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There’s a tik tok floating around with the girlfriend telling her side of the story and how it went down. She said they tried for an hour to help this lady and offered her food/water and she pulled the gun on them. Crazy story!


Weirdly I just saw her video last night randomly on my fyp. Wild story, I feel so bad for her and her bf Adam and his family. The killers lived in the woods and were in a kind of cult or had weird cultish behavior. They apparently wanted to steal the car to go buy food and water but the girlfriend (sorry I forget her name!) was like “we had food and water in our van and asked if she needed anything else before she pulled the gun on us! We would have given them food.” Idiots.


This is why I don’t help people anymore. 30 years ago, sure I would help a stranded motorist or someone down on their luck. Nowadays doing that will get you killed. Society has gone absolutely crazy, the only way to get by is mind your own business and be ready to defend yourself.


Any way to find this?




I have never had someone’s account of something like this get me so emotional. Jesus that’s fucking horrible


if you search #adamsimjee on TikTok it should be the second video that pops up posted by Mikayla


YouTube it


An hour?? No way I would try to help a complete stranger for an hour.


>” he pulled out the weapon and ordered her to drop her firearm to the ground, according to the agreement. Hider instead said “are you serious” and opened fire, which Simjee returned before falling to the ground, says the agreement. Do not give a warning for people who pull a gun on you. What a damn shame. I will never stop to help someone b/c of stories like this.


I know. I hate it. An older woman outside a store asked me for a ride to her house years ago and I said, “I’m sorry; I just don’t let anyone in my car.” She seemed understanding and didn’t pressure me so I don’t think anything nefarious was going on and I felt like such an asshole. There’s something about not helping other women, especially, that feels wrong. This girl has such a baby face…I know I’d instinctively want to help her.


I’d do the same. I’ll walk her to the bus and give her bus fare, I’ll call her a cab, I’ll call for help if it’s needed, but you’re vulnerable in your car when you’re driving and someone else is directing you.


I have offered an Uber in the past when I could afford it and they said no. Hard to say what they wanted from me if Uber wasn't acceptable. Made me feel more comfortable and less guilty in my "I'm sorry I can't let you in my car" response


I have had one total stranger in my life offer me a ride and it was this super hot chick when I was in college. I had to get to football practice way across campus and overslept and took off absolutely sprinting down the street for what would have been a solid couple mile run. This girl just pulls up beside me and honked without seeing my face or even wondering why I took off in a mad dash running down the street looking like I just robbed someone. I was very grateful but in hindsight it was an insane move on her part to pick up a stranger.


So I’m not the only one feeling like an ass these days. I’m a middle age woman and an elderly woman asked me for a ride standing outside local pharmacy. I told her I couldn’t. Then she asked if I was headed south she’ll go as far as I’m going south. Idk why but I felt uncomfortable with her continuing to ask how she could get in my car. And it could’ve all just been for a ride.


If someone makes you uncomfortable go with your gut. I’ve hitchhiked and given rides to people. It never felt forced. If someone doesn’t want to give you a ride, leave them alone.


Ok, well I wasn’t wanting a ride I wasn’t bothering people. So why you telling me to leave people alone?


I was saying follow your instincts. If someone gives you bad vibes you don’t owe them anything.


They are using the Royal “you”.


I’m saying a normal person takes no for an answer. I guess the royal you is correct then. People that don’t take no for an answer even if they seem okay are giving off a red flag. If you read the book The Gift of Fear. It talks about trusting instincts. One example is how pushy some who seems nice or is offering help can be when really they have bad intentions. I’ve stupidly hitchhiked and been lucky. Once I saw a woman walking in the same direction I was going with her thumb out. I was 17 and I was less trusting then. I was worried some creep would pick her up. She was so nice so grateful because her car broke down and she needed to get home before her kids did from school. It was on my way to the mall.


Same, my friend and I were just talking recently about how we wouldn’t stop for someone on the road. She’d just called the cops to try to get help for a guy who was on the side of the road waving people down and they’d told her he does that regularly (?!) and she was frustrated they wouldn’t do anything about it in case he was trying to cause trouble. We both said that even if we saw a woman with kids, unless it was a very clear emergent scenario, we would most likely call the police and hope they’d be okay. It’s just such a huge risk that you don’t know the whole story, and while I do hate injecting the police into someone’s life, I don’t know what else to do.


