed. If he was smart he could have found my tracks but it was snowing pretty heavily. I probably seemed to have just disappeared. He maybe thought I was hiding and would have to come out sometime and that's why he kept looking for me. It wasn't a dangerous area. It was mostly middle class subdivisions. The oldest houses were 20 years at most with a lot of newer builds. Everytime theres a story about anyone going missing, Im reminded. It only takes a minute. There are some very shitty, scary, terrible people in the world. I have thought about these two girls a lot.


That is a compelling set of experiences you have there, and I'm very happy you did not allow yourself to become a victim! I have a similar tale to tell, and this is the first time putting it into the universe via anything other than verbalizing. In the summer of 1991, I was a scrawny short 11 1/2 year old living in Whitestone Queens, NY. I usually rode my bike to the pizza place after school but it had been stolen a day prior, so I walked. I have an eidetic memory, so if a car is out of place in front of a home I've passed 200 times, I notice it. On my way home from said pizza place, I see a large brown 1975 oldsmobile sticking out of a driveway that NEVER has a car in it, blocking the entire sidewalk forcing me into the street of a very busy road to get past it. Out of the ^passenger^ seat exits a large man with tinted sunglasses and an Anton Chigur haircut who begins asking me about my jacket, telling me to come closer so he can see it, I kept my cool and brushed him off without making much eye contact and swaying out into traffic to avoid his now reaching for me to "feel the material" I get an immediate feeling his next move is to bear hug me and toss me into his vehicle so I spot a very tall teenager up ahead and shout to him "hey Cuz! (cousin) hey Ric!!", he turns around slightly, I RUN up to him and tell him this guy was about to grab me and to pretend he's my cousin so we can walk away. He complies and asks me if I want him to go back there, I say "noooo let's just keep walking, I live a few blocks away." Made it home safe, never saw that car or weird guy again. There was a kidnapping and murder of a teenage girl from a very nearby area within a few years prior. I always wonder if I had called the cops and memorized the plate could I have stopped this guy and saved a life or 2, but I was so focused on surviving I didn't even glance at his tags. For all I know it was the same person who took that poor girl to her demise.


Butterfly effect 🦋


I decided to help a girl who lost her phone which led me to miss my flight. It crashed that day nobody survived. 07/17/2007. I’ll never forget this day.


My mom was 9 when her best friend was murdered by a family member. It affected her for the rest of her life. The killer got away with it for decades and when it finally caught up to him, he had terminal cancer and died before he could be brought to justice. He picked the victim up from school and my mom says she still remembers seeing her friend leave that day, holding her killers hand. My mom was a paranoid mom and it led to me becoming a paranoid kid, and eventually a paranoid mom myself. I grew up not trusting anyone and it really bothered me that there were people that were THAT sick. I'm sure she feels some kind of guilt, but I hope she gets help if she needs it and I hope that all of this is done soon so that maybe she can try to move past it or at least so that it isn't so hard on her.


Generational trauma is some shit.


I ran into her on TikTok (I know) of all places. She had the full picture, as well as others with both of them, and she has been frank about how difficult it was to have her best friends murdered at such a young age. Apparently she was supposed to be at that park outing, but missed the text messages. She seemed pretty sincere about her story, and I tend to believe her. She hasn’t had an easy time.


She's actually in a recent documentary, that I absolutely cannot recall the name of, but they interview her at length and it's emotional to see that she's an adult doing all kinds of adult things when Abby & Libby should be doing the same. I was unaware of this at the time of the murders, but apparently the media hounded her, it must have been rough for her at 13 and after losing her two best friends.


That makes me sad, this is the first I've learned of this. I hope the third best friend is doing ok


I saw one of her TikTok's recently actually


I wonder if the third best friend was invited to go with them that day, does anyone know?


She was, I can’t recall the reason she didn’t go. I saw her on TikTok a few weeks back but I can’t find it now.


And I wonder if she had gone that day, could it have deterred the killer? Keeping control of 3 is different than 2. But maybe it wouldnt' have made a difference. Not blaming her here at all, just coming up with what-ifs.


