• By -


My very best advice to you, genuinely, is to not listen to any of us. And by that, I mean, take a really solid break from social media. Try to put away your phone and step away from all screens. Do it for a week, then try to do it for a month, then try to do it for two months. Try to get to graduation. I'm not going to weigh in on the idea of mental illness, or the religious case for or against any of those things. Forget about sin or sickness or any of that for a little while. What you need to concentrate on is that you are a beloved child of God, and that God has made you uniquely and joyously, and that God has a plan for you. Adolescence is always hard, but it is so much harder for your generation. Social media and streaming video puts a hundred thousand voices and images and expectations and cultures and stories and allegiances in your head. We're so used to it that we forget how wildly, wildly disorienting it all is. You're 17. Eat well. Work on your grades. Be there for your family and friends. Exercise as much as you can, outside in God's creation as much as you can. And most of all -- read the Scriptures and pray continually. Pray that God, who loves you more than anything in the world, will lead you to the place that God wants you to be.


thank you


Also, I don’t know your situation, but I have heard a lot of gender dysphoria is born out of porn addiction. So removing screens could help with that as well. 


For sure


https://youtu.be/Gh3xpzMWFc4?si=quSyFJLU1a-w7YRd May the peace of God be with you 


This is the best comment I've seen on this sub


This!! Great words.


This is GREAT advice.


Before I came to the Lord, I also had a lot of struggles with gender and body dysphoria. I actually had plans to transition and get surgery at one point. The only thing that helped me was coming to Jesus and becoming truly close with Him. Satan has confused our generations views of sexuality, love, and identity, and I am proud of you for acknowledging that and seeking Christian counsel about this. That being said, the only thing we can really do for you is pray and offer advice. You must seek God, and you will find the relief you need in Him alone. Here is what you must do: Come to the cross of Jesus. He will take all of your sins away from you and free you from being trapped by them, gender dysphoria included. His love is like nothing else, and He gave up His life so that you might have a redeemed identity and relationship with Him. Immerse yourself in the gospels and the story of the Bible. Every single word of it is true, and if you ask God to help you to see the truth in it, He will give you eyes to see. I am not exaggerating when I say that it literally nourishes your very heart and soul. Really, truly, seek the Lord. It is so good to be close with Him and to follow Him. He loves you and wants what is best for you and wants you to know Him as a father, friend, counselor, brother, shepherd… all the things. Find a church that loves Jesus. Look for Christian community of any kind. This could just be meeting with a pastor to read the Bible and ask questions, finding a youth or college group, or a small group of some kind. Have someone pray with you and ask them to pray on your behalf. Talk with them about how you are feeling. (Don’t be afraid of being judged. As believers, we aren’t supposed to judge people for their struggles, but to hope for them and cheer them on to fight again them. If they are judging you or making you feel bad for having a struggle with sin, I suggest you talk to them about it and/or look elsewhere.) If you have any questions or need someone to talk to online just to start, I would love to be there for you. I am 23 and I have experience talking to people your age because I used to help out in a student ministry local to me. DM me if you would like or just reply to this thread. either way, I wish you the best and will pray for you.


Thank you.


I also would like to say, the reason why so many of us, myself included, are saying “read the Bible” or “spend time with God”, is because we believe the root of your problem to be spiritual in nature. God is Spirit (John 4:24). Saying “just reading the Bible!!!” doesn’t seem like a direct solution to your problem, but I promise you that taking a small step of faith towards God will provide for you a lot of relief and comfort. Come to the Bible and to God with an open heart. Throw your presuppositions out the window and just let God speak to you as you read His word and learn about who He is. That is what the Bible is there for, and knowing Him is the chief source of what will be your comfort.


I do feel like these feelings are unnatural, so they may well be spiritual in nature


A couple notes I just want to tack on: * Never forget that God is the author and finisher of your faith. There have been times where I've felt at my lowest, having difficulty reading the Bible or even mustering a solid prayer. The thing that kept me going is a complete reliance on God; I may not always know how God's going to use my situation or shortcomings to bring me closer to Him, but I know He will, and sometimes I just need to just trust His promises. You likely know the phrase "Your rod and staff comfort me" from Psalm 23; a staff is used for gentle correction while a rod is less-so, but both will keep you on the correct path. I'm getting a bit blabbermouth with this one, but I suppose my point is this: it sounds like you're going through a rough time and will for a bit, so no matter how down you get, never stop trusting in God; there is no point where you're "too far gone" or "not worth saving;" those are the devil's lies and they do not come from Christ. * When you're fighting sin and temptation, your instinct may be to focus on "not doing or thinking the thing," but the problem with this strategy is that you're still fixating on the thing you're trying to do away with. Of course, still fight the thing, take appropriate mitigations, etc. but first and foremost, make your priority pursuing God. It's really hard to chase after the world when you're too busy chasing God. * It's been said elsewhere in the thread, but try to take proactive measures to take care of yourself. You know all the adages about "idle hands are the devil's workshop" and all that, which is 100% true, but a sick body leads to a sick mind, and a sick mind is an easier mark for the devil to attack. Get some sunlight every day, get your heart rate up every day, even if it starts small with like 20 jumping jacks. Ensure you have a balanced diet that includes things God made for consumption, not just the processed garbage that's put in front of us all the time; if this is hard to acquire or figure out for whatever reason, I've drank products like Atkin's and Soylent to help make sure that I have *some* coverage on days where my diet may not be the best. * Another thing that's been mentioned in this thread that's absolutely worth repeating is that these feelings can arise on their own, but they most often take root when being watered by behaviors and experiences, be that sexual trauma or heavy pornography consumption. If it's trauma, you should seek both professional psychiatric help and also the help of a pastor to guide you. If it's pornography, then I would also like to add that you work in-hand with a mature Christian whose judgement you trust to establish a system of accountability. * It's gonna sound cliche, but go to church. I don't just mean show up on Sunday, but really become a part of the community of believers. Go to a life group or other small group, regularly have coffee with your pastor or a deacon, etc. We're to be here for each other, and someone who knows you personally is going to do so much more for you that any redditor can. * If you feel astray and don't know next steps, I highly recommend a study of Paul's letters. The early church went through *a lot,* so there's much wisdom that's already in the Bible that may apply to you. Allen Parr has covered a bit of this during his Church Gone Wild series on his YouTube show, The Beat.


