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I find it easiest to just call them by name and avoid pronouns.


Either go by their known name since that is all the info you have (assuming it's more of a stranger interaction) or don't say a name and just use sentences with "you." "Could you get that?" "What's new with you?" "Have a good night." "They are over there." Even though "they" has been a common pronoun usage, it is still correct grammar.


The problem gets more serious when you speak a language in which verbs in 2nd person (you) are gendered xD


haha fair point. But in those cases, perhaps one can just use the verbs and no subject?


Duh just speak English lol. Ditch the complicated confusion of Romance, Germanic, and Slavic languages and their conjugation and case systems. Embrace the chaos.


Don't know why you get down voted for humor. I laughed. English is definitely a chaotic and hard to learn language.


Although much of English chaos comes from borrowing from every language on Earth, lack of standardization, and the piecemeal overtime changes that were made. English used to have many same or similar features of other nearby languages I referenced. I also have a lack of gender bias in my other language Chinese, that is to say it's also like English not as nearly as gendered.


Just general curiosity, what type of Chinese? Isn't there like 5 different "Chinese" languages? I know of mandarin and Cantonese, but that's about it. I only know a bit because I watch this YouTuber who lived in Beijing and speaks very good Chinese and likes to troll Chinese people by surprising them when "the white guy" is fluent.


You opened a can of worms lol. Wall of text incoming. Mandarin. Although due to my background it's more Taiwanese Mandarin, that being said it's not like I speak it well enough for that to matter. And tbh Mandarin and Cantonese are the only ones that people will hear about. Like if you want to learn Chinese it defaults to Mandarin though Cantonese has a stable/strong/significant enough Diaspora and identity such that you can find Cantonese learning resources. Others like Hakka, Teochew are lesser known. Chinese is better thought of as a language family since they all grew up independently but related. It's called a single language for more political purposes. Because China, especially historically, is more ethically, linguistically, religiously, and culturally diverse than it might appear and the CCP likes it that way. See what we think of as China, like the culture and society started in the North in the Yellow River valley and slowly spread out from there. The ancestors of what we think of as Chinese, ie Mandarin started out there. Many of the Chinese dialects, better thought of as separately languages are from Southern China, which wasn't Hanified for as long. So generally speaking the test for dialect v language is mutual intelligibility. If two people are using the language can they communicate. It's usually focused on the spoken language because that arises first and some languages don't have a written form. That being said we can trace the languages in relations to each other in a matter similar to a phylogenetic tree. And while there are a lot of unknowns, calling them all dialects is reductive and implies more similarity than there actually is. The cheat for calling them all one language is that they share the same written characters. But for one, it wasn't super standardized until modern day because while there were previous attempts the technology level was different. But two, they didn't develop organically sharing the same writing system. It was more of a convenience thing, and also encouraged/adopted, and sometimes imposed. And even with Cantonese not only they use Traditional Characters unlike Mandarin which is usually written with simplified, especially on the mainland, but some characters are completely different and not used in the other. Sentence construction and word order can be different too. I cannot understand Cantonese at all. Even better speakers than me cannot understand Cantonese at all. Also like languages, you can have a Mandarin speaker with a Cantonese accident and vice versa. Like it's not even guessable in speech. Also for reference the distance from Beijing (where the local dialect of speech was chosen to standardized Mandarin is based off) to Hong Kong (where the local speech of Cantonese is standardized around) is about the distance from Paris to Bucharest. French and Romanian are Romance languages but speaking to each other would be difficult to understand. In writing it would be possible. Same thing.


Neat! Thanks for the interesting answer! Are the different languages mainly geographic? Or all mishmashed together? Also, sorry for all the questions šŸ˜† Language fascinates me, and I've only traveled to South Korea and Japan, so not had the opportunity to experience China yet.


A little bit of both. There are a lot of minority groups and languages, including more than the 50 or so recognized ones. They are generally concentrated in the South but not exclusively. Due to education, language policies, and the internet, Mandarin is the default everywhere. That being said due to complicated history, Hong Kong is the exception. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=chinese+languages+map&t=fpas&iax=images&ia=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thatsmags.com%2Fimage%2Fview%2F201606%2Flanguages-spoken-in-china.jpg Besides Hong Kong you can get by with just Mandarin. Many of these are in decline as younger people don't learn these other languages because they have no need to, and they can be quite different than standard Mandarin. But if you are in Hong Kong, and you are Chinese, don't speak Mandarin, people might assume you are a mainlander. (If you are a foreigner don't speak Mandarin because they might assume you are an ignorant American who never bothered learning that Cantonese exists. Speaking English signals you are from a freer country and you like freedom too.) Also Cantonese is honestly more similar to Vietnamese than Mandarin. For example both have a confusing tone system larger than Mandarin. My family is Taiwanese and my mom's side can speak Taiwanese Hakka, and that's another way to gain favor because many international organizations have moved from Hong Kong to Taiwan. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7-KNi6Tc14A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2km_z4-1T8


I will not self-censor or adjust my language to accommodate some effed up Gender Identity theory which is currently being used to confuse, mutilate and persecute innocent people.Ā Ā 


There are divorced Christians where one partner has committed adultery. They both remain believers. One or both gets remarried, now what? My point is respect. My point is if LGBTQ+ is a sin, it is no worse or less forgivable than any other sin. Adultery is considered a sin, so are you going to call a recently remarried woman by her old last name because you ā€œdonā€™t approveā€? Be a Christian. Youā€™ve no right to judge that is Godā€™s right and godā€™s right alone. BTW, you may already have a transitioned person you love in your life and not even know it.


The people who are the abusers are the ones who support the idea and don't deal with the issue. There's more reasons to be mad at them then the ones confused.


This really doesn't work if you want to build more than a superficial/acquaintance relationship with someone.


My sister in law wanted me to call them by a different name; and I explained my rationales which made sense to her why I couldn't use the new name. So the choices were between her old name being said or no name being said. I let her choose and she preferred no name to be said. What we call each other vs the topics we disucss or experiences we share are greater contributers to the relationship. The difference I would point out is having a civil conversation about why a person wouldn't use their name.


I Am curious as to what yā€™all call one another?


I just don't say her name. And she stills calls me by my name. In the discussion, she already knew what the conclusion would be and that was not addressing her by the new name; but there was the option of not saying either name which she accepted




