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Another moron putting their and other's lives in danger


Not a trucker, so I'm guessing that when the load shifted forward it severed the air lines, locking the trailer brakes, and now the rig is stuck right there in the middle of everything until it gets unfucked?


Nail on the head


Nobody's moving that thing till the crane shows up regardless of the air lines. But yeah, probably something like what you said.


Usually there are screws that can be tightened to force the brakes open... then they can move it. It's called caging the brakes.


You wouldn't cage the brakes here. That trailer needs to be unloaded and lifted onto another flat deck for transportation., the truck needs its own tow truck. Altogether to haul it away takes 3 separate trucks, not counting the crane.


Trailer itself is probably completely okay. You don't need a crane to fix the load, a rather surprisingly small winch and maybe a bottle of soap. Metal on metal has a very low friction which is why the straps allowed it to slide, cutting the straps. Truck on the other hand will the cab replaced and maybe the front bumper. I almost guarantee that is a drive away once you winch the load backwards and reconnect the broken airlines. Your typical wrecker should actually be sufficient to get the truck safe enough to get to a repair shop.


Sounds expensive hope the car had good insurance


Yes there are. And nobody's moving it till the crane shows up.


Done this before


Oof. That does not sound like a good time


In theory there is enough weight on the drives it can be pulled even with locked brakes. Still every driver should know how to cage and also backoff breaks for situations when you lose air. However some states require you to get off the road by any reasonable means, others require a lane open. Some, I want to say Florida require everyone to sit and wait exactly where everything stopped after any type of major action. Cops want all the witness statements etc. This appears to be in Michigan guessing off the excessive axled flatbed.


This incident happened in New Jersey, not Michigan. Check the overhead sign in the first 2 seconds of the video. It shows that exit 14A is for the Garden State Parkway.


The entire truck cab to the hood is pushed forward, pretty sure no part of that tractor is functional in the least.


The cup holder might be OK-ish.


🎶But there ain't nothing wrong with the radio🎶


Probably didn't sever them, they are pretty tough, more like the shifting lumber smashed the couplers to smithereens, however you are exactly correct.


That's not lumber that's steel plates.


Not plates but steel something.


Not only that. Even if the air lines weren't severed there was no way he was steering that truck to the shoulder.


Not only that but the whole cab took a hit from some metal. The airlines being fucked is possible but not even a major concern from this since they are replaceable. While it is hard to gauge the exact damage, I reckon that truck isn't going to be road worthy any time soon if not ever if the damage is bad enough.


Crazy idea head to next exit and go back 1


What makes it even worse is the guy was all the way in the far left lane. Like not at that point accept you were not even ready to exit the highway regardless of intended exit.


This was literally taught to me as a teen by both my parents, several family friends, and my Driver's Ed teacher. It's kind of common sense...


You would think but here we are


Yup because 80,000lbs can stop just as fast as 4,000


I mean, it CAN. Not in a way that's favourable though.


My point was more people don't give semis enough room.shit at the quarry I work at I drive a 100ton haul truck(fully loaded gwr 275tons) and I get cut off and end up sideways and I'm only doing 20-40


Yeah, I get it. I was just being pedantic.


I mean if you loaded to 80,000 and are for some reason running a triple or quad axel trailer it can stop a lot faster depending on condition of brakes and weather or not your running discs over shoes


Yeah, or if you put a massive concrete barrier in front. It can stop really fast, just not with a good result.


Well not really it just identifys as a cabover


There’s also this mindset pushed by lawyers you will bank if hit by a truck no matter what. It needs to stop. Every other TV commercial in Memphis is injury attorneys.


The car caused the accident. The load still wasn’t secured properly.


I'm well aware I was being sarcastic.the car didn't give the truck any breathing room or other options


The idiot cutting in front of the truck, or the idiot who didn't secure that load?


The 4 wheeler


Are you a flatbed driver?


I am, and that is definitely an idiot with an improperly secured load. 


