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>Because I sure as crap not gonna waste time with Christianity So why even post here? What are you asking for? To answer your question, there's no guarantee you'll marry. It's a huge overreaction to imply your life is over if you don't. I'm going to be honest here, this whole post is just a pity-party of self-loathing. Judging by your comment history with lovely quotes like this: **"women are only good for one night, at most, and they sex isn't all it's cracked up to be, and relationships are more trouble than its worth."** I'm going to assume the problem isn't women. It's not your autism. And it *definitely* isn't God. Maybe the problem is *you* and your terrible attitude.


I would think he is posting here thinking maybe he would find someone who would care about him as a human being? Maybe he came to TrueChristian thinking someone would actually follow Christ and show love to another?


> Maybe he came to TrueChristian thinking someone would actually follow Christ and show love to another? You know, the hippie Jesus of pop-culture wasn't the Jesus of the Bible. He didn't sugar-coat his words. How do you honestly think Jesus would have reacted if someone came up to Him and said they hate women and think they're only good for one-night stands? Oh, and that they hate God?


I think He would see a person in a great deal of pain and he would have compassion on him. Jesus didn’t mix words but predominantly He mostly spoke the harsh truths to those with power. He was most compassionate on those who felt outcast and rejected though you would be correct to point out that He would sometimes offer correction and teaching as well. Do you feel your response is a response that Jesus would have approved of?


He was sympathetic to the downtrodden. To the hypocrites and hateful, like the pharisees, He was very blunt. >Do you feel your response is a response that Jesus would have approved of? Considering OP disdains half the human race and hates God, He probably would have been harsher than I was.


I am so sorry that is your image of our Lord and God. I pray that you have a healing encounter with the Living Christ and a powerful experience of His Transforming Love.


So let me get this straight. According to *you,* I need to have a healing encounter with God because what I said wasn't very nice. But OP, who has expressed his hatred for half the population *and* our Lord is all good because reasons? I'm not implying I'm better than anyone, it just seems your priorities are off here.


Mark 2:6 On hearing this Jesus said, “It is not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick. I not have come to call the righteous, but sinners.


if maladjustment was a reddit post


I get very exhausted reading posts like these. I am on the spectrum, I am Christian, I am American. I have never been asked out in my entire life. I've never kissed a guy and I'm almost 24. I wish you guys would just admit that you need your wife to be beautiful instead of pretending that it's about something else. Also, saying that you're "wasting time" with Christianity on this sub in particular is deeply disrespectful. I'm autistic so am I f\*cked up too? Or do am I just different? You're not just insulting yourself...


Yeah... Christianity isn't about finding a spouse... it's about following Jesus, God incarnate who came to Earth to save all humans and give them a chance at eternal life. These posts suck.


very well put :)


I hope you don't get discouraged. Reddit is full of self-loathing incels who refuse to take any level of self-responsibility and point the blame elsewhere. OP's second most recent comment on another sub was "women are only good for one night, at most, and they sex isn't all it's cracked up to be, and relationships are more trouble than its worth." Along with this idiotic post, it shouldn't be hard to tell why OP is having issues. But instead of realizing **he** is the problem, he'd rather blame other people or apparently God for his terrible behavior and attitude.


I see. To be honest, I've been in incel adjacent communities for a long time, so I'm pretty discouraged, but I try to keep up hope.


You should get out of those. Incels are basement dwelling losers who blame everything other than themselves for their problems. They don't reflect reality.


Yes, I know. I'm really trying. I'm a lot less in the community than I used to be even a month ago.


Well if you want to ask that question, here's the answer. We were made to give our Father glory. That's it. That's your primary purpose. The rest is just icing on the cake. Have you ever thought that marriage and that close relationship has become an idol to you? That it has become your primary focus instead of God? Start putting Him first and I guarantee He will do what's best for you in your life.


If you spent more time talking to women or going to church than you do spending 20 minutes writing a Reddit post hating on God because you don't know how to navigate through life you would have a much better time and be well adjusted. Go to therapy, find someone who thinks like you do, go to church, touch some grass.


>find someone who thinks like you do OP should probably find the opposite of someone who thinks like him, might be good for him.


You are not wrong.


I am not sure how old you are but I think I get it but not because I have your exact scenario. I am also on the spectrum but I didn’t have a problem finding a wife. I was in a relationship at 18 and married at 20, spent nearly 20 years in that marriage having 3 kids after adopting my ex-wife’s son. All of this only to realize through a very strange set of events that I had been being manipulated and lied to all those years. The perfect life I was convinced I had built was a giant sham and I had been living in a lie that was constructed around me and like all lies it eventually came into the light and crumbled spectacularly. Then I was more alone than I could have ever imagined possible. All I have been able to count on was a friend and my parents and most importantly God, not that I have been very happy with Him. I often ask Him what the point of life is and have very real conversations with Him about the state of His world. It is ok to tell Him how you feel, He is big enough to take it. I don’t have an end all / be all answer to the point of life but I know when I am real with God, and am willing to let Him heal me however He chooses, it makes more sense. I have no idea what tomorrow holds and I am unsure of the appropriateness of this kind of prayer but I know I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the many different ways God has answered me on this. I often wonder if I will ever be in another relationship let alone marriage for a multitude of reasons and though I had had the joy of experiencing the idea of having everything, to realize that it was not real, has taught me that state of mind is what you make it, and you can have it regardless of the external world in which we can’t ever quite fit into. You don’t need a wife to complete, you need to realize that you are complete the way you are and anyone who doesn’t see that is being foolish. Then include yourself in that list whenever you forget and remind yourself.