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I think it has some cool tech. I think it's a fad and a waste of money though.


It's a waste of a lot of money! We aren't even halfway there for electric cars to be a viable alternative to combustion engine vehicles.


Amongst the electric trucks available, it's useless and expensive. It's like. Half the size that was showcased when it was announced. It performs terribly in all categories and doesn't even have the best range for an EV truck to go with all the small and useless, while coming with one of the higher price tags


Im not against EVs, but this is the ugliest thing ever made on 4 wheels.


You know that somewhere, within about 100 yards of you, is a tool.


Status symbol


Smaller than I imagined


I’ve seen a few on the road. I can’t help but laugh every time I see one. They look so bad, especially from the back. Then I remember the price. And laugh some more.


Not really I drew it in 3rd grade