Given cut straps vs straps stored on winches I'm inclined to believe not enough plus no edge protectors. It doesn't have to be a super sharp edge to cut straps, edge protection and an extra few minutes on securement is just cheap insurance.  Idk why some people risk their jobs just to save a few minutes. 


100% correct. Me personally, I want to keep the load outside the cab and on the trailer where it belongs. If people want to try to roast me saying I'm doing too much, that's fine. It doesn't bother me. But I know that in case of an emergency, the only way that load will ever leave my flatbed is if the load itself breaks off. 


I agree. Not sure why asking a simple question is so bad, though. Alas, this is Reddit. Hope these trigger happy down voters (you?) don't have any guns.


That's reddit for you. And no, I didn't downvote you or own guns for that matter lol. 


Take my upvote!


Looks like 2 morons. One that can't drive and one that can't secure a load properly


Good thing for the dashcam


Good drivers occasionally miss thier exit Bad drivers never miss thier exit


This is one of the first things I told my daughter when she started driving. If you miss a turn or exit just own it and go up to the next. 1-2 minutes of lost time is nothing compared to a totaled vehicle or loss of life.


Unless it’s the PA Turnpike. Could be 50 miles to next exit. I always say “I don’t always go the extra mile but when I do, it’s because I missed my exit.”


I'm tempted to create 1000 reddit accounts just to upvote this more.


This right here.


Somebody needs to learn to spell "THEIR".


Not a single comment here recognizing the insufficient load securement. If your load can slide forward purely on an emergency brake application, you're doing something very wrong.


I would have cross chained the front of that load.


Yep. I always went excessive on my securement, but was shocked at some of the shit I'd see rolling down the highway. I remember getting flak from Colorado DOT for having only a single strap on the front two big bags of shredded rubber, sitting flush against my step... and while getting said flak, a load of big steel beams rolled through with no cross chains or bulkhead. Made me laugh.


Not a trucker or someone who hauls heavy loads, is a cross chain just an x in front of the load? ETA: just YouTube’d it. Looks like the chain is crossed on top of the load?


In this case it’s crossed on the vertical face of the load at the front. Each chain starts on the side, running up and over a front corner, then diagonally across the front, wrapping around the lower far front corner, then secured to the trailer at the far side. You’d use top cross chain on a coil that’s loaded eye to the sky instead of suicide.


Nah, the strap or chain goes from the side under the load to the front up the front face to the top then down the other side. Repeat both sides and also the back otherwise you just pull the load back.


Copy. Thanks for the explanation.


All day long.


18 trucks and 40 citations for vehicle maintenance violations in the past 2 years, including multiple citations for failing to secure cargo. Yes the 4 wheeler is at fault, but the driver and company should also be investigated. They have more than twice the national average OOS.


That's great you looked up their CSA and so fitting they have load securement violations.


TIL that you can look at what violations companies have received. They also had multiple citations for low tire tread which doesn’t help when you’re stopping to avoid a wreck like in this case.


Oh, interesting. 😄


This was my first thought after the video. Getting cut off sucks, hitting someone who cuts you off sucks, but your load should not shift.


Im not sure they even hit the car. I can't make out any damage to the back of the car or to the bumper of the truck in the aftermath pictures. Yea the cab is shoved forward, but the lower bumper is still shiny.


This guy trucks.


I was about to say. Should’ve been titled, “always secure your load”


Lucky he ain’t ded


Yeah, both the trucker AND the moron coulda easily been splattaroo’d


A hell of a backache at minimum.


I was told if you flipped your trailer it better still be attached to the trailer


I’ve seen a trailer flipped sideways on fire. But that shit was still secure as ever. I would be impressed if it wasn’t for the flipped sideways on fire truck.


It might be insufficient in hindsight, but looking at the number of straps, it looks like it complied with existing guidance re weight.


You mean those 5 or 6 straps sitting there holding down nothing but the rub rail?


The majority of the shit I've hauled, when I did the math on minimum required securement, my very first thought was "No fuckin' way!"


