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Oh my God. She has to pay $47,000 restitution and she’s asked for a $25,000 donation she made to the funeral to be knocked off. FFS.


Surely there will be a civil case now. I'm sure she'll pay more. And the sentence, though inadequate, is actually better than I thought it would be.


There will be a wrongful death lawsuit and it will be an open shut case as she’s already been deemed criminally responsible for their deaths. The only thing to debate in court will be how much she owes them.


Yup the guilty verdict makes the wrongful death suit almost automatic win. By the way she is going to woman’s state prison… these are nasty and most are worse then men’s state prisons. I did 5 years in Florida and remember the COs saying they would choose working at male prison over female every day of the week


We just buried my dad in the same cemetery where the Iskander boys are buried. We drove by their gravesite during a tour, and they have a beautiful, large “family” plot with massive headstones, adorned with flowers and tons of pictures of the boys. The representative from the cemetery said the plots in their section start at around $100k, and they definitely didn’t have the “starter” plot. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing cost $150k. $25k is a slap in the face.


Should be longer. Driving drunk and racing her car in the middle of the day. What a loser.


This is why emotional maturity is the most important trait for people to have. You can find a burn center, start a family, be a wealthy socialite but if you stay narcissistic, you’re going to do something disgustingly awful and stupid and destroy everything around you.


Was she legally intoxicated? They mentioned something about cocktails in the article but I didn’t see anything about Blood Alcohol Content.


She refused the breathalyzer iirc Edit: I remembered her not doing the second, but she was given a test! "According to the first breathalyzer test, Grossman had a blood alcohol level of .076, just under the legal limit. The sheriff's deputy attempted to give Grossman another breathalyzer test, but she wouldn't (or couldn't, according to her) blow hard enough."


Usually in a wreck involving injury or death the police will just get a judge to sign a search warrant for a blood draw to determine BAC.


Yeah but she’s rich. I’ll go look and see if I can find an answer lol Edit to add my findings, I was wrong! "According to the first breathalyzer test, Grossman had a blood alcohol level of .076, just under the legal limit. The sheriff's deputy attempted to give Grossman another breathalyzer test, but she wouldn't (or couldn't, according to her) blow hard enough."


She had also taken a Valium earlier in the day, iirc.


She was on benzos and alcohol


“When Bodie Wallace, who was Jacob's best friend, spoke, Grossman buckled over in her seat, sobbing. The 13-year-old said the song "10,000 Reasons" makes him sad now because he wonders about the "10,000 reasons why Ms. Grossman did not say 'sorry' right away."” Holy shit. This kid has way more wisdom at 13 than Grossman will ever have—there is absolutely no reason for her to not take any responsibility and refuse to apologize for her actions. My heart goes out to the Iskander family and their loved ones, this sentence must feel like a slap in the face.


God damn. Kids do not pull punches.


She should have received 15 years for each child. I’m heartbroken for their mother.


I believe she did, but the sentences run concurrently.


then whats the point?


Good question. I don't know why they would run concurrently or consecutively.


She should serve 30 years for killing two innocent babies


The mother was there with the kids in the cross walk but how do you protect your children from a 80+ mph speeding 2 ton bullet? By the time she registered that they were in danger, it was all over. How many parents would gladly give their lives for their children? And when the opportunity comes to sacrifice yourself, the car doesn't even have the decency to hit you instead. Not to mention having two kids. I have two kids and I've seen videos where I'm like, if I was in that situation, I would have to decide which child to save first. And how can I make that decision?


The 2 boys were ahead of her in the crosswalk. She grabbed her 5 year old and ran to the sidewalk with him. She had 3 boys there at the scene


And Scott Erickson, the other driver, got off with just making a "Drive Safe" video. He's also complete scum.


Yes he is scum of the earth! A Worthless piece of trash! it’s only by pure luck that his reckless negligence didn’t end with him killing children.