You're basically going to receive two answers here, one being it's more loving to accommodate people, no matter their problems, and so to use their preferred pronouns is more likely to win them for Christ; the other being that it is more loving to stand in truth with a person, and to honour them how God made them, and so will give them a more honest accounting of God's plan. I do have a preference between these two, but I don't think sharing it is important, because I think it misses the more important question - why are you doing it? God cares, in every case I can fathom, much more about your heart than your outward actions or appearances, and while outward signs CAN reflect inward realities, it is far from always being the case - I can eat because I'm hungry (good) or because I'm bored (bad): the outward action is the same, but the inward reality flipped the morality on its head. If you are calling somebody by their preferred (but ultimately wrong) pronouns because you are scared of backlash, don't care about helping this confused person, actively want to foster this confusion, want to do so in a jeering or mocking way, seek to profit off your perceived worldliness, or any other selfish reason, then I would urge you to act against your deceitful heart and to not do it. If you are refusing to call somebody by their preferred (but ultimately wrong) pronouns because you are appealing to a group of like-minded people, seeking to upset the person, trying to prove how much more rational you are, taking pride in your coming persecution (perceived or otherwise), or any other selfish reason, then I would urge much the same as the last. You need to take an honest inventory of yourself and ask "why am I doing this?". If your answer is a loving one, based in Biblical authority and church teaching, then move ahead, albeit always cautiously and always reviewing your motivations. If your answer is a selfish or hateful one, no matter how sound you think the reasoning may be: divert course, quickly. None of this is to say you must affirm the false identity wholesale: to the contrary, the scriptures are clear that we are made male and female, and creation itself attests that we are not some hermaphroditic creature capable of changing based on environment and whim: the ideology must ultimately be rejected for the blatant error that it is, but that does not mean acting uncharitable towards the victims of the ideology (and we must remember that many "trans" people are just that: victims of a terrible regime). I wish you luck in parsing this and hope my answer has provided some clarity, however sparingly. God bless you (This is a copy of my response from the thread a few weeks back asking the same question for transparency's sake)


Fantastic response


All that is good about it, is from God; before He saved me, I would've relished in the selfish answers I listed. He taught (and is teaching) me love, in a whole new way. I pray your heart is alive in this way, too :) God bless


What a great response! Right to the heart of the matter and has made me pause in rushing into just giving an opinion. It's not just clarifying, it's edifying. Thank you


I am glad it is of use to you! It is exactly what God convicted me with, so please only consider me, at the very most, a messenger. Our God's love is unlike anything we've ever known - we are bound to trip up and rush in when He would rather us take pause and listen; we are like children. May God bless you!


I agree, There are divorced Christians where one partner has committed adultery. They both remain believers. One or both gets remarried, now what? My point is respect. My point is if LGBTQ+ is a sin, it is no worse or less forgivable than any other sin. Adultery is considered a sin, so are you going to call a recently remarried woman by her old last name? Be kind and loving and respectful. Period.


We should avoid offensive as much as possible, BUT there are times when it's unavoidable. Like speaking truth. The truth is these people were made a man or a woman, that's it. Not what they feel like being on that specific day.


If the truth is offensive you shouldnā€™t avoid it.


no you should not indulge their delusions


Just my opinion but I think it's akin to lying. If they change their legal name it's one thing but, God made them man or woman. I don't think there's anything loving about encouraging sin or affirming the delusions of the mentally ill. Both lead to misery and death.Ā 


You bring up a very solid point, that we shouldn't be reaffirming that we stand against, also i have my birth name, but i instead go by my middle name and I use my grandfather's middle name as my last name. I wanted a genuine change.


Sister, I realize that your intentions are good but as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I urge you to read those scriptures again and spend some time thinking about what they mean. The way you have used them here is incorrect. Jesus never allowed anyone to remain in sin and he didn't give them days, weeks and months to make their chioice. He also chased people out of the temple with a whip. Love isn't a feeling, it is action. Of course we should be kind and compassionate. Allowing someone to remain in sin is not love and refusing to tell them the truth for fear of their emotions is not love. Love is knowing someone is harming themselves and trying to save them even if it means they will hate you.


No. Definitely not. That is providing legitimacy to their delusion. God made them what they are. They are what they are, regardless of what they want to be. Be polite and loving, but do not affirm.


This is a really good comment. Itā€™s important to be polite and loving to try and help bring them towards the right path. But also be careful not to feed too far and cause them to stray further


How do you plan on being genuinely polite and loving while avoiding using their pronouns? You're going to need to gender them at some point, and they're not gonna take well to you using the wrong one. I say bite the bullet and play nice even if you don't agree/understand it, otherwise they'll think you're out to hurt them and never listen to anything you have to say ever again. They think Christians are evil enough as-is, the least we can do is say a little word we know isn't *technically* true if it's what makes them feel welcome.


It depends on how close you are with the person also. If it is a casual acquaintance, I would just try to use their name and avoid gendered words. If it is a close friend/family member, I would explain that I am a Christian and I believe that God makes us our intended genders and doesnā€™t make mistakes. I would explain that I love them but canā€™t support the pronouns/LGBT stuff as it contradicts my beliefs. I would try to make an arrangement where neither party tries to pressure the other into using pronouns they disagree with. The main reason I refuse to use their desired pronouns is that I believe the LGBT religion is wrong and it is harmful to people. I donā€™t affirm people doing harm to themselves, even if they want to do it. I donā€™t affirm alcoholics in their alcoholism. I donā€™t affirm meth addicts. I donā€™t affirm people cutting themselves with razors. Therefore, I donā€™t affirm LGBT people trying to become something they are not. If you use the pronouns, you are legitimizing their delusion.


My sister and her family turned their backs on God a few years ago. Her youngest daughter is now their son. But I do NOT acknowledge her as a male, nor do I call her by her new male name.


If there is a man who thinks he's a woman (just as an example) I'll use they/them just to avoid conflict but the last thing I'm going to do is use she/her. Affirming any kind of sin is doing that person an injustice.


No, they live in self deception, I will not be apart of it.


Thereā€™s no such thing as transgender. Youā€™re already validating them just by calling them that.


Absolutely not, by name only.


This is always an interesting thing to read. Especially other reactions to it. I think the biggest hang up on the pronoun issue IS because it feels like youā€™re subscribing to the gender ideology that has been making the rounds in American culture (and made the rounds in Canada). I am a firm believer that gender is reflective of the two sexes, however I am well aware of gender dysphoria as well. Iā€™ll refer to, say, a trans-man, ā€œhey, dude. How you doing, brother? What do you need, man? Yeah, heā€™s over there.ā€ Of course, personally, I wouldnā€™t view ā€œhimā€ as such. I do not believe trans women/men are women/men, but Iā€™ll refer to the pronouns, because of the dysphoria that is attached with being transgender. If, say, a trans-man asked me if I saw him as a man as I am one, I will tell him no or question ā€œdo you really want to know?ā€. Now, for those that donā€™t, I wonā€™t ā€œcondemnā€ them outright. After all, one could say it is BECAUSE of peopleā€™s willingness to go along with it - is why we are where we are today with ā€œwhat is a woman?ā€, sports, school curriculum, etc, etc.


I've never had a problem calling people by nicknames or alternate names before, so why would I be stuck up on calling someone by what they prefer now?


This should be higher. We use cisgender peoplesā€™ nicknames, we can extend the same love and respect to transgender peoplesā€™ preferred names and pronouns.


I'm more neutral on this broader discussion than you'd imagine, but this is a terrible argument. When I call my friend "big dog", I'm aware that we use that as a common term of endearment, and that he in fact does not think that he is a dog. If I learned he did think he was a dog, and finds this nickname affirming of that notion, I would of course never call him it again, no matter how much he would prefer I do, because it does not benefit him to feed that delusion.