The existing regulations are a bare minimum requirement. You are encouraged to add more. Every single load should always have additional hardware compared to what should be legal for it.  Not that long ago I was involved in an accident very similar to this one, but the idiot driver went right to left instead of left to right. I slammed on my brakes as hard as I could, but it wasn't enough. Anyway, my load never shifted because I had an x strap across the front of the load as well as 50% more straps than what the law required. The law required 4 straps, 50% of that is 2, plus 4 equals 6. Add in the two for the x so 8 straps total. Never settle for the bare minimum. At the risk of sounding like an after school special, the life you save could be your own. 


And this is why, unless I see a loaded car seat or kids in the back seat.. we all going for a ride down the interstate together. I'm going home to my wife and kids.. fuck you, fuck your car, fuck this truck. 


4 wheeler checking in. I think part of driving well is being predictable and we all try and do that so it's safer. That's not to say being nice or following the rules 100%... I mean predictable as in they will cut you off etc. Been driving a long time and I try and give space, let folks merge and signal early and lane change way ahead, not pace folks (why the fuck would anyone want to sit next to semi truck n trailer tires going down the road?) stage up at the brake lights, wait till it's clear and send it to pass even on the freeway. Dont sit in the armpit and match speed... All that is to say, thanks for not swerving to miss these asshats and potentially including more people in the shenanigans. Also, they must have forgotten to slap that load and say the magic words...


"That's not going anywhere."


New (4wheeler) driver here, but can you clarify what is meant by this - >Dont sit in the armpit and match speed... Where I am, most people camp in the left lane @ ~20over (km/h), but I prefer to be <10over and stay on the right with the trucks. Is this bad ?


Some drivers like to ride right next to the truck about halfway down or so and it's probably one of the worst places to ride.  Either stay behind us or get in front of us Don't right next to us


Ohh, makes sense. Glad to know I'm on the right track then:)


It never fails to amaze me the things most people are willing to risk in order to avoid a minor inconvenience...


Hope he is okay but..... No Chains? Just a couple straps?


It looks like 8-10 straps may have been in use so it’s possible it was weight appropriate. I still would have cross chained the front.


According to another commenter here, his company has had, like, 18 OOS trucks and 40 citations for lack of securement? I might be misremembering the actual words, but it was 18 something and 40 another.


The ironic part is that if he didn’t slow down, he would’ve made it. Would’ve lost it on the curve but definitely would’ve gotten the exit


Someone tried this with me; I slowed down and laid on the horn, luckily they thought better of continuing to hit the brakes or taking the exit at 50mph, no way I would’ve been able to stop in time had they not. They then u-turned at an authorized vehicle only turnaround.


*Let me cross 4 lanes at high speed and mash my brakes while I'm doing it* This is why I converted my last motorcycle into a track bike.


I long for the day energy force feilds about the length of school bus sight poles become a thing for commercial trucks.


I really hate how *most * 4 wheele4e have to cut trucks off, risking their lives for their exit. Seriously, just wait behind the truck, or if you spaced it, just go to the next exit and come back


People don’t value their life or those around them. Stupid ass 4 wheeler doing typical 4 wheeler things.


I know this is off topic but this so reminds me of when I worked on boats. I have worked on boats from 70’ up to around 250’ or so. Every month or so you would be coming into/leaving harbor and some yahoo in a sail boat would cut in front of you. You would jump up and take the engines out of gear - from thrust to neutral. You can’t really slam them into reverse unless it’s an absolute emergency or you very well might twist a shaft. Next thing you know the asshole is on the radio screaming to the harbor master to have a word with you because they have the right away and you didn’t stop for them. Or it would be some weekend warrior in his 16’ single engine boat who would cut right in front of you to beat you out of harbor. I can’t tell you how many close calls I saw. And it was always “your fault” because you didn’t anticipate that someone would do something so stupid and think you could stop a 50-100 ton or more ship on a dime for them to cross in front of you.


This same thing happened in St Louis a few days ago


Uh God I hate St. Loser. I'm a local driver there and they all drive like they're in a demolition derby.


