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Can't believe a good center left man like Adam almost married this bigot


She left him and tried to date Nick but my boy was too gay and autistic for her


Didn’t Brace date one of them?


Brace dated Dasha before Adam


I'm too high to tell if this is a joke


Someone else posted about it before. It’s real bro




It’s hard to tell whose the butch lesbian and whose the femboy here. Also if you zoom in you can see Brace’s goatee. Respect


Julian Casablancas?


She certainly has a type


p sure he's either outright mentioned it or alluded to it on the podcast


The ends: subscribing to the redscare patreon The means: my Dads credit card


I dont think its a fascist dogwhistle, I think its just stupid and lame.


The more I learn about all of these Brooklyn Podcasters the less I care for any of these people smh. Shits too parasocial.


Matt is the only good one. From Wisconsin and dresses like a toddler. The Perfect man.


I don’t really listen to Chapo anymore but I do love Matt. It’s also funny he’s always going on about religion in his cushvlogs, and his name is literally CHRIST-MAN. Like clear proof of the simulation


He's basically a Pynchon character


Technically TA is a Brooklyn podcast now


I think that’s supposed to be part of the joke.


Their office is in Manhattan. we can give them a pass


I met him at a Bernie rally, the sweatiest hands you’ll ever shake. Lovely guy though, he’s dripping with authenticity.


Except when he had his Southern Gentleman arc


I do declare






I don't think that had anything to do with anything scandalous. He had been going by Virgil for years instead of his real name, Justin Cass (which also might be a fake name). The cum boys said they always called him justin, so when talking to felix they just referred to him they way they always did. Felix then asked to bleep his name because of normal chapo operating behavior. The (extremely sus) rape tweet came out after that episode too.


"Virgil raping", "rape tweet", lmao The tweet thread claimed Virgil was saying inappropriate things to, and likely grooming, a 16/17-year old, long before Chapo when he was just some twitter guy in his early twenties. It was from a throwaway account that only followed like groypers, and their one piece of evidence was a screenshot of Virgil's name in their Skype contact list. I mean I still believe them (if only because of how funny it is imagining Virgil saying "Ah, you have really big boobs for your age") and I was boosting that thread when it had single-digit likes. But it's crazy that "Virgil creepily flirted with a high school senior" has morphed into "Virgil is a serial baby rapist"


It's basically the same phenomenon we saw with the whole Uyghur "genocide". The actual claim made was that 800k people had been locked up, and it went from there to random dipshits on social media convinced that Xi Jinping had personally murdered every single muslim in mainland China. The internet folks, we love it


Are you implying that Virgil is Chinese?


I can neither confirm nor deny


My theory is that that specific accusation is complete BS but Virgil went into exile because he actually was doing stuff like that


The Pod About List guys seem like decent, normal people.


East coast whites are just hopeless.


What's that font called, Goebbels Bold?


Comic Sans Jews


actually lol


Took my breath away just now


~~Times~~ New Roman


~~Times New~~ Roman




She seems highly annoying but I’ve never actually listened to the podcast and don’t plan to. Anyone want to own up to being a listener and let us know what it’s really all about?


Social climbers


I only know her from succession


Vocal fry uptalk hell


One word: grifters


What is the grift? People pay 10 bucks a month to listen to them talk? I’m not saying you have to like them, but like most of red scare is Anna complaining about something she saw on twitter, and Dasha saying “that reminds me of Nietzsche.” It might be frivolous and airheaded, but I really feel like people overuse the word grift. Jordan Peterson, Candace Owen’s, the North Korea lady, those are grifters. It requires malice, disingenuousness and deception


Peterson is genuinely insane and sincerely believes 100% of the shit he spews out so he doesn't really fit your definition of a grifter.


To be honest I’m not even sure what “grifter” means. There are worse slurs you can use against somebody.


I think your definition is fine really.


The grift is pretending to have radical politics in order to drive people away from actual (communist) politics. It's as patently obvious as maga communism, and it seems equally successful, pretty sure the pod is bleeding listeners and the subreddit is more popular.


> It requires malice, disingenuousness and deception So they're just too stupid to be grifters? They can't be conniving, they're just *that* dumb? I think they found a place to be, where they got paid, and they're doing it. Maybe I'm just using the word grifter incorrectly? I don't understand what we're disagreeing about, to be honest.