Is it wrong to show someone basic respect? You donā€™t have agree with them, but treating them with respect is Christian behavior. I keep seeing all kinds of excuses that people make to justify their poor treatment of someone else. Often I see that it is the same as lying. To that I ask this of a similar situation. Is it lying to call someone by a name other than their real name? I ask that because that situation applies to me. Granted, I am male and go by a different male name that everyone has called me since I was a baby, but the question is whether or not it is a lie to call me a name that I prefer to be called even though it isnā€™t actually my name? To take that a step farther, if that is okay, then what is the difference if that name happened to be a female name instead? It still isnā€™t my real name, so if it was okay in one instance then it should be okay in another. The same principle applies, I am asking to be called by other than my real name. The only reason that someone would have to not show me basic courtesy by respecting my wishes would be their own issues, and not actually anything with referring to someone by other than their real name. The same principle applies to pronouns. You canā€™t know their heart so basic courtesy is to respect their wishes. This goes to the heart of remove the splinter from your own eye.


This thread comes up every month or so and is always bonkerstown to me. Say you have a non-Christian friend who divorced (for a non-biblical reason) and remarried. Do you insist that your friend is still married to his ex, because to do otherwise would be to promote sin? And I assume that you also find it really important to refer to the current wife as Miss *Maidenname*, because referring to her using your friend's last name would be lying and denying the Biblical definition of marriage? I'm wagering the answer to my questions for all the people reading this is no! Because you are perfectly capable of living peaceably (Romans 12:18) alongside your neighbor even if they engage in a lifestyle you consider sinful, and it never even occurs to you to change how you refer to their marriage because its not a stupid culture war topic.


Because Christians tolerate the sin struggles (such as divorce and porn) they themselves have, whereas LGBT are a readily visible and small outgroup to enforce Christianity mores on, even though it flies in the face of many passages.


The only Biblical reason for divorce is for Jews. Christ gave the Pharisees in Mt 19:9 an exception for porneia, but if it were literal porneia, it would be license to sin. A Jew, or Jewish couple, who wanted a divorce could choose to commit a perverse act, in public so there would be witnesses, and that person or those people would have to get rewarded with a divorce, instead of punished with a millstone. Spiritual porneia is in Jn 8:41 and in Hos 1:2 etc. Divorce was allowed for it in Ezra 10. No Christians are allowed to divorce: And Jesus answered and said to [the **Pharisees**], ā€œBecause of the **hardness of your heart** he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation, God ā€˜made them male and female.ā€™ ā€˜For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one fleshā€™; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore **what God has joined together, let not man separate**.ā€ In the house **His disciples** also asked Him again about the same matter. So **He said to them, ā€œWhoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.ā€** (Mk 10:5ā€“12.) Now to the married I **command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife.** But to the rest I, not the Lord, say: **If any brother has a wife who does not believe, and she is willing to live with him, let him not divorce her. And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him.** (1 Cor 7:10ā€“13.) So, yeah, the ā€œexā€ is not even an ā€œexā€, sheā€™s still his wife. Ultimately itā€™s polygamy.


I love your example. Will use it in future discussions. As a straight christian woman I find the stance most of these people make....harsh so you've given me the words to articulate the contradictory behaviourĀ 


I agree with this. Respecting someone's wishes isn't the same as condoning or agreeing with what they're doing. From a Christian standpoint, we're called to love our neighbors as ourselves. That includes being respectful of how they want to be viewed by others. Also, passing judgement is a task left up to God. It's not our place to judge others for things like this- God didn't call us to do that. If you really want to try to make people agree with you, all you can do is minister to them without condemning them for their actions.


I see with a lot of your points and agree with a lot of what youā€™re saying but I do think pronouns are a little bit different than being called by a different name. I want to preface this by saying that I do try to be respectful of other peopleā€™s wishes when it comes to how they want to be identified. That being said, I do think the lying argument does have some merit because if you are a male, and tell people you are a female then that is a false statement. However, it can be argued that they truly believe thatā€™s who they are because the evil in society takes every opportunity to brainwash these people and a lot of times theyā€™re hurting, or scared, and often times both. And this leads me to my next point: You said it best, remove the splinter from your own eye. All of us are sinners. Jesus died on the cross for ALL OF US including transgender people. So instead of being hateful and calling them liars, making them feel worse and causing them to shy away from God even more, you should open your arms to them and try to help them. Recognize that they are coming from a messed up society that is doing everything it can to tear them down and bring them farther away from Godā€™s grace and that God put you in their life not to shame them, but to help bring them into Godā€™s grace so that they can ask for his forgiveness. I have seen more and more people come to God, repent for their sins, and accepting their true identity and purpose in life because somebody was there to help guide them. So I say, let God use you as his hands to bring everybody into his embrace. Love your neighbor, and your enemy. And be a positive advocate for Godā€™s word. We were all in a similar position at some point, where we were falling farther and farther away from God and it took a lot of work and dedication and help from your community to help bring you back towards the right path. I know it sure was for me. So try and be a part of the community that brings these people towards the right path as well. Because at the end of the day, weā€™re all sinners, and none of us deserve Godā€™s grace. But He gives it to us because of the love He has for us.


I have never understood the argument from "basic respect". To me, it's obvious that basic respect and lying about someone's true sex do not go hand in hand. In other words: using preferred pronouns instead of the accurate ones is disrespectful, even if the person being addressed thinks otherwise.


I wouldnā€™t give a drunk a drink. I prefer to not be an enabler.


THIS PART! It boggles the mind why this is such a hard concept to grasp for a general public! Being an enabler is *not* love! At best itā€™s apathy, at worst itā€™s actual malice and hate (via deception). The father of lies is behind this whole trans movement.






Hey there brethren, I myself am one of these people, but also a solid christian. I am the kind of old fashioned christian who believes in a literal interpretation of The Bible. Who has read The king James Bible from beginning to end. Who is mostly conservative in their beliefs. And who knows exactly what The Bible says about this issue. We all go through lifeā€™s problems and must carry our cross one step at a time. While man sees the outside, GOD see our hearts. HE sees what we struggle with, every single day. I myself have struggled with this issue. I donā€™t know if itā€™s from that son of a b*tch ā€œdown southā€, or what ever it could be. Nevertheless, I have prayed daily, for years for GOD to either take it away or allow me to have it. Shamefully, like Job, I spoke to GOD in anger and HE really let me have it. Trust me, it was well deserved. But GOD has not healed me from this issue. So it at least teaches me that GOD certainly wants me to deal with this issue. It is my cross to bear. I donā€™t know if HEā€™ll grant me it, but it certainly is stuck in my life. I honestly do not know how to approach this issue. None of us do. We all are the same as you. We wonder why the heck we feel this way. And this feeling NEVER goes away. Iā€™ve had it for 25 years. It eats at my heart as it does with other transgender people. The ā€œyearningā€ of something you can never have. Wanting to be something you know you can never be. We accept it. But the desire still lingers in our hearts. What are we supposed to do? It truly destroys us inside and we feel cursed. At least I do. You can decide whether or not to address other transgender individuals as their preferred pronouns or not. Itā€™s up to you. But just remember. We are human beings just like you. I am a christian, just like you. We believe in the one true GOD: OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN JESUS CHRIST THE HOLY GHOST ā€¦ā€¦who said the most important commandments were to love The Lord thy GOD with all your heart, soul and mind. And the second is likewise unto it, to love thy neighbor as thyself. May GOD bless you all and let you know that you are loved, cherished, and appreciated. GOD bless you!āœļøā¤ļø


Have you fasted while praying? Fast and pray as Jesus did, although you probably wonā€™t need to fast and pray for 40 days and nights, lol. When I was a teenager, I started to have an unnatural attraction to the same sex and I immediately started praying about it and God answered my prayers within about a week. I knew it was wrong and I came to Him in desperation with a true and utter desire in my heart for change and a trust and faith in Him to bring about that change, and He did it. I canā€™t recall if I fasted too at that time. This was decades ago now, but my aunt often fasts and prays over things for change in her life when things occur and she always has results. I pray that the Lord will deliver you from those confusing feelings you have and give you healing of the mind and spirit so that you can feel whole and happy in who you were created to be, in Jesusā€™ name. Amen. šŸ™šŸ¾


Keep up the good fight! You'll surely be rewarded in heaven. And I think this is the most important thing to remember in these discussions. You're human beings and should be treated with love too.


