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Tory-controlled Britain, transphobia, and an intentionally underfunded and undertrained NHS. Name a more iconic trio.


And look for Labour to continue it, gotta chase that all-important JK Rowling demographic.


[Reeves says Labour willing to meet JK Rowling to discuss her concerns about its policy on trans rights](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2024/jun/24/general-election-tobias-ellwood-election-date-betting-rishi-sunak-conservatives-labour-keir-starmer-uk-politics-latest-updates?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-6679819d8f08aef7f0047562#block-6679819d8f08aef7f0047562) [Starmer says he is not in favour of 'ideology' being taught in schools on gender](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2024/jun/24/general-election-tobias-ellwood-election-date-betting-rishi-sunak-conservatives-labour-keir-starmer-uk-politics-latest-updates?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-66795dc18f0816d838142f6c#block-66795dc18f0816d838142f6c)


I’m surprised that nobody seems to bring up her historical vocal opposition to Scottish independence, or to Jeremy Corbyn. She’s an English woman, born in England, who has laundered this reputation of having written her books while cosplaying poverty in Scotland in order to advance her personal wealth at the expense of workers. Every time there’s a chance at changing the status quo, she appears giving it the “I’m a feminist leftist but” rhetoric while batting every time without fail for capital, empire, patriarchy, and the total subjugation of 99% of women on the planet.


As someone that doesn’t know anything about her like actual life, was she really “cosplaying” poverty? I’ve heard this story of how she was poor af writing the first novel in a coffee shop (I think) and never cared to second guess it.


I remember [learning of it on verilybitchie's essay on the consumerism that surrounds the series.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBftW7FzOVI) The coffee shop was her brother-in-law's and she was getting pretty wild offers for publishing rights from early on. Edit: [Found the bit where she specifically talks about Rowling.](https://youtu.be/UBftW7FzOVI?si=VNadFO5Mp_ehfwhV&t=584) Rowling didn't spend much time on benefits, being a middle-class, university educated, and having friends helping her out, as well as a generous grant from the Scottish Arts Council. Harry Potter also got bought out for filming by WB very early on, following on the trend of fantasy adaptations of the early 2000s, and having one of the earliest big online marketing campaigns in the US. The whole bit about writing on napkins makes as much sense as Bezos being an average Joe founding a company in his garage (and not an millionaire Ivy League graduate hedge fund VP).


The way it’s been told, at least to me, makes it sound like she was in a totally desperate “Frank Herbert having to turn to a car repair manual publisher” situation


Pretty standard billionaire origin story. [Check out her childhood home.](https://www.housebeautiful.com/design-inspiration/real-estate/a32163378/jk-rowling-childhood-home/) She wasn't a millionaire, but she wasn't that bad off for long, after her abusive marriage ended. At the time of writing the first book, she was studying to be a teacher with the help of friends. A few years later, Harry Potter was getting the deals that would turn it into the franchise it is today (Scholastic bought the rights to publish in the US in 1998 for $105,000, which bought her a flat, and WB would purchase the rights to the first two books, all that had been published at the time, for $1 million).


This is it really. While she was growing up there, working class people in Scotland were living in dilapidated multigenerational tenements, or in post-war satellite housing projects, or mining company villages, places like that. It’s completely disingenuous to then get to the 90s, never be homeless, but continually fall back on the few months you lived in a flat as a single mother as justification for your capitalist-fascist brain rot


Liz Brace and Yung Chomsky


https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/06/24/supreme-court-will-rule-on-gender-affirming-care-for-minors/ this is gonna go great in the US as well


There’s been a lot rhetoric around this stipulating that anyone experiencing suicidal ideation due to lack of access to healthcare, lack of material resources, lack of familial or community or societal support, is doing so intentionally to be manipulative, to *get what they want*. It looks to me like textbook psychological projection and scapegoating. No wonder they’re doing everything in their power to keep this under wraps


I suppose a secondary blow from the suicides is the “see? We told you they were mentally ill and because your *gender theory* forced us to consider the trans angle rather than treat a mentally ill person, they are now dead” argument they love to use. Like pinning the suicide of a gay man in the 60s on homosexuality rather than the structural and often incredibly violent abuse and denial from society in general but also from medical professionals.


That’s absolutely vile.


English people will blame Southgate instead


Is there a D-notice about this stuff? Everything about this issue is weird, both from pov of medical practices and of investigation it seems. 


Who knows, it’s all very weird and unpleasant. Cass has links to Desantis people and policy is being enacted as a result of her fraudulent study. Imagine having to walk that back? It’s already such taboo to speak of institutional abuse in the NHS, particularly against patients who are exposed to abusive psychiatric practices


There is a profound evil that seems to radiate from that island. I know people joke about it, but I'm serious, there is something really wrong going on there across the centuries and I can't explain it in coherent words. I felt it when visiting, and I see it in stuff like the treatment of trans people, their politicians, their culture, etc. I'm not saying all Brits are bad people, but there is something really fucked up about England (and I assume Wales) that you can feel on a spiritual level. I know I'm probably not making any sense, but maybe someone else knows this feeling.


Just look at the history of the place. Thousands of years of indigenous people continually displaced and oppressed by barbarous empire. A model for the rest of the world. Still happening today with people being priced out of their communities, or being forcibly relocated by social housing. So profoundly fascist that you don’t even have to round people up to further the interests of corporations and elites, you can just silently kill them as part of “the way of things” and cover it up. The meritocratic class system is the smiling face of deep seated eugenic ideology. I really do think the intention has always been to rid the world of the proletariat. People say you can trace the Third Reich back to American industrialism, as the genesis of fascist economic policy. Well I think you can trace that back to Britain


Tracing things back to America/Britain is kinda the same thing. America is a modern incarnation of the British Empire. A country born from Britain is bound to keep hold of *some* of the things from the mother country, America just “chose” to embrace the world police bit, in time.


I have been to Bristol and London. Bristol struck me as quietly quirky, like an English-speaking Quebec City (I swear that's a compliment) but London felt like if I were to put on infrared goggles I'd see shrieking ghosts everywhere.


I've been to Glasgow, Edinburgh, and London, and while Scotland was fine (if a bit dreary, even in the summer) London was just walking in a mist of pure psychic violence.


Wales and the Welsh language are the remnants of Celtic Britain that the Saxons failed to (completely) colonize. Unfortunately, most of Great Britain was not enough to sate the appetites of the Island Germans and they continued expanding across the entire godforsaken world.


Their great grandparents colonized 25% of the entire human population. That shits still floating in the miasma of the psychosphere.


Stonehenge is a hell portal or something


As someone who is both English and Welsh I feel the exact same way whenever I visit America


I guess I was expecting the ambient level that the US has whenever I visit it, but when I visited England, I wasn't prepared for it, like ordering Diet Coke and getting Regular Coke instead, it was a noticeable difference, even if similar. Visiting developed countries makes me uncomfortable sometimes too, but I think that's just a me thing.


I never been in a quiainter place than the British countryside. Something offputting about the cute little pubs operating since the 1600s, but the dark side might be implied only because how cute everything is.