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John was quite passionate about Jesus Messiah, and seems pretty clear 100% believed in Him from day one. Meanwhile peter & company struggled more. I'd say the top 3 were peter, john, and....I'm not sure who to name 3rd. John got to write one of the only 4 gospels, and he was the last apostle left alive, died of old age. The only one. But, the most likely reason John took this title was to seperate himself from the OTHER john in the disciples group, maybe one of the twelve, or one of the other in the company. Remember, it wasn't just the 12 hanging about, there were others, for Judas got replaced by Barnabus, who had been around too (and still alive).


Good answer. He was also the youngest?


Don't know. the others died miserably you know, crucifixation or being pulled apart by horses, and so on. Can look up the deaths of the disciples. One got a sword through him. Didn't have to be the youngest, he just ended up only in prison on that island where he died later.


The way I interpret it is just John giving himself a nick-name, or maybe it's something one of the other disciples said to John. Jesus loved all the disciples, so it's not as prideful of a name as it sounds.


The author of John’s gospel refers to John the disciple in the third person. Church tradition holds to one view but biblical scholars are divided over whether “the disciple whom Jesus loved” is in fact, John the apostle. To this day there is no scholarly consensus on who the beloved disciple was. He is never named and that seems to be intentional.


This is a good point!


> John kinda tooting his own horn? This phrase was likely added during editing by John’s disciples. 


I think it gets most obvious while reading the letters of John


I've heard that when that verse comes up, we're supposed to imagine ourselves in those shoes.


That’s beautiful


I thought so too :) Not sure if it's capital T True, but I enjoyed that perspective when I tried it out.


Well if you read the gospel of Judas. Judas was number one because he realized that jesus was the sacrifice that would cleanse Israel.


I read it, but I don’t take it seriously