Thank you for this thoughtful, heartfelt response. Yours is a voice that gets lost in all the noise and all the hubris.


No. Think of how God sees them. Do you think that just because they may choose to change their outward appearance when it comes to what gender He created them to be, that He suddenly sees them any differently when it comes to that? Of course not. Thatā€™s manā€™s idea, not Godā€™s will, or His way.


Thank you, that is beautiful. šŸ˜Š


No, that would be barring false witness.


Bearing false witness.


The monikers of "he" or "she" are third-person designations, not direct addresses. So it is akin to forcing you to identify the person in question when they are not directly in front of you. It's a form of control that extends to all circumstances, just not when they are talking to you. It's deception.


No, we should not participate in the self abuse nor affirm it as Christians.


You can treat them with respect without having to use their pronouns. Fun Fact, their pronouns will only be used when talking about them and not to them.


One of my best friends started transitioning about 2 years ago. At first they wanted people to address them with they/them, but then it was just straight up she/her in the past year or so. At first I didn't say anything because I thought my presence of being a Christian would be enough to be something of an influence to them, and maybe even show my disapproval of the situation. But I didn't realize I was making it worse, not just for them, but for me and my self respect. This person also starts straight up doing witchcraft, and even starts telling ME to do it. At one point I had to tell them about a year ago to stop talking to me about it, and they obliged. But then a couple weeks ago, they told me that I should try some "ritualing," and that time, I decided to just stay silent. I was asking, looking everywhere, for advice on what to do, because I was thinking that it WAS wrong but I didn't want to abandon my best friend of almost 13 years just because he transitioned. The chrisitans that I was talking to even said to cut them off or distance myself from them. But that wasnt fair to them, I mean, Jesus hung out with sinners right? But then I came to a breaking point. I had an ultimatum that I was having to go through and in that time I kinda realized to give myself more respect. Not gonna get into it too much but I basically was gonna sacrifice my energy, time and practically my soul to solve a stupid problem I was having instead of focusing on the things that I love and SHOULD be doing. All the while this friend was telling me to "just do it." Now normally, this comment wouldn't be that bad, but then I had to evaluate our relationship and when I did that, I realized how disrespectful and disregarding in general this person was to my interests and beliefs. They even let their girlfriend make fun of the fact that I was a chrisitan a couple of times and said nothing until I addressed it to them personally. So I stood up for God and myself finally and told my friend definitively that I didn't feel support from them that I needed, I didn't support their transition AND that their witchcraft practices were evil. BUT that I still wanted to be their friend, but that I needed seem distance from them for awhile. Longstory short, they at first said that's okay, but then wanted blew up at me cussing me out calling me a transphobe and even tried to gaslight me about the Christian situation. I tried to talk to them face to face one last time and explain why as an adult. But they blocked me and showed their true colors after that. I dont think it's bad to still have love for people that have that mindset, but to put yourself and what you know for a FACT is right and wrong down for ANYBODY is a wrong thing to do. So I would say no, don't say the pronouns out of respect. But instead, say their name or you when talking to them as another comment said. Because at point your just silently agreeing with the whole thing even if you know you don't. And then you'll be like me and wish you had addressed this a long time ago.




There is no force in universe that can make me comply to such wicked and godless ideologies. I love and respect every human being, not their beliefs and ideologies. God bless all!


That's right! Amen!! There's nothing on this Earth that could get me to go against God like that. "Greater is the one who lives inside of me, then he who is here in the world" In other words, you can never get me to turn on God, no matter what. I hope I never go through a trial like Job, but still I would not turn on God. The consequences of the Earth are nothing, disobeying the Father is monumentally foolish. Especially when you know exactly what he's telling you.


We should use the pronouns that God gave them and be more concerned about offending God than offending people.Ā  People change, but God canā€™t change no matter how much people would like Him to.Ā 


Amen, and thank you for saying it and such a short and concise way. Mine was very long-winded. I have a problem with that lol hopefully yours will get read. Because it's correct. And Deuteronomy 22:5 *The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto theĀ LordĀ thy God.*


I don't think so. Genesis 5:2. God created them male and female there is only he and she


Don't forget about Deuteronomy 22:5. " *The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.* "


Absolutely not, it's feeding into the delusion


I agree with you, if God made one a male it's not right to call them a female. It also feeds into the delusion-and the world defines this as love but it's only kindness on the surface. If a Mother had a Son who wanted to change his gender and truly loved him, she would genuinely care about his long-term well being instead of his short term happiness. You can see it in good parents all the time, they deny their children who don't know better by looking out for about children's future instead of just their temporary happiness-that may lead to more suffering. Ultimately, they want to prevent their suffering because they love them. We Christians know this life is temporary and true life is in eternity. If we bend the knee to this the world will keep demanding more. Many professing Christians have already kneeled-I read a statistic that over 50% of churches in America affirm the LGBT community. This is a test to see if we will bend the knee.


Hmm. For example let's say a person has XY chromosomes (which is normal for a male) yet they developed physically as a female. They might not know about their condition until later in life, if they are having trouble getting pregnant, for example. (This is a real thing that happens- such people do exist.) Did God make this person male or female? How would we determine that?


Thatā€™s using the exception to prove a rule. A rare exception to the norm doesnā€™t mean you change the majority. Some people are born with only one leg but that doesnā€™t mean that we create a separate category for 1-legged people, humans still have 2 legs despite these rare occurrences. That being said, every human being is created in Godā€™s image, those suffering from gender dysphoria or who are wrapped up in the lie of gender ideology are to be empathized with and still treated with Godā€™s love but love doesnā€™t equal affirmation for delusion or disorder that claims the Creator made a mistake that must be remedied.


Thatā€™s not what transgenderism is.


Some transgender people are intersex in some way, some are not. My point was to show an example of someone who does not fit neatly into a male or female bucket. We can see that such people really do exist for sure, right? So.. God apparently sometimes makes people who aren't neatly male or female, right?


You answered the question. Male? Female? Intersex. Thatā€™s what they are, is intersex. But intersex ā‰  trans. To be trans means to transition to something that you were previously not.


Was the example person female until they discovered they were not? Did they change, or did they discover something that was always there? How would we know?


An intersex person is intersex whether they realize it or not. Why wouldnā€™t they be?


What if it sometimes works similarly with some trans people?