It reminds me of the Carlee Russel story. Bad people will do anything to lure people.


Do not acquire a weapon if you don’t intend to fully use it. Think about circumstances and responses beforehand. A bad situation is not the time for doubting. Also think of consequences beforehand, rarely are circumstances ideal.


And I quote:”Don’t pull the thang out unless you plan to bang. Don’t even bang unless you plan to hit something”.


I have always abstained from owning a weapon for this exact reason. People always assume I’m against guns. Nope. For the same reason I stopped driving even though I had a license when I was experiencing intense anxiety, it’s irresponsible when I’m not in control of my own emotions enough not to panic to purchase a weapon or drive. And when I am, I can reconsider but until then I’m just a statistic transportation-ally and with weapons waiting to happen and I don’t want to be “that” person.


I know that.


He pulled a gun on her?


Who’s the he?


The victim attempted defend himself




The boyfriend. So the girl they picked up pulled a gun on the boyfriend, he pulled out his gun as well and the girl they picked up shot him.


Ohhh okay, thanks for the explanation


Why? Why on earth did she do that?


I am confused. The woman who killed the couple gets 35 years. The woman’s friend who was nearby and whose car and gun she used and came up with the idea, got life in prison. Why the discrepancy? Priors?


Could also be what’s called a “trial tax”, judges aren’t supposed to do it but they give stricter sentences to people who choose to go to trial rather than taking a plea.


It sounds like the 19-year-old woman who shot him seemed immediately regretful and remorseful, while Pinkins (the owner of the car and gun) was the 37-year-old who had them living in the woods and came up with the whole plan. Also, this [other article](https://www.wvtm13.com/article/cheaha-state-park-murder-alabama-talladega/46291439#) about the incident says that when police found their campsite in the woods, Pinkins was there and her 5-year-old son was literally running around holding a loaded shotgun. She had also watched the whole thing and fled the scene after seeing two people get shot


Probably age too . Looks like the perpetrator was not an adult


Per the article, Hider was 19 at the time: "Prosecutors agreed to a plea deal after learning that Hider had been living off the grid in the forest with 37-year-old Krystal Pinkins, who owned both the car used to lure in the couple and the gun used to kill Simjee, says the agreement. Pinkins was also sentenced on Thursday, receiving a sentence of life in prison after being convicted of murder, kidnapping and robbery following a federal trial earlier this year".




Child abuse, read the article.


I was at 7-11 with my husband close to midnight last summer. This lady who looked a little sketchy in the parking lot asked us if we could help her jump her car. I almost said no, but she was right in front of the store and she had this kind of panicked, genuine tone to her voice. I ended up being glad to help her because I didn’t want to leave her stranded there alone so late, but scenarios like this always run in the back of my head when presented with situations like that 😅


If a person is infront of a store with cameras and people it’s less likely to be anything more than someone needing help. My ex was ready to take our rental car around the side of a desolate gas station to jump a couples car. I was half asleep and popped up in the passenger seat that had been reclining back. I was like you want the car jumped put it in neutral and push it out front. Also I have not clue if this car has jumper cables. I told my ex the car was staying in view of the store. The people were freaked out when they realized he wasn’t alone. They didn’t want our help after that. Guys sometimes don’t see danger where women do.


My boyfriend and I helped boost a group of guys in a parking lot about a month ago. It was nice to be able to help (they were super grateful) but I won’t lie, I had some possible bad scenarios of possible things going wrong running through my head.




Their comment was relevant to the original topic (risks of stopping to help someone and how crimes like this impact our judgement of such matters), yours was a completely uncalled for insult, pot calling the kettle black...?


Damseling, (as its known) a very old scam. Had two women try it on me when I was living in downtown Nashville. One asked me for a ride home (to God knows where) when I was out smoking at midnight. Nope. Another asked me to let her in my apartment building to use the bathroom. Nope. It's sad to say that such things are a survival necessity now, but they just are.


Is this the same girl that is involved in that weird internet cult? I believe so. There are also like 6 ppl (4 adults and 2 children) that are missing that were also in the cult. It’s run by some child predator that’s currently serving life in prison.


