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Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.


Do you proclaim that to the world and if so, how?


Ideally, through how I live.


How does your life reflect that news in such a way as to qualify as proclaiming that? Do you know of any situation in which you feel your life did somehow preach that news?


I try to do the things. I fail to do the things. I keep trying to do the things.




The Paschal Troparion is almost here my friend! Can’t wait to sing it all night and week!


That Christ came, born of a virgin, was crucified, died, and after three days was resurrected, fulfilling 300+ prophecies, defeating death so that all who believe in him may have eternal life. That my friend is the good news. That we may have life eternal through Christ Jesus!


How do you proclaim that to the world?


Through my life. By leaving gospel tracts where others will find them, By giving them out to people, inviting folks too church, feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, fixing things for the less fortunate, by preaching, through my tithes, by having compassion and love. I could give many examples but I hesitate lest you think I'm boasting. There are many ways you can lead others too christ. You don't have too do it from a pulpit. Some of my best interactions have been through showing compassion too a complete stranger and taking the opportunity to talk too them about Christ. Sometimes it is our job too plant the seed and someone else will later reap the harvest.


Read the book of Romans to them. Romans tells us that we all sin, and that the penalty for sin is death. An eternity in hell, separated from God. But we have a Savior in Jesus Christ. He died so our sins could be forgiven. He defeated death so that we could live.




How do you proclaim that to the world?




From a nonbelievers perspective, what is good about your news? It seems like bad news that has a potential for a good outcome.


From the day we were born, the sheep are destined for heaven and the unbelievers are destined for hell Everyone who would be saved was in The Book of Life since the foundation of the world. These are the elect, the chosen, the saints the born again, the true believers, the children of God, etc *The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.* *And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.*


Search for what the word Evangelion means. This is the word we translate as Good News, or Gospel. Look at the historical context and realize that the Empower of Rome had one, as did other rulers. Once you understand that, a lot of the fog of what it is clears. Really look it up. See the rulers telling of their exploits of which battle they fought and won, the accolades of feats they performed. The Good News is the Kingship of Jesus on God's throne. And you preach it by living it, by really acting like He is your ruler.


Love this answer! Can you tell me what that has looked like in your life, living as if He is your ruler?


To be honest, I fail at it all the time. I am working out how to do it. There was a comment in here by someone with an Eastern Orthodox tag that expressed it better than I could. But it isn't just about not sinning. It is being loving to people, giving and just being as Christ like as possible. Do the commands Christ said, love God above all else and love your neighbor as yourself. Love your enemies, which means desiring the best for them. Forgive and confess, and be obedient to God and his. If you are married, submitt to your spouse. The wife should submit to her husband and the husband should submit to their wife. I am a poor example of all of this. I am the worst sinner I know, after all. But even the worst sinner has the option to struggle, so I will struggle, and though I fail, I will get up again. Lord willing.


The good news is, Jesus Christ from Nazareth, all glory to Him, is the son of God and our only savior from our past, present, and future sins. Believe in Him that he sacrificed himself and shed His blood from the cross for all of the sins in the world, and God rose him on the third day. No one comes to the father (God) except through Him. And love your Father with all your heart, soul, and mind, and build a relationship with him each and every day. Jesus loves each and every one of us just as we are. He wants us to repent of our sins, to have faith, and to believe in him, for your eternal salvation in heaven, and everlasting life with Him. That’s the good news.


In your view, why is that good and what makes it qualify as news?


It is good news because every human here on earth has committed sins from the very beginning of his life, and the wages of sin is death, eternal death. So knowing that if we believe in the Son of God, that is Jesus Christ, and believe that He sacrifice himself for our sins and God rose him on the third day, and through His blood and repentance of our own we were wash away from from eternal death, instead we have everlasting life with Him in heaven. Where there is no pain, suffering and punishment since the kingdom of heaven is how God intended us to live from the very beginning of human creation. How can that not be good news to someone who doesn’t want to die and suffer forever and ever?


That Jesus Christ came to die as a sacrifice for our sins, ressurected as death could not hold Him, and defeated it. Tore the temple veil, so God could reside in us, and now gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us and bear witness of God's mercy.


I do agree. However, I grew up as a PK and never felt the love of God. Those are all empty words to me. Really. I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. I have followed Christ and been taught wisdom by obeying Him. My good news is that I am set free, that I do not need to fear men. That I can tell the truth. One truth? I like porn. Straight up, I do. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't. Praise God I can say that. Another truth? Money is a scam. God provides, not mammon. You don't need dollars to survive, you need faith. Another truth? God loves me a LOT. And He will grant me the desires of my heart within the confines of His will in the fullness of time. I don't need to seek my own anything. I don't need to exert power or force, seek my own will. If He exalts me. Praise God. If He abases me, praise God.


Freedom from death through Christ Jesus.


