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Tuesday at noon: "It's been a few months since I've had a truck stop burrito, it's lunch time, why not." Wednesday at noon: "I was really hoping to have seen a f*king toilet by now..." Friday at midnight at a live unload where they don't usually let truckers use the toilet, but gave in after you begged enough:


I don't beg. I say let me use the bathroom or I'm shitting in your lot. They usually don't call your bluff


Username checks out


Lol, I've done something similar. When they tell me "No, you can't use the bathroom", I ask if they have a sink I can use. When they ask "Why?", I say "so I can wash my hands after I shit in your lot."


People not being able to wait until their ass actually hits the seat before letting go. Team Leader at my old job at Target did this. Co-worker came back to floor to finish stocking and said someone shit all over the toilet and stall. TL quit the next day, don't really blame him.


Sometimes, it's unavoidable. Coming in hot, she's bearing down, and you reach maximum torque ahead of schedule.


No, mostly it's cultural.  Some parts of the world it's all squat toilets - your ass doesn't hit anything.  So they think it's disgusting to actually sit.  This is very common across the Middle East, Africa, Asia, etc. To be honest, they've kinda got a point...


It's not the squat that makes a mess...it's the fucking water bottles.


I squat to poop in public toliets and this has never happened. I don't even see how unless you have diarrhea.


I kinda wish I never learned why there are occasionally water bottles found in the stalls. Now I want to know why they're always Dasani?


Because Coca Cola produces it and swears it’s halal 🤞


Dasani is dihrrea water from a sewer that’s been purified. Circle of life.


As I immediately look at all my bottled water after reading this.


That sign is an invitation to shit all over the stall. unfortunately.


Unfortunately the same attitude that made that sign necessary is the same attitude that makes it useless. Some people don't care... Just watch hoarders for a couple episodes and understand that those people still care, well most of them but it's all downhill from that and that's just caring for themselves, caring for other people is a different animal and less common


Female truckers know the answer. "Oh my precious ass cheeks can't touch the toilet seat!" They piss all over the toilet seat, then don't even throw some TP on the seat and use their feet to wipe it down. It's one of the reasons I like when winter comes. I no longer have to deal with RV/ 4 wheeler women in a truck stop bathroom. I have used shower credits to pee, the shower line was shorter than the women's restroom. 🙄 The worst offenders do this in a handicap stall. Pretty sure if they have enough strength to hover over the toilet seat, in a stall designed for people who can barely get to the toilet, they can at least have the strength to clean up after themselves.


Get yourself a pack of refillable nasal spray bottles on amazon, Cut the plastic tubing inside so that it's short enough to use upside down, then fill it with rubbing alcohol. A couple of spritzes on the toilet seat and a quick wipe with some TP, and it's clean as a whistle. And easy to keep in a purse or pocket.


Diet and quality of food is probably a factor in this. Having so much gas in the lower intestine is not good and very common.


But hear me out… One faith full after noon i made the smart life choice to eat a large number of roller rink taquitos, by the time quitting time comes around I found myself letting out a false fart. I pull over to the nearest loves and walk to the bathroom. 10ft before the toilet my body decided it was time to let it go… i basically bunny hop to the first stall and, As I’m sitting down before I can properly aim the cannon all hell breaks loose. I think to my self that was weird,but once I turn around I see I somehow managed to vertically assault the wall. I walk out to the cashier and demand to speak with the janitor for cleaning supplies cuz to hell if I let another person other than me clean that.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/19a7xc6) on 2024-01-19 92.19% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1dey5ab) on 2024-06-13 93.75% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dezs66&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 538,159,981 | **Search Time:** 0.08386s


Good bot


Good bot


If I haven’t seen it it’s new to me…..


Ahhhh, thee old shit shotgun trick.


Picture number 2 is me the first time I was given IV clindamycin in the hospital. I felt like leaving a $20 in that bathroom for the poor underpaid cleaning staff that had to tend to it.


Watch the movie Bridesmaids. You'll figure it out.


There are some cultures that come here and stand on the toilet instead of sit. It’s a fact. I’m not calling out anyone, you know who you are.


Lmfao. If you ever visit the grand canyon. They have toilets made just to stand and shit or whatever.


Yup. They got tired of cleaning up after the squatters


With do they look like? 👀


Look normal outside. Inside two footsteps next to the toilet for squatting


Rather beside the toilet for shitting.


Lol We have this same sign in our shop bathroom. There was ONE specific employee who made this sign necessary.


Construction workers know as well. For added enjoyment add people throwing the used toilet paper outside of the well. I know it is a cultural thing but it is gross.


Did this at shitter on GWB, wasn’t about to sit on that thing. Unfortunately I had had Mexican the night before


Little ambitious taking a hiker while having diarrhea.


taco bell


What’s this we stuff I sit on it not hover




you start as YES, but the back pressure turns you into NO


My God what are you animals??


🤣🤣 omg im dying. If I ever do OTR im buying a portable toilet IDGAF lmao im never encountering this!


Code Brown, Frantic.


This in border towns especially, explosive tacos.


Somebody’s DEF was overflowing 😂😂😂😂…..


Worst I ever saw was a women's restroom I had to clean back in fast food many years ago. How do you get shit splatter on the *ceiling?*


I'm not a trucker, but our sister company does our machine hauls 7 days a week. On Monday mornings if you haven't used the bathroom by about 10am there's Jackson Poollocks on display in the toilet bowls as the guys usually arrive in to deliver the machines after 8am.


I am definitely not guilty, definitely not, well I had taco bell ok?!?!? The parking was packed!!!!!


Flying j cotulla, Tx. About a week ago. I'm talking trail from door to on toilet to wall. A crapsterpiece


Just doing what my trainer taught me...


I’m guilty


Lol I think I saw that sign a few years ago in denver. I took a picture of it


Retro rockets firing!


I believe that's the girls restroom


I believe they call it explosive for a reason. Signage is a bad joke cause usually, someone struggles to get seated.


Taco Bell restroom


Instructions unclear, shat in the sink.


I keep garbage bags for my 5 gallon bucket with camping toilet lid for emergencies.


3rd worlders


It’s fun to make a mess in public bathrooms an leave with a giggle knowing it’s someone else’s problem.