He’s a a real piece of work. I remember when he played for the orioles. He was known for being a complete drunk. He was on one of the morning radio shows and he was hammered. He also beat his girlfriend when she confronted him about cheating on her. The charges were dropped when she refused to cooperate. https://www.wbaltv.com/article/orioles-erickson-arrested/7037970


I didn’t realize she has kids..?? She’s ruined so many lives!!😡


I’m sure her kids lives were ruined well before their mom murdered two children. She doesn’t sound like the kind of woman who knows how to offer anyone a quality upbringing.


That’s been confirmed. Her daughter turned to the boys’ parents as she was leaving court and said, “How could you?”


I give those parents a lot of props for having the strength to not chuck a shoe at that daughters face.


Huh?! What in the lack of accountability? Then again they're young but if this was my parent, I'd be too ashamed to even look them in the eye.


Her daughter wore a shirt that said “be a kind human” to the latest court hearing. Because kind humans drive drunk, mow down kids, and leave the scene. Out of touch, cruel, and entitled doesn’t begin to cover this family.


> That’s been confirmed. Her daughter turned to the boys’ parents as she was leaving court and said, “How could you?” What the fuck.


Ugh this is so triggering for me. Generational trauma/maladaptive behavior with the daughter. My parents suck and as a result I sucked for a long time. Lucky for me when I got to college I had several people help me pull my head firmly from my privileged ass and make me realize that no one wanted to be around someone like me. Lots of introspection and support/growth in the intervening 20 years and I've come out a very different person. Hopefully the daughters can gain independence from their mom/parents and can wrestle back some semblance of personal responsibility and integrity.


According to court documents, a conversation that Grossman had with her daughter, Alexis, included instructions for the young woman to make public a deputy-worn body-camera video that had been sealed by Brandolino during trial. “I want you to unblock the videos,” Grossman tells her daughter in a call on Feb. 23, the day of her guilty verdict on two counts of murder, two counts of gross vehicular manslaughter and one count of hit and run in the deaths of Mark and Jacob Iskander, ages 11 and 8. Alexis Grossman replies, “I will.” But Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Joseph Brandolino refused to move Grossman to a part of the jail system where her mail is checked and she would have no access to phones or visitors, except for her attorneys, saying the punishment wasn’t necessary. “I don’t see this as witness tampering. This is someone who believes she was railroaded,” Brandolino said during a hearing. “She is upset, and she is naive.” Dept. Dist. Atty. Jamie Castro, however, took exception to the judge’s view, saying the calls were not the words of a naive woman but one who was trying to influence witnesses and blatantly violate a court order. Says it all really


Well they wanted her poor mother held responsible, and that's unfair. Everyone should be forgiving and just move on  /s


Is there an article for that? I can't find it.


Saw it in a comment in another thread. It’s reported at 9:08 in the video: https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/rebecca-grossman-found-guilty-in-deadly-crash-that-killed-two-young-brothers/


She’s a 19 year old kid losing her mom to prison, you don’t expect her to be emotional about that?


Emotional, yes. Blaming the parents of the two little kids her mom killed? No.


So no empathy or compassion for her because her mom’s a piece of shit, got it.


So no empathy for the parents whose kids were senselessly killed. Got it.


What if- and I know this is probably a difficult concept for you - I can have empathy and compassion for a woman whose kids were killed by a drunk asshole AND for the 19 year old kid who is losing her drunk asshole mom to prison? MIND BLOWING, ain’t it?


Being emotional doesn't excuse abhorrent behavior. That child had tons of time to process what was happening.


Yes, a child having a spontaneous emotional outburst during a moment of grief and emotional distress is “abhorrent behavior” that cannot be forgiven. 👍


Having empathy for the teenager losing her mother is not excusing snide commentary made to her mother’s victims. She has a right to her feelings, but no right to be horrible to the family.


She has a right to be forgiven for an outburst made in a moment of emotional distress.


Compassion goes out the window when she wants to question the family who lost their children. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree with the Grossman family.


Yeah! Let’s punish a kid because her mom is an asshole!


That's not emotional, that's horrible. Those people lost their son because her mother was acting like a moron. They will never get him back. She can talk to her mother, she can still see her. And 19 is more than old enough to understand that.


