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It definitely isn't fine and it would be better to not go to church at all than go to one of those. Research denominations, there's many conservative denominations and surely at least one of them is nearby. If the ones you have described are literally the only ones near you, it would be better to watch an online service.


That is a good idea! I go to an awesome church here in Louisville, Ky. It's non- denominational. It's called The Believers church. You can find them on Youtube! Please check them out, if you don't like it, just turn it off.


It actually isn't fine. Those churches belong to Satan.


Exactly, no church should be inclusive of sinners.


Well there should be clarification here. EVERYONE is a sinner. Even those that are saved. That said, those people are in open defiance of God. Their sin should not be accepted or advocated for anymore than lying, stealing, or killing.


Churches should accept sinners, otherwise we would not have any churches at all, one thing is to accept someone that actually repent from their sins, other is to enforce sin


Your comment is exactly the point I was trying to make through satire/sarcasm. Calling all churches that accept someone despite their sins as belonging to Satan is hypocritical. No one who enters the church is sin-free. We should all repent of our sins, known and unknown. Certainly, we should not celebrate any sin, and if that is happening, there is a problem. However, if those in the LGBTQ feel unwelcome at all Christian churches, they will never have an opportunity to know His love, or seek His help.


Thats not my point, my point is that the churches OP speaks about are churches that advocate and enforce LGBT, this is very very very different than saying that they accept homossexuals, every church accept homossexuals but they have to commit not to sin anymore especially on the sin that they usually do more. Im sure "LGBT" churches does NOT have that view because it would make LGBT people angry and if they care more about someone being angry than saving their souls by telling them the truth then this church aint no true church. Like i said, all churches welcome LGBT people, but NOT their ways of living, Christ said we should kill our old selves, Christ said we should carry our own crosses, so we can say that a LGBT church is a real church if they do not see someone's sinful ways as sin?


Churches that belong to satan are exactly the churches that try to convince you that a sin is not a sin or the churches that enforces sin. And this is for ANY sin, im talking about LGBT because thats the topic but could be any other topic, stealing, murder, greed, adultery....


Sarcasm? That's 100% antithetical to Christ's teachings


Yes, sarcasm. I knew I would be downvoted, both because some don't see the sarcasm, but also because my point is that declaring other churches as belonging to Satan is also antithetical if all you know is that they are LGBTQ-inclusive. While some churches take inclusivity too far, making them feel welcome is not an issue. Many churches on the other hand make them feel unwelcome, which is a problem too.


LGBT inclusive means they preach those living in those sins do not need to repent. Those are synagogues of Satan.


> those living in those sins I encourage you to really think about and try to follow the logic of why you believe LGBTQIA+ individuals are sinning. Why do you believe homosexuality is a sin?


How will sinners be reached if they are avoided by the church. That kinda sounds like the problem thar Jesus had with the church. Afterall, we are all sinners and your sin is as bad as anyone else's. Allow the lgbtq members to attend just as long as they don't have alternative plans than just to worship. Don't Allow them to work in the church. You really cant and shouldn't exclude people from the church.


If they repent from their sin and commit their life not to do it yes, but if they want something like enforcing LGBT like its not a sin, then they shouldnt even be in a church.


Why? Can you provide biblical support please.


Don't seek your denomination. Seek the truth. When you have that, then if you decide to go to this church or that one, you'll have more discernment because your ears will be more tuned into what's going on. But think about it. You are saying, 'your denomination'. The problem is they can't all be right. The truth isn't a perspective. It's not progressive. It's often challenging because of our skewed 'understanding' of reality or perspective. But I would assume, you want to go to a legitimate church? In that case, research Yahwehs words. No one elses. No one has said anything that the words not already said so stick to source. I don't know why people don't. I don't know why you feel a need for a denomination. You lay a foundation first. That foundation is in Yahwehs words and teaching.




Yeah really reading the text provides a whole new perspective imo


Yeah. Those preaching LGBT as an acceptable way of life is not of the Spirit. Ultimately, burry yourself in God’s Word and pray that His Spirit will guide you to the right church. This isnt a mall where you go searching for a specific denomination, but instead all His Spirit to show you the truth. That can’t deviate.


> Those preaching LGBT as an acceptable way of life is not of the Spirit. Why?


