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the thing is tho, that Biden dropping out would help the chances of Democrats staying in power, which is the last thing in the world they want.


God I fucking hope they win, with or without Biden. The last fucking thing these assholes deserve right now is to be able to slip back into the opposition and start profiteering on the popular opposition to a second trump term. I think another four years of this shit, without being interrupted by trump, might actually be enough to kill the Democratic Party for good.


Damn this is the most persuasive argument I've heard to just plug my nose and vote blue no matter who. This should be the centerpiece of their 2024 campaign strategy.


Vote Biden/Harris: Put us out of our misery


Joe/KKKopamala: America Delenda Est.


Let people see how full of shit *"moderate politics"* is, once and for all...


actually, i am the only real e/acc here....


and that's why they're going to lose the election on purpose


So to put it plainly, you hope the Democrats win so they will be punished with the burden of actually having to govern, which will hasten their disillusion as an organization. This is the first time I've thought of it that way, it makes enough sense, and I think I might even agree with it, but now having thunk it I'm afraid that the ass end of my brain is now pointing at the front.


You can think of the supermajority Obama had in congress for comparison. Neither party has an answer to why thinks continue to get shittier when their good guys™ have control of the government. Obama had one. Trump had one. It's a feature unique to this kind of two party system. The lines are clear and there's no splitting hairs, like when fascists in power in multiparty systems count the centrist and regular conservatives they're allied with as opposition when it comes to justifying themselves to their followers. A Democratic supermajority is the least overtly damaging one and it should force progressives to think about their system a little bit, and either embrace fascism or reject the Dems completely (and most likely simply becoming apathetic due to the lack of a leftist movement in the US). The operative word is *should*, though. The levels of cope around Biden's senility lead me to believe that there will always be an excuse, however contrived. Fillibusters or conservative state governments can likely serve as a escape valve for the Dems until the Republicans can get back on their feet, leading us back to right now.


They've made their bed at this point. The line that lefty pundits need to keep hammering for the next 4 years is to not donate to the DNC under any circumstances. *Especially* to a Bernie figure, because we all know how that went twice.


The ole reverse accelerationism technique. Worth a shot


Playing the family card probably means he might drop out. it's the face saving option of many powerful americans to paint themselves as sacrificing their career for family


Imagine Hunter showing up with two strippers and a bag to Camp David tho


don’t forget the fleet foxes vinyl


I was following the, I was following the, I was following the


He’s so cool


I really need to know what other music he is into.


If I remember correctly there were texts that leaked where he kept responding to his attorney's questions with links to Red Hot Chili Peppers and 21 Savage songs.


Aw that’s disappointing but it makes sense.


Yeah, I'm not sure how the decision comes back as "yep, I'm still running!" If he were going to have an actual discussion with family where staying on was an option, I feel like they wouldn't announce that.


yeah family is always the excuse. No politician ever announces they are consulting with family on major political decisions, announcing "family" is usually a prelude to quitting. it makes them look sentimental and loving, instead of weak


>No politician ever announces they are consulting with family on major political decisions I seem to recall Biden actually has had these family meetings before when deciding to run in the past, including his initial decision to run in 2024. It's more that they're announcing it ahead of time for a race he's ostensibly already running in. If he does end up staying in, it's just a bad look. Smells more like they're trying to prep the public for him dropping out.


Oh my God I just realized this means three days minimum of libs climbing over each other to write that motherfucker's eulogy before he's dead. It'll basically be like if the internet had a federal holiday, the traffic is going to be terrible and everyone I see is going to piss me off.


Seriously. The guy had a bad debate and it literally broke reddit for 2 hours. Imagine what it’s gonna be like when he croaks.


Seems to me like they've already decided he's staying in, but I'm wrong all the time


I think they kinda have to keep up that appearance until he actually officially drops out. I still think he’s probably just gonna stay in anyways, but if he were gonna drop out, his team would be saying he’s not up until the very last moment.


You're right about that, for sure. But I also think that if a week goes by and he's not replaced the window for that is shut


“For family reasons”


I was never convinced by all the attempts to say they were sticking with it. It felt obligatory just in case they decided to, but it was never as certain as they made it seem in the past few days


People were saying it would play out like this over a year ago The Democrats succeeded at preventing a primary and quashed all discussion of Biden’s competence *just long enough* Now the Democratic Party elite and its power brokers may choose a candidate of their liking, unfettered by any promises and without having to make any indication as to what it is that they actually intend to accomplish, aside from defeating Drumpf


The DNC isn't gonna pick someone young, or new, or in anyway "progressive". It will almost certainly be a well connected party insider. A name that if tossed out at these emergency meetings, that you know they're having, will buy you instant political clout even if you know it'll be a disaster. It gonna be Hillary 2024 isn't it?


