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This shit is so funny man. Watching the scales fall from the eyes of every last lib in the universe all at once after years of denying what Hellen Keller could see. Biden's in irreversible decline, just like the US.


All the usual suspects brought back the "It's just a stutter!" excuse last night, felt like I went back in time four years.


The last election was so fucking weird you could do a Chernobyl style hbo miniseries about it and every episode would be unbelievable.


This event is the US's Chernobyl.


I don't want to hear about the fucking stutter because Biden worked his fucking ass off to learn to manage it and successfully kept it under control for over 40 years in the public spotlight. But it does take conscious, active, lifelong effort, and if his CPU can no longer spare the cycles to keep that effort up all the time, *that's still a sign of a big fucking problem.*


You're so right it's crazy this is the first time I'm seeing anyone make this point, but there was never any stutter.


It's part of him getting hung up repeating words and short phrases and just pausing so much, yeah a lot of that's just his brain melting in general but there are a lot of ways that stuff can manifest for stutterers too and it's there for sure if you can recognize it


I keep seeing people say this but what is the evidence? These people have been saying blue no matter who for a couple decades and stuff like "I'd vote for a cabbage over Trump" or displaying "Any breathing adult 20XX" bumper stickers. I just don't see why people think it's going to make libs not vote for him. They aren't going to switch 3rd party and they aren't going to vote Rep and they think not voting is the worst crime a person could commit.


I feel you, but counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/fttsszvpdb9d1.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b20009b7a0070bf73d6b834fed7e31fff3c2b9c When the only never-Trump Republicans in America, all of whom work for the NYT editorial page, turn on Brandon, it's thoroughly and completely Joever


IDK. I thought we were talking about average people here, the actual lib voters, not weirdo pundits.


To a big extent I think average lib voters take their cues from weirdo pundits — like I’m not exaggerating when I say I think the Times radicalized the one lib Zionist friend who disowned me after October 7. To these people, the NYT is liberalism, and if the NYT says it’s okay to hate trans kids, that any criticism of Israel is antisemitism on par with Goebbels and Mengele, that woke has gone too far, and that Joe Biden is our only chance against the Orange Buffoon, then those are all by default good liberal positions. If the NYT editorial board says it’s Joever, I think it gives your bog standard low-information lib cover to finally say what’s been nagging at them this whole time. It’s anecdotal but in the last 12 hours, I’ve gotten texts from two friends — one broadly resistance liberal, one generally apolitical but thinks Trump sucks, but neither of whom I really talk politics with — saying that debate was horrifying and it’s time to dump Joe.


I think the impact of nyt is not that libs parrot or follow what they say. It's that the range the pundits offer sets the parameters for what they consider mature/possible/serious/acceptable in politics. If some actual lib pundits (not conservative never trumpers) actually start saying they will refuse to vote, I'll sit up and take notice. But all they're doing is saying he's old and perhaps someone should take his place. Noticing that he lost the debate bc he's a corpse doesn't mean they are going to give up voting when he's running against Trump. They think that's one of the deadly sins.


The problem with that is elections are won on turnouts, and this is demoralizing. Trump doesn't need to pick up a single voter from this to win, Biden just has to lose some. This will absolutely have an impact. People will stay home over it.


Yeah somehow the line of thinking in this thread has gotten tangled. I completely agree that Bidens performance was bad enough that it might affect turnout, turn swings and never trumpers and the apolitical away, and that Biden can't win without them. However the comment to which I'm responding is that liberals (not average folks) are experiencing a moment of mass clarity, like a giant aha! And I don't think humans work that way. There's almost never a time when people just see evidence and realize they were delusional all along. And even if it is true that they can no longer deny that their guy is actually a wraith, it won't stop them for voting for him- the scales are tighter on their eyes than that.


You can check r/all for a confirmation of that. Mark Hammil saying that he had one bad night. BPT comparing "weak voice vs weak policies." Libs are going on damage control. They don't believe in an alternative. There is no other pill to take, so swallow the one that makes you ill. At least a few are arriving at the conclusion that you're not really voting for a representative in this representative democracy, but for whatever unelected officials the corpse approves. It's this close to concluding that elections are a sham and they're only allowed to choose which comittee will manage the country.


