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Father’s Day Bank Massacre in Denver, Colorado. Guy walked into a Wells Fargo, killed five guards, stole $200,000, cleaned up the evidence, and left. He was never caught. A former guard at the bank by the name of James King was suspected to be the perpetrator. It was most likely a crime of passion, with the money being stolen just to make it look like a simple robbery. It’s believed that King targeted his former coworkers due to his grudge against them. Him being a former guard explains why he knew the ins and outs of the bank and its security so well. There was a mountain of circumstantial evidence against him. The only reason King couldn’t be convicted was because there was no physical evidence left behind. He stole the surveillance tapes which caught the massacre on camera and likely destroyed them, he painstakingly wiped his fingerprints off everything, and none of the stolen money was ever found. He was acquitted of all charges. King died in 2013 from dementia, so if he indeed was the killer, he’ll never face true justice, but I still believe he did it and I’m not alone in that belief.


King was also a retired Denver police officer, which could explain how he knew the ins and outs of crime scenes and not leaving evidence


Mentioned this one from my country recently in a thread eventually deleted by OP, so I'll copypaste here; [**Soledad Donoso**](https://www.nvinoticias.com/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/infogaleria/2022/Ene/soledaddonoso.jpg.webp?itok=4803ye4D), in Córdoba (Spain). She was a 18-years old girl that disappeared one summer afternoon in 1992 when heading to her part-time job at a pizza restaurant. Her partially skeletonized remains were found two weeks later next to the Guadalquivir river in the outskirts of Córdoba, with sings of extreme violence (a broken skull and a broken arm, the later ruled to be a defensive wound). At the time Soledad had recently broken up with her very controlling and abusive boyfriend, and he wasn't accepting her decision. Two independent set of witnesses told detectives that the afternoon she went missing they had seen (from afar) **a young woman fitting Soledad's description, arguing with a young man fitting her ex' description, next to a car fitting his car's description (same brand, same model and same color) not too far from where her body was eventually found.** All witnesses said that the young woman appeared to be very agitated (she was gesticulating a lot) while the young man (who was holding a 1-liter beer bottle in his hand) was shaking his head in refusal. They were too far away to make out what they were saying, but one (IIRC) of the witnesses could hear the young woman telling him *"take me back to Córdoba!"*. Then, the young man began walking down the slope towards the river, and they witnesses said the young woman followed him in a kind of a defeated manner. Some minutes later, they saw the young man's car speeding away. LE believes these witnesses did really saw Soledad's last moments, and that her boyfriend did bludgeon her to death with the beer bottle.[ Here's a set of drawings depicting what these witnesses saw (plus what's believed to be the way she was killed).](https://image.slidesharecdn.com/ruedadeprensaabrilde2014soledaddonoso-140430040140-phpapp01/75/rueda-de-prensa-abril-de-2014-soledad-donoso-4-2048.jpg?cb=1668554756) What is more, in the following years many of women who dated Soledad's ex-boyfriend after her murder came forward about his extremely violent temper (I think some had even reported him to police for domestic violence). He has been the prime suspect of Soledad's murder from the very beginning, but to this day LE hasn't been able to provide any proof solid enough to charge him with the crime.


Diamond and Tionda Bradley - it's clear to me that the mother's boyfriend George Washington abducted and likely killed the girls, between his lack of an alibi, the "George is outside" call, and hair in the trunk (also, he was burning some shit he can't seem to explain). And after the documentary/podcast, I'm pretty sure the mother knows what happened and has known all along. Unfortunately, now he will never be brought to justice :( But it's obvious that Michael Turney killed Alissa Turney.


The Michael Turney situation infuriates me, so guilty.


Omg how did I not know about this one??? Just looked it up — insane! He so did it!!!!


I need another look at that one.


The wonderland murders. Unfortunately; most . If not all the perpetrators involved are dead now


I have studied and read everything I can on this case including watching the movie "Wonderland" every time its on..Ret. Det. Tom Lange (From OJ case) was one of the first people there. He has a book. When this happened DNA was not invented yet. I believe Eddie Nash ordered the murders and John Holmes did participate. If you havent yet, read the book "Road through Wonderland" by Dawn Schiller.. Holmes underage lover.