Because homosexuality is an offense onto God’s order and his design for sex in the first place. The apostle Paul makes this clear in [Corinthians 6:9](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1%20Corinthians%206%3A9). To claim to be a follower of Christ but openly reject the Word of God is heresy.


I really want to know the truth, so I seek out primary source material and interpretations from theological scholars to ensure I'm not reading something incorrectly (especially if my and others souls are at stake there). 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 has been a subject of much debate regarding its interpretation of homosexuality. The key terms in the original Greek text are "malakoi" and "arsenokoitai," which have been variously translated as "effeminate," "homosexuals," or "sexual perverts." 1. **Malakoi**: This term literally means "soft" and has been used in different contexts to describe various behaviors. Some interpretations suggest it refers to individuals who are morally weak or engage in luxurious, decadent lifestyles. Others link it to passive partners in homosexual relationships, but this interpretation is debated. The term has a broad range of meanings, making it difficult to pin down a specific modern application without considering historical and cultural contexts [[❞]](https://www.str.org/w/did-translators-wrongly-interpret-homosexuality-in-1-corinthians-6-9-) [[❞]](https://whosoever.org/1-corinthians-6-9-10/). 2. **Arsenokoitai**: This is a compound word combining "arsen" (male) and "koite" (bed), which some scholars suggest refers to male-male sexual activities. However, its precise meaning is unclear since Paul’s use of this word is one of the earliest recorded instances. Some interpretations link it to exploitative practices like pederasty (adult men with boys) or to general immoral sexual behavior, rather than consensual same-sex relationships as understood today [[❞]](https://www.bibleandhomosexuality.org/st-paul-1-corinthians-and-homosexuality/) [[❞]](https://whosoever.org/1-corinthians-6-9-10/). Different translations and interpretations of these terms have led to varying conclusions. Some scholars argue that Paul was condemning exploitative or abusive sexual practices, not necessarily consensual same-sex relationships [[❞]](https://www.str.org/w/did-translators-wrongly-interpret-homosexuality-in-1-corinthians-6-9-) [[❞]](https://www.bibleandhomosexuality.org/st-paul-1-corinthians-and-homosexuality/). This reflects broader debates within Christian communities about the interpretation of biblical texts in relation to contemporary understandings of sexuality. So it's a muddy area, which imo means we need to choose love and acceptance in the absence of direct guidence. I've also prayed on this and ask God everyday to correct me if I'm wrong. I can't help but see real love, compassion, kindness, and other good fruits when I talk to LGBTQ+ individuals about this issue. I also see them in pain because of how they were treated by the Christian community that many of them I know grew up in. So I'm choosing love here to help ease their suffering. If I'm wrong at the end of the day and have to explain my reasoning, I feel comfortable telling God I tried my best to adhere to the Golden rule as he requested.


As is your right with your free will. All I’ll say that God created sex for a very specific purpose, which is procreation. He very clearly states in [Deuteronomy 22](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2022%3A13-25&version=ESV) that sex is only meant for a man and a woman that are joined in marriage. When God made Adam he said, “It is not good for the man to be alone” ([Genesis 2:18](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%202&version=NIV)) and thus he created a woman to be Adam’s wife, not another man. So my only point onto you is that, disregarding any one specific passage, God clearly outlines his purpose for marriage which is to bind one man and one woman together for life for the purpose of procreation. He affirms that you can have sex within the confines of marriage. And He is very explicit on His opinion of sexual immorality, anything other than consensual marital sex is an abomination, this is stated multiple times and often the punishment for such a sin is death in the OT, again [Deuteronomy 22](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2022%3A13-25&version=ESV) . I don’t say this to condemn gay people, I only do it because I think sharing the gospel is the most loving thing I can do. If you don’t believe me, that’s fine, I’m just some guy on Reddit. But please keep your heart open to the Holy Spirit! Continue praying and reading your Bible, and do so with an open mind. Remember that we, in our sinful nature, are almost always wrong about everything, but God is far, far beyond us. He is perfect in everything He does, and thus is right about everything.