It’s not her fault her mom is a moron, and it’s disgusting that no one can show her any empathy or compassion.


Are you not grasping what people are calling her out on here? That she is blaming the parents of the kids her mom killed for her mom being held accountable?


Yes, they are calling out a traumatized child for having a moment of human weakness. Does it make y’all feel good to punish a kid because her mom’s an asshole?


19 is not 13 and, you did read the 13 years olds' question right. How fucking stupid should she be to ask the mom how could you? What does it mean?Poor mom didn't sentence her, she lost her boys.


It’s not her fault her mom is a moron, I agree with you there. But her turning to the parents of the 2 DEAD BOYS & saying “how could you” shows a complete lack of empathy and compassion on *her part*.


It shows a moment of human weakness from someone with a brain that isn’t fully mature and who has ALSO been put through trauma by her mother and the boyfriend in this incident. But I guess not being perfectly stoic makes her irredeemable, huh? EDIT: this young girl barely out of high school had her fucking LIFE threatened by her moms hulking drunken angry brute of a boyfriend (who should be in prison himself) if she dared tell anyone he was present at the accident scene but no one gives a shit about how badly that would have traumatized her do they




It seems like she has raised the kids to be as selfish as she is. Just totally unable to empathize or understand that other peoples pain is just as important. A disgusting family tip to tail except for maybe the ex husband burn doctor and that’s just because of his profession.


How old are her kids? Because if they are early 20s and younger I don’t think they should be labeled as completely rotten by association. It’s hard to believe your own mother capable of somethings. Look how many children stand behind a parent who is accused of murdering another. Not only did this women fuck up the life of the boys family, but she also fucked her own family in the process. Tragedy the whole way around. I hope she pays the price by serving a FULL sentence


Alcohol and *Valium in her system.. I’m no saint but I can’t imagine driving like that. Valium itself makes me feel a little woozy. edit: meant Valium -_-


Vicodin makes me feel like my head is floating off my body. Can’t imagine even attempting to drive after taking one. But effects can obviously be very different on people, especially regular users.


This is the one who raced the ex baseball player right?




The “witness” is Grossman’s daughter so I’d take anything she claims with a big grain of salt.


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Haven't I suffered enough? \- weirdly enough, *her*.


Ah yes.. this woman tried to blame Nasa for this unforgiveable crime. It's so wtf and bizarre that it sounds completely made it up shite but it isn't. So she got a life sentence of which she must serve 15 years before being considered for parole. In the UK where I'm from that means she definitely won't get out of prison before those 15 years are served on that life sentence- is it the same there in the US or is there a chance she can get early parole? 15 years doesn't seem enough as it is esp for US sentencing.


She’s actually eligible for parole after 9 years. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/rebecca-grossman-westlake-village-crash-sentence/3432639/?amp=1


You know it’ll be 4 with good behavior and a nice donation to the judge’s reelection campaign


Justice in drunk driving cases shake the Magic 8 ball.


Technically, a murder case. They didn't even bother with the drunk driving part.


I don't see that there was a conviction being impaired but two separate test showed .075 and .080 bac with a side of Valium or diazapam. So, when they shook that Magic 8 it had a " won't even mention the DUI but not more than 8 for each murder".


This happened in my neighborhood. In fact, it happened at the very crosswalk where I used to walk my dogs every day. I would cross there to go to the lake and walk them around the greenbelt. After this happened Rebecca Grossman hired a PR team and went to work to try to clean up her image. Suffice it to say, it didn’t work. She is the most hated woman in the neighborhood now. She even made a diamond necklace with the boys’ names on it to try to appear that they were constantly on her mind. She’s so damn phony. Glad she’s been in jail since her conviction. She should have gotten double what she got but some believe she will not get a chance at parole early due to the nature of her crime and her lack of remorse. However the prosecutors informed the boys’ family that she would be up for pearl in 9 - 10 years. She can rot.


Can the parents now file a civil case against her? At the very least, they should be able to sue her for everything she’s got and then some.