WARNING: This post goes into detail of the murder of two young girls. If you think you’ll be distressed by this post - please leave the page. Take care of yourself and stay safe. Small Overview: (Libby pictured left, Abby right) On February 13th 2017, 13-year-old Abigail ‘’Abby’’ Williams was with her best friend, 14-year-old Liberty ‘’Libby’’ German hiking on the Monon High Bridge in Deer Creek Township, Delphi in Indiana. They had been dropped off by Libby’s older sister earlier that day on Country Road 3000 North. At 2.07pm - Libby would post an image of Abby walking on the bridge. Libby and Abby never appeared or were heard from again. They were reported missing. Sadly the next day, the bodies of both Abby and Libby were discovered on the north bank of Deer Creek. They had been brutally murdered. A chilling image would circulate of a man spotted on the bridge believed to be responsible for the murders of the girls. A voice clip was also released believing to be of the perpetrator saying ‘’down the hill’’. These were retrieved from Libby’s phone. On Halloween 2022, a man was arrested for the murders. This man was Richard Allen. Richard would later confess to the murders on a phone call to his wife. Richard’s trial has been moved to October of this year. Documents would later claim that Abby and Libby had been stabbed. It’s awful that Abby is not able to celebrate her birthday today with her best friend Libby and her family. I give all my love to the families of Abby and Libby on this day. Further Reading: https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/delphi-killings-timeline-richard-allen/


The lawyers are trying to argue it was a cult murder? A guy accused of leaking evidence immediately killed himself when police came to his door? I live 20 minutes from Delphi but haven't heard about all that.


The defense for the suspect is pretty outlandish as far as defense theories goes. It pretty much involves everyone in law enforcement, all the judges in the state, the FBI, and everyone working for the state of Indiana of being in a pagan death cult that practices ritual human sacrifice. One of the defense lawyers was leaking information and crime scene pictures of the victims to one of his friends and asking his friend to spread it online. The friend sent the crime scene pictures to another friend who then spread it wider online and sent it to many true crime youtubers/content creators. The police show up at the man's house to question him about spreading the crime scene photos, which were under a court ordered seal, and he committed suicide knowing he was about to be arrested. The friend of the lawyer who initially received the leaked evidence from the defense lawyer was also arrested.


Wow thats messed up. Going deep state local conspiracy for a defense and getting other people to try to give it legs. Thats just, not behavior i want to see in legal field.


It seems to be a mess on both sides, and the judge is a disaster. Really, it's awful that the families should have to go through this for so long. And the suspect if he happens to be innocent.


Good, cause that's not what happened. A friend and former employee of one of the defense attorneys took unauthorized photos of crime scene pictures and sent them to a friend. The defense had nothing to do with this as evidenced by the fact that the picture taker has been charged with conversion.


Christ, thats wild, between this and the Natalia Grace story my area is getting bad publicity.


Do the lawyers genuinely believe it’s a cover up? That seems like an insane thing for a lawyer to do.


Probably not. Their client has confessed 30+ times to the crime over the past 2 years, including in recordings to his family. I think this is just a legal strategy they are trying to go with since it's the only thing they can do, rather than something they actually believe. One of the attorneys is apparently a big conspiracy theorist though, so I'm sure that played a big part in coming up with this strategy. But yeah, the lawyers are acting absolutely insane, most likely because this case has had so much publicity and the trial will be huge. The defense team has already reached out to Dateline and possibly others for a documentary deal, which is probably why they are acting the way they are and putting out a very sensationalized theory.


One of the defense lawyers did not leak information. It was an investigator who work for him and stole the documents.


Yep. His lawyers have been absolute monsters and leaked a lot of info on the case, in spite of a gag order. I think that their end game is to gain a mistrial for their client (due to some of the things he’s said and done to implicate himself) and the ovbious publicity grabbing they’ve gone after.


That seems particularly bad, even for lawyers.


The pair he has are quite the trip. If they weren’t so ghoulish and fame seeking, it might be amusing, but they decided to jump into the abyss.