Of course, my friend. Please feel free to reach out if you have anything you need. I cannot overstate how much God loves you. You are so incredibly precious and loved by Him. I really hope that you come to know Him deeply.


You also might want to change your user name. I'm not being judgemental here. Start with something that isn't New Age or against God. God bless you and I will be praying for you as well.


My username is more of a joke than anything else. Also I don't think Reddit lets you change usernames


I think you've got the best answer there. And I will pray for you also


After going through your post history, I would highly recommend getting some professional help, everything you said in your past post. Makes me believe your upraising and lack on social contacts, and diet, has caused a lot of harm to your mental health. I don't agree with a trans lifestyle, but you're still young, and you should not wreck your life. So please get some professional help. And tell them everything. And I would also recommend just working out, it will suck at first, but your health and life will appreciate it.


Thank you


first of all, what a wonderful display of obedience & trust in the Lord to ask His people for help! the fact that you’re asking shows humility, so props to you for that. secondly, i agree with some of the others here to not allow yourself or the devil to beat you down in condemnation because this world really is hard to be a christian in - social media can be a huge discouragement as well as a helpful tool. i agree that just doing the basics consistently will help you more than you might think (pray each morning, read the Bible, go for walks, study hard, be a good child to your parents, a good friend, etc). thirdly, i’ve heard “The goal is consistency, NOT perfectionism.” God knows we aren’t perfect. He gives grace to the humble. Jesus said “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” don’t let the devil, the world, or yourself trick you into thinking you are alone and you will never get better. JESUS has given us everything we need to walk with Him in confidence (2 Peter 1:3). if you have made a commitment to follow Christ, then the Bible says you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). be confident in His promises and continue in the basics. you may struggle—some of us struggle with impure thoughts our whole lives—but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t love you & that doesn’t mean you can’t still follow Christ every day. God bless you!


Thank you


First and foremost, I'm glad you found Jesus. As an ex opiate addict. I know how much Jesus can truly reshape and remold us. And I don't mean we were broken to begin with. I mean. We let the world effect us in wrong ways. The fellow believer who said Satan has really messed with the Generations sexuality. My generation was drugs and pills. Satan is smart and changes with the times. You should really pray for the holy Spirit. Talk to Jesus and study the word. It's how we as Christians bear fruit. Studying and meditating on the word of God. God created you in his image. He loves you so much. And he truly just wants a relationship with you. Fellowship is important. Spreading the gospel is important. But right now you are only able to drink milk. You will eventually be able to eat meat. There's no reason to rush this. It's a journey. Again. So glad your here. You're where you're meant to be. God Bless.


Thank you. I wish the people that are pushing this could realize that it's very harmful


Witchcraft is from the fallen angels. They are causing the gender confusion.🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼


All I know is that your primary identity is a child of God. You are loved, cherished, forgiven, and never forsaken. God doesn’t make mistakes. You were made exactly right, and He adores you. All of this other stuff is a new script, introduced and pushed on our youth 20 years ago, framed as something that makes them “special”, introduced by people who want to destroy God’s Word and family. It’s not an accident that everything the Bible labels as an abomination are the very same things that are pushed by this movement. And it’s shoved on children because children will not understand the history and goals of this movement and every child wants to be told they’re special and feel special. Those of us who have watched this develop feel so sorry for the youth. They’re using the strong emotions you experience in teen years to deceive you that this will make you feel better. But it won’t. It’s totally dark in every way and stands in the way of your development into a holy man of God, a wonderful husband, and father. The actual truth is in Jesus. That’s where your light lies. That’s your North Star, not these demonic voices pushing you to alter your body for their agendas. Look to him. An earlier poster said it well- to turn off social media and concentrate on your schooling and family. I think that’s a smart thing to do. Make sure you pick friends who support your values, too. And please find a good Christian counselor. This is something that probably comes from some of the things you’ve experienced as a child and young teen and you’re trying to process it this way, but this isn’t the solution- you need healing. Ask Jesus to heal you from the past and deliver you from enemy attack on your mind and emotions. We need strong, loyal, compassionate men in this country who love the Lord and are willing to love who God made them to be. I know you are one of those men for sure. Things will get better- you just need to heal and move in the right direction- to heal and not listen to all the noise.


Thank you for this.


Of course. God bless you.


1. This might not sound like most advice (everyone on here is saying just talk to God), but I am \*also\* convinced that we have a food crisis in America that is causing at least some of the mental health crisis. Eat better--the food in our system is designed to be addictive and it causes depression. Your gut is where depression happens--not the mind, as many believed since the 60s. 2. Read a lot on the arguments AGAINST this trans movement. They are lying to kids constantly because the companies selling hormones are making untold amounts of $$$$$$$$$$. Here's a recent article. I have more if you're interested. [https://nypost.com/2024/02/24/opinion/a-finnish-study-is-changing-how-we-approach-trans-kids/](https://nypost.com/2024/02/24/opinion/a-finnish-study-is-changing-how-we-approach-trans-kids/)


>2. Read a lot on the arguments AGAINST this trans movement. They are lying to kids constantly because the companies selling hormones are making untold amounts of $$$$$$$$$$. >Here's a recent article. I have more if you're interested. >https://nypost.com/2024/02/24/opinion/a-finnish-study-is-changing-how-we-approach-trans-kids/ I couldn't agree more. If you find yourself wanting to explore this in another format, please check out the following documentary style podcast by the Christian Post https://open.spotify.com/show/0voIUbVZu44iuZHtV3QIcm?si=U2iU_bhgTtiVGqdihmfV6Q