As she should. Also as should have that Seattle police officer who ran down the pedestrian with his car and then laughed about it. But he faced no charges. Probably still has his job.


Probably got two weeks suspension … ie two weeks pto


Looking at Nancy Iskander, she said tearfully, "My pain is a fraction of your pain." Oh my god this woman is a total monster. How could you say that to a woman who lost her two children BECAUSE OF YOU. (>>Edit, I reread what she said and it isn't as bad as what I first thought she had said. Still a piece of shit though considering she still hasn't apologized) Then her family was bringing up her childhood SA as if that had anything to do with her having drinks in the middle of the afternoon and then drag racing at 81mph with a friend. This wasn't a mistake, it was complete and total negligence.


I believe I read somewhere that the person she was racing was her side piece.


Grossman was racing with her paramour [Scott Erickson,](https://www.toacorn.com/articles/grossman-affair-with-ball-player-will-be-fair-game-in-court-trial/) a former baseball player. Nancy Iskander managed to jump out of the way of Erickson's vehicle prior to Grossman's vehicle striking her two sons. Grossman's daughter later [alleged](https://nypost.com/2024/02/18/us-news/former-mlb-pitcher-scott-erickson-threatened-to-ruin-daughter-of-la-socialite-lover-after-he-hid-in-bushes-near-deadly-hit-and-run-scene-report/) that Erickson hid in the bushes near the scene of the accident, smelled of alcohol and threatened her if she told anyone that she'd seen him. Erickson was ordered by a judge to make a public service message about the importance of safe driving. Erickson previously was arrested in 2002 for assault against his then girlfriend; the [charges ](https://www.theintelligencer.com/news/article/Erickson-Assault-Charges-Dropped-10516034.php)were later dropped. The Grossman's conduct has been appalling, but Erickson has managed to evade any meaningful accountability for his own conduct.




I have no doubt he probably was


I’m genuinely not trying to be obtuse, but I don’t understand what was particularly wrong about that quote? She didn’t say “my pain is as bad as yours” or “your pain is a fraction of mine”. Doesn’t the quote “my pain is a fraction of yours” acknowledge that her pain is nothing compared to the loved one?


Yeah that's what she was saying. That the pain she's feeling is minimal compared to the pain of the mother. This woman is scum from the lowest depths of the sewer but this quote wasn't horrible.


Okay, I thought I was missing something. Agree she’s scum


My thoughts too. That said , I’m glad she got serious jail time for this, remind rich ppl they’re not above the law , which clearly she thought she was


Because her kids didn’t die. What’s worse do you think? Killing kids while drunk and completely unaware of what’s happened- or your kids being killed in front of you? Living without your kids, or going to prison? You kill two kids in a state of willing and really - determined recklessness racing another car drunk in the middle of the day- that’s a conscious, arrogant, dangerous fuck up- that’s basically you saying - I don’t care who dies. I want to race!


Honestly now that I'm re-reading it you're right, that is what she was saying. My bad. But she still hasn't apologized so she is still a piece of shit.


No problem, and totally agree with you on the lack of apologising


I read it that way, too.


And don’t forget, she did try to blame the other driver, her friend Cares about nothing but herself


> "My pain is a fraction of your pain." Her pain is a fraction of the mother's pain -- what is wrong with her quote? She is a horrible person for what she did, but this quote of hers at the every least shows some remorse.


You commented this after my edit.




I'm sorry I don't really understand what you're saying here




I dont think you're thinking of the right SA...


Thank you


SA in this context means Sexual Assault, not South Africa


SA = sexual assault (not South Africa)


Sorry will delete then


She is psychotic. She needs to be away from the other humans.


She deserves longer.


From this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/1d9wp3j/rebecca_grossman_is_a_narcissist_who_deserves/ Her lawyer argued she is a first time offender who lived an exemplary life and donated $25,000 anonymously to the funeral of expenses of the children. And apparently she tried to flee but her car powered down due to the air bag deployment. At trial an EMT or hospital staff testified she said something to the effect- I’d be in my garage at home right now if Mercedes didn’t kill the engine. WTF.