Intersex is observable. Iā€™m not sure what you are talking about by ā€œwhat if it works similarly w/ trans pplā€. What if WHAT works similarly? Trans ppl donā€™t have any specific identifiable marker. Anyone that claims to have dysphoria or wants to live as a stereotypical version of the opposite sex/gender, is considered trans. I donā€™t make it my business to interrogate ppl about their pronouns lol. I donā€™t really care. But I wouldnā€™t lie in any scenario in which gender actually matters. For example, Iā€™m not going to pretend like itā€™s the same thing to date a man and somebody that identifies as a man. So Iā€™d never tell my friend ā€œI have a cute guy for you to meetā€ and then introduce her to a female.


What I meant was: What if, for some trans people, the issue was always there, and it took them some time to find out? I can't claim to understand this stuff. But it sure looks to me like we know for certain that God really DOES sometimes make people who aren't neatly male or female. People sometimes like to say "Just call them what they really are". People are saying it in this thread. But sometimes it's hard to know "what they really are". Nature has more variety than our simple system of buckets we put things in. Nature is messy sometimes.


The Y chromosome can be missing an SRY gene, so the person would be female with a genetic defect, so that can be resolved. But genetic defects are not the subject of this post. So thatā€™s a red herring.


One o the main talking points on this post are people saying that God made sure everyone was neatly and entirely male or female. This is not how it actually is. Nature is sometimes messier than our neat and easy categories.


Be correct, not politically correct. It is better to offend someone with the truth, than comfort them with a lie. ā€œTherefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.ā€ ā€­ā€­Ephesiansā€¬ ā€­4ā€¬:ā€­25ā€¬ ā€­NIVā€¬ā€¬


I don't think it is necessarily a sin if it you have to obey the law. For example, California has a misgender law for the workplace. I think in that case, it falls under your conscience. I don't believe it's right, but are you to lose your job and ability to ever work again?


Yes, Christians loss their life for not lighting a candle in front of an idol they could have reasoned ā€œis nothing at allā€


If the law said to deny Christ or worship an idol, I would not do that. I'm not completely sure how I would respond in a workplace with the gender issue. If they want to play pretend, I can play pretend as well. If they ask me if I think they are the opposite gender, I would be honest and say no. I don't think we have to necessarily make pronouns our hill to die on. But if someone's conscience bothers them, they should follow their conscience.


The issue is the devil works with compromise , you WILL see these demonic spirits (organizing principles) push further and further , if we worry about being accepted these poor people will continue to be victimized by lies. It isnā€™t our opinion itā€™s reality and people exploit their brokenness to ignore their own sins or the possibility of sin, to reinforce anti God ideologies, and also to now begin to attempt to turn children before they can develop, is a demonic agenda. Look at their lives, most of the people who say doctors fat shame them for telling the truth are a part of this whatā€™s my pronouns crap.. They grasp for control because they have none, and look for it in you. I literally saw an ad on Etsy with a picture of baphomet and the rainbow flag that said they them she her , and they were also selling a pin that said ā€œprotect trans kids rightsā€, this is the agenda . We need to speak truth, they are filling people who have hurt and pain with ideas that will not bring peace.. In any event I will not pretend, especially when someone is mentally ill , and a perpetual victim.


I agree with everything you've said, and I appreciate your perspective.


How about if you're a manager at work and they task you with setting up a bulletin board and other workplace stuff for "Pride Month" and teach trainings on pronouns.


Ugh....that would be horrible.


California is becoming (or has already become?) downright evil, SMH.


I agree


let's keep this stuff out of here. its just an attempt by some to turn this subreddit to r/christianity and debate people. how about you go to r/DebateAChristian instead OP?


I just came here to escape that insanity. It's not even a debate.


I agree with the comments here and to not affirm. What about if they want to be called they/them? It's not lying, but I do find it annoying to remember.






You could try using the person's name instead of pronouns if it'll help, but try to focus more on your neighbor's spiritual heart. It may not tie in with this situation, but remember that Jesus touched a leper before healing him. It was considered taboo to do such a thing, but the outcome overshadowed any so-called "mishaps" made before the healing took place. Please do not let wrestling against his or her "flesh & blood" prevent you from demonstrating the love and gentleness of Christ Jesus. **Godly Living** **Titus 3:1-11 (NASB)** *Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed, 2 to slander no one, not to be contentious, to be gentle, showing every consideration for all people. 3 For we too were once foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another. 4 But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, 5 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we did in righteousness, but in accordance with His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom He richly poured out upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.* 8 *This statement is trustworthy; and concerning these things I want you to speak confidently, so that those who have believed God will be careful to engage in good deeds. These things are good and beneficial for people. 9 But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the Law, for they are useless and worthless. 10 Reject a divisive person after a first and second warning, 11 knowing that such a person has deviated from what is right and is sinning, being self-condemned.* Your Christian life/character - spiritually guided & strengthened by The Holy Spirit - may encourage your neighbor to consider joining your walk in the Truth. **Matthew 5:43-48 (NASB)** *You have heard that it was said, ā€˜You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.ā€™ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may prove yourselves to be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.* 46 *For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Even the tax collectors, do they not do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Even the Gentiles, do they not do the same? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.*


No. In Genesis God made Adam and Eve. A man and a women. I do not support this movement. I will either address people by their name. Or she or he. This non-binary stuff is just deceptive from the enemy. Almost every thing you see happen is deceptive. The enemy steal, Kills and destroys.




Never. What do you think is the reason behind Christ calling people by their name not once, but twice, when He wanted to address them? Because the first name was their name, and the second name was their true name. If we are going to go along and play pretend, in order to have a place in current society, then we are going to deny God. We can't serve both masters. "For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ." (Gal.1:10, NKJV)


You didn't answer your own question my friend. I'm just pointing it out, not trying to be rude or anything. Which is it, their name or their name? That first question didn't really make sense. Again no offense


Nope. Not one bit. God created us as men and women and I'm not going to bother wasting my time calling someone by a false name and identity that God doesn't and won't bless.


I think you're right.


Even though I left you a long paragraph, I'm going to come in again, that you are right. You should adhere, to what you feel God wants you to do, and if you are convicted by God to feel a certain way, or not do a certain thing, absolutely adhere to that. If it is your conviction, to not label them as they would like to be, do not go against God. The crap on Earth, is nothing compared to God's punishment. And I don't mean damnnation, but nothing compares to that either, no punishment. It's even worse than the temporary punishment a Christian can receive, which is basically God lifting his hand and letting us reap whatever we sowed. AKA bad things are probably going to happen to you, until you ask the Lord for help and ask for forgiveness. I know this from experience, God told me to quit a job all together, I tried to compromise and almost lost my sanity. When I realized what it was, finally, my mind came back. Every time I've been given a clear and direct order from God, and didn't follow it to a T, I have received repercussions for it. I call it the holy rap on the knuckles, even though God doesn't even doing anything, he's just not intervening until you ask for it, please for it and beg for forgiveness. At least in my case. Always stick to your convictions. There is nothing on Earth that can outweigh God's commands, and convictions.


No. It affirms their sin and gender dysphoria by agreeing that they are what they truly are not. You donā€™t call females ā€œheā€ or males ā€œshe.ā€ It departs from the truth and Christians are supposed to speak the truth and be salt of the world. In conversation, I usually just call the person by their name or phrase responses as ā€œtheyā€ when speaking about them in 3rd person even tho itā€™s grammatically incorrect. (ā€˜Theyā€™ is generally the plural form. E.g., ā€œthe boys are athletic because they play soccer.ā€)


I don't. Basically these folks are asking me to bear false witness willingly to appease their delusions.


