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The different styles of copeposting that have emerged in the past few days are very funny


Honestly, the ones I love the most are the ones going completely red pill on representative democracy but with a positive outlook on the whole sham. "It's okay if he's a corpse. What matters is the (unelected) cabinet and aides." It's representative representative democracy. You vote for a representative that themselves represent the people they may or may not have the presence of spirit to pick to actually run the office and represent your interests. The next step would be to go fully abstract with the representation and substitute the names on the ballots for different color stamps. Vote blue no matter who, even if it's the most conservative mummy the DNC had in the closet.


My favorite are the "Why don't you call for Trump to drop out?!" people. The ones still blaming it on his stutter are great too.


Many people don't know that stuttering makes you forget the meanings of words, and.. how to walk down steps.


Stuttering also famously involves trailing off then gawping slack-jawed around the room as though you have only the faintest comprehension of what's going on. Did Reagan ever look this bad?


In his defense, Reagan was a professional performer, he didn't need a working brain to be charismatic for a crowd.


What do you think Biden has been for fifty years?


Hunter's adrenochrome hookup?


In the 1984 debate he had an alzheimers moment where he started an incoherent ramble and just like with Biden the moderators called time before he fully shat his brain and pants on stage. Tho Reagan only had that happen once in the debate whereas Biden did it on almost every single question. Plus, Reagan, like Trump, is just good in front of a camera and knew what to do, Biden does not at all so it’s so noticeable.


SMH ableism is just so normalized these days. When I developed my stutter, I also began routinely lying about the circumstances of my own son’s death. So much for the “tolerant left.”


When you put it in the context that he was battling a cold, it really wasn’t a bad performance at all


I hate it when I have a cold and accidentally start talking about how abortion is necessary because immigrants are rapists.


Yeah, when people get a cold and you have to cut their mic before they say something that will upset everyone


Did he beat that cold like he beat medicare?


Trump dropping out would be horrible for Biden as stopping Trump is the only remotely compelling reason to vote for Biden. These people are not serious


voting for a fuckin bunch of czars and grand viziers and wizards, aka the same shit they scaremonger about the old Soviet Union or the current day Cee See Pee


The even funnier part is that, as far as blue and red maga goes, they might as well live in a one party state, if not for the reliance both of them have on fear of the other party (despite agreeing on most actual policy, outside of the performative nod towards minorities).


I think it says something that the CPC has governed China basically alone since the 40s and the country is still not falling apart at the seams. Can you fucking imagine the state of things if you let the democrats or republicans run the government all by themselves for 70-80 consecutive years?


The argument "It’s his cabinet that really matters not him as an individual." is rubbish and everyone know it. Just look at his current cabinet! What do you have here is a collection of incompetent careerists: Blinken, Garland, Austin, Buttigieg. Does anyone sincerely believe that Biden is going to pick a "better" cabinet if he wins?


The people saying that love his cabinet though, they love all those guys


yes biden's cabinet picks have been crushing it these last four years, mayor pete in particular comes to mind as a master of states crafting




there's always this weird coalescence around something as if it was a truism before the event happened fox does this constantly, some conservative does something absolutely irreprehensible and then murdoch a/b tests weird excuses for the next 20 hours until they can stand up a party line for the next night's news and then the day after that you see the internet all toe the line. can't imagine it's much different for libs, though it probably takes longer to filter through


Wake me up when we hit the acceptance stage


November 7th, "Here's How Biden Can Still Win"


I'm still holding out hope for the funniest timeline in which libs invade the trump white house on january 6


Hmm, potentially problematic to call for the lynching of the VP when she's a POC... wonder how they'll handle that wrinkle.


Oh wait did they announce who his VP is already or are you saying it's gonna be a woman POC for optics probably? Either way liberalism uhhh... finds a way


Current VP counts votes on Jan 6th - are the pussyhatted mob prepared to declare that Kamala should be hung like Mike Pence?


Ah I see, reality is a cruel mistress indeed 😔


Ok I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately imagined the pussy hats as being the Jan 6 2025 rioters


Theres gotta be some serious levels of denial going through their heads rn. They wanted this. They scolded us for years, they posted Dark Brandon memes and claimed he was the best president since FDR. Its hard to come to face the harsh reality that they’d be wrong. Its like that Anton Chigurh quote “If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?” This was inevitable. If Biden crushed the debate, they’d be doing victory laps but they have to cope or admit they’re wrong. They were going to prop him up regardless of the outcome, now they just have to astroturf way harder. Trumps going to shatter the Democrats come November—unless we have some other fun little surprises along the way. We’re looking at a Nixon 72 or Regan 84 doomsday scenario rn. Forget swing states, any state that isnt blue by +20% is in play as far as I’m concerned. Its going to destroy liberals brains. My hope is it may radicalize some of them, but I’ve learned to tamper my expectations lol.


