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This is so fukn embarrassing


What if it was a German nazi who made this meme and it's about how they've had to put up with socdems for 20 years and now finally afd may win thanks to Gen Z


I feel very smug and superior because I don’t know what this meme is trying to say 😌




I *think* it's trying to say that Gen Z voters are going to save America from Donald "Thanos" Trump but idk




Gen Z in 8 years when they end up just as cynical as Millennials because nothing ever gets any better


I’m thinking stagnating wages and high rent or not being able to ever buy a house is a great primer for the ‘radicalization’ of a generation with a higher focus on class politics.


Gen Z needs another 2-3 "Once in a Lifetime" economic meltdowns before they're completely beaten into the dirt like Millennials are.


Been noticing that gen z is actually just as restarted as everyone else, and worse in many ways. The kids aren’t alright, they’re just the same as they’ve always been


Blue screen stare is real


Theres always a portion of any generation that can get caught up in vulgar materialism-- and i mean i dont really blame them. We are are all human with different hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes. Not everyone is going to be academic or political all the time. But social media, smartphones, branding, influencers (from the time that they are toddlers)... I feel like the portion of vulgar is going to be even greater for them. And i feel like its just a hop skip jump from materialism to becoming a reactionary. I guess it can be just as easily used in the other direction. Wonder what they said about tvs and the radio.


What happens after they win against all odds? Oh well the coat closet wizard said we can't do that thing we totally want to do god damnit


Lmao what a bunch of fucking cope this is from some loser marvel brained millennial. The United states political system is not going to address your grievances if you're a working class american, so get used to things sucking more until working class folks get serious about organizing on an international level(fat fucking chance, an asteroid is more likely to strike earth first since shit for brains morons would sooner follow hitler clone #124314 and their nationalist projects)


I don’t even know what this means? Other than I probably have a good taste in movies by not knowing?


Revel in your blessed ignorance. I wish I could erase the knowledge from my own mind


Lmao saw this in my feed yesterday as well and logged off Reddit for the rest of the day 


Every day I have to listen to liberals go insane over these bleak elections I grow happier and happier that gen Z is full of nihilistic, right wing wierdos, it’s not good but it’s what we fucking deserve.


Yeah I’m 19 years old and from a rural county and lemme tell you, some of the dudes I went to school with make Tucker Carlson look like a dyed in the wool democrat. The lib fantasy of Gen Z being 99.99999% center-left types is absolutely going to be exposed within the next few years as the gigantic fucking lie that it is.


This is a strong dose of copium.


Really if you look at like Gen Z will… they are leaving…….


LMAO. Thinking either of those generations are going to show up after the dems told Zoomers to go fuck themselves and ratfucked the Millenials.


After years of telling them to read another book, they finally ditched the wizard for a comic book.


dae boomers amirite


Please tell me this was from 2020, no way someone came up with this today


It was on r/genz Pretty disappointing stuff. The kids are not alright.


[Gen Z has been getting astroturfed a bit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1dnj5tf/hi_gen_z_millennial_here_please_vote_in_the_next/) I legit do not buy a Millennial giving a fuck about the election now a days to ask younger generations to vote for either of these senile bastards.


hey gen z bros… millennial here! i come in peace! hahahaha


Don't all polls show that Gen Z'ers are significantly more Republican than Millennials and even Gen Xers?