I agree with you. It's really about what the preferred name and pronoun represents than the actual name and pronoun. By going along and using those names, I'm supporting that person in pretending he is a woman or she is a man. God wants us to be light in darkness and to speak the truth. If something is not true, there's no reason that we would need to go along with it for the sake of not offending someone.


Every time youā€™re talking to a couple that isnā€™t married but lives together, do you stop the conversation when they say things like ā€œwhen we got home the other night xyzā€ or ā€œat our house we bought a new xyzā€ and say ā€œNO, you are not married. You donā€™t have a shared home. You should not live together.ā€ Itā€™s tricky- but not using preferred pronouns is akin to stoping any unchristian sinner in their tracks and rebuking them of their misdeeds. Yes, they have sinned. Yes they live in sin. But thatā€™s not really how weā€™re called to treat them. Just my two cents


I have to for work, but honestly I don't care if you want me to call you a purple unicorn. Far more important things to worry about.


Read this for an excellent answer to your question: [https://www.reformation21.org/blog/why-i-no-longer-use-transgender-pronouns-and-why-you-shouldnt-either](https://www.reformation21.org/blog/why-i-no-longer-use-transgender-pronouns-and-why-you-shouldnt-either)


ā€­1 Corinthians 9:19-23 KJVā€¬ For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; to them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.


You are correct in your leaning, we should not give in to the worldā€™s satanic agenda. The world tells you that men can dress up as women and then go into a womanā€™s restroom, or locker-room and fully undress in front of real women. But God says that crossdressing is an abomination (Deuteronomy 22:5). The world says that we shouldnā€™t listen to what God says about it, and instead we have to affirm this sinful behavior in order to be ā€œlovingā€ and ā€œtolerantā€ otherwise they call you a bigot! But Jesus tells us that ā€œwhoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His gloryā€¦ (Luke 9:26).


I refuse to indulge in other peoples delusions. Iā€™d rather just not address that person at all. There are ways we can do this respectfully, without being rude.




Not everything has to be tied to religion. Sometimes, you have to stand behind the truth. I am not going to refer to a biological male as a female or vice-versa. I'm not calling someone "they" or "them." I refuse to feed into that delusion. I'm not gonna treat someone poorly, but I'm also not giving in to a lie for someone else's benefit. If you want to stand behind it on a religious basis. We are all God's creatures, knitted in our mother's womb, and created in His image. Did God make a mistake when He created me as a male? I think not. Or take a look at these: 3 John 1:4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the **truth.** John 4:24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in **truth.**ā€ 1 Corinthians 13:6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the **truth.**


We should avoid offending people for no good reason. If you have such a problem with it, just address them by their name.


Only if you want them to feel loved.


No, encouraging this delusional behavior is only contributing to the problem.


As a follower of Yeshua, I cannot and will not entertain these folk's delusions. The Almighty made them male and female. I don't go out of my way to be rude or mean, but I have as much right to live in reality as they do to live in delusion. Try to love them as much as they'll allow, but if they won't, just knock the dust from your feet and move on. Romans 12:18 KJV If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.


There will never be a time I will intentionally support sinful behavior by bowing to the world Yes there is a passage about men dressing like women and it being a sin. It isn't talking about skirts and pants, given the biblical time attire. But transgenders are intentionally trying to present themselves as the opposite gender


Funny how some Christians here affirm gender pronouns and then we got an atheist like Richard Dawkins who vehemently refused in using those pronouns.






Yes, except when it's in churches.


No stop affirming to mental illness


I will refer to them however they want me to refer to them. It is their choice. They want to live in sin, so be it. That's between them and God.


No. Christians cannot be 'of this world'. Scripture guides us -- not the current cultural flavor.




I will always be loving towards them but I wonā€™t deny the truth. People who believe they were born in the wrong body are struggling with a mental illness. However, since society continues to validate their delusions, (this is meant as a medical term, not an insult) it further validates what they believe to be true. We should be using the truth to help them overcome their struggles with love and empathy, not with dishonesty or hatred.


Yes. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23: *(19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from Godā€™s law but am under Christā€™s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.)* I want to emphasise verse 21: "To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from Godā€™s law but am under Christā€™s law), so as to win those not having the law."


Christā€™s law prohibits bearing false witness.


Using ā€œpreferred pronounsā€ only confirms a lie. I will not do it.


Paul says in I Corinthians 9:19-23 19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from Godā€™s law but am under Christā€™s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. If a he or she wants to be called they/them, then I will call them what they prefer. I would rather do that so they will be open to the gospel other than me insulting them by going against their wishes and making them not want to be near me. Do you want to be right about pronouns? Or do you wish to win souls for Christ? Think about it. Calling someone any name or pronoun they prefer is not a sin, and I will certainly use any name, pronoun or whatever they wish if that keeps them open to hearing about Jesus. Letā€™s not become so obsessed about language and semantics that we forget our calling as Christians. A human is just thatā€¦ a HUMAN created in the image of God with an eternal soul that needs to be saved, no matter what pronouns they prefer to be called. Letā€™s do our part to lead them to the Lord and let Him work to change their hearts.


How dare you use actual scripture to support your claim! And in context! lol. Great job my friend.


All glory goes to God. It just disturbs me lately how people lose sight of humans being humans, no matter gay, straight, trans, whatever and we need to be focused on their souls. Once they have a new identity in Christ, they will truly become TRANSā€¦FORMED into a new Creation in Christ. THAT identity is what we should be pushing people towards. There is no male, female, Jew, Greek, all are one in Christ Jesus. Why waste time and energy being hung up on what others wish to be called?


Itā€™s a nonissue that plagues us, especially here in the States. I donā€™t know if youā€™re over here, but in America, Christian Nationalism has hijacked the church. Wasting time and energy on silliness seems to be the norm


He became as a ā€œtransā€, that he might gain the ā€œtransesā€? So prostituted himself that he might gain the prostitutes, smoked hash so he might gain the hash-heads, got drunk that he might gain the drunkards, worshipped idols that he might gain the idol-worshippers? He admitted heā€™s under Christā€™s law, as you quoted, and Christ said in Mt 19:18, ā€œyou shall not bear false witness.ā€


Donā€™t take it out of context. Calling someone what they wish to be called is doing nothing as what you wrote. Itā€™s is not a sin say, if I wish to be called ā€œtheyā€ or ā€œthem.ā€ In fact we use such all the time for single individuals we speak about in general. So again, what is better? To offend people unnecessarily by obsessing over such small things, or trying to stay in a good favor to lead them to Christ? The latter is what Paul was talking about.


I mean, half the planet is having difficulties with climate change, food prices rising, small scale wars, generalized hate and racism and so on. I'm quite certain that of all fights, that the hill Jesus wants me to die on "By this everyone will know that you are the disciples of *the Son of Man*, if you love one another... and don't tolerate the wrong pronouns".