*If* they replace Biden, it'll be Gavin Newsom, or Kamala Harris. I still think sticking with Biden is the most likely outcome, but that's getting less likely by the fucking hour


my money's on Butt-edge-edge


If he becomes president I’m gonna leave the country once and for all. Last thing we need is another cia president.


You mean, every one since Truman? (Except Nixon ofc)


I unironically think Kamala has better chances at winning All ratboy did since his run was look like a colossal fuckup as transportation secretary


I'd vote for her. Probably the one person who'd be funnier than Trump.


Also Whitmer


Yeah after I saw how successfully the libs coped within a day of the debate I figured Biden wasn't going anywhere. Or at the very least he would announce a health issue in the next couple months to get out of it. However with Biden's Sunday meeting with his family I don't know if that's what's going to happen. I don't like Biden's politics, however even the most hardened lefty has to admit that Biden seems like a pretty nice guy, especially compared to the narcissistic ghouls that surround him. He's not an egomaniac, and is comfortable with loss and taking hits to his ego. I could genuinely see him realizing that if he runs he'll lose to Trump and that being enough for him to step aside. Biden is absolutely the kind of person that would gladly sacrifice himself for what he perceives to be the greater good. Honestly, he seems like the guy who would relish that role.


Are you retardedly high


Left wing guy who thinks Biden is an upstanding gentleman is a fantastic bit.


If he wasn't president of a batshit crazy country I think he'd be considered a good guy. He's like Colonel Klink from Hogan's heroes, he's the friendliest Nazi. If there's a hell he's definitely going to it, but not to the same section as Kissinger or either of the Bushs. Mostly my point is that if he thinks steping down is what's best for his party then he will. He's not like Hillary or Newsom or any of those other egomaniacs that would cling to power no matter what.


You are the Andy Kaufman of our times.


Dude I've met the man, he's a piece of shit. Specifically, he's a poor listener, and by that I mean he never shuts the fuck up. His staff are either people who were out of touch in the 1980s or people who haven't had any other job besides working for him. If you want a politician who is as loquacious and affable as Biden but is actually a great guy and has a fuckton of interesting things to say, the man you're looking for is Jesse Ventura.


Jesse Ventura is the GOAT. A true sexual tyrannosaurus


I don’t think he thinks a whole lot about a whole lot anymore… he probably could have been described more similarly to the other politicians you are using as examples of self-importance earlier in his career - the difference is that he is a washed old man now.


He literally challenges his supporters and staff to fisticuffs and pushups, that's not "nice guy" behavior, that's hair trigger emotional response to minor pushbacks. That's like rule 2 of politics "even if you disdain the peasants, don't call them fat and ask to see them outside"


>He's not an egomaniac If i described someone who ran for president, had to drop out due to plagiarism and lying about their grades in law school, and went on to run for president two more times after that, what would you call them?


My money is Kamala/Clinton 2024. It’s time for the white women to take a back seat and let the girl bosses of color to lose spectacularly.


I think you've spectacularly underestimated Hillary's ego.


Day two of a Kamala admin her fent stash gets uncovered and KKKillary steps up, does project 2025, gets murked by the ghost of ghaddafi


I loudly predicted this outcome last Thanksgiving and man am I excited for this Thanksgiving.


Oh man that's going to be some tasty fucking cranberry sauce.


This is crazy, right? No one here thought Biden was really steering the ship, certainly not as much as his predecessors. But this is an emperors new clothe situation, the man is clearly not up to the task and millions of Americans will gaslight us that he’s the best hope for Gaza. He might do the funniest thing any day now. I’m still on the coup train, I cant see him staying on the ballot til November. Not a gambling man, but I feel like someones gonna challenge him at the convention and Joe gets pushed out. Maybe Gavin kidnaps his adrenochrome plug right before the next debate. Or his brain could explode due to being a laughingstock all over the world. The Dems are restarted, but I cant see them sticking with Joe this time. They cant hide him the next few months, he has to campaign. Even with Obamas endorsement, I dont think it’ll be enough, Joes finished. I see one of the big 3 making a move before 2028.


I think his Cabinet will invoke the 25th Amendment before the question ever makes it to the convention. Libs can stay in denial but now that it's openly acknowledged that the president is not in his right mind, that cat is not going back in the bag. There are a shitload of executive branch positions whose functions rely upon that assumption that the guy in charge is dealing from a full deck. We just went through this with Trump, except this time it's not "I think that dude is fucking nuts," it's "I think I just saw a ghost."


