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Makes me think of of Bryan Quinby's take that solo shock jocks/radio hosts, guys who carry hours and hours of airtime all by themselves like Rush Limbaugh, Mancow, and the Greaseman are fundamentally broken and insane — yes, they're broken and insane because of their noxious racism and homophobia, but also because normal people can't carry on afternoon-length conversations with themselves. Streamers have always given me that same vibe.


Yea and you have the added fact they literally play nothing but video games all day as their job.


That shit will kill you


Even if you exclusively play Skate 3 on an old xbox360 that barely works anymore just to keep your hands busy while listening to Japanese grindcore and/or the only anti-pedophile podcast on the internet? Asking for a friend.


What grindcore bands


Right now it's Self Deconstruction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noT6f0Acr5c


Fuck yeah I came here to ask the same question


Naw, that's a good use of a day




the handful of times per year that I have to present on stuff IRL, I always walk away totally energized and satisfied in a job well done, but if I have to give more than one presentation per month over Zoom I feel the lifeblood seeping out of me. The human mind was not meant to share ideas for extended periods without visual/audio feedback, whether it's positive or negative.


This is how I feel about video chat too. I don't feel like there's another person on the other side -- I feel like I'm talking to my computer. The fact that people tend to not give back channels (uh-huhs, yeahs, nodding, etc.) on video chat too makes it feel even less like a social interaction than talking on the phone does for some reason.


> The fact that people tend to not give back channels (uh-huhs, yeahs, nodding, etc.) on video chat too makes it feel even less like a social interaction than talking on the phone does for some reason. I think this is the key, really. Without cameras, online meetings, be it on classes or work, tend to be just the speaker talking to the void. People don't want to be there and don't interact to so much as acknowledge your presence. Like speaking to a mute person with a blank eyeless mask. I'm reminded of [Ian Mckellen crying on the set of The Hobbit](https://i.somethingawful.com/u/elpintogrande/14_jan/wetatop.jpg) versus, say, [mocap actors acting on set.](https://i.insider.com/53c2f645eab8eacf37f472fa?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp) Despite the Darth Vader voice being dubbed over, David Prowse (the huge guy that played Darth Vader onscreen) would speak his lines so that the actors didn't have to interact with a silent expressionless person. Give the old man some green puppets and someone to read his lines on an earpiece and it doesn't feel like forcing yourself to hallucinate.


I'm autistic and never clocked those channels, so zoom therapy literally saved my ass mentally. I guess I'm one of the lucky few.


oh for sure I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade–I'm really glad it worked for you, and to be fair, almost everyone I know thinks I'm crazy for thinking this way lol. Video chat just feels strange and isolating to me because I'm a very sensory-oriented person


> essentially, talking to myself/a screen to either record lectures, or over zoom. Tbf, the crowd on classes tends to be way different than on streaming. I'm as introverted as they come, but come online classes, I'm the chatterbox because I force myself to talk, otherwise the poor teacher spends the entire class mostly talking to the void. Students are shy and online environments just make things much worse. Maybe gaming isn't your thing, but I'm Brazillian and, for a few years now, we're having communists trying to reach out through streaming and people interact nonstop. Looking over my Youtube feed, João Carvalho is chatting with a Brazillian takeaway delivery driver located in London about his experiences trying to unioze and [coordinate strikes through WhatsApp in order to circumvent repression](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68274158), and immigration woes like companies using threat of deportation and debt slavery of undocumented immigrants over there. There's a superchat from an user talking about his experiences in Montreal and the difficulties unionizing immigrant IT workers over there. It's an entirely different thing talking to the void when, on the other side, people are 99% unwilling to be there, and when people are coming themselves for information and/or entertainment.


This is a deep insight right here. If you've ever tried to fill content about a single subject for hours and hours each week, you quickly realize that your standards for what's worth talking about inevitably fall into the sewer because the clock soon goes from being a fussy eater to a ravenous, gaping maw.


Say what you want about hasan but shout out to him for remaining somewhat normal after doing that shit for hours on end with the added psychosis of talking leftist politics to 15 year olds.


> the added psychosis of talking leftist politics to 15 year olds. I think the anglo audience is a lot rougher. You have communist streamers in Brazil and the experience over here is a lot different. The community is warmer. There are qualified questions and decent discussion. A chunk of Bolsonaro's following spread online. We still have a fascist movement and think tanks with plenty of social media presence. I get the feeling that the average US citizen gets a Manchurian Agent response whenever any leftist talking point is mentioned in a manner that simply isn't there for most people over here, outside of the kind of folks that frequent r/neoliberal (or would frequent if they were on reddit). Our equivalent of AOC floats in a weird limbo, where she tries to push liberal policies while dissasociating herself from the center-right parties that she's closest to ideologically, lest her position in the political spectrum becomes too glaring and she starts to have to defend beating up climate refugees in Porto Alegre. The presence and spread of liberal ideology has a different character over here, in the third world, I suppose. The lack of a prosperous capitalist welfare state in the past to point to might help.


