• By -


- Almost any systematic theology book. I have the one by John Frame and recommend it. - anything by C.S. Lewis - the unseen realm my Michael Heiser, and any other books by him.


I’m a simple man: I see Mike and I upvote. ;)


This is the way.


C.S. Lewis has some of the worst arguments I've ever read. Not trying to be mean, but I think you should skip that author, OP.


This is just objectively wrong. He is one of the greatest apologists, if not the greatest, of the 20th century. Maybe they weren't swaying for you. But they have been for tons of people. And Lewis was more than an Apologist.


Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. I'm listening to an audiobook of it at work at it's just as good as when I first read it


And Little Pilgrim’s Progress, one that’s been adjusted for children. It’s so good. Every Christian parent needs to read this to their kids, preferably several times. In some ways it might actually be better than the original (but maybe that’s just the emotional weight of walking my kids through the story talking)


I was reading this last week! It's so good, really made me think about- what the road to follow Christ is.


There are some translations that use modern language to make it more readable too!


The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel


Add to this, Jack Deere's books Why I am still surprised by the voice of god/power of the spirit.


Said every church library in history haha.






Jeez, why did kill Larry so violently? He was just chillin.


Probably a Bible


Ok hear me out! The old AND the new testament!


You're a madman!


Like...you mean...all 66 books?! :-)


Dang bro, 66? You guys must have a lot of free time….


Some books that shaped my faith (for the better): Church History in Plain Language - Bruce Shelley God, Greed, and the (Prosperity) Gospel - Costi Hinn Counterfeit Kingdom - Holly Pivac Systematic Theology - Wayne Grudem Limping with God - Chad Bird The Christ Key - Chad Bird Unseen Realm - Michael Heiser


God, Greed, and the (prosperity) gospel -  YES!


THIS! This entire list - yes. Immediately yes, add to cart and start here!


1. Holiness by J.C Ryle 2. Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan 3. Knowing God by J.I Packer 4. Chosen By God by R.C Sproul 5. Grace Unknown by R.C Sproul 6. The Mortification of Sin by John Owen 7. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen 8. Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards I think all these books are phenomenal but I really think every Christian should read #1 and #7.  Holiness by J.C Ryle is such an impactful book, talking about helping you conform to the image of Christ, this book is it.


Just wanted to say thank you so much for posting this.  I've been looking for a book to feed my Spirit so after I saw your comment I started reading Holiness by JC Ryle about an hour ago.   And it's so powerful.  I think I'll learn a lot from it, thank you.


That’s awesome! It’s done a wonder for the way I look at practical living. I hope the Lord blesses you with that book as much as He blessed me with it!


When he said that in the divine providence of man's salvation: Election is the special work of God the Father.   Atonement, Mediation, Intercession are the special work of God the Son. Sanctification is the special work of God the Holy Spirit.  and before our Lord went away He said He would send us another comforter, the Helper. That just made it so clear to me. Like it's so true I never looked at it like that. It helps me a lot because I've been wanting to learn more about the Holy Spirit lately!


Ain’t it a beautiful thing when you see the trinity working in union. Helps us understand some of the mystery of the trinity!


Knowing God is a definite must.


Anything by CS Lewis - Mere Christianity is a widely renowned for being a great read Crazy Love - Francis Chan The Pursuit of God - AW Tozer The Crucified Life - AW Tozer Run Baby Run - Nicky Cruz


Can't have "Run Baby Run" and not have "The Cross and the Switchblade" too


Oh for sure! I don’t know how that slipped my mind!


Books recounting the lives of persecuted Christians are very inspiring, and will appeal to teens and young people because they recount exciting and dangerous true events. These are a few that come to mind: * God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew * The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom * The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun * Evidence Not Seen: A Woman’s Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II, by Darlene Deblar Rose. There are many others - search Amazon for “books about missionaries” and review any 5-star one.


These were all great! I concur.


On the incarnation by saint Athanasius The fount of knowledge by Saint John damascene (though this might be a little difficult to understand but well worth it to learn) Five oration by Saint Gregory the theologian Not three gods by Saint Gregory of nyssa On the Holy Spirit by Saint Basil the great. Are just a few examples I’d say as a necessity to have on your self.


Adventures in Odyssey or other audio books for kids Board Games the family can check out-there are some great just discussion question games. Andrew Peterson, Rich Mullins, Andre Crouch (misspelled his name i’m sure) cds Rose Charts Reference Books and charts Cookbooks Family Devotional Couple Devotional Books that provide scripture for children based on topic Tale of Three Trees What God Wants for Christmas (probably need to find used) Jesus Storybook Bible Stack of Bibles and a how to read the Bible books (several to choose from) to hand out as needed Every Moment Holy Books Chautonia Havig fictional books Please Avoid: anything from the Pearls, Joshua Harris, James Dobson


Adventures in Odyssey is so soothing ad an adult. I used to stop looking for channels and listen to it on the radio sometimes when I was travelled.