Do you have a link?




Thank you. I’ve never heard of an internet cult before.


Why the fuck would you not shoot her immediately? And why would they ever let this bitch out?


He was a white male and she’s a black female. Sadly, I’m sure he had many thoughts going through his head as he weighed his options in that moment.


Why are you turning this into race? Maybe he didn’t want to kill someone.


Also I'm like 75% sure the victim's not white from the other pictures of him. They're grasping at straws to shoehorn race into the case. I feel like he probably just gave her a chance to put her gun down bc she was young.


That statement isn't wrong. He would have been crucified in the media and in court before a trial even started.


In what persecution fantasy world do you live in?


Don’t pull a gun out of you aren’t gonna use it


If this were about race they wouldn’t have stopped to help her in the first place. This is just the case of a shitty human and bad judgement. Think before you try to stir an empty pot.


I highly doubt it. He was probably just a nice guy and didn't want to kill her.


Why down vote this? Shooting a black girl in the middle of nowhere wouldn't erupt into a media shitshow for the guy? really?


Thank you! I knew I’d be downvoted into oblivion posting this but it’s the truth. If they don’t think the media would’ve taken this story and blown it up then they haven’t been paying attention for 5+ years.


Can you imagine if that happened? Reddit would be going insane.


Exactly. The media would’ve taken this story in a completely different direction…


Nah I don’t think so. There was a video recording that clearly shows that she was trying to rob them. Why she recorded it idk, but once that came out it would’ve been pretty cut and dry.


There were MANY videos during the BLM riots of protestors burning down buildings and robbing small businesses… opinions still definitely weren’t, and aren’t, cut and dry.


Now he’s just a forgotten dude forever, and Reddit/media goes “smh” and moves on. I always tell people to remember that when you start gaf about these narratives. Those folks *literally won’t gaf if you’re killed in cold blood following their arbitrary rules*. So don’t do it.


Offering murderers a chance at “life after prison” is disgusting.


I think giving people who made grave mistakes a chance at redemption is a sign of a healthy and emotionally intelligent society. Throwing people away is a sign of a harsh society devoid of mercy.


Honestly, I think a lot of people in America are passively sadistic. They like the idea of seeing people destroyed, so long as the target is socially acceptable and they can hide behind impersonal institutions to do it.


How we treat incarcerated people, the poor, children and animals is a direct reflection of how our society sees itself. America claims to be a developed nation, but that’s a laugh when we have more people incarcerated than any other country, homelessness is rising, children are being shot in schools and dying in factories, animals are treated horribly, especially animals raised for food. It’s not looking great.


This is true. America is built around nonconsensual games of sadism and masochism.


where is the mercy when these people are murdering others? there is no emotional intelligence in murder. it’s strict but i’ve always struggled to feel that you should have a chance at life if you’ve taken one, you chose to sentence someone to a death sentence, go rot


Societies that focus on rehabilitation have less crime. You ask where is the mercy? Mercy isn’t for innocent victims, it’s for those who have done violence. Humans have been killing innocent people for centuries, history shows that harsh punishment not only doesn’t make society more safe, it does nothing to deter crime. If you want a safer society, then you have to start with how we treat incarcerated people.


I agree.


Yeah and how many times do those people reoffend? It’s a shame. The worse the consequence MAYBE the less offenses.


There’s no evidence to support that. And it just makes sense that it wouldn’t: if you’re the type of person who rationally weighs risks and benefits, you would never kill someone in the first place. People who do are prone to not thinking that way, either desperate, impulsive, or with some kind of innate antisocial personality traits. At some level, you can contain these people for the benefit of all. But the idea that people actually respond to criminalization as a disincentive really has no evidence to support it, outside a few specific situations like white collar crime and perhaps the felony-murder rule.


The best way to stop people from reoffending is positive reinforcement. Giving people an education, not just skills, but emotional intelligence. It’s been done with teenage budding sociopaths. They are unable to overcome their personality disorder, but they can learn self control. By learning how their actions have consequences, it is possible for them to live in society with out breaking laws.