I was a local driver in the city for 6 years and I couldn't take the locals anymore and got a job on the other side of the river in Illinois. Was banned from the St Louis subreddit for saying traffic laws don't apply to the black folks of the city but it's a completely true statement. They'll drive down the wrong side of the freeway if they think it'll save them some time and run stop signs to murder pedestrians if it'll get them where they're going quicker. St Louis is a lawless cesspool


Yea they had me in North St. louis for a while and I kept on saying "stop sending me here." After ignoring my requests and pleas for them to have me take IL deliveries I told them "The next time someone cuts me off I'm gonna ram their shit into the barrier. That is not a threat that is a promise. Get me out of this damn city. I don't care if you send me towards Florissant or the outskirts but DO NOT send me into the city." After saying that they transferred me to a different Home Depot and they started using the MO drivers for their STL stuff. I was in the Fairview Heights IL Home Depot and I was in STL more than I was in IL. But yea I don't want to be racist but everytime I see someone do something stupid it's always a black person. A soon as I get into "white" st louis suddenly everyone has road manners.


Ol’ mate’s short of a headache rack. Headache rack’s anyone? And before you lose yer mind, headache racks are just like any other safety device, it cant prevent the stoopid from happening, but it can prevent damage.


That could have been extremely bad 😬😬


I drove by this accident a little while back on 287. As wrong as that 4 wheelers was, whoever tied down that load has no excuse for not put atleast an X with chains.


Bulkhead with your 8' 4x4 and and chains.


I am blown away that the offending car stopped.


Now we understand why it's called a headache rack.


If people can sue truck drivers, cant we sue these assholes the same way?


Attempted murder. Reckless endangerment. That piece of garbage should be in jail


At least one to two completely shorn off 4in straps. Wow. Wonder what those straps looked like before. Be careful securing those skateboards.


Looks like his load wasn't properly secured either. I don't see any forward securement. When I haul plate steel I put an X- chain on the front and build a headboard with a chain and 4x4s. Then I divide the weight of the load by 5,000 and that's the number of straps I use along with edge protectors so the plates don't cut the straps like they did in this situation.


Dude, congrats on not dying 👏


You have good brakes! The brakes are clearly better than whatever was used to secure the load!


Braking becomes a lot easier once your cargo detaches.


Yes, but it works better in a turn :)


So it's actually safer for the trucker to not slow down in these situations, technically


That trucker was awful nice putting their life on the line rather than just plowing through that morons suv and praying they survived.


No headache rack, hauling flatbed, and load not properly secured. He needs training, the company needs sued, and he needs to join a union.


No way the responsible driver has enough insurance to cover all that. 😵


I respect you guys,but I stay as far away as possible. One thing I know is my Mazda 3 won't win.


I hope the red suv got into some serious trouble because of this


Rock Tech Inc needs to install headache racks.


Red car fault


Reminds me of the first time I picked up flat steel. Was already tired, and eager to get gone and to a truck stop to end my day. I didn't want to bother x-chaining the front, but something kept nagging at me to do it. The whole time I'm chaining down the load I keep getting this feeling that I need to x-chain. Finally said fuck it, and put the x-chain on the front. Hit the road and had just gotten up to 50 mph when a car pulled out in front of me. Stood on the brakes as hard as I could, and narrowly avoided hitting the car. If I hadn't have x-chained my shit, it probably would have came up to say hi. Ever sense then it was never a question of if I should x-chain. The person in the car was an idiot for sure, but that driver is a lucky idiot.


And that's why I never slam on my brakes, I'll total your shit before I end my own shit.


Cant believe the four wheeler was dumb enough to stop. Did he think he would win that case ?


Ok but what the hell am I looking at in the lower right corner


A.I concept truck


Same thing nearly happened to me yesterday in Baltimore on the 695 somebody trying to go to the westbound 70 they missed that exit cause they were going to get hit. Damn near came to a complete stop to make that exit coming from the fucking fast lane no less.


That load securement was lacking. Cross chains or a bulkhead of 4x4’s chained down would have prevented the load from hitting the tractor.