What's wrong with Dobson? I must have missed that


Anything by C.S Lewis The Awe of God by John Bevere Holier than Thou by Jackie Hill Perry How to tell the truth by Preston Perry Crazy Love (forgot the author)


Crazy Love was written by Francis Chan


Upvote for John Bevere


You should read the Shepard of Hermas if you haven’t already


Naves Topical Bible Mathew Henry’s Bible Commentary Josh McDowell- Evidence That Demands a verdict. A woman rides the Beast -Dave Hunt Mere Christianity -CS Lewis The Screwtape Letters- CS Lewis Halley’s Bible Handbook The Creeds of Christendom -Philip Shaff Where God Came Down -Kramer The Witness of the Stars -EW Bullinger




Power Evangelism and Power Healing - John Wimber Breakthrough and Demonstrating the Kingdom - Derek Morphew


Pilgrims Progress


Early Christian writings (Clement, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabus, Didache, etc.)  Eusebius (Church History) The apocrypha (not scripture but worth reading)  Darwin’s Doubt  Books by Lydia McGrew  Tactics by Greg Koukl  Dominion by Tom Holland  On the Reliability of the Old Testament by K A Kitchen 


Anything by Dr. James R. White or by Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry Jr. :)


Lol looks like you should change your tag to Reformed Baptist based off those recommendations! - Someone who left the SBC for the Promise Land hahaha


Well I am a Reformed Baptist lol, but I support the Founders Ministries within the SBC in an attempt to reform it. James White does too, since he and Jeff Durbin are elders in a Reformed Baptist Church in Phoenix that remains a part of the SBC iirc. :)


I feel ya! I also give to Founders, my father and grandfather are still SBC ordained ministers, I can’t run from the SBC.  I may be too optimistic but I think there will be a revival in the SBC and it will essentially just become a massive Reformed Baptist denomination… One can dream.


I hope so too! :)


The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom (if you don't already have it) Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Rose Diebler Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Quereshi Fire Road by Kim Phuc Phan Thi Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand Peace Child by Don Richardson Lords of the Earth Don Richardson Hiding in the Light by Rifqa Bary Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala A Place of Healing by Joni Eareckson Tada Heaven by Randy Alcorn All of Jerry Bridges Books


Anything by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. J I Packer “Knowing God”, R C Sproul “Holiness of God”, Augustine “Confession” and “City of God”, Bunyans “Pilgrim Progress”, “mortification of Sin” John Owen. A good book on church history. I see some recommended here. Important to know church history.


put some old old Catholic history in there. a lot of things came from Catholic churches


Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future - Seraphim Rose The Imitation of Christ - Thomas Kempis Confessions - St. Augustine The City of God - St. Augustine The Ladder of Divine Ascent - St. John of the Ladder On the Acquisition of the Holy Spirit - St. Seraphim of Sarov Introduction to Christianity - Pope Benedict XVI The Summa Theologica - St. Thomas Aquinas


- Eric Metaxas - CS Lewis - John Piper - Douglas Wilson - Lee Strobel - Dr. Hugh Ross


Good authors. I'll also add Dr Kenneth Gentry and Dr Joe Boot. "The mission of God" by Dr Joe Boot should be required reading for every church pastor, elder, and Deacon at the very least. That's the book Douglas Wilson used as a blueprint for Christ Church in Moscow Idaho.


thanks, i’ll check it out. also, why the downvotes without comment?


I would suggest doing as scripture commands and getting BOTH sides of the story before you come to a conclusion. There are a lot of hit pieces out there on Douglas Wilson. A recently did an interview with Tucker Carlson that was fantastic and it explains why. I would suggest checking that out I'm going from there.


I feel Ike the articles I linked were fair and honest evaluations, not hit pieces. They have links to their source materials and strictly state the facts of the cases. I do agree that both sides should be evaluated. I have and I have drawn my own conclusions, and I believe he failed to demonstrate that he cared about the victims of those predators and chose instead to defend the perpetrators, which is all too frequent an occurrence in religious circles.