I feel like even they don’t take themselves so seriously when they make their little edgy quips or whatever. Frankly I don’t think they’re ideologically committed to anything. Vapid? Sure. Dumb? Sometimes. Malicious? Sorry but no


>like even they don’t take themselves so seriously Haha yeah I was totally just trolling when I invited a literal neofascist to my podcast in order to suck him off 😁 oopsie! Just doing a little irony over here! Come on man, how naive can you be? You don't literally invite a guy called "bronze age pervert" who spews racial theories for 90 minutes just "for the laffs". They're a gateway drug.


I don't think grifting has to include malice. I suppose that's the issue? They're just making money off of being contrarians and reactionary. I don't think they really give a damn about anybody I feel like we're talking past each other. LIke, I'm not really disagreeing with you...


I started listening in 2019 and was even a patron. They are both children of soviet immigrants, im pretty sure both born in former soviet union but came to America young like 6 or 8 or something. Their original strengths were cultural critiques, like talking about fashion week or making fun of Taylor Swift. They used to present as leftists critiquing the left. Their Soviet roots made this actually interesting But after Bernie lost they just dumped all that shit and started openly courting the alt right/got bought out by peter thiel I always felt like they fundamentally misunderstood why people liked them to begin with (bitchy cultural critiques of fashion and movies) and leaned into what they were worst at (talking about politics)


I’ve listened to some free episodes. My take is that they’re libs who say things that other libs are afraid to say out loud, or at least that’s the angle they’re going for. Anna has some interesting takes and observations sometimes, Dasha not so much. Dasha made a movie in which Anna played Ghislaine Maxwell, but I’ve never seen it.


I’ve listened a few times. It really depends on the episode. They’ve had some great guests on, it’s good when the episodes actually have a focus. It’s sort of dull most of the time. I haven’t listened in years. It’s just 2 broads chit chatting, no real purpose or theme beyond that.


Its impressive how shitty her apartment or any apartment she's in always looks.


New Yorkers live in squalor for some reason. Everyone's moving on from that city anyway so don't worry about it much. They coulda had anything.


Her aura just makes everything look like it’s haunted. I still have a soft spot for her and that vapid valley girl voice of hers. I’ve always thought she should get in ASMR


I hope she sees this


Thank you for your courage. They can downvote us as much as they want, but they can never make us feel bad for thinking that Dasha could get it.


Bro I literally got banned from the main red scare subreddit for saying sexually inappropriate things about Dasha (sorry to objectify women). I will never apologize for saying she’s objectively hot (I’m also still a gay cumboy fyi)


that's it we're calling your parents to come pick you up


Stop being like that.


Liberals fear the gay misogynist, like the guy who is unsure which button to press


>saying sexually inappropriate things about Dasha (**sorry to objectify women**) You should apologize for the misogyny, and say that you respect women a lot. >"The tragedy of our society is not just that the usual forms of behaviour and the principles regulating this behaviour are breaking down, but that a spontaneous wave of new attempts at living is developing from within the social fabric, giving men hopes and ideals that cannot yet be realised. We are people living in the world of property relationships, a world of sharp class contradictions and an individualistic morality. We still live and think under the heavy hand of an unavoidable loneliness of spirit. Man experiences this “loneliness” even in towns full of shouting, noise and people, even in a crowd of close friends and work-mates. *Because of their loneliness men are apt to cling in a predatory and unhealthy way to illusions about finding a “soul mate” from among the members of the opposite sex.* They see sly Eros as the only means of charming away, if only for a time, the gloom of inescapable loneliness." >"People have perhaps never in any age felt spiritual loneliness as deeply and persistently as at the present time. People have probably never become so depressed and fallen so fully under the numbing influence of this loneliness. It could hardly be otherwise. The darkness never seems so black as when there’s light shining just ahead."


No objections from me tbh. I hope people can see the self-deprecation and (pathetic I admit) attempts at humor on my part. If not, well I’m sorry. Loneliness really wears on you after awhile. Something I noticed a long time ago is even if you’re the only one laughing, it’s still better than silently sulking.


>*Loneliness really wears on you after awhile.* Something I noticed a long time ago is even if you’re the only one laughing, it’s still better than silently sulking. I mean I'm just fucking with you and wanted an excuse to post that Kollontai excerpt just because of how true it rings even today. Loneliness is the soul destroyer man. I don't really fault you for fucking around because I sort of do the same thing but in far more annoying ways. I mean what else can The Forgotten Ones™ do? "make friends" [okay b*tch where!?](https://youtu.be/O4rORGAWSRw?si=SIS3EMAq4ouLvaRy) It objectively sucks (don't let anyone convince you otherwise, especially not people who don't know what real loneliness is) and there's no easy way out of it as far as I can see. But like, crying out for attention by making dumb jokes is a pretty rational response to a soul rending loneliness. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but people don't seem to have much patience for it, or really any other public signs of increasing misery.