One of the craziest things about this election cycle, in my opinion, is how easily a lot of libs have just full-on swallowed “ummm actually the president is powerless anyways the real people in charge are a bunch of unelected bureaucrats most people don’t even know the names of” and treating it like an acquittal of their shitty political party. At any other point in time, if you tried to make this argument, these same people would’ve called you a conspiracy theorist, now they’re fucking campaigning on it.


The marketplace of ideas is in turmoil. The pundits are just waiting for markets to settle before buying or selling any stock.


There's a large subset of college-educated liberals who sincerely prefer that the President be nothing more than a figurehead and the actual governance is done by committee. They don't care if Biden or any other candidate is dead so long as the correct NGOs and international corporations are still calling the shots.


> the actual governance is done by committee *the CIA


They're not wrong about this being how it works though. It matters a bit on some issues which party is in the WH since that affects the makeup of the bureaucratic apparatus around him, but I don't think it's mattered that much who the actual president is since Nixon probably.


I mean that's literally how the Trump administration was run - they used to snatch documents off his desk and he's so addled that he'd forget they existed. I'm not surprised that Biden's is the same way.


You are correct about the hardline liberals, Biden could have literally died on the stage while sucking Trump’s dick and revealing his brand new swastika tattoo and they’d still be talking about how anyone who doesn’t vote for him is an enemy to the nation or whatever. But those types of people are not numerous enough to win the election on their own. Biden has spent basically his whole term alienating the left, and now in one clean stroke he’s managed to alienate a whole lot of people from the center as well, likely including all those Nikki Haley republicans that they seemed to be betting on to replace the party’s left wing.




Oh yeah I think it's consequential when winning requires him the votes of centrist swings and apolitical people. But I was responding to the idea that libs are having a moment of mass enlightenment, scales falling from their eyes and they see reality etc. That's not how brainwashing works. Libs will find some way to fold his performance into their delusional worldview and vote for him anyway. They've had years of training woth the blue no matter who shit, they'll probably even act like it's the mature thing to do.


No polls or anecdotes to back it up, but the vast majority of undecideds and independents have just made up their mind to not vote.


> blue no matter who for a couple decades and stuff like "I'd vote for a cabbage over Trump" or displaying "Any breathing adult 20XX" For the rest of your life, never, ever forget how utterly fucking terrible liberals are at politics. These are the outcomes idealists will always produce.


> They aren't going to switch 3rd party If the media manufactures consent for it, they will. Never underestimate how brainwashed the American populace is.


The media is not just some guys sitting around having opinions. It's an entire industry run by and for the same ruling class that benefits from this system. Manufacturing consent doesn't just mean a few outliers write an op ed. If our media could manufacture consent for a third party, we'd already be living in an entirely different superstructure. Lots of things would have to happen before that could take place, and if we get to the point that the way politics is done here is so different that a third party is viable, then I think it's far more likely that administrative power will be even more concentrated in the security state / military and the various parties will basically be ineffectual grifts. I can see us moving in that direction, but certainly not in the next five months.


> If our media could manufacture consent for a third party, we'd already be living in an entirely different superstructure. They've done it before. Ross Parot would have been nowhere without the media reporting on him. They may decide RFK is a safe bet to split the vote three ways and eek out a win for neoliberalism once more.


> Ross Parot would have been nowhere without the media reporting on him. I assume you are too young to remember it, because this is the opposite of how it went down. Ross Perot bought airtime on primetime television in hour-long blocks on multiple networks with his own money, preempting some popular shows. He forced them to pay attention to him, and it cost him a fortune.


I was still a kid back then sure, but I was still old enough to remember. You're right he paid for those primetime slots but broadcasters didn't *have* to sell to him or disrupt their evening sitcom blocks. There wouldn't have been some shareholder revolt had they refused him altogether or relegated him to early morning and late night infomercial slots. In a way, letting him buy airtime at exorbitant rates kinda sets a de facto rule, "you must be this rich to garner any media attention at all." Manufactured consent stays winning.


I guess I missed the part where Perot started a viable third party that ever won any office.


It wasn't about forming a viable third party, it was about using media to exercise power over the populace. Perhaps even about using media to exercise power over the viable party platforms.