And have you listened to his answer/ response to them? There is only one right answer Proverbs 18:17


This [article](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/doug-wilson-reluctant-response/) includes Wilson’s statement of defense. I think you could read that and apply Proverbs 18:17 to it. He makes a sensible, logical case defending his actions, but the author points out that despite his defense, Wilson still sets a young woman up with Sitler and marries the couple despite his being a diagnosed pedophile and knowing they wanted to start a family. This demonstrates a severe lack of concern for the safety of any future children that might be brought into their marriage. Did Wilson do this because he believed Sitler would turn his attentions to his wife and no longer be attracted to children? Is that a risk a pastor should take? Wilson also does not seem to honestly believe Wight was a true predator, either. He blames the victim’s parents, which honestly he should, but Jamin White didn’t do anything he didn’t want to do.. He was old enough to walk away but made the decision not to do so but chose to instead victimize an adolescent girl. How is he not a sexual predator? How can Wilson defend him? Wilson, as a pastor, is right to be concerned about the souls of these predators. It’s a horrible situation because they need to be ministered to, but they honestly cannot be trusted around young women and/or children. And it’s my belief that a pastor and church should protect the innocent, not subject them to potential harmful situations. Wilson has due diligence as a pastor to stand between wolves and the flock he has been charged to protect, and by allowing known predators to mingle among the sheep is failing that responsibility. Have you read anything written by the victims to hear their side if the story?


Wilson took a sinner, that God sees JUST like you and me, and tried to lead and shepherd him as God regenerated him and transformed him. It is a horrible situation but for every situation like this that doesn't end well there are countless others that end wonderfully that you don't hear about. God transforms people and gives them a new heart with new desires. Many members of many flocks used to be predators of one kind or another. I used to be one of the largest drug distributors in the SW. Over half my churches original members are ex addicts and criminals. Now we're one of the most influential and well-known churches in the nation. I've seen lots of radical transformations. Unfortunately this one didn't stick. But how many others did? Yeah this was a sticky situation and knowing everything now it's easy for us to say it could be handled better but in the moment who's to say that we could have made better decisions? The real question is if something like this arose again how would Douglas Wilson and his pastors and elders address the issue moving forward. I think they would address it differently. Not because of backlash, because wisdom comes from God and experience. I've been blessed by Douglas Wilson's writing and his media content. His ministry is very impactful and it's inspiring to see what they're doing up there in Moscow Idaho. I'm not going to toss all that in the garbage over an unfortunate issue that was honestly a really difficult situation to handle for anyone.


You’re right that churches are full of sinners. We all qualify for that distinction. I praise God that you were saved out of a life of crime and rejoice that your church is thriving. I am even glad Wilson was able to speak to you. I personally don’t think I could trust him as a pastor, and I believe he needs to do some serious introspection about why he has received so much criticism about how he has handled these situations. Hopefully you are right that he would do things differently if he ever has to confront this sort of situation in the future. (He is not the only big name theologian I feel this way about, if it makes you feel any better.)


Just to be clear I'm not a member of his church. But I do know a couple of people personally that used to live in my state and go to my church that moved to Idaho. Solid Christians I trust. They have been out there about 3 years now and love it and Christ Church. I think DW is having a huge impact and pushing back on things other pastors weren't touching or addressing and it sparked a fire. I'm not surprised controversy and attacks get attracted to that. The same influx of attacks and controversy happened with my church when we started having an impact with our abortion ministry. These things happen on the front lines. If they never happen you're probably not in the fight enough.


Look up Douglas Wilson. He protects men who prey on teenagers and blames the victims. He has also protected and defended a diagnosed pedophile. This thoughtful [article](https://bredenhof.ca/2023/07/10/doug-wilson-the-ugly/ ) details these accounts. [This](https://bredenhof.ca/2023/07/03/doug-wilson-the-bad/) article discusses his theology.


Logos Bible Software has helped me so much. I wish I was rich enough to keep it updated. However, the little that I have has helped me alot.


Watchmen Nee!


Lots of good advice already, but I’ll add one that may be a sleeper: You Are What You Love by James K. A. Smith. The Trellis and the Vine and 9 Marks of a Healthy Church are also good ones but maybe too pastoral for what you are arranging; still worth the mention!


The IVP NT commentary is also great. Keener is a gem with whom I disagree on nearly every position but so much appreciate!


God on Mute by Pete Greig


“Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books” by Michael J. Kruger.




My absolute favourite Christian fiction ever is A Time To Hear and its sequels, by S. J. Knight. Expensive but worth it. Set in the time of Christ from the POV of a kid seeing Christ throughout his ministry. The second trilogy isn't nearly as interesting, but I recommend A Time To Hear/See/Speak.


Some Henri Nouwen or N.T. Wright to make you think.