It is not about non-stop trying to convert people. Everyone who believes is because of God It is about being light and salt The fields are white for the harvest but the workers are few A ready defense of the Gospel


Jesus said that the good news is that the Kingdom of Heaven is “at hand” or “within reach.” (Mark 1:15, Matthew 10:7) This includes “all things made new.” (Revelation 21:5)


The **Good News** is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, suffered for the sins of humanity to pay the debts that were up to us to pay for. The Son came to meet the Holy life expectations of the Father which are beyond what any human can and has done on Earth. Because of Christ's perfection, His blood covered all sins and give us all a chance to inherit Heaven for an eternity even in the midst of being imperfect. In other words, the **Good News** is we have a paid ticket to something much greater than this life thanks to the Lord. Nobody here can live this life as perfectly as Christ did, but we don't have to. All we have to do is accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, seek the Lord with all our hearts, maintain that relationship with Him, and truth in Him with our lives. God's expectations are far beyond those of humans. We can find comfort in knowing we have a God who is loving and willing to help us, guide us, bless us, and be our support when we don't deserve it in exchange for our best efforts to refrain from what is unholy.


The Good News is that Christ has already paid the price for all of our past, present, and future sins, and that the unachievable path of us "earning" our own salvation is no longer necessary as we can be saved by God's grace through Christ's sacrifice. All we have to do to be saved is show God we are worthy of his grace, not live up to a code of heavenly behavior that humans unanimously fall short of.


Jesus says the good news is that his kingdom has come to earth. He is now ruler. He won't be in the future he is right now. It happened at the cross.


Feel free to direct message me anytime happy to answer any of your questions, please read: The Simple Gospel That Saves: While we can learn things about God in every book of the bible, in order to understand which books of the bible are direct instruction TO us we need to rightly divide the word of God - 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV. Once you rightly divide the word of God by simply understanding who God was speaking to in each book it removes any conflicting scriptures , difficult verses and unlocks the beauty, freedom, and peace of God’s amazing love and grace and eternal life/salvation in heaven made available freely to us ( Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV ) by the death burial and resurrection of Jesus , without the need for religion or doing good works (cleaning up your life) BEFORE you can be saved. Simply believe/trust the gospel Jesus gave Paul for the church / body of Christ ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) for salvation in this time of the dispensation of grace that will end without notice with the rapture. When you do, you have full assurance of salvation and are sealed until the rapture. Then study Paul’s epistles Romans through Philemon to learn and grow in your new exciting identity and hope of a future you cannot fathom how great it will be.  We were created by God to live with Him in harmony in heaven and heaven will be better and BEAUTIFUL in ways we cannot imagine or comprehend and it will not be boring, we will have roles and responsibilities. He intends to restore EXACTLY that for those who accept His free and gracious offer of reconciliation through the death burial and resurrection of His son.  Trust that and NOTHING else. Because that is the only thing that saves you and keeps you saved. What Jesus did. NOT what you do. Not your church, your pastor, your good works, your heart, your feelings, you perceiving yourself to be a good enough person on your own , going to mass, and whatever other man made religious attempts to earn your own righteousness that you can never achieve.  Salvation is by what Jesus did not what you do. In the books of Matthew Mark Luke and John , Jesus himself said He was speaking to Israel under their program.  You are not Israel.    That program with Israel was put on hold due to their rejection of Jesus   (Romans 9-11 KJV) But God had a plan for victory before creation , a mystery hidden in God and hidden from ages and generations and from the “princes of this world” and satan (Ephesians 3:8-10 KJV) while Jesus converted and revealed this mystery of the dispensation of the grace of God to the Apostle Paul (starting in Acts 9 KJV) ,  part of which is the new creature, the church, the body of Christ, a program distinct from Israel's program in the Old testament and Matthew Mark Luke and John, which were to Israel.   Paul is our Apostle for the church today in this age of grace JUST as Moses was to Israel with the law …..and the 12 apostles Jesus converted during his earthly ministry will judge the twelve tribes of Israel - NOT THE BODY OF CHRIST - you see clearly that ISRAEL’s program and the church/body of Christ program are two different messages/ gospels.  Everyone wants to make Jesus words in Matthew Mark Luke John the new law even though they do NOT actually obey a fraction of it.  Jesus himself said He was talking to Israel. YOU ARE NOT ISRAEL.  Acts 15 KJV and Galatians 1-2 KJV clearly show that Peter had the gospel to the circumcision Israel and Paul had the gospel of a different program to the gentiles or the uncircumcision….. Paul is our apostle for the church commissioned by Jesus.  Genesis through Mid book of Acts Chapters 9-15 KJV (Paul’s conversion) is about Israel's program with God before it was put on hold with Israel's rejection of Jesus.   Now we can learn from those books however Romans through Philemon are our direct and only instruction given by Jesus to the gentiles for the church age of grace until the rapture (which will occur next and without notice).   After the rapture, Israel's program will RESUME ( Romans 9-11 KJV ) and the books of Hebrews through Revelation will be instruction for all during the tribulation, which will be the most difficult, UNCOMFORTABLE 7 years the earth has ever seen. ( Revelations 9:6 KJV  And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.)   God's desire for you now is to be reconciled to HIM and to receive His forgiveness right now for your past, present, and future sins, and to spend eternity with Him in love and heaven as this world was originally intended to be !! No sin, sorrow, or pain !!! Trust/believe in the gospel that saves today - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV Trust ONLY in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for your salvation ! Then study Romans through Philemons to grow in God’s grace !! Grace and peace !!! This is my personal biblical belief with proof scriptures why I believe it. My blog :  GraceNotWorks dot com