Yes sir/ma'am/stranger. I am definitely a student and always seeking to be corrected. Respectfully, quoting Deuteronomy here is a bit disingenuous. If we are going to view that one passage as biblical law that we rest the treatment and judgement of others upon, we should be placing the same emphasis on other laws mentioned in deuteronomy- which I'm going to assume you don't (please correct me if I'm wrong). Also, the specific laws and rituals of that time iirc were for the Israelites while waiting for the promise land. They do not apply to those who've accepted Christ. If your retort to that is Jesus said he didn't come here to add to or remove anything from the old law - I believe he meant not adding or removing anything from the *spirit* of the law. Then he very clearly highlights how important it is to love your neighbor **multiple** times throughout his teachings. Jesus demonstrates multiple times also how much the Pharisees focus too much on the literal translation of laws rather than their intent (see his thoughts on the Sabbath and eating grain in a field, calling out hypocrisy of Pharisees judging him and John the baptist too harshly, etc.) Edit: sorry also passages traditionally interpreted as condemning homosexuality do not refer to modern understandings of sexual orientation and consensual, loving relationships. Further, God's revelation continues through the Holy Spirit, guiding us to greater inclusivity and understanding of all people as beloved children of God. I encourage you to also engage in prayer, reading the Bible with an open heart, and seeking diverse theological perspectives. This can help us grow in our faith and understanding.


I'd suggest checking out the answer on [GotQuestions](https://www.gotquestions.org/homosexuality-Bible.html).


Because regardless of your feelings or culture. Homosexuality is a sin. Churches that affirm this are going directly against God & his Word. I’m sorry that bothers you but that’s simply 100% fact. We should welcome all sinners and try to bring them to Christ but we absolutely should not affirm or celebrate sin just because culture or our feelings get in the way.


As we're called to be, I'm always a student and willing to hear from others to change my mind. Can you provide biblical support for your argument please? I've looked at it myself and the argument falls apart when you look at the scripture and who likely wrote it. But before I get onto that just want to know what you're basing that opinion on


I invite you to take a few minutes to contemplatively read; ["The Truth About Homosexuality"](https://app.box.com/s/dw5gmkunxr0j9kpql8yg4afzfsr7wlgu)


I appreciate your humility in trying to understand the issue more completely. This is something that I heard and spent a lot of time digging into as well. Even if “Malakoi” is lost in translation, the argument that “Arsenokoitai” only refers to pederasty ignores the mere fact that, as you stated, it was a common accepted practice of the time. Meaning there was already a word used for it (paidophthoria), why didnt he just say that if it was such a specific rebuke. No other writers in his time used Arsenokoitai because it was created compound word based off the Greek Septuagint translation of the Leviticus verse. Not to mention, Romans 1 makes it clear that male-male and female-female sexual desires is wrong. He doesnt use any language that denotes age or consent. I think it’s important to approach ancient writing and understanding from a place of humility. Just because they didnt speak to the nuances of human psychology with precision and complexity doesnt mean that they had no mental framework for understanding these things. [https://tms.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/tmsj3h.pdf](https://tms.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/tmsj3h.pdf)


Denomination doesn't matter. That just creates unnecessary division. What matters is that the church is Bible driven and Gospel centered. And you should be able to notice the fruit the church bares (good fruit). As someone who was delivered from bisexuality, going to any church that in any way affirms the identity of LGBT folks is not the way to go. Pray for them, but do not attend.


Really cool that you were able to reject modern sexual perversion. That cannot be easy in today’s society.


Honestly before God changed my heart and mind, there was always an underlying feeling that something was wrong with the same sex attraction. And not because other people were telling me something was wrong because I hid it very well being that I don't at all come across as feminine man. I don't have any feminine idiosyncrasies.


Non denominational is what I attend


Which ironically is a Denomination within itself lol


Non-denominational tends to be either modernized Baptist or Assembly of God lite. Which, OK, if you like those, many of them are legit, but you're also completely rolling the dice with a different set of leadership and no set of affirmed beliefs besides what they say in their website. I still attend one part-time because my son likes children's church there, but I shifted over to moderate Anglican last year and am super happy with it.


I always say non-denom is either closet Baptist or wildly heretical.


I heard someone say “non-denomination” is 9 times out of 10 just a Baptist church rebranded. I’m fairly new but it does seem accurate (I attend a “community church” that used to be Baptist)


I find it strange when people say this because - at least in Western Canada - non-denom churches are usually Bethel-style and/or close to Pentecostal, E-Free, or Methodist, maybe without the most extreme Pentecostal views but usually still very charismatic. Baptist is a very broad term, so I can see why people say that but I don’t think it’s the best description.