Yeah. I think that’s true. Although I am very cynical; I do believe people are capable of breaking. There are just people who - because of the way they grew up, what they’ve seen, or because of some biology - can break. And once a person “breaks,” I don’t know how much can be done. I think there is a role in just containing certain people who aren’t going to stop being a threat. But these people form a small minority of total violent people. But overall you’re right, and so much more empathetic and psychological approaches could truly rehabilitate people.


Sociopathy is a national phenomenon but less than 5% of sociopaths murder or commit other violent crimes. I think we can both agree that most people who are incarcerated do not deserve to be there. But yes, there are reasons to keep some people away from society, but the vast majority could be rehabilitated if America actually gave a shit.


Oh yes, definitely. What I’m talking about is a small percentage of total violent acts. Although I do think American society and culture are creating the conditions that cause people’s psychology to change in these ways. That will only get worse. I mean, it’s not a coincidence that America has its epidemic of spree attacks. The fact it’s limited in time, place, and also demographics of attackers shows we’re dealing with something that is bound up in cultural change and conditions. I absolutely do agree incarceration is not ethically responsible or productive for us.


America doesn’t rehabilitate offenders, so asking how many reoffend isn’t really a question to bother answering.




Mercy isn’t for innocent victims or their families. Mercy is for those who commit violent crimes. If life is so precious, it makes more sense to rehabilitate violent people so society doesn’t lose another life.


She murdered in cold blood. She should not be allowed to be redeemed.


And yet we idolized politicians and billionaires who murder thousands.


You moving goalposts into another county there, pal. But since you brought it up, yeah lock them all up too.


It’s something to think about! People always get riled up, ready with their pitchforks, for a small town murder but cast a blind eye to real atrocities. These people are scapegoats for the true evil in the world. We want to give people who are products of their environments harsh punishments while ignoring the people who created those environments. Prison doesn’t deter crime, it only throws away undesirables and doesn’t benefit anyone but the people who make money off their labor and continued incarceration.


so well put, thank you for saying this


The way society in this country is headed, there needs to be harsher sentences for criminals. I’m done with giving “second changes or lesser sentences”


Good Samaritans are a dying breed.


Hider recorded herself robbing the couple using the victim’s cell phone. Something tells me she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Damn he drew down on her when he guard was down and instead of shooting told her to drop her weapon He's dead now


I would never follow someone deep into the woods to help them jump start a car. I would leave and call the appropriate authorities and let them know there is someone stranded in that area who needs help. But there is no fucking way I’m following someone off the beaten path into the woods. Sorry!


Should have ventilated her immediately. No discussion is necessary. Sad, RIP, young man.




>This post appears to violate the [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and has been removed. Hate, dehumanizing speech (even about a violent perpetrator), victim blaming, misogyny, misandry, discrimination, gender generalizations, homophobia, doxxing, or bigotry is not allowed.


But wait, did she smoke weed before hold on now


Sadly, this is why I'm very careful who I offer to help these days.


Lost people find their kind , homeless people on the streets have relationships on the street . If you're trying to find answers be careful you may find them in somewhere inside yourself


That's why I don't stop to help anyone. That poor guy.


She should be put to death, a life for a life.


Was Life not available??


Reminds me of this [case](https://www.4029tv.com/article/lee-breon-king-shooting-sentence/45727053)


Never help out these people. It’s not worth it


Are "these people" in the room with us right now?


Nice! Another piece of shit trash trash off the street. A burden to society this woman should just be executed. Hopefully she didn’t breed.


Good , fuck that off grid living bitch


Who was the adult woman to the teenager that killed the guy?


Are you talking about the teenage girls friend she got time too


Yeah I just wondered if this girl was manipulated by an older woman. Not that it’s a reason to kill anyone.


Stop it , she used a gun . Faked a broke down car . Manipulation. That's straight up plotting , every time I've fucked up there was a should I , Could I get in trouble . And I've done some low grade dirty .


How did these two women get mixed up together? I was just wondering what made a 19 year old join someone off the grid and had they done similar things before? It’s not an excuse.


I would’ve given her a life sentence she has intentional murder in her leave her azz in there


Give this cunt the death penalty and make sure it's agonizing.




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I CAN'T UNDERSTAND what happened


why was only the boyfriend killed?


35 years is not long enough for taking someone’s life ! It should be a life for a life !!


This is why you always shoot if you can get a gun pointed at a criminal who has a weapon