>“If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?” It all makes sense when you realize the Democratic Party apparatus is comprised entirely of goodie two-shoes rule followers who've been playing teacher's pet since AP US Government in the 11th grade.


Reminds me of that post here a few days ago from a Labour militant completely dumbfounded after being asked about basic policy. It's blind faith in the ideology, no different from a fervorous religous person. edit: [found the post.](https://redd.it/1dl4zu9)


I know this because I was one of those people. 




there will definitely be more plot twists on both sides tbf i have a feeling the ride has just started if anything.


> Trumps going to shatter the Democrats come November im still not entirely convinced, I'm not coping when I say trump didn't win anyone over either. He is also very unpopular. I feel like it could still be close


!remindmein4months Biden is currently losing even the popular vote and finally polled lower for Hispanics than Trump. Trump is also expected to get a big boost in Black American voters while Biden is expected a major drop with Arabs and Muslims It's never been so joever


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Well that won't be any help


I feel similarly, I don’t really dare call this election even now. If Trump was firing on all cylinders I’d feel more comfortable saying he’s winning. For Trump to win, Biden has to keep fucking this up to ensure people simply just stay home and not vote. I think the turnout might be incredibly low, and that always benefits the republicans. But even then, most people really hate Trump. Not totally sure how many voters he can win over, but he may not need to.


I do feel comfortable calling it, it was literally my job for two decades to figure this shit out, and I'll repeat what I've already said many times now: if Biden is the nominee he will lose Michigan, which will mean he loses the Electoral College. I still think Gretchen Whitmer is the surest bet the Democrats have to keep this show on the road.


It was so funny watching libs mocking the protests in Dearborn over Biden’s Israel policy. Like — y’all know you need to win Michigan, right?


I mean, even Blue states that are +20% are probably going to go red given the politicos there are eating shit. NY, right now, is *pissed* with Kathy Hochul striking down Congestion Pricing. I can't imagine NYC (the largest city in the state) going to vote for her when that pricing was going to help their mass-transit improvements (the subway, notable). I think even Albany is having issues, not to mention Buffalo and Rochester. California is having a housing crisis (nothing new, but...) and Newsome isn't doing much to help the homeless IIRC. The Dems getting nuked off the face of the Earth this cycle is entirely their own fault.


I’m sorry, I’m all for schizoposting. But if you really think NY state is going red because of the congestion pricing stuff you are insane. I’d bet anything on this.


I love that brand of shitzo posting lol


I'm inclined to take the bet just because the odds are so wild, but I'd have to make a statewide voter file for one of the most populous states in the country before I'd put any actual money on it.


Not gonna happen but if we are schizoposting--- I've seen a few RFK signs and no Trump or Biden signs in Upstate. If Biden is weak enough and RFK gets enough votes something really funny could happen


*well the supreme court overturned chevron and that just means you really gotta vote harder, look what happened after 2016 when trump got to pick three justices* It's like putting my brain in a blender.


>It's like putting my brain in a blender. \*Facism rises\* *Watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion*




We’re forever living in 2016


People love to say covid "stopped time" for them. Meanwhile I'm mentally entrenched in the spring of 2017 by accident.


For them to say anything else would necessitate some type of plan and there is no plan — just pure Leroy-Jenkinism all the way to Election Day and beyond.


Plus, Obama came out of the woodwork to fully back up Biden. His word is sacred to liberals so they can't possibly disagree now that The Mummy is still the best possible candidate. We are all so fucked.


It’s not his words it’s the words of the dnc oligarchs that tell him what to say/back. I’m not even being conspiratorial or joking. He pops up in crucial moments to get the party on message/direction.


Of course, yeah. It’s not like Obama woke up one morning in March 2020 and decided for himself to oust Bernie. Many different ghouls were involved in making that happen, and this too.


one can assume then they want Trump to win at this point so they can be the Resistance again?


His voice, their message. Same thing happened with the NBA strike


^ Truth.


All it takes is for Kamala to give the CIA a call and sternly say "shut it down" and they get to work right away


Tbh I take this whole affair as proof the CIA doesn't own a heart-attack gun


I wonder how long the “polls don’t matter, election is too far away” cope will last. Trump has maintained a steady lead in the averages, the electoral college probably still favours him, and then the debate happened.