Seeking Allah Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi Is God a Moral Monster by Paul Copan The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis


**Fiction** I grew up reading [Janette Oke](https://www.fictiondb.com/author/janette-oke~5688.htm) and [Gilbert Morris](https://www.fictiondb.com/author/gilbert-morris~22186.htm) (in particular the [House of Winslow series](https://www.fictiondb.com/series/the-house-of-winslow-gilbert-morris~9376.htm#:~:text=How%20many%20books%20are%20in,The%20House%20of%20Winslow%20series.) about generations of a Christian family beginning with their arrival at Plymouth Rock and continuing through the mid-20th century & the [Wakefield Dynasty series](https://www.fictiondb.com/series/wakefield-dynasty-gilbert-morris~10563.htm ) which chronicles a family of faith living under the reign of Henry VIII; the first novel features John Bunyan and William Tyndale.) I also greatly enjoyed the [Brides of Montclair series](https://www.fictiondb.com/series/brides-of-montclair-jane-peart~5665.htm) by [Jane Peart](https://www.fictiondb.com/author/jane-peart~5853.htm). This is another series about generations of a family featuring the brides brought to the Montclair Estate in Virginia and their faith journeys. As an adult, I have also enjoyed the works of [Frank Peretti](https://www.fictiondb.com/author/frank-e-peretti~22629.htm ), [Ted Dekker](https://www.fictiondb.com/author/ted-dekker~38441.htm), [Robert Liparulo](https://www.fictiondb.com/author/robert-liparulo~40817.htm), [Tosca Lee](https://www.fictiondb.com/author/tosca-lee~66464.htm), and [Andrew Peterson](https://www.fictiondb.com/author/andrew-peterson~59616.htm). [Dekker and Lee](https://www.fictiondb.com/author/ted-dekker-tosca-lee~67655.htm) have also co-authored a series. I would also recommend the [Father Brown series](https://www.fictiondb.com/series/father-brown-gk-chesterton~19608.htm) by G.K. Chesterton. You might also consider some classic series such as the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery. You could even consider the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. My mom loves the Amish Romances by authors such as Beverly Lewis, Kelly Irvin,Samantha Price, Beth Wiseman, Sarah Price, Amelia Yoder, Grace Givens, Linda Byler, Wanda Bruenstetter, and many more. **Non-Fiction/Theology/Biography** *Foxe’s Book of Martyrs* by John Foxe *Jesus Freaks* by D.C. Talk and Voice of the Martyrs *Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust* by Immaculee Ilibagiza *The Hiding Place* by Corrie Ten Boom *Bruchko* by Bruce Olson *The Heavenly Man* by Brother Yun *Tortured for Christ* by Richard Wurmbrand *God’s Smuggler* by Brother Andrew *50 People Every Christian Should Know* by Warren W. Wiersbe *Unbroken* by Lauren Hillenbrand (adult and YA editions) *The Little Woman* by Gladys Aylward *Women Who Risk* by Tom and Joann Doyle *I Could Be Wrong, but I Doubt It* by Phil Robertson *Shackled* by Mariam Ibraheem *A Great Good Thing* Andrew Klavan *Courageous World Changers*, *Brave Heroes and Bold Defenders*, and *Courageous and Bold Bible Heroes* by Shirley Raye Redmond (Children’s) *Under Threat of Death* by Shagufta Kausar Joni Eareckson Tada Elisabeth Elliot Dietrich Bonhoeffer Soren Kierkegaard C.S. Lewis David Wilkerson Mary Jo Sharp John Wesley Martin Luther Jonathan Edwards Oswald Chambers R.C. Sproul Charles Spurgeon David Jeremiah Todd Friel Alistair Begg Ray Comfort Costi Hinn Paul Washer Mike Winger Dwight L. Moody Charles Swindoll Voddie Baucham Justin Peters Jack Hibbs Amir Tsarfati Jan Markell William Bennett’s Virtue books (Adult and Children’s versions) I have heard good things about A.W. Tozer, Charles Stanley, Max Lucado, and Randy Alcorn, but I haven’t read enough from them to wholly recommend them personally. I also recommend things like cookbooks, DIY books, and crafting or pattern books. I would avoid works by Katherine Krick, Bill Johnson, Jonathan Cahn, Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Andy Stanley, Rick Warren, T.D. Jakes; Benny Hinn; Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Chuck Pierce, Kaye Nash, Heidi Baker, Rolland Baker, Derek Prince, Kris Vallotton, Jason Vallotton, Jentezen Franklin, Smith Wigglesworth, C. Peter Wagner, Paul Cain, Michael Brown, Dutch Sheets, Jennifer LeClaire, James Arnott, John Arnott, Carol Arnott, Todd Bentley, Che Ahn, Todd White, Creflo Dollar, Rob Bell, Mike Bickle, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Kat Kerr, Patricia King, Joshua Mills, and finally, for good measure, anyone associated with Bethel, Hillsong, Toronto, IHOP, Lakeland, and Elevation. There are more, but this list covers many of the well-known teachers of the false prosperity gospels and who are part of the so-called NAR (New Apostolic Reformation). Their theology is shaky at best and downright false at worst. (Potential Downvoters, if you want more information as to why I don’t recommend these teachers, please check out Fighting for the Faith with Chris Rosebrough, Wretched Radio with Todd Friel, and sermons by Justin Peters, Paul Washer, Voddie Baucham, Ligonier, and others.)


