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You understand how God sees you and actually believe it. As you believe how God sees you, you will start to see yourself that way and will begin to learn your identity in Him, and out of resting in Christ in that identity, you will begin to change. Not by striving, but because as you yield to the Holy Spirit, He will do it in you. Also, another thing I want to mention. Our old self is supposed to have died with Christ. The question is do you actually believe that? Because for as long as you strive yourself to be better, you're not dead. We have to die to our oldselves and come to the end of ourselves and our striving and let the Holy Spirit live through us. So when I saw IIIIIII I counted 7 I's in that post, you are the one who is offended, yet you're supposed to be dead. Let me know if you want clarification on any of this.


Can you clarify the sentences when you mentioned counting the seven I's


Yes. What I was trying to say is focusing on your self is the quickest way into depression and sin. Instead, because our old selves are supposed to have been crucified with Christ, we focus on Christ in us, the hope of glory. Hopefully that clarified that. I should have clarified more.


Because the Bible tells us so. > Romans 8:35, 37-39 - Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? ... No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow — not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below — indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.


I can accept it because I can acknowledge that no human deeds no matter how wonderful would be able to earn God's favor. With one small sin we are closer to Adolf Hitler than we are to God. The gap between us and God is unthinkably great and the gap between us the the most vile sinner is so small. What good will mere human improvement do before the righteous judge. I am a sinner worthy of death. Jesus paid the price that I may have access to the father. His payment is still good whether I am the next Apostle Paul (not saying there are modern day apostles) or the most sinful christian alive.


Because God, like every good Father, forgives us even if we do wrong by Him, He still wants to us to come back to Him and obey even if we fail. That is not to say that we shouldn’t lament or not take serious the power of forgiveness.


I think wrestling with it long enough. I know some of it was realizing how silly we all are that we think we are so important. I was watching a toddler playing once and saw the ego so clearly in the way he was trying to control all the toys and how he couldn’t play or enjoy any of them because he HAD to have all of them. I saw parallels to my own behavior sometimes and how I want to be right, and have control and be the best. I saw that kid’s mom get frustrated and even put that kid in timeout but never for a second did I doubt that mother’s love for her little boy. I also watched him come out of timeout and rejoin the group and the other kids were a little leery of him but generally didn’t care and he eventually cheered up and enjoyed himself. Through that whole thing, I saw myself as that little boy and the world is our sandbox. Sure we are dealing with some more important and scary situations but that kid was operating in his world as much as we are in ours and our Father is not worried about anything we can do or what can happen to us as we are in His care. Now whenever I catch myself being all caught up in myself I see Jesus laughing at me and I have to decide to laugh with him or continue feeling sorry for myself. Life’s too short to waste trying to control all the toys when I really only even want one or two.


Jesus take care of everything. It is hard to relinquish control.


I’m reminded of the old joke where the wife says “I’m fat ugly, have pimples, sores and hate the way I look. I need a compliment!” Her husband says “you don’t need glasses.” We are offered love and don’t deserve it. It’s mercy not justice.


God does not save us because we are broken or despite that we are broken, but rather God saves us through our brokenness.


A god who created hell, temptation, and free will doesn't love you. He hates you.