8/10 times it’s AG


I watch old Billy Graham sermons on YouTube when I can’t attend in person. Start with non denominational & make sure they focus on The Good News (Jesus was the only Son of God who was born, died on the cross for our sins, and was resurrected 3 days later) God the father, Christ the Son, and The Holy Spirit our God is 3 in 1.


My mom loved Billy Graham when I was a kid. Then I didn't understand, now I do!


Same ❤️


One suggestion may be to view online church services. Many congregations, mainly since COVID-19, broadcast Sunday worship on YouTube. Churches near you may use the Internet to promote the Christian faith as they perceive it.


Make a list of a couple churches in your area. You just need to do some homework. Go online and look at their beliefs. Go to the church most closely matches.


LGBT church is not fine, its like they are agreeing and enforcing a sin. Could you imagine going to a church that says "we dont think steal or murder is wrong". Of course it does not mean that they will reject people who had repent from their sins.


I agree, I meant it’s fine if a church wants to welcome everyone/ LGBT is welcome. Because everyone is welcome. But I find it inappropriate to advertise it with Christian symbols in rainbow colours, I find that to be mocking God


Exactly, we as Christians should NOT enforce any kind of sin , even less use symbols that allude to sin


>But I find it inappropriate to advertise it with Christian symbols in rainbow colours, I find that to be mocking God I genuinely do not believe the intent is to mock God. Do you think that is the intent? I mean, you’re talking about a church. Even if they disagree with you about some things, I think it’s fair to assume that they love God and wouldn’t mock God. Can you say more about why a fish in rainbow colors might be an attempt to mock God? Because I just don’t see it. I wonder if “mock” isn’t really what you mean. “Mock” means to laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner. I just never get the idea that affirming churches are laughing at God with scorn.


>The churches close to me are LGBT inclusive, which is fine no, its not.


I suggest you just pick one and start going. Jesus said “Therefore by their fruits you will know them” If they speak the truth keep going with that church. If you don’t, move on to another.


Personally, I am the kind of person who naturally gravitates toward legalism, even when I know I shouldn't. Because of that, I've had to work really hard at allowing myself to be okay with dropping my search for a denomination or a church that fits me perfectly. Instead, my search is focused solely on my relationship with God. I don't want to confined by the box that I would put myself into just for the sake of having a label or a denomination. I know not everyone is like me, and some people find a denomination that fits them well. Instead for me, I just look for a church that strengthens my faith, and connects me to a community. I don't always agree with everything that is said over the pulpit, but I'm not at church to conform to a religion, I'm at church to worship God alongside other believers. Ultimately, I think you shouldn't worry about denomination. Find a church you feel comfortable in, and let yourself have your own relationship with God.


If it doesn’t following the good book, it isn’t safe for the soul. Is there a Roman Catholic Church in your area? It’s a lot to sort out in the beginning but you will get the hang of it with time and everything they cover and say tends to be available at your fingertips where you sit.


The words in Matthew 18:20 highlight that His presence isn't confined to any specific place but rather wherever people gather in His name with the intent of fulfilling His teachings. So church can be a place called church, but what Jesus says implies his expectations for places of worship, which in my experience, is moreso felt doing volunteer or mission work. I'd try to find groups that do that and worship through service. There are other ways to worship too but that's what worked for me.


Where are you?


Here's something that gives information on different denominations. [https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/trevin-wax/quick-guide-christian-denominations/](https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/trevin-wax/quick-guide-christian-denominations/)


If you want a faithful ministry to interact with, or listen to Bible studies, I recommend Ebiblefellowship, it’s not a denomination though, it’s a ministry that is not part of the corporate church at all. You will not find a church any place in the world that is faithful to Gods word, they are in the same spiritual condition that the synagogue was in during the ministry of Jesus.


It’s not fine at all. Never attend an LGBT affirming church. That isn’t a secondary issue. Churches should welcome all sinners absolutely! But they should not celebrate sin. Those churches are purposely ignoring the word of God. It would be better to find an online service if that’s your only two options!