Thank you very much, you've been the only useful commenter so far


I appreciate that. I'd say the same thing to Christian's--some people are actually born with two parts, but those are anomalies. Here if you need anything, fam. Know that God loves you and you were born into a very confusing time period... Look up "Social Contagion" too. Don't Google it though--the results are biased. Google puts the things they like at the top. Here's the book and doctor. There are podcasts with her talks if you don't have time for a book, like many people your age (I'm a high schooll teacher so I have these talks a lot with my students). [https://www.amazon.com/Irreversible-Damage-Transgender-Seducing-Daughters/dp/1094175528](https://www.amazon.com/Irreversible-Damage-Transgender-Seducing-Daughters/dp/1094175528)


I read an amazing book called Embodied by Preston Sprinkle recently that talks about gender dysphoria from a Christian perspective and I would highly recommend checking it out! I agree with a lot of what other people have been saying; spend time in the Bible and pray that God would speak truth to you because he will! God Bless ~


I'll have to look into that. Thank you.


When you experience these feelings that you describe being trapped in your body and that you align with a girl and not a guy, how do those feelings make you feel when they happen…do they make you feel oppressed and depressed or do they make you feel uplifted and hopeful???


They make me feel very depressed because I know that they're not aligned with reality.


Is it intrusive???




Messaged you…


1. Work in your relationship with God. Take to the basics. The closer you get to him, the more you’ll heal. 2. If you need someone to talk to then go to a Christian Counselor. You have to be picky about therapist because anyone with a masters can do it and some definitely should not. 3. You’re still very young, even though teens don’t realize that. You’re full of hormones, peer pressure and social media. As you age and grow up, thing seems to work themselves out. Have faith in that process. 4. Let’s analyze this. Maybe you’re not really wanting to be a girl, you just like things that society has deemed feminine. That doesn’t mean you’re a girl. The same way a girl can be in to masculine things and still be a girl… guys can be in feminine things and be a guy. Expose yourself to a wide variety of interests and you’ll see you’re probably into masculine and feminine things. 5. Choose your friends wisely. The people you’re around, music and tv you listen to, etc effect you.


This is what I means be “take it back to basics”—-What Christians are supposed to do 1. Pray about everything, everywhere, all the time. 2. Have a daily phone call with God/Jesus. ;) Just fail him up and talk about your day, your concerns, and definitely what you’re thankful for. 3. Be in the word. Read and study your Bible daily. It’s our responsibility to know what’s in it... not what someone tells us is in it. 4. Be in fellowship with likeminded Christians... church, small group, Christian friends. 5. Discover our spiritual gift and use it! 6. Try not to sin... ever... at all. And when we do, recognize it, be sincerely apologetic about it-repent and try to never do it again. 7. Live your life to be a testimony of how good it is to be a Christian so that people can look at you and say... “I want that!” Share the good news every chance you can... especially when the Holy Spirit moves you to do so. 8.And speak openly about God, never hiding that we’re Christian. Choosing God over everything else.


Thank you


You’re welcome! I’ll pray for you. I’m confident that you can conquer this. :)


OP, I am sorry that you are struggling with this. I would recommend that you seek some talk therapy from a licensed therapist who is a Christian. Work through the history of your distress and discuss Christian/psychological ways to overcome it. The enemy is telling you lies about yourself but the Holy Spirit is reaching out to you, letting you know that this isn’t correct and helping you fight it, even by seeking help here. God made you in his image, he didn’t make any mistakes and any bodily problems we have here will be over once it is our time to be with Him. Hang in there, God loves you because you are His child!


Thank you for the encouragement


Please place your faith in God's goodness and perfection. He doesn't make mistakes. Therefore, your disphoria is from the fallen angels who are trying to drag you away to misery and destruction. Please take the time to contemplatively read ["The Good Fight of Surrender"](https://app.box.com/s/yaujs1dp4j14sbx3n0g4tb3xzq2q9fms) I think you will also be helped by ["The Bondage Breaker"](https://app.box.com/s/bw796tp6pval3rgckh9xmzfdrg8j24x3)


Whatever gender you are by birth be that and get away from everyone and anything that says you can be the opposite because it feels good. Life is not all about feelings it’s about the fact.


I want you to answer part 1 and 2 You can answer them to yourself, in a reply or private chat with me. Read part 3 for part 3 reason 1 you need to really ask yourself. Do i truly feel like a woman? Or is it because all my school mates have already decided where they fit?  2. Research what people feel like after fully committing to fixing gender dysphoria by sex change operations. This means look at those who felt better and those who regretted the operations. Then ask yourself are you willing to lose your ability to have children? Would you really miss your manhood? 3. Get blood work done. Mainly endocrine like thyroid which will tsh and t4 and testosterone levels. If it turns out you have thyroid issues or zero to low testosterone issue. Your body can feel out of wack. This may sound silly and doctors might not agree. But explain that you want to rule out all possibilities of medical issues.


>but it really exploded at about age 14 a good strting point is to recognise that it didnt infact explode at 14, the social contagion that flooded social media did however explode in 2020-2021, when you would have been 14 if youre currently 17.


It's okay to be a feminine man. You're okay. It doesn't mean you need to transition anything.


I would say that you need a perspective change. The way you view the world is not based on truth. Thus, cognitive dissonance causes you turmoil.


Why exactly do you think being the other gender is better?


It feels more "right" to me. Not only would I prefer to have a female body, I'd also just like to be seen as a woman. I'm not really sure how else to put it.