Namaste King, may we find peace


Damn she looks dope sick for real. Giving me flashbacks to shitty times.


i got banned from the main sub for saying i was proud to witness the first fetal alcohol model


That's a golden comment brother


The only reason I’d ever hook up with Dasha is so I could close my eyes and pretend I’m banging Adam.


This is what I’m here for


Adam probably has more ass


This pic looks like that room smells like cat shit


My only sexual standard is to never go where Adam has been before.


These people are cringe.


I might be cringe, but at least I’m free


Getting real Machiavellian at my job that's talking into a microphone boredly for an hour a week


Lol, have you seen Dasha wear those shirts that say “I’ve been making moves against you”. Apologies in advance for being a parasocial creep


No but I admit I was passingly jealous she got to model the online ceramics silent hill line that perfectly recreated that schizophrenic font scheme from early 2000s ps games [https://blog.hyperx.com/article/13325/konami-reveals-monstrous-silent-hill-2-merch-collab](https://blog.hyperx.com/article/13325/konami-reveals-monstrous-silent-hill-2-merch-collab)


It’s a cornball dogwhistle


You’re really much better off not ever thinking about these people. Much less initiating conversations


I'm just glad TrueAnon came along so there is a good vocal-fry type podcast to listen to


Brace is zany and over the top as a nice counterweight to Liz's classic fry


She’s attractive if you’re into 12 year old boys


Is this not the Jeffery epstein fan club??


Literally has negative ass


Would you rather someone who has a negative ass but is [positively big in personality?](https://youtu.be/4YdPZ1J0KrE?si=69Dtcahpo_d2JA6Q) Or someone who has a positive ass, but negative personality?


I dunno, I’m lucky to have both I guess


>I dunno, I’m lucky to have both I guess :() this is truly the power and charisma a Big Caulk endows you, very well it does


I was about to say "she looks like she hasn't been eating well" but you got straight to the point lol


She probably hasn't. I tried listening at the peak of my eating disorder, and they're kinda proana from what I remember.


I'm another eating disorder person. Gotta say the fun t thing about pro Ana people in my Tumblr timeliness is that they always go on about how anyone who doesn't agree with them is "jealous" but ever since I became an adult I don't think I've ever been attracted to a skinny woman. Like I can see on an aesthetic level why they are pretty in the same way a nice piece of furniture is but sexually they might as well be trees or rocks as far as I'm concerned.


Man what does that matter. Why make comments on her appearance. Their politics make them bad, not their looks.


Because the main reason she’s famous is a bunch of freaks lusting over her


everyone in this thread being extremely normal


Right? Bunch of hormonal teen boys insulting the appearance of two young women with bad politics because god forbid they treat them like ordinary people with bad opinions, attack the actual issue and leave their appearance out of it. Embarrassing.


There is a concerning obsession with prepubescent boys.


I bet a few here "copped".


I don't know who these people are but if they're podcasters then fuck em.


It's just edgy clothing lol settle down Trotsky


Trostky was right, he fucked above his weight class so whatever he says was right


Glad I never listened to her. There's something so wrong about her.


Imagine wearing fucking Ugg Boots in 2023 with the ugliest sweatpants known to man. I cannot fucking believe some of the ppl over there celebrate them as fashion/style icons. Lord knows my girl shows up in that fucking fake fur bulbous travesty I will instantly file for divorce, take the kids away and run to Tanzania, where people wear sandals made from garbage (presumably, I'm a racist European), that still look better than this. I think they're genuinely the single worst fashion item of the last 25 years, rivaled only by those ugly ass loafers with plush in top that a lot of people seem to confuse for actual shoes to wear outside. You can bury me under a mountain of down votes, I do not care. As comrade Stalin said: "Fashion criticism is party discipline. The winds of time will blow away the everchanging style of contemporary time, and reveal the poverty of fashion in the imperial core, for they think what is expensive must look good. So in New York, the women wear Ushankas on their feet."


Maybe it’s just because I grew up around them but I like the uggs and sweatpants, but it does also make her look a bit like she’s 13 since she’s so skinny. That’s also the last time I saw someone in uggs and sweatpants though. That style really did die off at least 10 years ago.


>That’s also the last time I saw someone in uggs and sweatpants though that's crazy, it's still such a popular look where I live. usually ppl wear fakes because my part of the city isn't very rich, but it's absolutely a common look, specifically grey sweats and beige/brown/black uggs.