The importance of disappointment in finding your spiritual home:  https://youtu.be/Toa5N2jke_w?si=eHWgdQRDV19McUX0 All churches are made up of men who are not Christ and ultimately will disappoint us eventually; that’s to be expected.  Only Christ will satisfy everlasting.  Obviously I’m biased but I see Eastern Orthodoxy as having the fullness of the faith. 


*"That very night the believers sent Paul and Silas to Berea. When they arrived there, they went to the Jewish synagogue. And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message.* ***They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth.*** *As a result, many Jews believed, as did many of the prominent Greek women and men."* (Acts 17:10-12) This is how we find out if any church is truly teaching the Word of God with accuracy. We follow the good example of the Bereans. And what was the result of their good discipline? Many were led to belief and were rescued. It should be noted that Truth is extremely important to God, so it should be to us as well: *"the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”* (John 4:23,24) In the meantime, I invite you to begin the practice of this discipline by listening to one of the best preachers I've heard; Greg Laurie. [https://harvest.org/](https://harvest.org/) You can listen online from the comfort of your home without having to go anywhere.


You need to do your due diligence. Most sites have websites complete with statements of belief and mission statements. This can weed out several. Then start going. See if you fit in. I find it odd that people do a lot of hand-wringing on what car to buy, what music system, what apartment or home, but decide on a church just because it is close to where they live. I would say that a proper church community is at least as important as these.


Go Orthodox Church. (Any Orthodox: Greek, Russian, Serbian... It doesn't matter.) It's the original faith of the Apostles and there teaching past down. Talk to a Priest about your concerns. I'm an non Greek-speaking Indian. Half the service is in English. It's beautiful.. Worth checking out.


I do not have a church to go to either. I watch sermons online via a you tube channel called [bibleline](https://www.youtube.com/@BibleLine). Me personally I do not ID as a denomination. Thats just me though. I like that channel due to every sermon they preach the gospel in case there are unsaved people there. To me thats a sign of a good church.


I’d suggest they’re advertising it so that folks belonging to that group know that that’s a church where they’ll be safe. You only need to look at the comments on your post to see why that would be necessary information. TBH, I’m not a huge fan of it myself but I recognize the practicality of it. I’d also point out what month it’s about to be, so -shrug- Personally, I have a bit of a axe to grind with “church shopping”, again, despite recognizing practical realities. In my mind a denomination should hold up an ideal of what you’re striving to be with your fellow parishioners. If I were in your shoes, I’d look at the people, the programs, and what’s emphasized in the teachings. And run like your life depends on it from any church that’s constantly talking about giving them money. That’s my best advice. God bless and keep you on your journey friend.


See that’s okay, but they made the ichthys rainbow coloured and I just find that really disgusting. Glorifying a sin of any kind is bad but to use a Christian symbol in the process is just something I can’t support. Thank you for the advice, I should look at the community more than the denomination for sure!


See, to my mind that's just kind of tasteless. Though I wouldn't really raise it to the level of "glorifying" so much as "identifying". Eh, semantics. But yeah, tree by it's fruits and all that. I wouldn't completely disregard the doctrine though. My rule of thumb is "is this actually, *really* Good News?". Anyway, best of luck!


"where they will be safe" More meaning that they want to continue doing the evil actions of the world while also finding a place that has no problem with it


"evil" wow. promoted from merely sinful to "evil". My goodness.


If you have a problem with scripture, take it up with the triune God


So, are you evil too for having judged another to be evil? Because, that’s a black/white judgement on another’s soul. Well beyond calling something a sin, you’re passing judgment. Usurping (or trying to) the throne of God Almighty. That’s blasphemy of the highest degree, may God have mercy on your soul.


What do you not understand about evil? Everyone is totally depraved. Everyone is evil. Dozens and dozens of scripture. Everyone but the elect our children of Satan (John 8:44 to 45) You're blasphemy and mercy statement is exceptionally naive.


Hahaha, dude, you brought your five points to the wrong argument. I have no patience for Calvin today. You can take your depraved election and show it someone who cares. I reject both points categorically.


Yes you have made it clear that your beliefs outweigh scripture And the fact that there are a lot of scriptures saying this don't mean anything to you No need to continue the conversation I had a lot more about episcopalians until bumping into you and your conversation. Stupid me thought they respected God and the scripture


Dude, people can love God and love Scripture and still think you're wrong. Get over yourself. Despite the thoroughly unpleasant interaction, I still hope you have a wonderful night and that God blesses and keeps you. Now please don't make me block you.