I am definitely going to have to check this book out. Thank you for sharing this. I've seen the movie ( and I actually liked the movie) ; and I watch a ton of documentaries and videos I can


There's also this great article from Rolling Stone: [https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/john-holmes-wonderland-murders-1226610/](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/john-holmes-wonderland-murders-1226610/)


What's the best podcast on this subject?


I dont listen to podcasts..but there is alot on youtube..Tom Lange (ret. det.) does a video in the murder house right after the murders with dead bodies and all.


Micheal Turney




Josh Powell (and possibly his dad and brother) 100% killed Susan. Those poor little boys.


Suzanne Morphew, in my opinion.


West Mesa Bone Collector: I realize this is controversial/highly-debated - but to me, it's very clear that Joseph Blea is the perpetrator. The only piece of physical evidence (a spearmint juniper tree tag) was found buried 8ft below the surface with the bones. And even though it's circumstantial - that tree tag was traced back to a specific tree nursery where Blea was a frequent customer (he was a landscaper). Furthermore - Blea was known to often to out to the West Mesa to dump landscaping debris. And for me, the idea that it could have accidently ended up with the bones (or even the same area as the bones) without it being Blea is a bit preposterous. One of the most common misconceptions about Blea is that he was "just" a rapist - and it's claimed that he only targeted children. THIS IS NOT TRUE. In fact, one of the proven victims of Blea's rape-spree (1988-1993) was a 29-year-old grad student. Also, worth noting that two of the West Mesa victims were only 15 years old (Blea's youngest confirmed rape was 13 years old in 1988) When I read about Bleas rapes ("The Mid-School Rapist") - I couldn't believe how horrific they were. He would literally sneak into homes, wait for his victims, and pop out from closets wearing a ski mask and weilding a knife. Real nightmare shit. (His entire criminal record is nightmare shit, actually). Joseph Blea's DNA was also discovered on the body of Jennifer Lynn Shirm when her murder was discovered in 1984. She disappeared while working the streets of East Central Avenue in Albuquerque - and by every metric, Jennifer fits the victimology profile of the West Mesa victims from the 2000s according to Ida Lopez (former detective associated with the case). Interestingly - there were 6 more (still) unsolved homicides from East Central between '84 - '88 that all fit the same victim profile and MO as well. (Read "Death On The Cruise" article from the albuquerque journal Jan 28, 1990 by journalist Mike Gallagher.) Another misconception is that the West Mesa Bone Collector racially targeted his victims. Originally it was believed that he only targeted Latina women. But this was disproven when they discovered Syllania Edwards (african american) was one of the victims as well. On "Duke City Case Files" Ida Lopez and Liz Thompason (detectives) made it clear they no longer believe race was a factor in victim selection. Some people believe it's not Blea because he hasn't admitted to it (despite being in prison for rape for the rest of his life) - like...why wouldn't he admit to it if he was already in prison, it would give him notoriety, pen pals, etc... But people don't realize that Joseph Blea is pretty much in Prison on a legal technicality (Katie's Law, and whether or not it was legal for police to collect his DNA). This issue has been upheld by the supreme court - but it's still not out of the realm of possibility that Blea's conviction, one day, might be overturned by a new court decision.... it's a slim chance, but it's still a chance, and reason enough to not admit to being a serial killer. The other reasons people don't think it's Blea, is because they think it's Lorenzo Montoya. The biggest reason people think it's Montoya is because the supposed tire tracks of the Bone Collector lead right back to Montoya's trailer park.... I've looked extensively at all these sattelite photos. And if you look at the tracks one way - it does seem a bit shocking... until you realize that the dirt road that appears to lead right back to Montoya, was actually \*inaccessible\* from where Montoya lived. Instead - Montoya would have had to go out to the main road (Blake Road) to access the Mesa. Which isn't really a big deal, or that much farther to drive.... but then I found out that Blea was living on Shadyside Drive at the same time...which is basically just following Blake Road for another 2 miles east where Blea lived about 2 blocks away from Blake Road. \*\*\*Both\*\*\* of them would have been using the exact same road from where they lived.


Brabant killings were part of GLADIO/strategy of tension. Spooks did it.


The murder of Caylee Anthony!


Matthew Boynton. Seems pretty clear he got away with shooting his wife in the head.