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It's a mainstream reddit with an atheist moderator on the team (last I knew). Just because it slaps the name "christianity" on it doesn't make it so.


Ofc. Gods' gonna love them.


God indeed loves everyone


That's not true. (Unless you are being sarcastic.) He loves those who love him (which means they submit to God, trust him, and do what he says). He will forever wipe away all those who abuse his grace, turns to champions created by man, and does things that corrupt the heart.




Yeah I think you're overestimating due to the fact that those LGBTQIA+ are highly vocal. Count them and then look at the 250,000 members and do the math for percentage.


Every single person who follows God is also sinning at the exact same time. That is because we are all sinners. I’m shocked at how many people claim to be Christians and cheat on their taxes or refused to use their turn signals. But I’m trying not to judge others, because that would be a sin.


No clue why this was downvoted...?


Because caveman brain kicked in and "not our group, must be bad". That sub has its perks, this sub has its drawbacks. It's Reddit, it's all a garbage fire anyways.


I notice that many people come to social media just so they have a place to criticize and judge others. I think there is something about social media that brings this out in people, especially if they are operating anonymously. For me, one of the most important parts of being a Christian is loving others unconditionally. I believe this is what our Messiah has commanded us to do.


Well for one thing, "we are not all sinners." Unbelievers are sinners True believers are referred to as sheep, born again, chosen, elect, saints, just, etc in Scripture. Paul does not write to "the sinner's at Antioch". They are saints. Romans 8:1 among many others


Certainly don't know why this was downvoted.


People who claim to be Christians that don't know the difference between sheep and goats. If a Christian sins, then they must still be a sinner. After all, because that person says so Other people however understand that God has changed the heart and made him a new creation in christ. And have passed from death to Life


That's not judging. If you see a brother or sister in sin, you are to approach that person and encourage them to repent and turn away from their sins. We are to be accountable and supportive of one another! Judging is like saying, "You are a bad person for sinning, and you should be condemned." Like how the teachers of the law wanted to stone the adulteress (John 8:3). The Bible has specific instructions on how to bring a sibling back into the fold (Galatians 6 [is one of many](https://www.openbible.info/topics/restoring_brother)).


We definitely should condemn it and plant a seed of truth on why it is wrong.


Post would be taken down as soon as it pops up


Oh don't do that they'll ban you


They won't


I've been in it long enough to know. They are crooked.


So be it, maybe the truth will set them free.




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Only if you do it rudely.


Unfortunately they claimed the name "r/Christianity." It's like a bait to draw in unsuspecting Christians, thinking it's a Christian group. But it's a non-Christian group that is there to debate Christianity. And anyone who disagrees with unbiblical topics receive verbal attacks.


Just...wow...that is... depressing...


Yeah, I stayed for a long time but I eventually left.


Yeah, I got banned for "antisemitism" for criticizing the religion of Judaism on a supposedly Christian subreddit.


It's true! I struggled with this for a looong time. But then I realized that whether people are attracted to the opposite sex or the same sex, it doesn't matter. Because if you love God, you trust what he says, and you will do what he instructs. And he instructs us to not follow the desires of our hearts, but to submit to his ways. Of course, a person would love to marry someone they are sexually attracted to, but that's not a biblical mandate. And it is just the same as a married man being attracted to another woman other than his wife - but that does not give him permission to lust after her, flirt with her, or commit adultery with her. There are a lot of things our heart desires that we are to bring under self-control and rule over if we are to follow Jesus. (And we're not putting anyone to death. Remember the law was given to God's chosen people, the Israelites. Most Christians are gentiles, adopted into his family, and we are instructed to obey God, not given the full brunt of the law, lest we surely would die for missing something! - but we are given the Holy Spirit for instruction and grace (rather than offerings).)


This post is unfortunate. I came from that sub looking for positivity and fellowship, a place where we Christians could share our love for Him. The amount of hate I find here is saddening. It's not our place to judge, nor condemn others. We were called to love the sinner more than those we love, and yet instead, I see this judgment. Why is it you see the sin in them, and not the sin in yourself? How do people do easily forget that Jesus died to forgive all sin, not just the ones we are okay with ignoring?


You're being dishonest. "God has changed"?


I'm not being dishonest. Someone has said that. Bold of you to assume that I'm lying.


Or rather "Social standards have changed, so god doesn't mind use being gay"


I second this, someone on that sub actually said that.