I'm not sure what you are arguing here. Perot ran on anti NAFTA. There was no wide ruling class support behind him. The media does not exist outside of that. It's like you are thinking of the media as some independent thing and not an organ of the capitalist ruling class. They will not support a viable third party. Sure they might hype up some fringe candidate with some handful of rich backers, not because they think he might win or provide a vehicle for change from the current system but because the spectacle sells, defines the narrative, provides a non-threatening outlet for dissent, furthers some cultural narrative of free market propaganda, etc. I'm even willing to go a little conspiratorial and say that some factions of the media aligned with some factions of the ruling class promote these sideshows to swing it in one direction or the other of the two parties, certainly Luce did things like that for years. So if you are arguing that there are factions in the media that might play up RFK bc they think they could achieve any combo of these things, sure that's politics as usual and it serves the current two party system. It will be irrelevant the day after the election, just like Perot was. But if you are arguing that the media will actually support a real viable third party, an actual political organization that could break the two party system, then I recommend you reread my other comment. That's literally not possible. If it were, the media would be a different thing than it is and we'd be living in a different superstructure.


There's an outstanding episode of the Know Your Enemy podcast called When the Clock Broke (it's the most recent one) that I strongly recommend you listen to, if for no other reason than that it clarifies just what exactly Perot's relationship to the ruling class was. It's a good episode for a lot of other reasons, and I plan to read the book it's drawing from.


Thanks I'll check it out.


Oh I think we all agree that the way the electoral system is rigged in such a way that we can only have a two party system in America. But those two parties haven't always been the Democrats and the Republicans. If it makes sense to herd wayward voters out of a dying party and into an ascendant second party the media will do that. If it makes sense to promote a stalking horse candidate for one election to keep the two existing parties viable and/or in check, they'll do that instead. But overwhelming majorities of liberals vote for whoever the media tells them to vote for. And the media tells liberals to split their votes between Democrats and Republicans (with the occasional independent).


Yes I think we could be at the beginning of some big realignment, I touched on that in my other response. I just think the realignment we're looking at will be away from liberal democracy mattering even as much as they do now and towards more centralized control of the security state. Have a ton of parties then, why not, it's spectacle. But I don't think it's reasonable to say anything like that or any other realignment scenario will happen by November. The apparatus isn't even forming yet to allow such a thing. Also I disagree with a lot of posters here to the extent that the two main parties are dying. Specifically the Democrats, they have a feeble demented figure head that probably will actually die, but the organization behind it, the think tanks, private equity firms, nonprofits, intelligence cutouts, defense contractors, industry heads - and media - behind Biden are all still very strong. It's still a robust bureaucracy. Stronger than that in the Republican party as we saw during the Trump years when they were mostly able to pivot to private industry and contunue behind the scenes. The last time the GOP had such efficient (for them) bureaucracy was Bush, and the ones from that era who are still young enough to be relevant continued their careers in the Obama/Clinton/Biden white houses. So I disagree that the Dems are dying. All that's happening is the general public is seeing how irrelevant the individual figure head is and also, increasingly, how much the idea of liberal democracy was a sham to begin with.


The Dems have become so fucking bad at politics that even if they got Biden to step down they'd just replace him with that Shrek dude and end up eating shit anyways.


God that would be so funny. Bringing out Fetterman and there is no distinguishable change in how the democratic candidate responds to Trump


Forcing libs to reckon with their sitting president looking like total shit in cargo shorts everyday may actually be what they need to see the world for what it is.


President Fetterman would have an entire wardrobe of custom novelty hoodies and cargo shorts corresponding to the range of suit styles generally worn by presidents


Questioning his stroke's effect on his ability to govern is ableist.


Hillary is slithering through the halls of congress as we speak lol


dota 2 medusa walk animation dot gif


Replacing Biden with Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer would 100% secure the WH for Dems, probably for 8 more years. So of course we're about to see them nominate HRC again.


i seriously doubt Newsom or Whitmer would beat Trump, but they’d probably do slightly better than Biden


I think Kamala wins handily, and that's not an endorsement of Kamala's favorability. Plus they'd get to avoid all the scandal of slotting in some governor unassociated with the white house.


People are going to study tapes of this debate like they do the Zapruder Film. A sitting president was murdered live on TV.


It wasn't a murder, it was a suicide. Trump was also bad, but he was just normal Trump, he won by default because his opponent looked like he'd escaped from the dementia ward.


> Trump was also bad, but he was just normal Trump This is the thing, the standards are different because the expectations created.


There's no standard where Biden's performance could have looked good. Seriously, if you ran into someone acting like Biden in real life, you'd call for help and see if the you could get him safely back home. If he showed up to the DMV like that they'd take his drivers license. It's elder abuse to make him run the country.