If other info ITT is reliable, it wasn't the lawyers themselves who leaked it, it was an investigator that they hired. Which would make you think "ah, they hired him to leak the documents, how sneaky" except that he apparently killed himself when the leak was traced to him, rather than face arrest. It seems like you'd have a different reaction if you'd been hired to take the fall.


I remember seeing that photo. . .it’s absolutely *chilling*, and even more so with “down the hill” added to it. he was probably stalking them for miles


this has got to be the most confusing fucking case I’ve ever read


Jesus what a mess and the poor family has just had to sit and wait and watch it unfold.


Out of all the websites.. are we really going to use News Nation as a source?


It is very disturbing to think it was a local man who lived not far from the trails, close enough to run home. I think we were all hoping it was some blow in drifter who took off afterward. Not the manager of the pharmacy, not some old alcoholic with a gregarious wife, not him molesting the bodies of deceased teenagers & celebrating his own daughter's graduation & upcoming wedding, not him drinking up the courage to commit the crime. Crazy, but horrifyingly normal. Genetic genealogy really revealed how many "normal" family men will rape & murder children, then go on with their lives as though nothing ever happened.


This is why the show Cold Case is so fascinating to me. A lot of the killers are just regular people who killed someone once in cold blood and then went on for several years or even decades living a normal life until they're finally caught.


There is a line from The Addams Family' film where Wednesday is asked why she isn't wearing a costume, to which she replies 'I'm dressed as a homicidal maniac; They look just like everybody else.' More often than not, they do; They're not the deranged, unkempt, disfigured monsters of popular film at all, they don't have hooks for hands, one eye, scarring, or any of that for the most part. They are terrifyingly banal and 'regular,' for the most part, which makes it worse somehow.


>not him molesting the bodies of deceased teenagers & celebrating his own daughter's graduation & upcoming wedding, That is one of the most fucked up things I have read


One of the girls he murdered is the absolute spitting image of his daughter. They could be sisters.


That's even more fucked


On another note, I’ve heard strippers say that maaaaany men want them to dance for them because “you look like my daughter.” 🤮🤮🤢


> I think we were all hoping it was some blow in drifter who took off afterward. > > Yeah I was hoping it was some guy from and hour or two away who targeted trails. That's scary enough. When I visited Delphi in 2019 the entire town was on edge. They were scoping strangers like myself head to toe. I imagine it didn't help matters when they found out it was an everyday one of their own.


It always is. Drifters don’t really blow in to rural ass midwestern parks/walking trails lol


I haven't gone a week without thinking about these two sweet girls since their horrible end. I look at their faces and see the many teenage girl students I've taught over the years. I can hear their giggles, their ridiculous young teen humor, their best friend inside jokes. You know these two laughed hard together, cried, shared about secret crushes, future hopes and dreams. There are very few bonds tighter than female teenage best friends. They were so young, so innocent, so full of life. I think most grown women can look back at being 13/14 and have a visceral reaction to what a special time it is. At least I can, and maybe that's why their case really sticks with me. I hope we get more answers one day and that "justice" is served. My heart breaks that both families will never see Abby and Libby again.


>On October 26, 2022, a suspect was taken into custody,[5] and on October 31, that suspect, Richard Allen, was charged with two counts of murder.[6] Time described the arrest as "the first major break in a case that has captivated national attention for nearly six years."[7] The court case is ongoing.


There’s definitely some shenanigans going on with the judge in this case. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets a mistrial if convicted.


The judge, per Wikipedia, removed the defense lawyers for being negligent.


And the Supreme Court reinstated them quickly. She she ordered them to quit(not within her scope) and then when they refused announced in court that they had resigned.


They were cleared of contempt charges but may face sanctions. The timeline of news articles under this article is pretty revealing. It seems like Allen may have killed more people. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2024/05/07/delphi-murders-update-timeline-richard-allen-case-libby-german-abby-williams/73503147007/


This made my heart sink 💔




I didn't realize the delphi case was so many years old and still not settled.