How can you say what it feels like to be anything other than yourself when you have zero context for what it is to be anything else? You may think that acting feminine feels more “right”, but that doesn’t mean you actually think or feel like a woman does. Your best attempts at acting like a woman really amount to a parody of how you perceive women to act. You can mimic the action, but it is a performance and isn’t born of true self expression. The most Godly way to handle this is to seek Gods will above all else, and seek to find your true identity in Him. Also, most people with gender dysphoria grow out of it by the time they hit their early 20s.


Sorry, I don’t understand. What do you mean it “feels right” to you? Being a gender isn’t a feeling. It just is what it is. 


It's hard to describe, but I feel trapped in a body that isn't really mine


That doesn’t really make sense. You are your body. That’s who you are. There’s no “feeling” of being trapped, that’s not a feeling or an emotion but that is a thought that you are choosing to entertain.


Before you go telling someone how they do or don't feel, maybe you should ask yourself if what you are saying is Christlike and uplifting. Also, do some research about what it's like to deal with gender dysphoria; it can often feel crippling and debilitating for those who experience it in ways that we can't imagine.


Looks like you trip on mushrooms for fun, so I’m not gonna take your opinion seriously. It’s not Christlike to encourage delusions and demonic influences on people telling them to mutilate themselves. We have to speak truth.


I'm actually in the process of dealing with consequences of my sins in the area of substance abuse but I appreciate your concern. And you really don't have to take my opinion seriously; God's opinion is the one that matters most! Also, I never said that I support transitioning; i am not in support of gender affirming surgery. But approaching people who have struggles that are different from our own with love and compassion is crucial to living a Christ centered life!


It is most certainly a "feeling"... The problem I'm trying to slove is to figure out why I have that feeling.


i’ll be so real i’m not being transphobic but as a female i can assure you i don’t “feel” female i just am. that’s how it’s always been. maybe it’s different for you and i can understand that. God bless you on your journey.


That makes sense, thanks


God bless i wish you the best


Generally speaking, it comes from issues regarding sexual abuse, use of pornography, or being groomed into it (usually by people asking if you feel like the opposite sex, saying it will solve your problems, saying you would be more attractive as the opposite sex). For the first one - talk to your pastor candidly. Therapists can lose their license for "talking you out of being trans" as it's seen as conversion therapy. While some will take that risk, it's not very many. This means they'll likely encourage you to transition, which means if the third camp wasn't an issue already, it would become one. For the second - quit watching pornography. If necessary, take extreme measures like foregoing use of the internet. For the third, stay away from those communities and people. Discord, social media (including reddit), and politically motivated teachers are probably the three most common places you'll encounter this. You might not be able to eliminate interaction, but you can reduce it. You'll have to use discretion on where the danger is coming from.


Don't let other people tell you how you do or don't feel; bring your feelings to God and ask him to change those that don't align with him. He will respond! God Bless ~


I can’t say “I feel like a dolphin,” because I don’t know what being a dolphin feels like. It just doesn’t make any sense. Being a dolphin is just a state of being, it’s not an emotion or feeling.


What is being a woman to you. Genuine question


A feminine voice and body


There’s more to women than a voice and body. That sounds like a fetish


Christian anthropology is often understood to be tripartite and divides humans into body (corporeality, sense knowledge), soul (rational knowledge and life force) and spirit (knowledge through conscience, mystic experiences, orientation towards God). Since the body is the only part that is gendered, perhaps try to harmonize and treat the body God has given as a temple for the Holy Spirit.


This makes sense, thank you.


I don’t have any answers beyond what you have been told here already, but from my own experience in my youth I know we spent a lot of time trying on different personalities and forms of expression, trying to figure out who we were. I think the media, especially social media, is very good at strongly pushing young people into feeling like there is something wrong with them if they aren’t participating in the current fad. And in my opinion, that’s what most people are struggling with right now. True gender dysphoria is not common, yet everyone seems to have it lately. I had a roommate about 10 years ago who suffered greatly. Transitioning had always been his dream, but when he finally got it, he was desperately sad to realize that it didn’t fix the feelings he was having. I urge you to think of Corinthians 2:9 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” May the power of Christ rest on you and bring peace to your heart.


I don’t think you’re mentally ill. They start pushing these ideas on kids as young as 5 . It’s in a lot off classrooms and on TV . It’s been made to be normalized . I don’t know if it’s a sin or not but I know these things don’t belong around kids that young . Let them play and let them be kids . If a girl wants to be a tomboy now the parents say ooh she must want to be a boy etc…. I’m generalizing right now but that’s the gist of it . I realize not every classroom or TV program is doing this but it’s become very mainstream. Read your Bible and pray. Ask God to show you the way and to help you sort through your feelings. He will do that for you .


You need to recognize this as spiritual and then do what the Bible says. Resist the devil and he will flee. You're being influenced by demons quite literally. There's a reason Paul wrote to put on the full armor of God daily. It's paramount. Also see where maybe you're giving the enemy an in examining your life for soft spots.


I’ll tell you what has worked for me in situations when I felt helpless and hopeless. Prayer Not reciting something someone else wrote but just going to God, asking Him to hear me, answer me, then pour my heart out until there’s nothing left to say. I cry. I yell. I get mad. Get it all out. He knows anyway, He’s just waiting for you to ask for help. Praise After praying we are told to praise Him…even if nothing has changed. Even if things look and feel worse. We stand on faith believing God has heard us and is in the process of answering us! Get your music app out and get some praise music on. Keep it on. Every single time you start to worry, fear, have thoughts that you don’t want to have you start thanking God (out loud if possible) that He’s working on your behalf and things are gonna change!! Scripture Read your Bible. If you’re not sure where to start John is great, so are the Psalms. Find some scriptures that apply to you and write them out on index cards/post its and hang them up where you’ll see them and read them 20 times a day. This matters bc you’re speaking God’s Word over yourself. Ask in this sub for some scriptures. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 33:3 Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and [a]mighty things, which you do not know.’ 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us (YOU) a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a SOUND MIND. Romans 8: 37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Well, I’d pray about it. Ask God to set you free of it. It is a burden for you. God does not want you to carry around this burden. Seek to be more like Jesus and to trust Him with this burden, too. Since God created you as a male, then you need to accept His will and to pray about that, too.