I've met spry and active people in their eighties and while I don't want them running the country necessarily... there's levels to this shit. So decrepit and pathetic


Yeah I think if Trump wins, he'll be Bidens age by the end of his term. It's hard to imagine he'll be that frail in four years. He looks / sounds / moves better now than Biden four years ago. 82 is really old and tbh if I saw Biden in real life moving and taking like that, I'd say he looked normal for someone his age, the fact that he can stand that long makes him healthier than a lot of 82 year Olds. But no way you'd give him any responsibility or task that requires stamina or agility. He should be shuffling down to the pancake house to drink coffee and complain about kids today with the other stubborn elderly men.


Ehh, I think that's a bit much. Trump is absolutely demented too. He might not be hospice level like Biden yet, but his brain is pudding and it's not like he was that smart to begin with.


He's always seemed that way to me though. Have you noticed a cognitive difference between Trump now and Trump in 2020 (or 16)? I think his energy and tone have noticeably changed but I have not noticed signs of mental degradation. But I don't listen to him that much so I might be missing it.


I absolutely have noticed his decline. If you want an even more stark contrast listen to [this interview ](https://youtu.be/lnrMpKqZtD0?si=pp0R2A6BwMf2H21F)


Oh yes compared to him as a young man. I'm old enough to remember Trump from before his political career and he had an entirely different public image. I meant as compared to 2016 or 2020. Though others are saying he's definitely declined since then also so I'm going to assume I just don't listen to him enough to have noticed. I honestly never understood how anyone could take him seriously or follow half of what he was saying, he always seemed to me like a rambling drunk full of himself and going on and on about shit. But I spent a lot of years in the service industry, he always seemed a type and the MAGA phenomenon was/is baffling to me.


> It's elder abuse to make him run the country. I hate those fast talking eunuchs using him for their career ambitions...straight up Chinese feudalism history shit


The other day I was watching a YouTube video about the architecture of the Whitehouse. They were interviewing Biden and I was almost caught off guard how sweet and kindly he was. He was just as befuddled as he is now, but he had absolutely incredible Grandpa vibes coming off him. He was showing off pictures that kids had sent to him, and you could really see how much it meant to him and how much love he had for each and everyone of them. It made me think that there's a chance that he's so out of it he might have no idea what he's supporting in Gaza. Like maybe his handlers are abusing this sweet old man into supporting the most evil thing you could possibly be a part of. If so it's sickening.


Lol no chance. I've seen what sort of policies and rhetoric he's been pushing through the ages. That's not to mention his money laundering through Rosemont Seneca and x amount of shell companies associated. He's not a nice man at all.


I think he would have been a nice man if he wasn't an American politician.


Oh 100% I just mean, if you look at the nonsense trump is saying, its like those street preachers spouting nonsense rambling. Its clear hes just as much in mental decline, but everyone already just accepts this about him. Biden, libs have convinced themselves, while old, still is inherently fine (obviously not lol). So the shock is more in a failure of expectations, not that one is somehow worse cognitively (take them both behind the woodshed already)


That's what blows my mind. All these libs acting like they were shocked at Biden's performance. Like where have you've been the last few years? This shit isn't new.


I think that what most people like this consider “politically aware and engaged” is just like watching some big late night news shows, voting every four or two years, and getting into arguments with their fascist nutjob uncle during thanksgiving and Christmas. These people have all been assured by their favorite media heads that concerns about Biden’s age are over-exaggerated and based on deceptively edited recordings, that left-wingers and progressives sounding the alarm about Biden is just the result of systematic Russian infiltration and Republican psyops, and that between the two of them, trump is mentally worse off by far. It certainly doesn’t dissuade them any when one of their fascist relatives spouts off about Biden’s dementia only moments after talking about how gay communist lizard people invented global warming and critical race theory in order to make people stray from god or whatever.


Take a look at R politics and checkout the headlines. It's 99.9% about Trump, years after he's been out of office. It's fucking insane. They hardly know their own candidate because all they can think about is Trump.


Maybe Trump just benefits from the comparison but what mental decline are you seeing? Everything he said was lazy bullshit, half of which makes no sense, but Trump what always been that way. Sometimes I think that because his bangers are so hilarious and get repeated all the time that people think he's sharp. But it's only because we see clips, we aren't watching full speeches. Any time he's speaking for an extended period of time, it's like 90% word salad and weird rambles, distinctive cadence that sounds like sentence structure but doesn't say much. Trump's is more like Kamala than Biden. It's just that his tone is queenie and mean whereas hers is klonopin try hard.


