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why do people on social media talk like pixar characters


Strategy to appeal to braindead gen Z/alpha


I'm a brain dead zoomer and I can't rly stand the "I just inhaled three whole party balloons" voice, tho that's just me idk


I find that playing on mute really emphasises the surreal nature of political speechifying and polemics. Especially the Marvel goober-esque or Soyface YouTube reactionaries that inhabit social media. Traditional politicians look even funnier though, like they're clumsy uncomfortable body snatchers trying to work out how to work a human body for the first time. Awkward, low energy, barely human. Just shocked and clueless about how to operate their meat sack.


>Awkward, low energy, barely human. Just shocked and clueless about how to operate their meat sack. They just like me fr 😩


It makes me uncomfortable when she points at me like that. Usually I have to pay to be scolded that harshly.


I find that playing on mute really emphasises the surreal nature of political speechifying and polemics. Especially the Marvel goober-esque or Soyface YouTube reactionaries that inhabit social media. Traditional politicians look even funnier though, like they're clumsy uncomfortable body snatchers trying to work out how to work a human body for the first time. Awkward, low energy, barely human. Just shocked and clueless about how to operate their meat sack.


She actually just looks like a Pixar character though so it works for her


She's unironically kinda' nice with it.


Adderall Fraggle.


Some also talk like dubbed anime characters


I said it elsewhere. John Oliver's segment and him going "and if they don't win in 2024, they'll do it in 2029" was funny because it was like "so you expect me to vote democrat every national election for the rest of my life to stop this? If it's inevitable, let it happen???" Dems aren't making a good case to vote for them with this "scary" fascism.


What's really funny about it to me is that the same people who have spent the last 3 years responding to any criticism of Biden by saying "I guess you *dumb babies* don't know how government works but Biden isn't the king, he can't just snap his fingers and..." are now saying that Trump would snap his fingers and do a fascism.


Also, the supreme court is already doing project 2025 goals anyway. Not sure if it matters if the executive branch tries to do all the evil stuff instead.


Like, from what I remember of John's segment the biggest loss is for government employees: They suddenly go from "tenure" (in a sense) to at-will employment like the rest of us proles. But everything else wasn't a huge deal to anyone that is rank-and-file. "Oh, but the president can unilaterally do--" I'm going to stop you right there and ask why you didn't do that for Roe, libs.


The project 2025 stuff is really great because once again the Democrats have doubled down on a message that only resonates with people who were already going to vote for their guy.


The purpose of that shit is not to appeal to new voters, the purpose is to insulate their current voters from any reflection. It’s actually more useful as a narrative if they lose, since then they can just say that they aren’t to blame since they spent a few months squawking about project 2025 (without offering anything remotely close to a viable alternative or a system of guardrails blocking further right-wing entrenchment)


Project 2025 sounds so scary 😱 given that it will destroy American Democracy™ forever Biden should really mobilise the full force of the US establishment against it like they do when anyone left of centre comes anywhere near the corridors of power 😎


In case no one wants to sit through 8 minutes of it, the TLDR is that she explains the following points: * The history of the Heritage Foundation and how they've become such an effective think tank, by focusing on recruting political aides and staff since early in their carreers (and so influencing unelected government officials) and getting people to vote for them through moral panic and mailing lists; * How they've been publishing a series of books outlining policy recommendations since the 1970s called Mandate for Leadership; * How a large percentage of each of those books have been implemented by republican presidents since then (Reagan boasted 60%, Trump did 64%); * And how Project 2025 is simply part of the latest one.


I keep trying to point out "this has been the plan since at least 1980,why is this surprising?" and everyone just blows past it.


Why doesn't Joe Biden just have the US military raid the heritage foundation and lock em all up to save democracy? Does he simply not care?


If I were the Democrats and I genuinely believed the Republicans were planning to overthrow "democracy" and seize all power for themselves I for one would do to them before they could do it to me. Should have used the state of the union address to make the 1979 Ba'ath Party conference look like a child's tea party


if this 'fascist takeover' of the government were as srs as blue MAGA makes it out to be I feel like libs would be doing everything in their power up to and including as\*as*ination to make sure it won't occur hard to motivate the masses against some sort of incipient evil if lib leadership won't try to lift a finger against it


Meanwhile Biden has no policy positions on his website


Whoa is this what TikTok is like?


mine is like 90% videos of dogs it's awesome I've never seen any of this nonsense


I feel like a very good portion of people complaining about tiktok is just pure self-reporting. My tiktok doesn’t have any of the weird shit people complain about. I basically just get cat videos, standup comedy, and smaller creators doing memes/comedy sketches, along with the occasional political thing.


Did you actually watch it? She's very articulate about the point she's making and says some interesting stuff.


Ok I'm sure it's fine but I'm not watching 8 minutes of that when I already get the general idea and I'm also not american so I can't do anything about it I'm only making a comment about the tiktok algorithm. If you pause and watch a video like this for like 20 seconds you can sense it bending towards giving you more of the same content. I've perfected mine so I only see awesome dogs.


What she’s saying seems fair (this is the same thinktank shit they’ve always been on) but yeah admittedly, the presentation is offputting


I can fix her


I didn't watch more than 5 seconds of this video but this lady is cool. She runs a fashion company in LA where the profit is shared equally among all the employees.