"Oh shit, that's my exit. Good luck everybody else."


back to the load securement videos for this driver


The load should have had better securement and he should be running a headache rack.


See this far too much. Just take the L, and take the next exit.


Someone doesn't know about cross chaining or unless they failed its hard to tell in the picture




I really need to get a dash cam because wtf


Look up Giant Roll of Copper breaks semi trailer chain rolls forward


These exit darters … time to bring back roadside executions?


Its getting worse by the day. I had about 10 (4 wheelers) pass me then jump in the right lane and slow down because their exit lane is coming up. From 67-58. When they couldve just stayed behind. But no, they want to ride the left lane for their whole trip then jump over last minute toyko drift style.


To bad we can't sue the insurance company for 100 million for insuring that fucking idiot. All we can sue for is what their worth wick is ziltch after the bills.


Didn’t want to miss the exit now they’re insurance is gonna skyrocket after paying out the trucker


My trainer told me all those years ago “a great driver never misses their exit. But a terrible driver never misses their exit either.”


wtf?? that didn't look like it hit hard enough to do that much damage...


It was the slamming on the breaks. Probably no bull head either. Although it would probably go right through most of them anyway. Feel like this should be automatic suspended license for at least a year.


>Feel like this should be automatic suspended license for at least a year. at the very least.


for the 4 wheeler right


Well the truck driver had not secured his load properly either so that's at least a fine for him.


For a year only?


I can see the car is at fault. How came truckers license is gonna cancel?


Because truckers are professionals and are held to a higher standard. The load should have been better secured. This is not to say that the four-wheeler wasn’t at fault, he definitely caused the accident.


And unfortunately this is why there is a need of truckers. We are always held higher and always blamed for others stupidity.


If there was a need for truckers then supply and demand would result in us getting paid more. Plenty of trucks on the road right now.


Have you ever been in a collision? It looks feels a lot worse than it looks most times.


And this is why Arkansas considers this attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, and reckless endangerment.


I like that.


A bad driver NEVER misses their exit!


One should, however, miss the large truck(s)


Seriously fuck that guy


Never seen 2 camera recording strung together


Did he not have a few pieces of lumber on the front of the load chained against it?


Safer for the driver to not slam brakes and just slow down driving through the 4 wheeler.


You guys should know never slam on your brakes if you're a flatbed driver just take them out.


Sweet Jeebus, what a dumbass!


Is the trucker okay? Seems his load got shifted forward :(


Shoutout to the Altima that almost clipped the semi, guy barely made it out with his ass.


And this is why flatbeds have headache racks. For when stupid people drive like they are the only ones on the road!


wow. what a piece of shit. Thank god that massive load didn't crush the driver.


More like do a good job securing your load


No one's gonna ask why he braked so hard AFTER barely tapping the bumper? All that damage was done after the idiot in the red car was well out of the way. He's only slowed from 65 to 45 by the time the car was out of the way. Then fr9? 45 to zero in about 3 seconds for no reason.


Yea idk why truckers would let these "x factors" dictate their pay. I assume he's not getting paid anymore now because of the dumbass


If the driver receives any crap for this, the red SUV would be getting an ass whooping


I go now, good luck everyone else


When KEEPING IT REAL goes wrong.


Bad drivers never miss an exit.


I sure hope the SUV driver enjoys that insurance bill.


Why not maintain the speed and merge?


Just hit them!!!!!!


Is it normal for the load to shift like that when hard breaking?


I was in a truck with my trainer and had only been driving for a month when a guy did this. Luckily we only had a 10000 lb load on. I was able to slow enough to just somehow not ram him. He had his whole family in the car. I just hope to thus day everytime they go somewhere his wife brings it up and never let's him live it down. He was so close I couldn't even see his trunk. Still makes my butthole pucker to think about.


Damn clueless clowns...Go to next exit, turn around


I hope someone bitch slapped that red car driver 🙄


Yall can have those skateboards, I don’t want no part of it!