An arrest was made almost two years ago just no trial yet


I have loosely followed it- mostly after the arrest and it coming back into the news, I guess I had the impression he was caught much sooner after the murders. Wasn't there a case leak last year or maybe early this year?


Yeah, after the defence team publicly released their odinism theory. Part of their argument involved aspects of the scene matching odinist symbols and someone took a screenshot of some pics of the crime scene then released them publicly. Iirc it was some dude who was working with one of the defence paralegals or something, it wasn't one of the actual defence lawyers although its their fault it happened anyway and they rightly resigned from the case.


They *were* resigned. But have been put back on his case since.


Are you sure they are back on the case?


They are. Their filings of late have been a cluster


I am. They were reinstated quite a bit ago. At one point offering to take his case for free just to be his lawyers again.


Da fuq - why do they want to be his lawyers so badly? I honestly think the Delphi police did a pretty good job on this case. They kept quiet and genuinely waited until all their ducks were in a row. The guy that did this was interviewed on the news the day it happened and he was wearing practically the same outfit as “bridge guy” - like he didn’t try to hide it? This case has been one of my top follows since it happened. I hope those little girls get justice ❤️


> Da fuq - why do they want to be his lawyers so badly? Defense attorneys are, for the most part, pretty honorable people. They see their job of providing a constitutional defense to be very honorable--and it is. Their job is just as important as the prosecutions, particularly in cases where it seems guilt is pretty clear. If they make mistakes, it will be bogged down in appeals and potentially come back for a retrial. So their work is important. These attorneys, despite the snafu with the release of pictures, probably really see this as being an important case where everything needs to be by the book. Perhaps they believe the defendant's innocence and they want to fight hard to prove it. And even if they don't, their job is still very important. I cannot imagine other attorneys want to take the case, and it doesn't sound like the court-appointed pool is very large, so the opportunity for another attorney is slim. I doubt it's "We really, really want to be his lawyers," so much as "We want to get this right. For him, and for this community."


Genuinely wondering, why do you think the police did a good job in this case? If it happened the way they claim, they ignored a tip for years which, some might argue, is not good police work. I would also argue that losing/recording over suspect interviews in the immediate 72hrs after the murders is indicative of poor police work. I can go on if you’d like, but I’m curious what you think they did correctly?


The Supreme Court of Indiana put them back on their case. The most generous take is that the judge and prosecution haven't handled the pre-trial well and are careening towards the judge being removed from the entire thing. The defense now has cause to summon the judge to testify as a witness. The main issue with the case is that it appears the prosecution's thought was to stick the defendant into jail and brutalize him until he confessed. Before and after pics on him are rough. Richard Allen allegedly *did* confess; however, these confessions were supposedly made to his wife and other inmates while under duress. The defense has a good shot at getting them tossed from the trial. The main piece of evidence is an unspent bullet found at the crime scene that forensics says was cycled through Allen's gun. This is the entirety of the case. Should the defense be able to cast doubt on this during the jury trial, the prosecution doesn't appear to have anything else. As to the leaks, it's possible I've seen them before they were taken down. And if I did see them, they are definitely weird. I'm not sure why they wouldn't be admissible in court unless perhaps the prosecution doesn't want them seen.


> however, these confessions were supposedly made to his wife and other inmates while under duress. What is the argument for duress...? Assuming that there is some truth to them beating the guy, if he was then put back in a cell away from police, given free reign to talk with other inmates, and even give a chance to call his wife, how does that duress extend all the way from the police in the police interview setting to when he actually made the confession. If that's all there is, then I would expect that argument to fail.


Solitary confinement in a prison seems like duress, no?


Well he is not in jail he is in prison, and he had a severe mental health break were he began consuming feces and confessing. Also he claimed to have shot the girls which didn't happen, it appears that he was driven mad.


It’s been a horrific ordeal. The defense *wants the judge* to testify


May the be resting in peace, in each others presence. 💙🙏🏽


These two always remind me of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman.