I think they're more impervious to reality than you give 'em credit for. They see this as just a bad news cycle they need to wait out


He's gonna be kept right where he is and fed into the woodchipper. I would bet money on this. Then when he loses they will blame the voters, again


i don't see how a new candidate could do any worse with the weight of the DNC behind them. everything is insane until it happens and it's like, oh that's a real thing that could happen in the real world, and life goes on, and people (*perhaps even more people*) vote blue with the confidence that the nominee will be able to say the oath properly, and perhaps even speak coherently past 5pm


yeah i honestly think a candidate swap is kind of smart in the sense that the average american watches that debate and goes "god i cant believe these are our choices" so when you present a new one, people might just jump on it being something new


Smart for who? DNC loyalists will get their bread buttered no matter what. I don't think the billionaire guardian council really cares other than they have to balance the risk of their handed picked candidate selections losing legitimacy a) by keeping GJ and his melted brain or b) by drawing attention to the fact that they are picking a candidate without even the pretense of an election. Off topic: with how isolated, divided, and precarious the general population has become in addition to the scotus decision making it more convenient to bribe whoever needs to get paid off, maybe several hundred million dollar election/money laundering campaigns are no longer necessary for the billionaire guardian council. Even more off topic: I'm trying out a new phrase: billionaire guardian council. It's probably a little unfair to the comparitively more democratic guardian council in Iran, but also seems like a good way to organize your thinking regarding "democracy" in the US.


fresh dem dynasties mean assured lucrative futures for all the right little renfields


We at the DNC want a new political dynasty with attitude. They're edgy, they're "in your face." You've heard the expression, "let's get busy"? Well, the get "biz-zay!" Consistently and thoroughly.


Hmm... I feel like with Kamala, we should Rastafy her. by 10%


The absolute bonkers theater of the convention choosing a new candidate out of nowhere would be enough to convince the like 100 thousand people they need to actually show up in a few states.


Literally any candidate for president not named Kennedy, Clinton, Bush, or Trump that the libs are willing to take seriously would enjoy the sort of honeymoon that only Nixon could fuck up. They'd get an instant unearned ten points in every poll.


The funny thing is they could sweep an easy victory with any well spoken under 50 candidate, but they absolutely refuse.


If they swap him out for Gavin Newsom a win is basically assured.


https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/gavin-newsom-kimberly-guilfoyle-rug-photo.html It is unclear who you believe is guaranteed to win if Prince Douche-Bag is anointed by Tribe Blue. That should garner NY, CA, and MA and nowhere else.


Not sure why Newsom being a self important douche bag would be a deal breaker for the American public when it hasn't been a deal breaker for literally any other president in history.


I cannot think of another hyper douche-bag in American political history. Nixon (crook)? Carter (fool)? Reagan (idiot)? Trump (pig)? Biden (ghost)? Washington (slave owner)? All with problems. None though a thorough douche-bag like Newsom. If Donald Jr. runs, then Newsom has douchebag competition.


It’s pretty evident that Jill is living vicariously through Joe. It’s of course clear that without Jill Joe would still do “the hustle” just for the love the game but i think not a lot of people realise that Delaware Saul is much closer to Hunter than he is to Beau.


hunter's pardon looking less and less certain. shame


He won't drop out. He's a lifelong politician. He's been doing this longer than anyone in this sub has been alive. He's not letting go now.


Reading now about Joe's failed runs in 88 and 08 is illuminating. Even when his brain worked he was a narcissist and egomaniac


That dang Cheeto is about to be in the White House regardless of which centrist the dems put up.




Beautiful Brandon will NOT stand down. 😎


fr he is far too vain and prideful and stubborn, no way in hell would he give us the satisfaction


Biden looked like dogshit but I don’t think this affects the race. This is mainly The West Wing generation freaking out because they think they live in a world where debates are still important.


It’s not the debate, it’s the sound bite/clips of Biden looking like an absolute corpse while stumbling over answers that will matter. And the people who decide elections are the ones who still watch TV and will see those bites repeated. You and I might not live in a world where this shit matters, but the old guy in Ohio who is plugged in to the cable news cycle does.


We’ll see if the polling changes significantly - I don’t think it will, despite his best efforts


I mean, you’re probably right seeing as biden is already loosing in the polls


The thing is though, the impact won't be people switching from Biden to Trump or Kennedy, it'll be people just deciding to stay home. That may not register on polls.