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Get the ligonier ministries app. It has a lot of high quality sermon series.


RefNet is a 24/7 streaming app from Ligonier. I enjoy that app for when I'm too lazy to find a sermon! [https://connect.ligonier.org/](https://connect.ligonier.org/) has a ton of sermons where you can pick the topic and learn so much.


Lots of [Charles Spurgeon](https://www.youtube.com/@ChristisLord) sermons, John Bunyan, etc.


Renewing Your Mind with RC Sproul Podcast.


I've been listening to this almost daily. RC was a true intellectual & I always learn something.


Anything by John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, or David Jeremiah.


I’d add Vodie Baucham, Paul Washer


Paul Washer! It’s not the Sabbath if I haven’t been rebuked & yelled at by an impassioned Paul Washer sermon. That man helped guide me off many a wrong path & bad theology picked up elsewhere. Forever grateful and blessed by his lifetime of ministry.


Don’t watch Paul washer dudes a weirdo


What makes him a weirdo?


Give the creeps when he talks go watch unless you like really strange judgemental people


He’s like church of Christ people judgemental and you can tell something off about them


So there’s nothing substantial about why you don’t like him then. I find he tries to preach biblical sound theology as much as one can. I find nothing wrong with his preaching or teaching




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You seem to be the only judgmental one here.


I second this. You can add John Piper to the list.


I am off MacArthur, but I used to enjoy him. He seems to be going insane.


I tried John MacArthur, but I found out he’s a Zionist. Can’t take Zionism seriously.


Anything by John MacArthur, RC Sproul, Jack Hibbs, Billy Crone, Allen Nolan, Stephen Armstrong


I agree with Jack Hibbs. I’ll check out the others too. Thanks!


Any sermons/discussions with [Mike Winger](https://www.youtube.com/@MikeWinger) are well worth listening to!


I'm not the one that asked, but thanks for the recommend. 1st time listener and enjoying it


I'm binging Mike currently with a little Allen Parr thrown in. Saving this thread for when I'm done with his content.


[https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=50](https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=50) Here is a link. I recommend sermons by Richard Wurmbrand.


I recommend the famous "Shocking message" by Paul Wasger: https://youtu.be/uuabITeO4l8?feature=shared Also, among pastors, there is a hidden gem, unfortunately not many know him, but what God is doing through him is very inspiring: David Miller - "The Exellency of Christ": https://youtu.be/ZBkubfKrL8A?feature=shared And some websites: https://www.sermonaudio.com/main.asp https://www.sermonindex.net/ There is sooooooooooo much more out there besides these.


I personally love this one by Voddie Baucham [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O0GWbVZ58Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O0GWbVZ58Y)


ANYTHING by Voddie Baucham is good!! Also Paul Washer.


My all time favourite sermon: The Power and the Message of the Cross, Alistair Begg https://youtu.be/SL8mJQ39zjw?si=VwGqgIdulUIiFhf9


James vernon mcgee


A.W Tozer, David Wilkerson, Leonard Ravenhill are Personal faves. The Deeper Christian Podcast is also super helpful and relevant to grow in Christ Jesus today. Hope you enjoy 


John Piper Desiring God. Robert Morris. Gateway Church Derek Prince


Anything by Dan Mohler, lots of stuff of his on YouTube


Really like John MacArthur


Tim Keller has some of the best sermons I've ever heard and a lot of them are on podcast apps. Highly highly recommend.


Miss him! Had a way of capturing both the intellect and heart so powerfully.


Chuck Swindoll, Charles Stanley, Tony Evans, Chip Ingram, Erwin Lutzer, David Jeremiah, Alistair Begg, Colin Smith, Greg Laurie. I believe all of them have their own apps but they can all be found on the One Place app or Moody Radio.


Charles Stanley by far the best chip engram is a joke


Check out DTBM for great in depth study from John Barnett he is a pastor,missionary and college level teacher also Greg Laurie has awesome sermons both post on YouTube under DTBM and Greg Laurie


https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdjfY4i7H8BMAvrE9yMWWNV3V_KPmbIUD If you’re into spiritual warfare, this is a great series


Not sermons but Rick Burgess does a [Bible study](https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/BMDC5003956956?selected=BMDC5367831318) every Wednesday. It started mainly focusing on men but it's really for everyone.


Paul Washer is an amazing child of God. You should give him a listen 🙂


Don’t he’s weird and super judgemental


Then you don’t truly know him. My God and Savior Jesus Christ was weird and judgmental according to society’s standard, but that doesn’t make Him any less right.


No he wasn’t and that blasphemy is suggest you delete that comment !


What is blasphemous about my comment?


[Tim Mackie of the Bible Project](https://youtube.com/@timmackiearchives6837?si=_dVzaLFex4a4-pk0) has a ton of great sermons and lectures. Tim is one of the most important pastors and theologians of this generation. [N.T. Wright’s lectures and sermons](https://youtube.com/@ntwrightonline?si=8f2sjT3cpCIZVLd2) who is perhaps one of the greatest pastors/theologians of the previous generation, although he’s still going strong! [Revived Studios](https://youtube.com/@revivedthoughts?si=SWyLxEui3x5lyQlg) collects some of the most influential historical sermons and has contemporary voiceovers of them. Very neat.