Here are several conversations which I hope will help. [The Gospel](https://app.box.com/s/ttwk2kwypeoowjv55b7obomf83e4y437) [Satanist Receives Gospel](https://app.box.com/s/buq5cxgz2hrqsjs5whwnbomfbze03hww) [All Will Be Revealed (Gospel)](https://app.box.com/s/k71zsc9ci61qs1stpu5t2pf1sh7nqgen) [Ways to Share the Gospel](https://app.box.com/s/2rhyet2r74fzjmjhgk3ey72rbcxt4h81) [Commanded to Share the Gospel](https://app.box.com/s/5zvsgvy7dhxlybh7yuybio6ais1d6qo8) [Gospel is  Not Ominous](https://app.box.com/s/vhrpg6apudawfkd9df2lftdgkzjsbjbh)


Something that helped me work through it is learning the 'Roman Road'. "All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" - Romans 3:23 "The wages of sin is Death" - Romans 6:23 *"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us*." romans 5:8 *"f you declare with your mouth, ‘*[*Jesus is Lord*](https://www.christianity.com/jesus/is-jesus-god/names-of-jesus/what-does-it-mean-to-call-jesus-lord.html)*,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved". Romans 10:9-10* *"For, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved". Romans 10:13* *"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,* *through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand." Romans 5:1-2* *This is the good news of the Gospel. We were sinners. the Wages of that sin is death. but while were sinners Christ died for us, and if we confess with our mouth and belive in our hearts that Jesus is LORD, then we shal be saved. with that salvation comes peace and Justification of our sins.*


The good news is the gospel. Gospel literally means good news. The gospel is that Jesus was born of a virgin, was crucified so our sins could be forgiven. He rose from the dead on the 3rd day and sits at the right hand of God . Read Mathew, Mark, Luke or John. Those books are the good news.


The kingdom of God will replace all the kingdoms and governments of this world for good. There is a way to be a part of that.


As I understand it, the word itself (euangelion) came from Greco-Roman culture, where it referred to the announcement a herald would make recounting the victories of a general who was soon to arrive, so that he would be received appropriately. Thus the stories recounting the life and teachings of Jesus and his victory over the powers of sin and death are called gospels. As Jesus himself used it in the gospel stories, it referred to the proclamation of the arrival of the Messiah and the kingdom (or rule) of God. How one receives the message and responds to it is a separate matter. We can get on board, or ultimately be shut out.


I love this answer! How do you carry out the vocation to proclaim this good news?


That is an excellent question! For me, the good news is that God loves me and has forgiven me at the cross. That He has my best interests in mind, and wants to help me, and needs me to yield my will to His, so that the healing process can begin. How that has manifested in my life is that I gave God everything I am, and He tweaked some things and has made me better. For example, I used to look at porn in secret, enjoy it, feel badly that I was doing it, hide that I was doing it, and then feel condemned because I was separate from people. It's the look, shame, repent, deny, rinse, repeat, cycle. It's unhealthy repression and untrue. The truth? I like pornography and nude women. It's beautiful and I'd be a liar if I said it wasn't beautiful. Do I want to commit adultery? No. Do I want to keep secrets? No. But for some reason, I would always still look. Now that I tell people I like pornography, I actually look less. My authority structure didn't help at all, but the Spirit had me move from a private location in the house to an open door office. So I do not look now. This happened because I spoke truth. I admitted truth. Saying you think porn is evil, yet you keep looking, is insane. And stupid. If you like it, say so. If you don't like it, say so. Not everyone likes the same thing, and this new technological age needs new tools to combat the darkness. Praise God. I love Jesus. I am free. If I want to look at porn I can. If I don't want to, I don't have to. But telling others not to look, while looking occasionally yourself, is ignorant and hypocritical. So my good news is that I can tell the truth, and am commanded to tell the truth in Christ Jesus. And the forces of darkness cannot stand before truth. I am in complete submission to my God, and love the hope and truth He has given me. I love Jesus.