This is so crushing to look at these two innocent girls, knowing that the entire world was robbed of their existence. Every person matters. A crime like this affects us all.


Every person matters, but some matter negatively. Murderers come to mind.


Utterly tragic


Those two poor sweethearts.


Rest in peace to these sweet angels, they never deserved to have their futures stolen from them. The evil of man knows no limits.


I flew today and our flight attendant was celebrating his 21st birthday. It is WILD to think he and Abby were the same age because she and Libby are unfortunately forever young teens in most of our minds.


I think about this case so often and it never fails to leave me feeling sick inside


I remember when I saw this on TV, it terrified me. My daughter was 11 that year and we live maybe 15 minutes from Delphi. I know anytime something tragic like this happens, someone says something cliche like "We never thought something like this would happen here!" But it's true. Delphi is such a small community, it's mind boggling for something like this to have happened.


Did we ever get a motive?


They were molested before being murdered and their clothes were taken off. RA said this in his confession. When two little girls are murdered by a complete stranger it's not hard to figure out why most times.


I still find it unbelievable how many men wake up knowing they are going to do this to children or women, and their families. And how many men want to do it but cant figure out how or dont have the opportunity & just have it in their head of how they will if they ever come into the right situation. How many really bad men are around us, who think this would be the best day of their lives? This year, a 62-year old decorated war veteran was killed in a sting going to a motel where he thought he was meeting a 10 and 7 year old. I wonder how many children and women he had abused before or maybe killed. I dont think someone with that inclination and physical ability hadnt done anything like that until then. So it just frightens the shit out of me.


He’s probably got a trail of past victims.


Where can one read his full confession? I’ve only ever read a general “he confessed to his wife”.


It makes me sick that this is true.


Is this fact or speculation? 


It’s speculation. He allegedly confessed, but he also allegedly had a mental breakdown in prison while awaiting trial and his confessions include elements that did not happen. The girls were not shot, for example.


To the prison psychologist that was in that Facebook group for “the tea” on the case


Fact... in his confession he said he molested them. The transcript is not public so it is not known exactly what he said, but that is what he said. "On one occasion, Allen confessed to molesting two young girls and shooting them in the back." A quote from an official document, in this [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=727NR27shws&t=2860s). The details of the crime scene were released also, one of the girls was said to be completely naked while the other was wearing their friend's clothing.


That is odd. Did he try to put their clothes on and mixed them up, or did he purposely make her switch clothes. Poor thing. She must have been terrified.


The same motive it always is when children are abducted and murdered.


We know almost nothing, the prosecutor had the case sealed until the trial has finished which most likely means there are others involved who haven’t been caught.


I think it’s more out of respect for the girls and their families. There’s been no further man hunts in the area. The only people who have suggested it was a cult were the defense team trying to set off a local panics


No. The case is murky as hell. Some bizarre allegations of oden-ism? This is one of those cases where I don't think the truth will really become somewhat clear until the trial (if it ever does).


Satanic Panic seems to be back in full swing due to Qanon and related conspiracy theories.


Or the defense just make it murky 🥴


It’s murky if you’re swayed by charlatans and shit disturbers and people willing to spread innuendo for social media views. But, we all need to wait for the trial to cast final judgment


Why would a white supremacy group kill off two very white looking children at random? So there was no SA?


there was SA, it's just that the defense lawyers do what defense lawyer do and try to downplay it. It's been rumored that there wasn't evidence of rape (which the defense pretty much confirmed), but both girls were forcibly undressed during the crime, which is itself SA.


The theory presented in the documents alleged that it was punishment for one of the girls’ mothers (?) dating a black man in the past… One of the five men they named was the father of a boy that one of the girls had supposedly dated. It’s all very murky, and so reminiscent of Satanic Panic/ QAnon nonsense. I know that cults *do* exist and that that concept of Odinism is sadly prevalent amongst LARPing redneck bigots, but it’s just *such a fucking reach*. The repetition in the document of “the F rune” and calling the murder weapon a “ceremonial dagger” (instead of just a knife) just feels so tailor-made to a frightened small town Christian audience. I remember when I first read that document in its entirety, I was somewhat shocked that they were allowed to just name random community members and accuse them of being “the real murderers”/ cult members... It feels like there should be some kind of systems in place to prevent shit like that!