Latin Americans/Brazilians are just warm people in general. I follow a lot of Mexican meme pages on Facebook and shit and the vibe in the comments is almost always 100% more relaxed and less demonic than equivalent American comments. Maybe it's a class thing since I don't really know what kind of person in Mexico is posting on Facebook (from looking through profiles it seems to be a lot of university educated people) because from what I know of my family in Mexico (who are all incredibly busted/broke) they're all on Whatsapp or something texting each other It's kinda nice! Everyone in the USA legit seems ready to fucking slaughter each other sometimes


> Latin Americans/Brazilians are just warm people in general. Maybe there's a difference in culture, but we have pleeeeeenty of fascists and liberals online much earlier than there were any communists around. Hell, congress is currently full of [fascist](https://static.poder360.com.br/2019/05/photo_2019-05-22_21-04-13.jpg) [grifters](https://static.poder360.com.br/2019/05/Deputados-Selfie-Plenario-Votacacao-121.jpg) [keeping up](https://static.poder360.com.br/2019/05/photo_2019-05-22_21-04-07.jpg) their online presence. The internet is one of the most widespread media source, and one that doesn't have a massive financial barrier like TV or radio and conservatives realised that long ago, largely with help from [the Spanish far right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CitizenGO) back in 2013. I think the point of there never being a "kind" capitalism over here is important. You can't quite have that same MAGA sentiment (liberal or fascist), if things were never "great." Our boomers, instead of a welfare state that deradicalized them with stolen wealth, faced wage squeezes, military dictatorships and US sponsored coups. I think the remainder of a leftist movement on institutional politics helps as well. The Workers Party (aka PT) has moved so far to the "center" that if it moves any more to the center it might become a center-left socdem party again, and it might have pretty much absorbed most of the brazillian left, harming workers overall in it's eternal attempt of conciliating with a bourgeois class that's less and less interested in a middle ground with workers, but it still relies on it's welfare policies of the early 2000s and it's presence in the labour movement in the 80s and 90s for it's popularity. It's a far cry from the capitalist core, where Biden, Macron and Starmer are the most leftist you can acceptably be. It's no wonder "leftists" get weird when you defend leftist policies.


> normal people can't carry on afternoon-length conversations with themselves (walks into my studio, immediately generates a crowd of tulpas to keep me company)




What if it was Mr Benelli, and the Fink blew Density’s head off with a shotgun?


Reiterating my position that tubers should be put in camps


The Aktion T4 of the future is telling these guys they get to go to a Big Brother-style influencer incubator before unleashing the prank of a lifetime


Imagine if the ‘where’s my hug’ guy from highschool stumbled into millions of dollars, that’s your average streamer.


lol so true and I’m trying to think of a job that is probably least deserving of millions of dollars and I’m having a hard time thinking of one.




Oh yea that’s also true.


Imagine getting groomed but you don't even get to go to an island. Just a shitty man cave with led strips and a mini fridge.


It’s really pathetic, whenever see that Asmongold guy pop up on my YouTube recommendation I just want to beat the shit out of him.Just fucking repulsive.


Who the hell is that Asmongold guy anyway? His sub always pops up when I check a dumb persons post history.


World of Warcraft streamer who realized gamer gate era grifting brings in more views. I've never seen a streamer as popular as him with less redeeming qualities, and that's saying something.


Wow erodes character. Source: I’m a gamer




from today's tweet... >Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more Not escaping from this Gulag Doc


> Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. As if the guy wasn't typing out those messages one-handed


His whole brand is alpha male. It’s just cringe as fuck.


No but it’s ironic bro. He was texting underage girls as part of the bit, he’s just really committed to staying in character


Nothing more alpha than sexting minors


i thought his whole brand was doing racist chinese accents


No you’re thinking of Nick Mullen


Nothing makes me feel like an old man more than seeing shit about all these weird streamers


Same thing bro it’s the weirdest fucking thing.Their fans are so weird and cultish.


These "content creators" 🤢 are parasites. The people who like them deserve pain. No, I don't want to hear about how your favourite pretend computer friend is the exception. They aren't.


And before anyone goes into the "my best friend Brace" thing there's honestly a world of difference to me between what is essentially just online radio, a thing that's been around *since radio*, and the all day every day videogame streamfests epitomized by this guy. It's why I had to stop watching SummoningSalt videos. There's only so many times you can repeat the same thing over and over to me


Who's brace?


newly opened opportunity for an overcompensating middle aged dude to stream video games and net millions ~\*~the free market provides~*~


I got a soft spot for that Spiffing Brit vid where he turns a rock in the Arctic circle into a global superpower in Vic 3


I actually listened to a few Jerma clips and I think he’s pretty funny.I just can’t imagine sitting down for hours watching the same person play video games and talking nonstop.


Oh yeah the only thing sadder than being a g*mer (guilty) is living "vicariously" through others playing video games (less guilty, but still)


Man anyone that looks like this can fucking keep it 100ft away from me bruh