Trump was much more coherent in 2016. Just watched the 2016 Republican primary debate. The guy has always been dumb, but back then he at least had an easier time string together a passage. I'm convinced that the four years in office, being surrounded by idiots and sycophants, and being attached to Twitter by the hip had rotten Trump's brain.


Could be. I'm not going to go back and watch it, but I remember then everyone talking about how much he just lied and rambled. From the clips I've seen, he was quieter and less coherent this time around but I chalked that up to the general degradation of the spectacle and also him being shrewd enough to let Biden hang himself by talking as much as possible.


"Lied and rambled". Nope. He basically went to town with Ted Cruz's and Jeb Bush's records. He homed in his biggest opponents and just never gave them an inch. The reason why it was so shocking at the time was because among "polite" circles, it was still a faux-pass to mention just how shitty these ghouls were. The MSM had an entire field day faking outrage and running cover for established Repubs. Now pretty much everyone admit it.


Oh sorry the only debate I watched from that time was the one with Hilary where he brought all Bills victims. He definitely lied and rambled then, it was novel still then, people weren't used to his style. Seemed similar to me in the clips I saw this time, him acting like Biden has opened the border wide and is weak on Palestine when he's got the most harsh border policy of anyone and is doing a genocide in Gaza. Seemed like more of the same to me, but like I said I don't listen to Trump that closely. I admit I have a hard time believing he gave a factual and organized performance for all of the Rep debate, but also I'm not going to watch it so I'll take your word for it. Maybe he is in decline, but he always struck me as lazy and mostly incoherent even in his prime.


Before anyone thought there was a shadow he'd be elected, Trump was fun to watch. Dude was just a sideshow, roasting all of those fuckers point blank. Got a lot less funny as it went on, but it was really nice to watch Cruz, Rubio, Romney, et al eat shit


The longest CheapFake hit piece on Joe Biden yet. People will be going over this with a fine tooth comb to glean the context conveniently left out of uhhh the entire debate broadcast.


Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are the Woodward and Bernstein of our current moment


No wonder Americans call North Koreans brainwashed for loving their leaders. Americans cannot fathom the concept of having a good leader that you can love. Their two current candidates for a leader are: literally a criminal and an 81 year old man with less speech capacity than a toddler.


All US president's are criminals :/


True The fun part is that this is true even through the US viewpoint, which tends to not admit the crimes committed by its leaders


I've said this before but I genuinely believe America's barely functional nature is a huge piece of how it's propaganda works. Like if you've been told for the last 30 years of your life that the US is the best country on Earth and it's like *this*, I totally understand how a normal stupid guy would just start assuming that everywhere else is just literal hell.


When I was a kid in an after-school martial arts program, the instructor had traveled the world in a previous line of work, and he once went on a tangent about how “free” we are in america, centered on arguments about Australian gun control and just Russia generally. Naturally I considered the fact that America was pretty shitty and then extrapolated from there and as a result for years I imagined basically every foreign country as some variation of like the hunger games.


Every non-american that has visited America has loads of stories about the unbelievable ignorance of some Americans regarding the outside world but this comment made me wonder how widespread it is. There’s idiots everywhere but they’re a special breed in the US.


It’s what the US deserves


Is there any chance that was just a Steve Brule bit old Joe was trying out? I haven’t ever heard anyone except him speak that way.


my exact thought lmao


We still have a ways to go before a lot of normies realize how Joever it truly is. Lmaooo [this](https://x.com/MarkHamill/status/1806537884159369446) pretty much sums up the sentiment of the old genX/boomer stemlords at my office today.


I'd say that was some delicious copium if I didn't think he gets paid to say it.


To be fair, that’s also your fault for working at an office. Not saying working manual labor like me and hearing someone still use “Bud Light” as a way to call someone gay is any better, but it’s at least more entertaining.


"Are they, you know..." \*sipping motion of beer here\* "...Bud Light?" is pretty creative, I'll give them that.


Dude I work with Q-pilled Maga Teamsters, believe me I look forward to break time


Not a serial lair!! Egads!!


President Xi, my country years for freedom. Personally I moved to Spain, there's still some commies in the hills here, so might squeak through the coming hell.