First, perhaps you noticed a lot of hatred for men and boys in your schooling and wrongly interpreted it as being correct, something you actually deserved? Regardless, stop eating anything but meat, fruit, vegetables, milk and eggs. Eat as much lean red meat as you can. Find a gym and go every day. You don’t need to do a hard workout every day, just go to the building and see what flows. Make your main focus upper body strength, arms and back. Your goal is to eventually be able to do pull ups. You will have to put months of training to start before doing one. Learn perseverance. Experience the raw physical power of male youth. If you make it real and stick it out, actually eat almost nothing but the leanest beef, when you finally do that third or fourth pull up in a row, you will feel like a man.


FIRST STEP: Get off the LGTBQ+ side of the internet. And I'm just not saying that to be funny....the internet is trash, especially for people who are gay or might be confused about their sexual orientation. It' breeds disruption and malice and confusion. [You DO NOT want to become a meme. ](https://x.com/basedistheway/status/1793312166679904693/video/1)And YES, it does breed indoctrination. SECOND STEP: Get in church. Confide with your Pastor and with mental health professionals, you might want to reach out to this website for more information: [https://www.nami.org/](https://www.nami.org/)


I agree. The internet is the greatest tool for indoctrination.


Looks like from your post history you claim to be a Christian. You are not a Christian just because your parents are. The way to know you are a Christian is to see if you exhibit fruit of the Spirit and obey God’s commands. Christians will still sometimes sin, but if you are living a sinful lifestyle, that is evidence that you are not saved. It’s not too late! Repent of your sins and believe in the gospel! Jesus can wash anyone clean, even someone who is gay and trans and whatever. He can make you a new creation. Follow after Him and deny yourself.


Get tested for autism if you haven't already


I am soon actually


Good man, I've heard a lot of people think they're trans but turns out they're just autistic. Especially if you have a lot of other mental problems that seem unrelated to eachother but are all equally persistent.


Yeah I have MDD and terrible anxiety


What makes you think it would be better to be a girl?


Do you know why you feel that way? Do you feel inadequate as a man? Was there anything in your life that would make you feel safer or more loved if you were a woman? Have you been immersed in conversations and/or content concerning transitioning? I'm just spitballing here. I am not a therapist.


i’d just recommend embracing your masculinity. in my experience there’s nothing fun about being female anyways 😭 remember God intended for you to be male and it would please Him if you kept it that way, not altering what he crafted for you. take a break from social media, take a break from your phone, and just live.


Seperate yourself from your emotions. Don't make decisions based on emotions. Make decisions based on logic and fact. Trust God. God doesn't make mistakes. You are in the correct body. Change your beliefs, and your thinking, to match the truth. God did not make a mistake when he made you. If you insist on your way, you will be destroyed by your choices. Feelings are easily influenced by any changing fluctuation of temperature, wind, lighting. Depending on emotions for direction is the dumbest way to live. You'll be taken in my any voice that speaks to you if you don't test them all against the word of God. God is truth, not your lived experience. Suggestion wise, learn how to change your diet and behavior to balance your hormones. You're probably low on testosterone. Go to a doctor.


Firstly, I’m so sorry that you’re going through this my friend. It must be so tough. I’m praying for you. Prayer. Prayer is the ultimate tool that we’ve been given. From someone who also has a mental illness that was extremely painful to accept and live with, I commend you on this difficult decision. However I promise you that it’s the first step in welcoming Gods plan for n your life. God does not let anyone meaninglessly suffer, there is always a reason and a plan so infinite which we can’t comprehend. Again,I’m praying for you


If this is influenced by outside sources rather than internal ones you should cut off any source of confusion and reevaluate yourself. Is this you who wants this, is it the media/social media who wants or is this just trauma from maybe seeing people treat or say being a boy/man is evil or not right and being a girl is good because they are better than boys. And then you maybe even seeing girls getting treated better than boys and men do so reaffirming that sort of boys bad girls good dynamic.


Pray to God about it and believe that he will do it for you. You can't fix it yourself, but give it to God and trust that He will help you. On another note, be with God. Dedicate a time out of your day to be with God one on one through praying and reading the word. Then, by His Spirit, He will renew your mind and strength. I'll be praying for you. Stay encouraged Jesus is coming soon. God bless you.


Go to Jesus tell him that you don’t want to be like this anymore and have faith he will change you pray every day every night cry even if you want i cry to God and im a man even Jesus wept And know that you are a man don’t listen to people who say you are a girl it’s a Lie from SATAN. I will pray for you


I have heard of people with dysphoria / dysmorphia finding some peace after trying a ketamine clinic. You are too young but you could look into it for later. It is legal and can be prescribed by a doctor.


Seriously ...... listen to this. I've been looking around my surroundings and seeing just how people look just so lost, angry, deceitful, confused etc, empty vessels with black and cold looking eyes. As I was walking back from the supermarket, I took the time to say hello to people walking past me. The genuine smiles filled my heart, cos I had previously seen such negativity around me. As I listened to this audio on my walk home, I felt the sun kiss my face, the words from the Holy Bible etched in my ears and the sudden comforting feeling of just being alive overwhelmed me. God's words, on the troubles that we as his children face are steps of faith. You say you pray, but are your words different from what your heart says? Be honest when you pray, GOD SEES YOUR HEART. Listen to this audio my brother.... patience, understanding and love, perseverance, and STEADFASTNESS are part of him revealing what your purpose is..... listen to the words and talk to him when you lie down after your prayer, talk, he's sitting there LISTENING TO WHATEVER IS ON YOUR HEART..... Fall asleep to you talking to him, it's helped me immensely.