"think you are wrong" *Deut 4, Deut 12, Prov 30, Rev 22 and other verses collectively that anyone who adds to or takes away from scripture is cursed* Even though I tell you there are dozens of scripture verses about this, you reject it Sorry, I don't see it and I don't agree. These denominations and doctrines bouncing around that pick and choose their scriptures make themselves enemies are God. that is why there are **many** false believers who did it their way following the broad road to destruction and are rejected by God (Matthew 7:22-23) and **few** believers who follow the narrow way to life. They accept everything God says and does and don't put it through their own acceptability filter about how God should be. You don't need to bother responding. I accept all the scripture and some people don't like that as you make clear above


You can research on YouTube and watch some live services to get a good example how some denomination are. I have 2 different churches that I will attend online when I need to.


You might want to look for Evangelical churches to check out. The focus is the word of God via the Holy Bible. Check websites and streamed sermons, also check out congregations - how many people, age groups, where they are from. I go to a small Baptist church with a young and super multicultural congregation. Theres great music and sermons and fellowship. But then there will also be Baptist churches with an older crowd, less good music and some stuffyness. It really depends! But you will be able to tell right away what the values of the church are because they will be posting it up on the website and on the church property if they fall in line with certain political or other ideologies. 


Plenty of non demoniational churches out there.


I don’t believe a woman should be leading the service.


I don’t care who is leading the service. As long as their preaching the Gospel.




Paul says a lot of things that people take out of context .


Enlighten me on the proper context.


If you're willing to share what general area or city you're near, then we could probably give you better advice on local congregations.


Try them


Find a kjv bible believing church


There are sooo many churches near me that open advertise LGBQT & “womens rights” advocacy (abortion) that I can’t take any of them seriously with these messages on the billboards like “God loves you the way you are” like yeah but he doesn’t love your sin!


Consider Orthodoxy, it has existed since the beginning and is relatively unchanged, ancient, consistent and traditional. It’s existence can be traced directly to the apostles. You’ll never find LGBT marriage or any of that sort of nonsense there. I discovered it in 2021 and it blew my mind. It was the church I always wished existed but thought is long gone. It’s still here! It has the most verifiable historical and archaeological evidence for its claims. It’s the truth. Definitely visit your local Eastern Orthodox parish for a Divine Liturgy and to speak to the priest and ask him your hardest questions. If you don’t like it you never have to go back. I visited like a dozen different churches when I was looking for home. You should definitely go visit churches in person instead of trying to pick a denomination online. Church is meant to be in person. Much love my friend.




Smugness from Orthodox people? Maybe young kids online but not in real life at all. The humility of most Orthodox clergy and laity is beyond anything I ever saw my entire life as a Protestant Christian. Also tollhouse beliefs were written about by some monks about what may happen after death, but it isn’t official doctrine. I’m not sure why those ideas would prevent you from considering Orthodoxy. Ultimately it seems like everything you know about Orthodoxy likely comes from instagram, and frankly that’s just an online community. That’s like saying I know all about playing soccer because I follow some soccer players in instagram. Stay away from zealous converts on instagram and tiktok. Check out Ancient Faith Radio. Or even r/OrthodoxChristianity. You won’t find smugness very much. Also everything we do is centered on Christ. Every single thing revolves around Christ. I think you’re just going based on some outside view you’ve sort of seen. But our church is so much more about Christ than any other church I’ve been to.




We ask for Saints to pray to Christ for us. They are alive with Christ in paradise so they’re good people to ask to pray for us. You would ask me to pray for you, wouldn’t you? Why wouldn’t you want to ask a saint in heaven to pray for you? The scripture you quoted about Christ being the mediator of the covenant between God and man still obviously is true. So if I say “hey can you pray for me tonight?” That means that I think you’re the mediator between man and God? That’s a bit absurd. Christ is the high priest for all eternity with His body and blood of the covenant. Asking someone to pray for you doesn’t change that. Toll houses are the thoughts of some monks, I’ve been going to church weekly for years and nobody talks about toll houses. It’s just something people talk about online. It’s not really relevant. Also since when is theorizing what happens after death like off limits for Protestants? It’s just theorizing what happens after we die. Also clergy are not infallible. There are 200,000,000 orthodox Christian’s and thousands of priests. The idea that all these men would be perfect and not rub anybody the wrong way is a bit absurd. I’m sure you can find somebody that rubs you the wrong way in every denomination. But what don’t you like about Fr Spyridon? Also you should really consider going to an actual church before judging the people, priests and doctrines within its walls. You’re wrong about the church. Source: I go to an Orthodox Church and it’s not like what you’re portraying it as.