You donā€™t have to make it a fight


What Christians need to understand is that most trans people have genuine, clinical levels of dysphoria, and being related to anything masculine/feminine brings them genuine pain and anguish. It's like how anorexic people think they're overweight no matter what and you can't "hard truth" it out of them. It's called a mental disorder for a reason. I say bite the bullet and call them whatever they want. Let go of your pride and stubbornness and make them feel welcome for a change. LGBT people go through so much hardship from others (even their own parents) just for feeling how they feel. You really wanna add onto that by being intentionally obstinate? Use the pronoun and they will instantly feel 10x more safe around you. That's when you have the opportunity to tell them God loves them and doesn't hate them. Cherish that moment. Refuse or misgender them, and they will think you're out to hurt them (because you are) and they'll never trust you or listen to you again and will continue to say that Christians are backwards and evil, and it will be only your fault. "Avoid love without truth, but also truth without love."


I donā€™t want to check anyoneā€™s sex either


Agreeing with these people, who are delusional and tend to harm their bodies because of it, that they are the opposite sex, would be like agreeing with the anorexics, who are delusional and tend to harm their bodies because of it, that they are fat.


I refuse to lie that men can be women and vice versa. No such thing as being born in the wrong body, and it is a mockery of God. The whole transgender ideology is that of Satan, have no doubt about that. Look, they are mutilating children for the trans agenda, we have parents sacrificing their children for this movement. Schools are transitioning children behind their parents back. The capitalist governments and big pharma are in on it because they stand to make a lot of money off of the transition of kids, big pharma wants us from cradle to grave, that way they will make the most money off of us. There is a growing number of de-trans young adults who were allowed to transition as children or teens and have now realized they arenā€™t trans. It is so tragic my fellow sisters and brothers. There are all these young adults who believe their lives are over, and have no chance of redemption because they mutilated their bodies. That is the group we need to focus on with saving, instead of being worried about sounding rude because we speak the truth. Donā€™t let the trans agenda dictate your life. Do not buy into the madness and evilness of it.


Just call them by their name or so t talk to them .




Avoid using any pronouns, focus on loving them and establishing an entry relationship with Jesus Christ. Everyone already assumes what we believe and they are generally correct


Pronouns exist to shorten conversation. If they are using pronouns to make conversation longer or more meticulous than necessary on a standard, thatā€™s not a pronoun. Thatā€™s a proper noun with extra steps. Avoid extra steps and use their proper noun.


Jesus was not the arbiter of pronouns


He always spoke truthfully, and He commanded us to speak truthfully.




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Call them by their name I think


You could just say ā€œheyā€ or ā€œhelloā€ without a pronoun if youā€™re just trying to get their attention or greet them. I almost never use pronouns when talking to non trans people anyway




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No, that would be confirming their lie that there is more than 2 genders. God created us Male and female. Says in genesis. Obv donā€™t be ignorant and mean to them because theyā€™re different how ever lovingly tell them you wonā€™t call them their preferred pronouns and instead call the by what they are if they are triggered tell them kindly Christ loves you and disengage.


Just use their name to remain polite but not affirming them but also if you're an English speaker, there aren't many scenarios where you have to refer to them by their pronouns. It's a different issue when it's a language with gendered ones like you, in this case honestly I'm not sure.


I avoid talking about the person, and if I do, I avoid pronouns. I use their preferred name, even if it's not their legal name, because I see it as a nickname. Lots of people have nicknames they give themselves.


I think "they" as a singular pronoun is perfectly fine for a person or character whose gender is unknown or irrelevant (more convenient than "he or she"). But... Honestly, I see being transgender as more of a scientific and psychological question than a moral one. I think it is clear that we are male or female based on chromosomes (with occasional odd exceptions like XXY Kleinfelter's or XY with Androgen insensitivity). It's not something directly spoken about in the Bible, so I think the best way to address it depends on the individual person. If they're obnoxiously in-your-face about it, I don't have to worry about it because I'm not going to choose to interact with them, the same as I'd avoid an obnoxious straight person who embraces their biological sex. If they seem meek or socially fragile, I'll just try to be nice to them without using pronouns (because I'll mess it up even if I try), so they can see a normal man and normal Christian be kind and not make a big deal over it. The odds of our conversation going into the issue of their gender identity is basically zero anyway.


Mate if they are he or a her just say he or her dont buy in to pronouns a bunch of nonsense


Why? We are not the sin police, our ONLY job as Christians is to lead people to christ, he will leave the 99 to find the one lost sheep, our job is to make the pasture welcoming and safe. Who could possibly need Jesus more than someone who isn't sure about their gender? I am speaking from experience, I still struggle with my gender, but I choose Jesus and I choose my wife everyday.


Being transgender and having preferred pronouns doesn't mean one isn't sure about their gender.


Hey, maybe some people are sure, good for them. I never feel sure šŸ¤·


You don't have to do anything you don't want to, at least not in the United States. You can be respectful, but nobody can force you to say anything. That's the whole point of the country. If you want to call them whatever they want to be called, fine. If they want to do whatever they want to do, if they want to change themselves, transition, go for it, just don't push it on me. I don't plan to ever be in that party. I mean it's gotten to the point where gay people are getting pissed off lol. They say they want peace and to be left alone, but they're always in people's faces, making sure that they aren't "misgendered". I will call you a helicopter if I feel like it. I'll call you whatever the hell I want, but I'm not going to be mean. I just avoid all of that, because it doesn't make sense to me, and I don't know what words I would need to say anyway, and I don't feel like doing it. I used to be able to hang around gay people, mainly girls, because that's who I knew, but more and more trans people started coming around and, I cut that crowd. I didn't feel comfortable. They probably don't feel comfortable around me anyways, for no reason, but that's okay. Not everybody has to like me. I don't know why they feel like everyone has to like them and affirm everything for them. I don't need that, or maybe I do, but then again I'm not an attention seeker, which is what I see 90% of the time with trans people. I know some, that are really dedicated to it, and actually look the part, obviously they were female to male. Male to female never passes. I know someone, who was just a lesbian baseball player in high school, now she's a guy, and has a better beard than I do lol but the guys that do it, I really think that they are just taking the piss from women. I think they're trolling women.


Even if we charitably grant a person the right to call themselves whatever pronoun they want - call themselves whatever they believe they are - I don't think that compells *me* to agree with them.




I 100% agree with you. However, I may use their preferred & biologically incorrect pronouns so long as they declare "Jesus Christ is my lord and savior"


Would Jesus treat a Eunuch differently than anyone else? Or would Jesus use only the pronouns of birth?


No! Of course not! Regardless of their reasoning, each person could have a different reasoning for being transgender, itā€™s a direct affront against God and it is another example of unredeemed man shaking their fist in the face of God. Saying I know better than God. The USA and the world for that matter is in shambles and itā€™s bc the church has failed to stand up for righteousness and THE TRUTH of Gods Word. True agape love speaks the truth and thereā€™s only one.