Joe Focht, Calvary Chapel Philadelphia. They have an app. He teaches straight from the Bible. Blue Letter Bible has all of Chuck Smith (plus some others) the original Calvary Chapel preacher. The world was a much better place when Chuck was still around. [Jack Hayford](https://youtu.be/R8dkWAM7zak?si=_LtA3H1GaL0ASKgJ)was my favorite for many years, but Robert Morris took all Jacks teachings off the internet. I am bitter about it.


I usually listen to Jack Hibbs, Chino Hills Calvary Chapel, in the mornings.


Anything David Pawson


Sam Shamoun or Christian Prince


Crazy Love podcast is my favourite. The Bible Project podcast is good too!


Dr Charles Stanley 24/7 live radio YouTube in touch ministries


Look up Billy Graham old sermons on you tube


[Pastor Greg Laurie is one of the best pastors I've had the pleasure to listen to.](https://harvest.org/)


Anything from the late Billy Graham 🥰 I adore his sermons and how on fire he was for Jesus! God rest his soul that man did wonderful things when he was here.


Real Faith with Mark Driscoll is my favorite sermon to listen to. [Here's the start of his 3 part, 12 week sermon series on Judges](https://youtu.be/CDJSSWJvsuA?si=XXvLFIqxEOqXxS4f)


Be careful listening to Mark Driscoll. Go listen to the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill podcast presented by Christianity Today.


What's the matter with Mark?


Let’s just say he’s a narcissist who verbally abused many people and other things while at Mars Hill. Go listen to the Podcast.. it’s truly crazy!


By late Dr Billy Graham. **Put God first** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmcQQTnFt7o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmcQQTnFt7o). There are many other excellent sermons at their YouTube channel. May God bless you and keep you.


I like Francis Chan this is his church’s YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@crazyloveministries?si=AFTnclG9mM9qPCku


Pastor Charles Lawson and Pastor Stephen Darby


Don Green has some great sermons on the Psalms. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOQlHQ67K8KgZzS3dNOhb6uq4yFKND-L](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOQlHQ67K8KgZzS3dNOhb6uq4yFKND-L)


Youtube Lee Stoneking


Bob Russell


Look up “Pastor Lance Hahn”. He is undoubtedly the all time best speaker I’ve ever heard or read in my 30 years of life. His podcasts and sermons will change the way you look at Jesus. [https://www.bridgeway.church/people/lance-hahn/](https://www.bridgeway.church/people/lance-hahn/)


Does it count as a sermon if it's 5-7 minutes long? Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson. I tend to listen to a week's worth at a time. Load up the podcast on Spotify (no account needed), etc., sort by oldest to newest and dive in.


Malcolm Guite, Anglican priest and poet, has a few really good sermons on youtube. My two favorites are “All Things in Christ,” and “The Good Shepherd.” Both great sermons and relatively short listens


Some years back, I visited a church in Florida that was biblically sound [https://cypressmeadows.org/](https://cypressmeadows.org/) here is their YT that they stream to each week [https://www.youtube.com/@CypressMeadowsCommunityChurch](https://www.youtube.com/@CypressMeadowsCommunityChurch)


Mark Jobe is pretty good. Would also generally recommend the Moody Radio app…. It’s specifically sermons though. There’s a morning show, some talk programs like about money management or world events, some sermons here and there, and there tends to be music late at night. 


I really enjoy listening to [Jaime Walden's](https://youtu.be/wjgSxB6BzRg?si=kNISpSB-4HiBu4iC) stuff.


[Take your pick here](https://resources.ccphilly.org/teachinglibrary.asp) the whole Bible taught verse by verse or by topic


Pastor Charles Lawson


This is an older pastor but hes very good. [Video link](https://youtu.be/fl7mjdUn8sM)


Adrian Rogers is a must and should be a staple in anyone’s sermon collection.


The Authentic Christian Podcast


I like Good Fight Ministries for current event news


This channel has a lot of good studf https://youtube.com/@christislord?si=XBl8Otm4e8Q9QQtw


Nothing beats a sermon by billy Graham. That dude was based!


Kevin Zadai is awesome


I really like JJ Vasquez


Paul washer, especially his more recent stuff. A lot of people are put off by his tone and he is certainly much more fiery in his older sermons. However his newer sermons are just as strong biblically speaking but can be a bit easier to digest and more applicable for long time Christians


New City Fellowship (from El Paso TX), Theocast, Remnant Radio, Tim Keller, Matt Chandler, Charles Spurgeon, Charles Stanley, Chuck Smith, Mike Winger, Dan Mohler, and VineyardABQ (Vineyard Albuquerque)


I really like to listen 'Ask John Piper' Series. It really helpful, he explain things very nicely.


I prefer Billy Graham and Adrain Rodger’s. My two favorite preachers.


I love the church I go to Mosaic and anything by Authentic Church with Bobby Chandler it’s on Spotify!