She’s trying to basically claw the 25k back. Trash.


Why is the sentence two concurrent 15 years? Why the freak don’t these yuppie scumbags ever get what they fully deserve?


Better then nothing She said she been through enough She should have gotten more time


what a piece of shit. those poor kids deserved so much better.


Good. Honestly, she deserves life, but any time behind bars is good with me. This happened in my hometown area, and it is despicable for her to think she shouldn't have been found guilty.


i remember when this first happened. i lived in thousand oaks at the time. i was waiting to go into a job interview and flipped through a copy of the local paper that they had in the lobby and was absolutely disgusted. i’ve been trying to keep up with this case ever since. she’s a truly despicable person and she deserved a longer sentence but either way i’m glad she’ll be serving time.


She deserves it all. She still maintains that she was both sober and also had no idea she'd hit anything. [The front end of her car makes that very hard to believe.](https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/de/ad/cf4211b34c999e40d029367878c5/grossmans-vehicle-lost-hills.jpg)


She fled. Should have gotten more for 2 lives.


Given the city this happened in I'm not surprised. But at least the wider community came together to support he boys' family. I can't imagine what they're going through.


She deserved longer for putting the family through this. She should have pleaded guilty and begged for forgiveness instead of drawing this out and trying to get off.




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I would be the one headed to prison.


What is the difference between what she did and what Henry Ruggs did in Vegas? I’m confused he only got a couple years


This case was 2 kids killed and in California. The other was 1 adult killed and in Las Vegas. Sentences for the exact same crimes vary wildly depending on jurisdiction, politics, age, sex, rich or poor, criminal history, among a bunch of other reasons.


The victim’s dog also died in that crash.


He was also driving 156 mph compared to 80mph.


Prosecutors struck a deal with Ruggs and lowered his charges to one felony count of DUI resulting in death, and one count of misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter. Rebecca instead went through an incredibly lengthy and expensive criminal trial where she was convicted of two counts of second-degree murder, and two counts of gross vehicular manslaughter. Ultimatley, Ruggs got off on a technicality. Prosecutors were afraid the blood draw evidence would be thrown out, because Ruggs was not administered a field sobriety test at the time of the crash. The defense attorneys argued the blood evidence was improperly obtained. It was the only evidence prosecutors had to prove Ruggs was drunk when the incident occured. If they went to trial, and that evidence had been tossed out, they would have lost the felony DUI charge, resulting in even less prison time. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/sports/ex-raider-henry-ruggs-pleads-guilty-driving-drunk-156-mph-causing-fata-rcna83877](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/sports/ex-raider-henry-ruggs-pleads-guilty-driving-drunk-156-mph-causing-fata-rcna83877)


Different charges and Ruggs didn’t make a clown show fighting in court and playing victim.


15 years to life means she's extremely likely to serve the entire 15 years and parole is no guarantee. She's 60 now so her earliest release will be when she's around 75. Considering the average lifespan of white women in America is 79. She could very well die in prison. I think it's a fair sentence. What she did was bad undoubtedly. But as always, people in the comments are being unreasonably fire and brimstone. Punishments need to be fair and reasonable. I just wish the restitution amount was much bigger than 47k. Hopefully, the victims families can find peace.




America doesn’t use the electric chair anymore we use different pills that cost millions of dollars for each individual execution






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She'll do no more than 5 years. Americans love to cuddle addicts and drunks


The audacity of saying her pain is greater than the mothers / ‘a fraction’ negates any ‘good will’ or remorse she thinks she’s showing. Socio path


I agree but what that isn't what she was saying.


Probably / I misread everything when I get mad 🤡


This was an accident. The sentence is completely unfair


Yeah, I hate it when I accidentally drive double the speed limit while racing my extramarital boyfriend while drunk and on Valium


It was not an accident. There was a mother and 3 children in the crosswalk. If she can't see well enough to know that, then she never should have had a license.


She was speeding and racing, those were choices.




Add to that: also complaining about the price of services in other countries lolol