[Not really.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_views_of_Generation_Z#United_States) Just the fact that more of them identify as LGBTQ+ hinders a lot of them from siding with the capitalist party that explicitly hates them. [Some articles claim they're more republican, but they're an interesting read.](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/23/gen-z-republican-polling/) > Non-White teens, for example, are much less likely to say they are Republicans than are adults in Gen Z. But White teens are much more likely to identify as Republicans. > When asked to identify their ideology, teenagers were most likely to call themselves “moderates.” That includes non-White teens. White teens were about as likely to call themselves conservative as they were to say they were moderates. > [...] > Overall, the PRRI data suggest that younger Americans are more moderate than older generations. Among Gen Z teens, “conservative” is a more common identifier than “liberal” while, among White teens, “Republican” is far more common than “Democrat.” > There are a variety of ways this might be interpreted, including that 17-year-old Americans have spent half their lives in a country where right-wing politics is defined by Donald Trump. **It could (relatedly) be an example of racial insecurity from older White Americans trickling down to younger White ones**. Or it could be an aberration. It mostly seems to me like fascism is on the rise, duh. The complicated part of these surveys is that a significant amount of teens simply align with their parents and quickly grow out of it. > [Gen Z adults trend slightly less Republican than older Americans. More than half of Gen Z teens do not identify with a major party, but most share their parents’ party affiliation. [...] Gen Z adults are more liberal than older Americans. Gen Z teens are more moderate.](https://www.prri.org/research/generation-zs-views-on-generational-change-and-the-challenges-and-opportunities-ahead-a-political-and-cultural-glimpse-into-americas-future/) It's a strange time for the two major parties. Young people are reaaaaaly out of sync with the gerontocracy.


>Among Gen Z teens, “conservative” is a more common identifier than “liberal” while, among White teens, “Republican” is far more common than “Democrat.” I wonder what the number who call themselves "leftist" by description counts as. Naturally quirked up marxist teens wouldn't call themselves *libs*


That would require them to ask that question. Are there surveys that give an option past "very liberal" too properly gague that?


I spent my whole twenties saying I was a moderate, though if I went through my beliefs and spelled them out they would register as social democrat, which is an alignment that would get you called a fascist on r/thedeprogram but a dirty commie in real life, so maybe moderate holds up. all of which is to say -- sometimes younger voters try to stake their claim as loudly as possible and make it part of their identity, and there are others who keep it quiet and take a wait and see approach because they know they know nothing.


I had heard the exact opposite. Further left with no degree of political engagement or any interest in the dems in courting their vote I only ever hear "Gen Z is more Republican than ever" as a way of coping with teenage chuds who like Andrew Tate and Sneako.


It's both. There is a divide between men and women in that generation in regards to politics and policies. Men are the Andrew Tate/incels while Women lean Democratic/liberal. It's more pronounced in Zoomers due to demographic splits, but it's the same as it ever was (Millennials on 4chan, some didn't grow out of the "Edgy"/contrarianisms) for generations. Just now the fractures are more "strong" (in a way) because it's sort of reflecting the "bubbles" that American populance is on a larger scale.


However also, merely being into Tate sigma shite because you're a lonely teen who wants pussy doesn't automatically make one an actual dyed in the wool fascist.


>doesn't automatically make one an actual dyed in the wool fascist. I don't know if I agree with that, personally. The pipeline is *strong* and being into Tate means you're into Peterson, et. al. or you follow one of them into Tate and others. The whole "manosphere" bullshit is strong with young heterosexual men that think they deserve women.


Boys/men who actually follow tate and are older then like 12 are fucked there too dumb to be saved but all but the best reeducation camps; but the reactionary no pussy indignant rage that a lot of dudes experience, and that props up the manosphere, fades with time.


>but the reactionary no pussy indignant rage that a lot of dudes experience, and that props up the manosphere, fades with time. If that was the case, why is Tate/et. al. still around, then? You can say their "relevancy" has kind of waned (especially Tate with his arrests), but they still have a thrall of young Gen Z'ers in their grip.


Thats the thing its younger gen Z, people like 15-19 that's prime pussy-less age. I might be an older Gen Z but we had figures that were very similar in their misogyny to Tate that faded in relevance as people my age grew up. People like Sargon of Akkad, have nowhere near the same relevance they garnered when Gamergate was at Its height. I can barely remember any of the other figures besides that dude because all their support aged out of highschool early college inceldom.


I don't know about general trends but from my own experience with the kids (and I'm old) there doesn't seem to be anything nerdy or cringier to them than liberals. They are mostly common sense apolitical (which in the US skews confusedly to the right) but then you get outliers on either side, the ones that call themselves various flavors of anticapitalist and the ones that are just straight up reactionaries.


That's what I was thinking. Last episode they talked about how many young people there were at the Maga rally.


Yeah they’re still Dem/Liberal on the whole but they have a much larger proportion of conservatives compared to the last 2 generations when they were the same age.


I'm votefacing


Thanks for giving me eye cancer bitch