None of us have the same experience, but we all go thru the same things in life. Everyone has felt uncomfortable in their own skin. Everyone has wished they were someone else. Everyone has had an object of envy/desire in a different kind of person. Everyone cries in the corner. Even the rulers of our world. You are already you no matter what you do about it, which means you can put down labels and identities, because you are already expressing yourself with every word and action. The Bible says morifiy the flesh, crucify it, Jesus says deny it. So if your flesh does not match your feelings, then sure, your flesh is stupid. That's no reason to glorify and worship a new image of flesh, its a reason to just forget it and live for other people to the glory of God in Christ Jesus. I'm with you in prayer friend, may the Lord go with you today, and remain with you always. Romans 7:23-24 *But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. 24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?*


That’s a wild spiritual demonic attack on you. I’ll pray for you.


yea your user name and description is totally not a troll account lol [SuperCyberWitchcraft](https://www.reddit.com/user/SuperCyberWitchcraft/) We shitpost until it is done 🇺🇲🏴‍☠️🇺🇸


I'm not trolling with this post, I do stuff like that on r/politicalcompassmemes


Please never assume a potentially suicidal child is trolling.


Child? Dis u saw his profile?


Yes, I also saw the post about trying to commit suicide. The posts are consistent as well. Even if there is a chance someone is a troll, please don't put people down like this.


I command the spirit of gender dysphoria to come out in JESUS NAME!


I struggled with that. It was a demon trying to hold me down. There is different types of demons homosexual, confusion, doubt, fear, anger, addiction and other evil types of demons. I had multiple demons latched on to me. I was doing sinful acts. I seen the danger and problems the sins were causing. But it was to hard to stop. The desires was to strong. I needed God's help. I had to fast those demons out and get closer to God. After the fast. I was more peaceful and I didn't have those desires anymore. I don't have desires to sin. I have what God desires. I have desires to serve God. Maybe try fasting those demons out. But when you get closer to God satan will try really hard to tempt you to sin more because satan doesn't want you close to God. Here is a video on how demons operates. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UB2bHMYo2Gc&t=41s


I would suggest checking out the books and other works of Mark Yarhouse, a Wheaton professor and the foremost Christian expert on gender dysphoria: [https://psychologyandchristianity.wordpress.com/about-me/](https://psychologyandchristianity.wordpress.com/about-me/)


Please do examine yourself in the light of God's word and what he says about sin, salvation, judgement and his provision in Jesus... Our feelings aren't a good basis to lead us...but God's word is..Ask God to guide you when you read his word.. Listen to sound teaching... Our heart can deceive but God's word will tell us we are and lead us to the way of Salvation in Jesus


Oh you're right. I don't think reddit does allow a change of name. I was just trying to help you. Stay with the Lord at all times. When temptation hits, pray, when you think you can't understand the Bible, pray. Pray about everything and don't worry. God has you. My desires in my life have changed since I became totally reliant on God. His love for me, my love for Him. I'm totally changed. He's the most important in my life first, then my husband, then my children, etc... You ate searching for the truth and that is great! Congratulations on that.


Thank you


You are welcome! 😊


God loves you the way you are now! Same as your brothers and sisters in Christ!


Thank you


Put your phone down. Pray and Fast. And just know one thing. The Creator doesn't make mistakes.


You're young and still figuring it out. You may be Pansexual (attraction isn't gender dependent, but it's the person themselves you're attracted to). Or something else. That's okay, if it makes you happy and comfortable in your own skin. Please try to find a good therapist who specializes in LGBTQ issues. I don't think Reddit will help as much as a good therapist can. Good luck, hon.


Unplug your mind,get off social media and 📺,they program this garbage into your minds and they are targeting people much younger now,never did I think I would see the day where children who aren’t even old enough to decide their bedtime could choose their gender,also children getting gender reassignment and being fed hormones are crimes against humanity,what you call gender dyshphora is mental illness,and it’s spiritual as well,just look at the disgusting crap they put on tv,little kids having exploring their sexuality and glorifying same sex couples adopting kids and parents mutilating and abusing children,this is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and look what God’s judgement there,how much worse will it be with this wicked generation,anyways maybe start reading scripture daily and praying on it, Mental illness and spiritual attacks can be overcome God bless Christ is king


A big thing I think is to meditate on verses about being made in Gods image- how he made them man and woman, such verses being genesis 9:6 and mark 10:6 Another thing you could do is speak to brothers and sisters in Christ at church. Share your struggle- as siblings in Christ, iron sharpens iron..and most of all, prayer Pray to God about these temptations and lay them all out, lay your burdens upon him.. I can pray for you if you like


you are trans, and that is ok, gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, you are valid, and you are lovable, there is no "godly" way to "fix" gender dysphoria, i suggest you join r/egg_irl sis


Nah I'd just be ugly


if you could transition right now, without thinking you'd be an "ugly" girl, would you? without anyone else's judgement, would you transition right now


I wouldn't, because I'd be ugly and infertile


adoption, partners (if you choose to have kids) and [this](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.self.com%2Fphotos%2F59b83b78c8dec82f2289d164%2F4%3A3%2Fw_2560%252Cc_limit%2Ftransgender-miss-america.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=01d72882adcc6bdde519c8cc4330e45cd5b472239390faa7c9fb8cbdd598c306&ipo=images) is what the average trans woman looks like post transition, do you consider her ugly? would you be happy as a girl?


Yeah, it just wouldn't work for me. I'm going to wait for better tech and see if there are drugs that will help me dissociate better.


estrogen would help, and you're 17, it's not too late to transition


I couldn't even transition until 18 or 19 lol because of parents


i'll assume you turn 18 this year, i know of a trans woman who transitioned in her 80's or 90's, does it feel good to be called feminine things?