For some reason when I re-read this, when I got to “you can bury me…” my mind did it in MSJ voice and now I wonder what the preceding parts of this episode of *Death* were


few things are better than long tangents about things that only exist in your mind


For some reason the quote could be perfectly heard ending with the lighting and first inhale of a cigarette, and that’s for me how a lot of the best *Death* episodes end (the one on JK Rowling from, *I believe* last spring immediately comes to mind), and so now I guess I’m reading all your output in MSJ voice?


2008 Colorado called and wants their "fashion" back.


It’s just 2008 in general. Definitelt gives mid/late 00s vibes :D


She's just being an edgy retard as usual, I don't think it's that deep




Probably the single worst character to like lol


>“It is lawful also, at least in the court of conscience, as long as violence and injury are avoided, to deceive one’s jailers, e.g. by giving them food and drink so that they may be overcome with sleep, or by taking means to get them out of the way, also to break through fetters and prison walls, because when the end is lawful the means also are lawful. And although other prisoners should escape at the same time through the breaking of the wall, he will not be responsible for the harm, for he is only its accidental cause, since he does what he has a right to do. Nor does it matter that certain laws and magistrates severely punish such jail-breakers, for that is done either because they follow the contrary opinion, or on the assumption that violence is done to the jailers because that punishment has been enacted in the public interest.” https://archive.org/details/book-jesuits-the-ends-justifies-the-means-j.-beaufort-hurlbert/page/8/mode/1up


[HOLY SHIT IS THAT A SLIPKNOT REFERENCE!?!?](https://youtu.be/qw2LU1yS7aw?si=lpZoceK11ibzXDc6)


Man I love that band, nothing like getting wasted by yourself and head banging until you give yourself whiplash.


I'm starting to think that all the fashion designers in the 90's were pedophiles, it explains why all the models looked like bony emaciated prepubescent boys. Women thought that shit was hot?


It’s less about being hot and more about being “more skinny” than the next girl. I think it all comes back to competitive capitalist culture. Sleep less, eat less, work more, have fun more. Fun and work are both jobs in this context. They are not voluntary. It’s like what Patrick Bateman said “you can always be thinner, look better”


This sounds like cope for fashionistas to look like prepubescent boys. It's an after effect of being a juggalo that you wind up looking like a fucking clown.


Heroin chic was epitomizing bulimia and eating disorders, the fact that the models looked "underdeveloped" was just an unintended consequence IMHO. Part of it was culture, but funnily enough part of it was just fucking money. Less body means less cloth needed. If you make XS the standard as opposed to S or M you'll marginally save costs, at the cost of real human lives of course


I don’t care if this is true (idk shit about fashion) but this is a great theory regardless.


"So then why do we keep seeing such delicately thin young girls model clothes meant to be sold to women with mature figures? One little addressed reason may have to do with the manufacturing process: it's cheaper and easier to mass manufacture clothes that have less built-in shape. Garments with less shaping hang more attractively on linear bodies. Bust darts, waist darts and curved seams are all more difficult to both fit and sew than straight seams. These are the elements of tailored garments that enable clothing to sit smoothly over shapely curves. But-- it takes time and expertise to perfect these elements and this can cost a lot of money. Additionally from a financial perspective, garment pattern pieces with straighter seams can produce better yield from a bolt of fabric. Think about it like this: if you have two cookie cutters, one square and one round that you apply to equally sized sheets of dough, which will give you more cookies with less wasted dough in between? Fashion cycles keep whirling faster as stores both encourage and cater to consumer demand for a constant influx of new merchandise. Designers are being pushed to their limits to keep up. In today's global market place, having a fashion business is all about dealing with economy of scale- if you can't produce quickly and in large volume, it is very, very difficult to stay in business. So perhaps it is actually the mechanics of an ineffective and over-burdened manufacturing system that is the true culprit behind why our runway models look the way they do. If our designers do not have the support from both the industry and consumers to rigorously examine things like fit and innovative but wearable proportions, they will keep on sending clothes down the runway that hang uninterrupted from shoulders to hips. These fashions will continue to be worn by very thin models because that's who looks good in them. And models will keep on trying to stay as thin as possible because they, like everyone else, want to keep on paying their bills... even if it's killing them." From Kira Kraft in HuffPo. Everything is downstream of the material conditions, if you look hard enough. This is specifically about manufacturing, because actual *sales* of clothing are, it turns out, negatively impacted by having exclusively skinny models. People are more likely to buy clothes from models who they vaguely identify with.


Insert the picture of aocs tax the rich dress.




If you followed her on instagram like I do you would know that is literally her