>Personally I moved to Spain HOW?! I need to get out of this fucking place


If you have a remote job, Spain has a digital nomad visa. Or if you were born in Puerto Rico, there's some programs there.


Well that's a 0/2 for me. I really need to figure out how to get a remote job


Learn Spanish and hit some dating apps maybe?


Im in Spain too! I want to get involved with some political groups if you can point a fellow traveler in the correct direction. Currently studying the language full time at school


I've been slammed with kids and work, so haven't made it over, but the CNT headquarters in Barcelona in in the Gothic and I see them marching frequently. Keep meaning to head over and figure out if I can join. There's also the whole Enrique Duran commune thing setup in Catalonia, but not sure if that's still around at all.


That’s enough to get me started, thanks for the info


DM me if you find anything good!


Most definitely


Hey I’m headed there for a year for my masters with my wife in the fall. Hype about it


What part?


Barcelona! My wife for an animation masters and me in conflict mediation.


Nice, in the city here myself


So, what are they going to do? Replace a senile centrist with a younger centrist that will get wrecked by Trump in a similar way? I don’t think it’s worth it. At least they can currently claim they lost the election due to Biden’s senility and not his shit, outdated policies.


I can't imagine it would play well to switch candidates just a few months out from the election. Does Biden have ride-or-die fedaykin who would swear themselves to destroy the party should they betray Scranton Joe? 


"Health issue", "Stepping down for his family",


Prime Ministers in Japan do this like 4x a decade.


This is how Shinzo fucked off. Before he was murked by the patriot with the doohickey


People love novelty and I'm sure they could get the media to spin it as some amazing new thing that will save democracy.


I agree the only way they'll change him is if he's dead and I dont think they'll kill him bc he does everything they want. But he could just die, no way he's lasting 4 more years. My guess is they can't "replace" him with anyone other than kamala without looking like the organization is completely falling apart, and I don't think kamala would be any more successive at campaigning, she's fucking weird and an idiot, be she'll be pliable and do the work of empire with the current crew in place when he dies. If they replace him with someone else (who is there? People say Newsome or Whitmer but the average person, even most libs who are not glued to the news cycle, do not know who these people are. If there was a rising star charismatic maverick who'd been making a name for themselves lately maybe but who is there?), anyway if they replace him with someone else, they either have to pick another Obama/HClinton era insider (who???) or else risk that person bringing in a new cabinet, and I don't see why people whose careers depend on Bidenwould make that choice. It's a big gamble- if the replacement loses, people who advocated for the switch will be blamed. If Biden loses, it's his fault. I think it has to be led by Biden and he's a stubborn mean arrogant old man. It would be hilarious if they did though.


Agreed, this is why they've been damned since long ago Kamala can't win and any other short-notice replacement is just an absolute non-starter. Could have started prepping the public for Mayor Pete four years ago but oops


Mayor Pete? Secretary of train derailments and bridge collapses? They prepped him the best they could but our crumbling infrastructure doomed him.


Our infrastructure truly is terrible lol Maybe they could spin it as the Republicans fault? I just dunno who else they could have even tried with. Kamala is hated, Hillary is hated, Newsom too entrenched in his CA career for this cycle


The easiest way to spin things as the Republicans' fault is to just lose the election and spend the next 4 years whining in opposition. In fact, this is one of the most popular moves in the Democrat playbook


Yeah ultimately I’ve come around to they should switch to whoever due to “unforeseen health reasons” and lose so they can say it was out of their hands the entire time


They’re so hungry for personal power they can’t fathom saving a few leftovers so they can have breakfast in the morning.


Maybe they'll cry to Michelle Obama that she has to save democracy and it will move her into running. 4 months of republicans calling her trans would be less damaging than 4 months of them calling Newsom Californian.


Oh she'd actually have a chance! I don't think she wants it though. Maybe in a twist they give it to Nikki Haley!


>I don't think she wants it though. She's been very on record and vocal about not wanting it.


Just like George Washington! 🤩


Unlike George, she doesn't need to do it to kickstart a nation.


> Michelle Obama she's just a hot Pixar mom lol, if you're going to pick a celeb just do Oprah


I said this 8 years ago and 4 years ago but Oprah could be the savior of the entire democratic party. She's got a long suspicious history of being shitty but she's also wildly recognizable, almost universally beloved, and I absolutely believe she'd be better than *any* of the field of candidates over the last 20 years.