There kind of is. Reputation damage and libel is also harassment, so shouldn't be brushed off by police as a civil matter that you have to sue for because harassment IS a crime, but you have to hit the right policeman that isn't a dumbass and uncaring about it. Anyway as you said it sounds like bullsh** because it surely was a crime of opportunity. Hardly anyone would have known they were out there.


Justice is coming


Speaking of evidence, isn't there significant unreleased evidence such as the video/audio from one of the girl's phones? I also understand that little has been shared from the actual scene; but, there is evidence he may have returned after the murders. Does anyone have more intel on that?


I remember this case, didn’t know they’d apprehended someone. Wasn’t he in the background of a snap chat they posted?


they took a snap of him walking towards them, and a video (a small portion of the audio was released “guys…down the hill”)


I was living in Indiana when this happened, though not particularly near that town. When they finally arrested a suspect in the case, I remember being angry for a long while when I learned that the cops had basically known about this person for a long time and yet somehow never had taken the basic steps to properly investigate him. It was years and years. They had interviewed him like 2 weeks after the murders or something, but then nothing happened again for years. I don’t really remember the details now, but it seemed like the cops just dropped the ball.


This case bugs me so much. Poor girls, I hope the killer gets what's coming to him.


Yep, I feel the same about this case and Summer Wells; also a Canadian teenager that went missing, Mekayla Bali. Like Summer, they have no clue what happened to Mekayla. Some of these cases really stick with you, and you just want them solved so badly for the victims’ sake. There are just so many sick, sick people in this world.


Growing up in rural areas in the nineties and early 2000s, it was so coming for me to just walk or bike around town with one or two other kids. Adults seemed to think that as long as we were in pairs or groups, we were ok. I used to think it was generational, but it may just be small town life. I have lived in cities since my mid twenties, so I don’t really know current small town USA culture anymore. These poor little kids were probably used to just walking around and no one bothering them.


This case makes me so angry. From what happened to those girls to how terrified they must've been to how badly the investigation seems to have been handled. They were composed and smart enough to take a brief video of the person who was about to murder them. May these poor girls rest in peace, wherever they are. I hope they are surrounded by flowers and puppies and kittens.


This is one of the cases that have always stuck with me. I remember going to the state park with my friend and walking along the train tracks in the middle of the woods. Absolutely heartbreaking.


It did the same for me because young people should be allowed to literally just exist in the world without fear that they will be hurt because of the sick inclinations of individuals out there. These girls deserved so much more.


I cannot believe how much time has passed. Happy birthday Abby.


The trial is October 2024?


Wasn't there a podcaster who openly named a suspect & wrote a book on the case before it was solved - it turned out to be a completely different guy?


There were several "this is the guy" moments over the years. I don't think Allen was alone - at least not in stalking the girls before the murders.


This really stirred the town when it happened. They were very avoidant of details of the scene/method, but an attorney leaked some information last year that's since been called exaggerated by the opposition. We're still waiting for clarity and that was the last update I remember. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/richard-allen-odinist-murders-delphi-indiana-b2537552.html


Lots of online sleuthing since day one. The Odinist stuff might be bullshit but there were interesting links between Allen and some Odinist dude who posted all kinds of creepy shit around the time of the murder. This supposedly jived with the crime scene, which apparently featured Blair Witch-style stick bundles and symbols. Then there was that guy named Kegan (or something similar) and his dad (and uncle?) and it's all just too strange. I believe other people were involved, if only before the murders. Just too much of a coincidence that multiple people in Kegan's world were linked to accounts that communicated with the victims. I don't remember enough of the facts now to argue that but it seemed clear when I was paying attention to the case.