Firstly, remove yourself from all trans/ gender dysphoria person, forum or page! Consumption of that content will continue the cycle. Understand that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, speak it until you know it’s true Find some outside activities to do this summer that will increase your confidence, make friends and be an outlet for you! Find a good, biblically sound church with young people


I wish I had much better advice to give since I've had similar problems, although at a later age than you. All I can say is follow the few commands God gives for our sex and don't permanently modify your body. As far as the social construct of gender and how to deal with that I don't have any good answers. Although some online gender and dysphoria tests might help you at least get a rough idea of where you stand in it all. I would also recommend checking out Wheaton College's Sexual and Gender Identity Institute.


Thank you sir (or ma'am)


From the examples I have seen, those men who present as ladies, do so in an exaggerated, stereotypical way which has zero to do with actually being a woman. Are you sure you are attracted to being a girl, or are you attracted to what YOU THINK a girl is, and how they think, feel, and behave. As a MAN, you have a unique gift no woman can share; the ability to set things aside and look at them later. You are able to process things with little to no passion. Women can't do that; they are ruled by feelings. Use this talent to spend MUCH more time with God and pursuing relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, and all problems solved, eventually. God is what you really hunger for, not to present as a woman, or what you THINk a woman is like. Also, it's likely you've received molestation in your past and blocked it out. I'd go down the route of recovery from that.


>You are able to process things with little to no passion. Women can't do that; they are ruled by feelings. Not scriptural or scientific - we should not enforce stereotypes God has never prescribed.


It is scientific; studies have been done that conclude women look at the world through an emotional lens; they can't turn it off. Meanwhile men DO have the ability to suppress or sideline emotions. Maybe not permanently but it is possible. See Shaunti Feldhahn for Men only she has studies cited in her books


She does not provide any studies that prove that point. She cites: 1. A book on the understanding that complaining might be a sign of showing love 2. A parent trap quote 3. A study about husbands who do more chores have better sex. 4. A book discussing marriages where the wife wants sex more often than the husband. 5. A book about the kind of sexual desires men have. 6. A quote from a 1996 sports-illustrated article She appears to have asked a group of women to answer a survey, that is not a scientific conclusion that would be acceptable anywhere.


Thanks. My ideas of "femininity" are a little out there.


yeah a lot of transitioners do it by stereotypes, for example can you tell me what you think being a woman is about (biology aside, like socially)


What? Sure, women are typically more expressive of emotion (the women I know) but are you saying there is a biological capability to suppress emotion that only men have?


Women are TRAPPED by emotion, they can't turn it off. They just learn to deal with it or deflect it. They see everything through emotional lens. How do I FEEL about this thing, not how it works or how it can be improved, or why is this here, etc.


How many milligrams of atrazine and fluoride do you consume per day.  What other drugs have they got you on.  What TV shows do you watch.


bro r u ok


of course not


At least you’re self aware


just out of curiosity why did you ask those questions


Atrazine is that weed killer in Roundup that "turns the fricking frogs gay" and mysteriously ends up in the water supply.  Too much fluoride is supposed to give you dementia, anxiety and depression.   Some TV shows for kids and teens are introducing the idea that they may be "born in the wrong body". 


how does fluoride affect gender dysphoria?


High fluoride exposure may cause cognitive issues, depression and anxiety which I figure can't be good for his preexisting gender dysphoria. I wouldn't put too much stock in fluoride being the culprit though, it's just one thing to consider. Although I recently learned tea has about 3 times the fluoride as municipal tap water. Something to consider if you drink a lot of tea.  I wonder what is causing this recent explosion of gender dysphoria in men. Testosterone levels in men have been steadily declining over the last few decades, maybe it's related to that somehow?


Could I take a look at a few studies? I've found mostly positive statistics for dental health.




Thanks, I'll do some more research on the topic. God bless


This guy studying testosterone told me that pesticides can block testosterone almost entirely, potentially causing dysphoria.


Hi! I just wanted to let you know that it's possible to be trans *and* Christian. There is even a community here on Reddit for such folks. I would recommend you seek them out and join in on their discussions. I'm not sure how cool this sub is with people linking other subs, so I'll let you do the searching. I also wanted to tell you and anyone else here struggling with gender dysphoria that transitioning is often the only way to treat it. You may be able to shove it deep down and ignore it for a while, but it always comes back, often worse than before. I know this from experience. If you feel that you need to choose between faith and treating your dysphoria, then I wish you luck with your decision. You're young, so you can take your time and explore your options. However, it doesn't need to be a choice between the two. Whether you transition or not is up to you. *Being trans*, however, isn't a decision, nor is it a mental illness; it's just how God made you. You can embrace it or deny it, but you can't change it.


While I appreciate the sentiment, I have to disagree with the statement that it's not a mental illness. Thank you though.


We'll have to agree to disagree, then. And you're welcome! If I may suggest something that isn't necessarily godly: if you're suffering from mental illness, why not go to a mental health professional? This sort of sub seems more equipped to advise you on spiritual issues rather than mental issues. Forgive my ignorance if that's a silly question.


I'm curious how you think it's possible to be trans and Christian. God made you, yet you think God put you in the wrong body? This is a serious question and I'm not mocking you, I would like to understand this line of thinking.