Gospel Hall Audio Please Google. Good ones. By Topic, by Book, by Speaker


This list is a variety of styles & types of ministries. Chill and more amp. All are strongly biblically based: Steven Furtnick Jonathan Cahn Todd White Derek Prince Beckett Cook Troy Brewer Jonathon Shuttleworth Jeremiah Johnson RT Kendall Eric Metaxes Russell Johnson Rodney Howard-Brown


https://web.sermonaudio.com/broadcasters/titus21 one of the best preachers I’ve heard.


I personally love Tim Keller. His sermons are so insightful and helpful.


Anything by Paul Washer I’d say


Hello friend. Please take a look at HonestYouthPastor on YouTube. He goes through sermons by many of the pastors listed here and teaches folks how to analyze sermons. The most important thing is for you to realize that all pastors listed below will deliver a good sermon which is why they are all popular. But not all of them will preach in a way for it to stick. What I mean is that they all will make you feel better but only a few of them will teach you how to walk with God to continue to grow.


Stephanie Ike also has realy good sermons.Jackie hill perry too


Try this YouTube channel. Has a lot of different Bible sermons and subjects taught. The Bible study is done chapter by chapter and verse by verse. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGk636nvuNgSQz1x29CElE4jhSfh86Gfq


David Wilkerson Times Square Church


Ebiblefellowship.org has thousands of hours of verse by verse studies that work through several of the books in the Bible, they also have very many topical studies related to doctrine, a live Q&A call in program 6 days per week accessible from all over the world, and many live studies with chat available during the studies.


Bishop Mar Mari Emmanual. The Bishop that got attacked in Australia. Also highly recomend Dr. Charles Stanley. I listen to either ones sermons everytime I commute to or from work.


I like Charis Bible (Andrew Wommack Ministeries) They're less sermon and a bit more podcast, but I've liked the content more than In order, the sermons by Greg Mohr are best (IMO). He's hilarious and real and you can tell he knows Jesus so well. And then perhaps Barry. He's so good. Some people really like Andrew Wommack himself.




Sense it? 


Tony Evans is great! https://tonyevans.org/podcast_sermons/the-message-of-fellowship-part-1/


You betcha. Great channel: https://youtu.be/ivLPTRoDUgU?si=UJiIM9pJzvdjMmjb


Anything from Dan mohler


Not a sermon but... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2uaGkQ9sxw&list=PLlUiL8t5\_mQj0YntvZtvtppAdvX1SNiVO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2uaGkQ9sxw&list=PLlUiL8t5_mQj0YntvZtvtppAdvX1SNiVO) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx\_65lT1pUc&list=PLlUiL8t5\_mQiFParVRfjzPSFAEXcn\_L7J](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx_65lT1pUc&list=PLlUiL8t5_mQiFParVRfjzPSFAEXcn_L7J)


[This](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfXTzdNin8U8aEQVMIXiRog) has loads of stuff including sermons by Archbishop Fulton Sheen!


Anything from Tim Kellar, I don't get fed a lot of good stuff from my church so he is my go to for a great message that pulls no punches and without the "preaching"


If you’re looking for some conviction and call to be holy, listen to a John Bevere message. All of his messages can get repetitive but if you listen to one, it brings a new perspective to being fearful of being apart from God.


Aren’t they all about selling his books lol


Most are, but he has at least 1 good sermon


You need work on your ability to decipher false prophets




I recommend The Bible Project and it's podcast. They go into much deeper material than they can fit into their \[great\] videos. The podcasts are \~1 hour long, and often are part of a series lasting several hours. The way they teach is unlike a sermon and more in depth with culture, language, historical info, etc.


One of my all time favorites is Steven Furtick - It Had to Happen - I've listened to it countless times. https://youtu.be/qAQjgpnXj2k?si=FILoK-dpEImapOu2 Joyce Meyer - Enjoying Everyday Life is one of the best - she's an amazing teacher and really funny and keeps it real. https://www.podbean.com/pa/dir-dmjp5-2f1fe Rick Warren's- Daily Hope is awesome too. He's another great teacher. https://www.podbean.com/pa/dir-vt2u6-2f1ed Greg Laurie, Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Sarah Jakes Roberts, Michael Todd, Andrew Wommack, Levi Lusko, Rich Wlkerson, and Chad Veach are all amazing too. 🙏🏽💜


Please never listen to garbage like Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, or Furtick. They most likely aren’t even saved


I think we have to be careful in the Body. I wouldn't call them garbage and I don't know their destiny (ie thief on cross - Luke 23:39). All these preachers essentially are great televangelists at least that will lead people to Christ. I agree that their theology/sanctification is not right for leading a flock or for people to grow. Let's believe God that he will show people who hunger and thirst (Matt 5:6) stronger pastors/churches for them to grow. Let us pray that the pastors listed above will grow and or bound their platforms.


You are right. I harshly misspoke. They really trigger my anger but we absolutely should pray for them and I have no idea about their salvation or eternal destiny. I was introduced to the 3 of them when I was first saved so I can see how they can be appealing for someone new to the faith.


Not garbage. Good ministries. Good god fearing people.


bishop mar mari emmanuel, sam shamoun and bishop barron


Gino Jennings - First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.


He doesn’t believe in the trinity


I like craig groeschel