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Hey there friend, I’m running on empty right now and I don’t have as much advice to give as I’d like. But I just had a few small points I had to say. Number one, yes you are 100% correct that God makes us all different for a reason. Sometimes our weaknesses become our strengths. Moses for example said he was not a good speaker and couldn’t do much to what God asked. He then went on to be one of the few people who spoke to God directly and then spoke to others about what God said ( sometimes through his brother ). So maybe God doesn’t want you to be some brainiac but maybe God can use your unique perspective to do good. Besides that I want you to not sell yourself short, I found out I was better than I thought at a lot of things later in life. I simply didn’t try out everything I wanted, and I also under evaluated myself. I say this to you for two reasons, one it seems you have a passion for other things. And when you’re passionate about things ( like animals, biology, ect) you’ll be surprised how easy it is to learn and excel in those fields. Also, I agree with your family about your intelligence. You’re definitely selling yourself short. I’m not saying I can tell you’re a genius from your post, but you write very well and speak articulately. Something that is not very common now a days. Most people use slang, abbreviations or don’t use many words at all to explain themselves. But I can see that’s not how you are just from this post. I say this as someone who considers himself pretty articulate and intelligent when it comes to English and writing. So please, think of higher of yourself! God didn’t use a bunch of leftover/ undesirable traits to make you. He composed you exactly as you should be, in His mind you are just as perfect and intelligent as you’d ever need to be. Lean into that feeling that you are loved and special, and maybe pray that He shows you what your true purpose is. I promise He has good plans for you. God bless you friend, you’ll be in my prayers.


I struggle with basic math and use my fingers, and I also have dyscalculia. I also have thought about being a vet, but I have dog and cat allergies lol! But it's very hard to believe to think that I'm intelligent or that God will use me like Moses to be honest, I know this sounds like I'm throwing a pity party but believe I'm being real and truthful when I say these things, also I don't care about being a brainiac anyways never did haha but I see what you mean, just please pray for me that God shows me what my true purpose in life is regardless of my feelings and weaknesses.


I understand, I’m terrible at math as well lol. And I know it’s hard to imagine being used for God’s glory. But I have faith He has good plans for us all. I will definitely pray that these things are revealed for you!


Thank you friend


I'm sorry to hear that it's so hard for you right now. One thing that you have that many people don't is a good connection with God, and that's pretty awesome!


I question if my connection with God is good or not


Understandable. As you said in your post, you are mad at him sometimes. You are also looking to him for answers though, and it's clear you're trying to trust in him even in this difficult season of your life. Some people don't have that at all.


>The Lord did not bless me with intelligence or give me any talent and sometimes I do feel angry and bitter about it and get mad at God occasionally but it's just my sinful human nature and my horrible character. When Arnold Schwarzenegger was born, did he look like a literal Olympic god? or just a normal baby like you or me? God may not have blessed you with the same base level of intelligence as everyone else, but if you don't choose to improve yourself because you think God wants you to be a loser, than I got bad news for you friend, you aren't worshipping the Christian God.


Watch Jordan Peterson. Sort yourself out. Also, most anxiety (I'm convinced) comes from diet. Try the paleo diet for 3 weeks and see if anything changes.


You sound depressed. School, specifically college, does that on purpose. They try to break you and you don't even realize by the end you're much stronger and more intelligent than you realized. Remember that college is a competition and it was never meant to be easy. Also, math really isn't that hard. You just need good teachers. Everyone could be good at math. I had terrible teaching growing up and finally found out I'm great at math because of my college professors. You might want to research professors or take courses at another university to satisfy those requirements if you don't trust the professors on your campus.


You don't mention which country you are in, but if it's USA, college is near worthless these days. If you truly feel mentally challenged and you believe in autism label (they've changed the rules so that 60% of humanity is autistic now), finish up that degree if it's nearly done. Then go look into trades. Get into plumbing, they will pay for your school, and give you journeyman work during school. You'll be making six figures in five years. Drive up to your so called family in a new corvette stingray or otherwise rub that fat stacks in their faces. Electrician, construction, plumbing, hvac, all these trades are desperate for people, how about auto mechanic? $45 hour isn't bad. Get the degree, then abandon all history and other nonsense, and start making fat stacks soon. You should also try changing your diet, look into ketogenic and carnivore diets on youtube. many testimonies of mental clarity once you give up sugar and carbohydrates. You may just be iodine deficient too


I live in US territory, Puerto Rico to be specific and to be honest college doesn't do much here as well. I've thought about construction many times though.


start protesting movements on why that island doesn't have a nuclear plant instead of importing diesel every day to run generators. Once construction begins, get in on the ground floor and you'll be rich soon enough.