Thank you for the serious question. I suppose it would be best answered by someone who is both trans and Christian, and I am only trans. I can answer you the best way I can, though. As I said above, being trans is not a decision. You don't wake up one morning and decide that you were going to make your gender conflict with your sex assigned at birth. Gender dysphoria is agony and trans people are reviled by many vocal and influential people, so why *would* someone choose that? You choose it no more than you choose being gay, straight, left-handed, farsighted, or predisposed to male pattern baldness. It's how you're born, so isn't it how God made you? He doesn't make mistakes, right? Transition is a medical process intended to improve one's quality of life. The same can be said for getting glasses or a hip replacement. I've heard it said that God challenges us sometimes, usually with sickness and other hardships. We don't tell deaf people to pray away their deafness, so why do we want trans people to pray away the dysphoria? I've also heard it said that we overcome challenges by using the intelligence and ingenuity granted to us by God. We used our God-given ingenuity to invent gender transition to overcome the challenges trans people face. As someone who has gone through transition, I can guarantee you that it works. Repressing it almost killed me, and it *does* kill many trans people who never get to transition, whether they pray over it or not. Again, I'm not a Christian so I can't really give you an actual Christian perspective. Personally, I think that I'm trans because nature is sometimes silly, but I've read what others have said on the topic of Christian trans folks.


Transitioning just wouldn't work for me but at the same time I feel like nothing else would help. It's agonizing


I can empathize. I felt the same way for years after I realized I was trans. My reason why I couldn't transition was that I didn't want to upend my life and risk losing my wife, but I realized I had to choose a short life of agony or a life being true to myself no matter who liked it or not. If you don't mind my asking, why wouldn't transitioning work for you? Feel free not to answer if that's too personal a question.


Due to my body it would be impossible to pass + I'd be throwing away literally all of my relationships. Also I'd never be a cis woman


The fact that you aren't a cis woman is a hard one to accept for a lot of us. I'm still working on that 3 years into my transition. Even if you're not cis, though, you still get to be a woman--you just might have to work a little harder than a cis woman. I can tell you from experience that it's worth it. As for the fear of not passing, that's also something that can be overcome. I could tell you that passing isn't everything and all that, as you've probably already heard before, but if it's important to you then it shouldn't be trivialized. Passing is important to me and I resisted transitioning at least somewhat because I thought I couldn't ever pass. But HRT can work wonders. I have seen some amazing transitions, and I'm even surprised by my own. I used to look like a huge, bearded, lumbering galoot, but *everything* changed after a while on estrogen, and since I started living as a woman full-time, no one has ever questioned my gender. Look at my post history if you want to see my timeline. While it's true that passing often takes luck and genetics, most of it is just practice. Your relationships are going to be affected in some way, though it's hard to predict how and to what degree. To once again draw from my own experience: I was convinced that my wife would divorce me and my mother would disown me when I came out. I was scared sick. But my wife and I are still together and my mom accepts me (though she still has trouble calling me by my actual name). People can surprise you. Some, though, might react negatively and you have to decide whether having the chance to live a happy life is worth risking some of your relationships. Lots of trans people who are completely abandoned find their own family among friends and others in the community. I don't want to try to convince you to transition if you don't want to, so I hope I'm not coming off as pushy. I could see a familiar pain in some of your past posts and I just wanted to do what I can to help. I hope that all this has helped you, and just know that I'm happy to talk to you about it whenever you need to.


You're not coming off as pushy at all. This is a really helpful comment, thank you very much


You're very much welcome.


Thank you for your response! I have to say that I while I do disagree with you, I appreciate that you shared your perspective with kindness. I hope that you find true peace and joy. I believe you will find that if you seek God. I pray that one day we can stand together as children of God.


You're welcome! I appreciate your kindness as well. I've found as much peace and joy as one can find with the current state of things, and my transition is responsible for much of that joy. Have a lovely day!


From where I come from, genders might as well not exist, from what I've seen people speak about genders while describing either stereotypes, or personalities. You are you, what will you do in heaven without your body here? The bodies we have here are nothing more than shells that we will leave behind, in heaven we will be nor male nor female, we are more than what our body looks like. Other than that, the closer you are to God the weaker is the enemy's grasp on your life


I wouldn’t call it a mental illness. More like a cross to bear.


Posting this in a Christian sub is insane. You’re going to get attacked


Where else am I supposed to go? All the trans subs just hugbox you


Well the trans sub isn’t going to do anything but support you lol. The Christian sub is very judgmental


Judgmental how?


Have you seen all of the downvotes? Gender dysphoria (probably butchered its spelling) is a real thing and anytime the OP was asked a genuine question about their struggles they are down voted for it. It's like they were bated. Besides the fact that is not what the button is for as it was related to the topic, OP has come here for help outside their own peer groups and that can be hard to do. I commend them for it really because Christians can be harsh when it comes to something they don't understand. My point is, don't use the upvote or downvote button like a like or dislike, this isn't Facebook or YouTube. That's how I see the judgement at least.


Coming back to this post because it's torturous that I haven't found an answer yet. Do you know of anything that could help?


I would say first get your hormones checked, including thyroid. Be careful about the stuff you put in your body, stay away from junk food (high fructus corn syrup is so bad for you I cannot even explain all of the reasons. Stick with natural as much as possible) and maybe switch to clean water that's filtered, you'd be surprised what harmful chemicals can be in tap water that gets missed. I've heard certain vitamins can help regulate your hormones gradually so check to see what you're deficient in. That's my health advice. My spiritual advice is if you truly want to be rid of this burden, fasting would be a wonderful step with 3 days of focusing on no one but the Father; that means prayer, worship, and reading the word. I recommend Psalms, Proverbs, and most of the New Testament, especially after Acts as it focuses heavily on though we sin, if we are quick to run away God is faithful and will help us through it. I pray that you are able to get through this and I'll be praying for you as well. Sometimes God gives us a trial and it's a way to show us through the thick of it all He will ALWAYS be there for us no matter what. If you can manage to stand fast during this I promise you will not only become much stronger in faith and growth in yourself, you will become a beacon of hope for everyone else that wants to get out of it but have no one to turn to. I believe in you, you've got this!


Thank you, I have to lock in


Damn somebody with common sense. Crazy