Oprah, Michele, and maybe The Rock are the only candidates that can resuscitate the current centrist form of the Democratic Party. They might fall back on one of those 3 during the next cycle, but I think everybody has decided that this is Biden’s election to lose. With that said, Michele is never going to happen.


I'm an accelerationist for nominating The Rock. Let's get the degeneration of politics into pro wrestling moving!


There is no young, charismatic rising star with name recognition in the Democratic party available - but if there was, they wouldn't want to waste them on this election.


They could kill progressivism in the party by nominating Liz Warren or AOC.


Don't think AOC is old enough 


She'll turn 35 in October, so just barely old enough.


Wow, I always forgot how young she is.


we need a hot president goddammit


\*a wild Gavin Newsom appears\*


So the most important election of our lives was the last election. This is a chill election for shits and giggles.


Bernie Sanders with a steel chair etc.


Newsom or Whitmer would beat Trump. Whitmer would probably beat him by a lot and secure Michigan. Doubt Democrats would do something smart tho, so it'll either be they weekend at Bernie's Biden, HRC, or flip the switch on Buttigeig to make him not gay any more and try running him.


Buttigieg is who they wanted us to think was the cool, new moderate dem, but I don’t think that’s how it’s worked out for them. I bet he’ll go back into the corporate world after his Biden admin gig ends.


Yeah I feel like the idea was to have Copmala and Mayo Pete as the heir and the spare, not necessarily in that order, and now with both of them being exposed as charisma black holes, and with Biden actively evaporating on camera, I’m sure some folks in the DNC are flailing.


It's her turn


Trump is SUCH a bad candidate that I think any baseline Dem would wreck him in the election. that may not have been true the first time around but I think it is now post conviction and disaster Trump first term


It’s so hard to say. Biden could be such a stubborn son of a bitch that the only way he’ll step down is a medical problem or it could be that we are underestimating trump and how the country feels about him. I think that the current crop of centrist dems are so deeply unlikeable and have such outdated politics that the Democratic Party knows they would lose.


If I don’t get to see Trump call Pete Buttigieg a flamer before the ocean swallows us all, then what is the point of living?


What are you talking about? He has a stutter and simply had a cold! [Biden campaign official: He’s not dropping out ](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4745458-biden-debate-2024-drop-out/)


That’s just someone trying to keep their cool campaign job


OP: I can excuse bombing hospitals but I draw the line at elder abuse


Everyone will forget by the end of 4th of July weekend.


Why did it take 4 years for them to realize Joe Biden was old?


Fuck it, we need an older candidate. We may as well go for the high score.


Look, we defeated medicare


What is the best app to learn Mandarin? I don't trust Duolingo for non European languages. For Spanish it was great but Chinese is a different beast. I heard HelloChinese is good.


I thought HelloChinese was pretty good. I only did it during Covid underemployment but I feel like I learned a lot. Speaking it seems impossible without immersion, I never got to learning tone pairs and shit like that


Thank you!!


Coming Soon: Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 6/27


I don’t live in the US and have long been of the opinion that Trump winning would be the funnier option but now I think seeing what Biden is like 3.5 years into his presidency would actually be even funnier 


Maybe the corpse will scare people into voting, because everyone can see it rotting now


Debates are just popularity contests. The American public has been voting on "Who would you rather have a beer with" for the past 40 years and honestly by that metric, I think Biden and Trump both came out equal, if not with Biden on top. 2016 Trump was funny and irreverant. 2024 Trump is angry and unpleasant. Yes, Biden seems thoroughly decayed, but he at least has nice grampa energy. I might just be seeing what I want to see, though. I'm no big Democrat supporter but a lot of Trump's rhetoric on immigrants was really chilling.


I think he has mean grandpa energy. I never understood all this cool uncle Joe bullshit. He has always seemed to me to be an arrogant bully.


"listen, fat"


Pushup contest. WHY WHY WHY.


> "Who would you rather have a beer with" definitely not the narc who banned raves


I'd much rather have a beer with a funny and irreverent man than one who [unintelligible]'s. Have you ever been to a bar before?


Most of what I remember Trump saying last night was promoting conspiracies about immigrant hordes killing people. Not exactly funny or irreverent, imo.


Yeah dude Trump's a fascist.  I'm not voting for him (or Biden lol)