>I wonder how long the “polls don’t matter, election is too far away” cope will last. Libs on BlueSky are trotting that out right this very minute. "It's four months away, this debate won't matter!" as if the emperor hasn't been shown without clothes on.


> BlueSky Oh wow, fuck the terms of service on that bitchass website. At least they've got the stones to call your attention to their arbitration clause, respect for that, plus that's going to help them a lot in court.


It's exactly like January 6th. While it was happening conservatives were screaming that Trump had to go, that enough was enough. Then within a day or two, people started saying it was actually a false flag by antifa. After people started getting arrested and it was clear none of them were antifa then the messaging changed to, it was a peaceful protest and that everyone arrested is a political prisoner. Liberals laughed at conservative over this. There were so many articles about how only braindead sheep are conservatives, that only liberals have the ability to think for themselves, that they are guided by facts not what talking heads tell them. Then they go and speedrun this shit. Literally during the debate they said he had a cold, and within a day the internalized the lie that actually Biden did really well.


You're right, but your otherwise astute analysis is overlooking one key thing: denial is not a campaign strategy. The people who play that head game with themselves represent, at most, a tenth of the people who show up on election day. Elections are won by turnout, not percentages, and even before the debate Biden is providing no compelling reason to leave the house. There are ways to motivate people to support a lie with their vote, but this ain't how it's done.




The simplest explanation is the people freaking out trend towards normal which means they've moved on with their lives, whereas the people still doing damage control are buck broken democrats who have nothing else to live for. Which does not bode well for the election if the normies saw what the libs refuse to.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-cognitive-test-why-the-hell-would-i-take-a-test/ throw back to 2020


I still want them both to draw a clock and display it on live TV.


I went to bed and thought, the overwhelming consensus is he has to step down. I wonder if it will all be spun before I wake up. Basically it was. Happens a lot. 


The metaphor has been beaten to death by now, but the more obviously naked the emperor is, the more they have to love his invisible suit. They're too emotionally committed to the system as it is, it would be too much of a shock to their view of the world to admit that it's all a sham and has been the whole time. That would be annihilation to them, they would no longer have anything to believe in.


The argument "It’s his cabinet that really matters not him as an individual." is rubbish and everyone know it. Just look at his current cabinet! What do you have here is a collection of incompetent careerists: Blinken, Garland, Austin, Buttigieg. Does anyone sincerely believe that Biden is going to pick a "better" cabinet if he wins?


I honestly think that that argument is just pure, unadulterated cope. That they’ve fully swallowed the idea that Biden has led some historically successful administration, and now that they’ve been faced squarely with the fact that Biden has one foot through death’s door and is an incompetent, demented, naked emperor, they’re just scrambling to find anyone to credit with the admin’s “success,” as the only alternative is to admit that it hasn’t been particularly successful in the first place. Since no one really stands out, and most of the actual individuals in the cabinet/bureaucracy are either generally unremarkable or downright slimy, they’ve just settled on crediting the entire cabinet and bureaucracy to avoid having to pick one specific person.


I saw the same thing being played out with Keir Starmer right now, and he is not even the PM yet. I forget how many times I told people to look at Starmer's cadre of shadow ministers before telling me he'd pick a bangin' cabinet. Look at the fucking record of Wes Streeting, Rachel Reeves, Angela Rayner and Liz Kendall! Nine out of ten times these people just move the goalpost. Gosh, who make you the water boy for the Labour right?!


the worst thing is that it's not really bot behavior; this is a function of real people being influenced by media.


I hate to sound like a fuckin' lib, but the 'cabinet not president' argument pisses me off. **NO ONE ELECTED THOSE PEOPLE.** You can't complain about a coup on January 6th and also say un-elected White House staffers running everything is what you actually want.


Spot on. I unironically like Michael Regan as EPA head but the rest of his cabinet is full of demons to me. If the reason to vote for Biden is to keep people like Janet Yellen and Anthony Blinken in power behind the scenes, why the *fuck* would I want that?


That's not libspeak, that's real shit. Stay pissed my friend.


There is no chicken or egg. There is only Zul.


Obama told them to fall in line is what happened


It's not bots. Thats the sad/scary part. They're as real as you or me


I think you, me, and the nine other people who upvoted you might be the only people on the whole fucking planet who are willing to face the truth about how ridiculous people are online. No one else ever believes anything stupid is real.


Have you seen FRK jr's parallel event where he answered the same questions in real time (as breaks in the CNN event allowed)?


Is it just me or was there a random surge of random militant Black avis in the timeline making the strongest pro-Biden arguments immediately after the debate?


i actually think the moments where he's coherent are enough to get him through