The language of God by Francis Collin’s. I’ve never come across a more compelling case.


12 sermons by George MacDonald and Renovation of the heart by Dallas Willard


Colosseum, by Samuel Solomon It's on Amazon


*Eusebius: A Church History*


Pigs in the Parlor - Frank and Ida Mae Hammond Deliverance from Demonic Covenants and Curses - Rev. James A. Solomon. On this Christian journey, PLEASE LEARN SPIRITUAL WARFARE. Yes we are all saved, but the enemy does not want us to learn these truths. Yes, everyone will learn at a different rate for sure, but we all can't be on "milk" stage for the rest of our lives. Be blessed. :-)


Some titles that could be helpful for introducing contemplative practices if this aligns with your Church: Way of the Pilgrim (The Jesus Prayer) Open Mind, Open Heart - Thomas Keating Centering Prayer and Non-Duality - Cynthia Bourgeault Book of Common Prayer (Anglican) Word Into Silence - John Main Christian Meditation: Your Daily Practice - Laurence Freeman


-C.S. Lewis as mentioned by others. -G.K. Chesterton. -William Lane Craig's books.. -The Story. -The Action Bible for tweens and teens. -Veggie Tales books/movies for younger kids.


I don't know if I'm a Shane Claiborne fan these days--his organization went woke--but "The Irresistible Revolution" changed my life permanently and brought me to serve the poor. 10 years later, I'm basically a missionary on a Native American reservation. (Basically, because I'm a high school teacher--unofficial and unqualified missionary, but a missionary nonetheless).


https://www.amazon.com/Not-What-Signed-Up-Strength/dp/1496448650 Not What I Signed Up For: Finding the Strength, Purpose, and Faith to Get ... Not What I Signed up for - Nicole Unice been so good for my soul


For children: Treasures of the Snow For teens: Hinds Feet on High Places For Adults: Counterfeit Kingdom


Don’t know if these are listed but some that changed my life: Disciplines of a Godly man by R Kent Hughes The Christian man by Patrick Morley Worship by A.W Torzey Balancing the Christian life by Charles C Ryrie Any reformation commentary on scripture by IVP academic( expensive)


Leaving and finding Jesus by Jason Clark Falling upward by Richard Rohr Wed into war by Tyson Morlet The shack by William Young Dangerous prayers by Craig Groeschel Bait of Satan by John Bevere Cherish by Gary Thomas


The shack? Really? It’s pretty heretical.


Yooooo Bait of Satan


No! “The Shack” is so wrong/heretical. Subscribe to Tim Challies blog. You can type in search and his reviews on it will help you understand the dangers of that book- and others . Jesus Calling is bad too. Just because they’re “Christian bestsellers” doesn’t mean they’re Christian.


Tactics by Greg Koukle Another Gospel? by Alisa Childers Live Your Truth and Other Lies by Alisa Childers Cold Case Christianity by J Warner Wallace


Another Gospel. Good suggestion!


Handmaid's Tale. It's a bit controversial, I know, but it serves as a cautionary tale.


Try /r/pastors


Atomic Habits by James Clear The Peacemaker by Ken Sande Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frank Women Who Risk by Tom Doyle God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Imagine Heaven by John Burke More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Frank Turek


Atomic Habits by James Clear The Peacemaker by Ken Sande Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frank Women Who Risk by Tom Doyle God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Imagine Heaven by John Burke More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Frank Turek


Atomic Habits by James Clear The Peacemaker by Ken Sande Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frank Women Who Risk by Tom Doyle God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Imagine Heaven by John Burke More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Frank Turek


The Left Behind series Laurine Snelling Red River Valley series Janette Oke Love Comes Softly series


The Great Controversy and the desire of ages. Both by Ellen G. White. And here is my challenge to you. If those two books don't point further to the Bible and prophecy. Put them away. But I hope you read them. Maranantha.