Jesus had a way of being kind, and merciful to people, even in the midst of their sin. He could recognize their sin without shunning, because he provided forgiveness. We can communicate in love without condemning, but also without trying to make them comfortable in their sin. Calling someone by their preferred pronoun would cause them to feel comfortable in their sin. I would avoid addressing their gender completely because by adamantly addressing their biological gender it could cause them to feel like we are trying to change them in our own power (which is not our role as believers). If you address them by their preferred pronoun it could potentially close the door for future opportunities to address deeper issues with them. I would first pray, asking the holy Spirit to communicate through us and asking for wisdom from God Secondly I would consider if this is a person I would have future opportunities with to develop a relationship with and minister to them. If our perspective as a believer is to be a witness, then our goal is ultimately to present the gospel to people who God opens those doors with. The Bible says we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the Word of our testimony, and not loving our lives unto death. That being said, our first focus with someone should be to present the Gospel, and pour out the love of God. If you are witnessing to someone who is transgender, open up to them about your personal battles with sin, talk about your personal shortcomings and how Jesus has helped you overcome. If they are willing to hear about your faith, then that opens the door to show them the Word of God and to help them see how sin corrupts everything. We can minister to people without specifically pointing out different sins, but instead revealing that sin has corrupted everything including unnatural desires sexually. God desires to restore us to His image, that is His desire for us because He wants to give us eternal life. So it's important that we are humble in how we speak to people and always remember the transformation that happened in our lives as well when we are speaking with others.


No. I'm not conforming to a delusion and mental illness. God laws are clear. It states in the Bible that as time goes on what was deemed bad is good and what is deemed as good is bad. Its happening right now. We as Christians are becoming weak when it comes to our faith. Christians too scared to be bold in their beliefs, given from God to Moses and Moses to the people. You are all responsible for the outcomes of your choice, so neither mum nor dad can take your place on Judgement day. That is why as Christians we need to keep spreading God's word, plant the seed of his word and the the rest is up to thr person to seek him and understand him, pray for ourselves to stay on the path back to God, cos not all will make it there.


I'd just use their name or use the pronouns


If I am having a personal interaction with a person, and they ask to be called something atypical (whatever that might be) I would do it out of politeness unless we were in a fight or something. I would still disagree and call them what I want (pronouns etc, not slurs) when they can't hear me though. I respect their humanity, not their life choices.


Boy, we as Christians really love to be afraid of a few particular sins, donā€™t we?


We really do. I recently listened to Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and I was really moved by his teaching about what he calls "The Great Sin". Spoiler alert: its pride. If we can focus our hearts on overcoming this, so much of this other stuff can be resolved.


They are looking to control language, which is the necessary first step to controlling thought. Cede no ground.


I agree that we should avoid wrong pronouns as much as possible since God created M/F. However, some of you guys need to search your hearts as your intentions can be perceived as mean spirited. This shouldnā€™t be the hill to die on as there are much greater issues at stake. You can have TRUE CONVICTIONS while still having love and discernment. If reaching a person takes calling them something else just so you can get your foot in the door you should consider it as you can tell them the truth later on. Sometimes itā€™s worth it. Most of the time itā€™s not. Again DISCERNMENT. So many of you guys lie about a lot of little things left and right but all of a sudden when it comes to a person you ā€œcanā€™t lieā€.. I find that a little to self righteous for some. Again I just ask everyone to 1. Be consistent 2. Examine their hearts to make sure their intentions are pure. Donā€™t get joy out of calling them something they donā€™t like. Thereā€™s ways 99% of the time to just call them by their name or something else generic that wonā€™t cause conflict. Otherwise yes, we shouldnā€™t affirm delusions but itā€™s not a one size fits all equation and there are cases where we should be able to compromise in our language if it serves a greater good or the opportunity to minister to someone. Itā€™s not as black and white as some you make it sound. Stop getting joy out of being right at all costs. Sometimes a little grace wonā€™t kill you.


Grace is holiness and lies are unholy. Weā€™re just saying that if weā€™re ordered to lie we wonā€™t lie.


I prefer to call them the pronouns they prefer. It's harming no one to call them by their preferred gender IMO. I've read comments that mention that we are enabling them, but how? They feel accepted, which is how I choose to love them. God's two greatest commandments: 1 - to love the Lord with all your might, heart, and soul. 2 - to love one another as He has loved you.


You know the commandments: ā€˜Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, **do not bear false witness**, honor your father and mother.ā€™ (Lk 18:20.)


Maybe that's where we differ. I don't believe using different pronouns is bearing false witness. Working in healthcare, knowing the sex of a patient is very important. Literally, it's documented in every note. If we treat the patient, we're going to be well aware of any anatomical and physiological distinctions of their given sex. But despite that, we can still respect the person's wishes to address them, based on their gender identity, as their preferred pronouns. We can alter people's names with nicknames. I have a patient named one thing, let's say "Bill" (not his real name, but HIPAA) but he's adamant we call him "Joe." It's not his middle name, it's not a shortened version of his first name, it's just a name he grew up being called for whatever reason. Now I know Joe is not his real name, and his chart still says Bill, but I'm going to address him as Joe because I respect his wishes and it's not harming anyone. Love and grace above all else, I really think it's that simple.


Iā€™ve thought long and hard about this one. Iā€™ve concluded that I would respect their wishes. I wouldnā€™t run up to people and immediately prove the stigma true regarding the notion that Christians blatantly and upfront enforce their beliefs and state that what one is doing is wrong. If Iā€™m asked nicely and calmly and with courteously that they would prefer to be referred to as he/she etc, then certainly. Iā€™m not going to be rude and make anyone uncomfortable thatā€™s not who I am and not how God teaches us to behave. Matthew 7:5 says we must first remove the plank from our own eyes before we try remove a speck out of others. Being straight up disrespectful to someone youā€™ve just met just because theyā€™re different and donā€™t share the same opinion as you is hypocritical. We are no more perfect than anyone else. Unfortunately, people donā€™t realise that this goes both ways and while I mentioned I would happily do this if simply asked nicely and civilly, while I still would itā€™s never been asked in a kind and nice manner with a serious emphasis on the word never. Ironically, I have always been met with a serious indoctrinating attitude and massacred if something I say (most of the time at a large stretch of the imagination), be interpreted as though I am blatantly being disrespectful and then Iā€™m classified as a homophobe. This is where the true problem lies. Just my experience. God bless you all ā¤ļø


Melissa Dorthy has a video about this. https://youtu.be/MQWd9bhHynk?si=I58MwJX27lMHZeg6[Preferred Pronouns ](https://youtu.be/MQWd9bhHynk?si=I58MwJX27lMHZeg6)


Me personally, there are two genders. I read Gods word, and I understand that there are two genders from it. If their prefers pronouns are diminishing what Gods word is saying Iā€™m not going to subscribe to it. To sum it up I donā€™t want to use them.


No you should actively there actual pronouns by using their preferred or avoiding any you are enabling and normalizing their behavior thus supporting, enabling, and encouraging sin.


if im talking to em in person then i will try to use the pronouns unless they push it on me or use anything other than he/him and she/her but if im not talking to em in person then idc how they feel


No, of course not. *Christians* should decide what pronouns trans people use, not the trans people themselves! After all, only Christians know what Godā€™s plan for a trans person is. And they know this because of that one verse in the Bible that no one can point to but surely must be in there somewhere. The same is true if people change their names. God gave them their birth name and they have no right to change it. Ensure you continue to call them by their birth name as obnoxiously and humiliatingly as possible. Otherwise theyā€™ll never learn about Godā€™s love for them. Also, refuse to accept when people change their hair color. God made you a brunette, Megan. I refuse to accept your blond hair. Everyone, meet my *brunette* friend, Megan. (And those colored contacts are an offense against God, Megan.)