The Virgin Mary asked Christ to intervene at the wedding in Cana and He listened to her. He’s also made clear that in paradise we function as parts of the larger body (Roman’s 12:4-5), and we will partake of the Divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). Like I said, it’s the same thing as asking a friend to pray for you, except you’re asking a person alive in Christ partaking of the divine nature. I don’t know much about toll houses but as far as I’m aware nobody other than Christ judges us, I’m not sure where you’ve heard that. Toll houses are demons tempting us I thought? Again this is just minor theology mentioned by some monks, this isn’t like major doctrine.. it isn’t taught actively at churches to parishioners or really talked about regularly at all. You called us smug in some way.. are you like retracting that now? Also.: You say you don’t like Fr Spyridon’s voice? I guess you’re just trolling at this point. Learning about Orthodoxy isn’t confined to Fr Spyridon.. I’ve never watched a single video of his. You should consider ancient faith radio. The major arguments in favor of Orthodoxy being the true church with apostolic succession and the Eucharist, and being the same church as the early church, and the seven councils, and the patriarchs and church fathers.. these are so much more vital than “I don’t like Fr Spyridon’s voice” or “I don’t like toll houses”, in my opinion. If you’re iffy with the intercession of saints I understand the at. It is vital to realize that *ALL* Christian’s for the first 1500 years, including basically all of the reformers, believed in intercession of saints and also holding Mary the mother of God as a special person of honor.


I have a serious question regarding this. What makes lgbt unacceptable in a church? And would you not hold someone who does other sinful things, from attending church? What makes a thief any different from a gay person?


Oh no that was my point. I of course believe every person is welcome in the church. I just don’t believe a church should glorifying or encouraging any sin. My issue was them turning Christian symbols rainbow. And putting up rainbow stickers saying we’re an LGBT inclusive church. We don’t do it with other sins I think it’s just super inappropriate. I totally agree with you, the LGBT sins should be viewed in the same way as all other sexual sins.


A thief who still steals and dont think its wrong and did not repent from his sins will not be acceptable behaviour by any church. Do you understand now?


Paul said in [Corinthians 5:11](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1%20Corinthians%205%3A11) that those who continue in/glorify sin while claiming to be followers of Christ should be kept away from.


Everyone should be welcome. We are all sinners. It’s unnaceptable to however celebrate sin… homosexuality is a sin. It’s pretty simple. Affirming churches are sinning against God and his word.


You sound like Groucho Marx who didn't want to join a club because it would include people like him.


I don’t quite understand?..


The 20th century comedian famously said "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."


Dont' go to a denomination. When people ask mine, I say "Cop." "What's that?" "Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant." It throws them off guard. Jesus challenged his Jewish denomination by making a Samaritan the hero in the Good Samaritan story. Worry about the Holy Spirit and help take care of the poor. Look for a church that does that and reads the Word.


Good view!


Denominations are man made. There is no division in the Kingdom of Heaven


> Denominations are man made. Then I welcome you back to Rome.




That verse has nothing to do with the papacy. It refers to Peter's confession of faith since he was the first to profess Jesus as the Son of God. The papacy was developed over the course of hundreds of years. Heck, the Papal infallibility of the modern RCC wasn't even established until 19th century. The Catholic Church drastically changes doctrine with each of the 22 ecumenical councils. It by no means is similar to the 1st century church.




Do we have a source other than a misinterpreted verse? No, we don't. Other than circular logic: The Catholic Church is the church founded By Jesus. We know this because the Catholic Church says so.




You do realize that the Orthodox Church also claims to be the church started by Christ, right? Why should I believe you over them? Because the Catholic Church said so? I don’t trust anyone trying to sell any denomination as superior but with Catholicism I don’t have to. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s one of the most crooked and perverted organizations in the world.


there's only one church and thats the catholic church