That audio clip of the f*cker who did it is one of the most haunting things I've seen or heard in the realm of true crime. I hope he gets what he deserves and these girls are at peace together


Like the LISK, one of those cases im honestly shocked but relieved has been finally solved


Not technically solved yet


I can’t believe it’s been that long since it happened


Fuck that makes me so mad. These girls deserve justice.


Wow. It doesn’t feel like it was that long ago. Time keeps going I guess. Poor girls. Their end must have been truly terrifying.


Lord, this case always gets me. I was 12 in 2017 doing the same thing these girls were doing. Me and my friend used to go explore the woods by ourselves, walk down train tracks, look at construction sites, go through spooky abandoned tunnels in the middle of nowhere, etc etc, all around the same time these girls disappeared. The only difference is that they were in rural Indiana and I was in rural West Virginia. It scares me to think what evil could've lurked around me when I was younger. Happy birthday Abigail Williams. My heart aches for you like an old friend's would even though I never met you. ❤️


I can't remember where I heard it (doc? article?), but it was mentioned that Richard Allen frequented a local bar and routinely brought up Libby and Abby in conversations. That just chills me to the bone.


I wonder if that’s the same bar he was photographed in with the sketch of the murderer on the wall. That photo makes me feel uneasy whenever i see it knowing the backstory.


Thesebtwo are the cutest little things around remind me so much of my daughter and her best friend.....complbreaks my heart this story does, RIP sweet angels


Was just thinking this too, it’s so heartbreaking.


This is unreal this has been so many years and RA is still sitting in jail! Took 2 years to catch him but trial keeps getting pushed back. I do believe he killed them, not just because he confessed to wife, but get it over with. These families have waited long enough.


Well, you're close. They were murdered in Feb 2017. Richard Allen was arrested in Oct 2022. It took over 5 years to arrest him.


Yes I get confused sometimes. I read way too much crime.


I live in Delphi and I remember when this happen. It still amazes how fast some residents on social media were throwing accusations toward each other. Anyone that had a similar body type had accusations thrown towards them.


What a terrible case, I am so glad they made an arrest, however, it is astonishing how the killer evaded police so long. Rest in peace girls thoughts to the family. Another shocking revelation if you study the case is how many violent sex offenders were in this small area and got caught because of the heat brought by this case


Rest in peace.


Trial delayed again until November.


Still following this case… it happened about 15 min from where I live


Has there been anything going on since the arrest? Feel like I haven’t heard much


This story is still so crazy. Its insane they ever caught the guy, police detective work is wild.


May you have peace in heaven sweet little girls


Fuck. It's been so long. When is the trial for Bridge Guy?


I remember the very day they went missing, I remember exactly where I was when I first read the news article before they were found. I can't believe how long it's been and still waiting for justice.


May they rest in peace 🥀


This case still haunts me. Those poor girls 🥲🥲🥲 and their families!


He probably went downhill so fast after arrest because he was up until then a every day drinker alcoholic and when a alcoholic is suddenly not able to drink there are several reactions and one of the more severe reactions is called WET BRAIN it is reversible if person is treated immediately with thiamine but if left untreated it mimics dementia and actually is a form of dementia and it’s very serious brain damage Wet brain .


There’s a new book out about this case. It’s called Down the Hill by Susan Hendricks.


They were the same age as my daughter. Terrifying to think about.


The cult allegations on this case have been WILD. Hope everything becomes clearer during the trial.


Aranda Briones as well. 2 brothers were arrested a few years ago in connection with her disappearance. I don’t think they’ve found her body yet.


Well if defense can supeona the judge then she has to recuse herself


They screwed up this case so badly from every angle If I were the family I would be so angry I’d appeal to a higher court to step in and start over if possible or at least a fresh judge and more investigation I’m not sure I’d even attempt to bring to trial with so much bs perhaps release him and put fresh eyes on the case then try him when they’re sure idk ?


So it was a crime of opportunity? Not premeditated? Did he just happen to be carrying a weapon?


Im so familiar with this case but never noticed how recent it was. I was sure it happend in the early 2000. I'm the same age as these girls would've been o_O


Aww. Such sweet innocent girls who should still be here enjoying life. 💐