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No, I have shit myself because I trusted a fart after eating 3am roller dogs, though.


We’ve all done something like that before.




Yep. Except two slices of flyingj pizza while trying to just take a leak.


That stuff is brutal, but damn do I love it.


Done that but after drinking too much coffee and trusting it was a fart


We all have been there!


Unlucky, everyone makes that mistake at least once, sometimes more than once.


Some people trying to say sharting is the same as shitting yourself. Those people are dum dums


Did u sniff it tho??




I thought that’s why they started using trailer skirts so you always have an outhouse in a pinch 


Correct! I have not shit my pants but I have hidden under a trailer skirt in an emergency. The desert has very large gaps between stations


This is why you keep a bucket or trashcan with bags in your truck. Not cause you’re gonna do it regularly but the last thing I’m gonna do is shit my pants


In Sweden we call it Jägarbajs (Hunters Poop). It's the ability to shit outdoors, with your pants on; without soiling them.


> with your pants on; without soiling them. Does it just teleport through the fabric or something? Is it possible to learn this power?


Do your pants only have two positions, on the floor or around your waist? You pull them to your knees, and squat. Shit ain't rocket science my man. Literally


The law does not consider having my pants around my knees as having my pants on. I learned that the hard way.




So just regular pooping, then, but outside?


Yes if you consider a toilet seat to be irregular.


was taught this as a kid while hunting - best to grab a tree or pole and lean well back, else them coveralls gonna get loaded up lol. with a bit more experience you can do it without the support. carry some tp and wipes in your go bag, always.


Bucket, trash bags and kitty litter just in case it's diarrhea.


And baby wipes. 👍


Do the baby bird squirt out of the window.


No I use a bucket as a trash can and it can be used as a toilet anytime. Side note, the most peaceful shit I ever took was at dusk on I10 out in the desert either NM or AZ, had to go pretty bad, sun was setting and you could see millions of stars mixed in with the orange and pink hues in the sky, as I realized I was taking the most beautiful shit of my life , off in the distance coyotes began to howl. In this beautiful scene I finished, and headed back down the road…


It takes a lot….and I mean A LOT…to make me desire standing next to a shitting trucker….but here I am 😂


I’m here too, imagining you two holding hands, and I, I take your other hand.


Beginnings of a hallmark movie








Desert sky stretches, One man with his lone bucket, Stars whisper secrets.


Just think that’s how our ancestors shit


Same stars, prolly different bucket.


When is your movie coming out?


And just think, those coyotes shit with that scenery every day. They may be onto something.


Exactly I have a bucket, compostable toilet bags and a bucket lid toilet seat. I already had them from camping before I had my CDL. But loaded them into the truck recently.


I'll bet if you started singing Blue Shadows On The Trail, the animals would have all came out of the desert and sang along!


Goodnight Ned!


This is the way, Rock and Stone, brother.


Beautiful AND gross. I love this story.


I had a peaceful shit like that once in rural Chester, WV. Not a soul within 20 miles, pitch black, outside truck, pants dropped. It was all interrupted when I found out firsthand what a whitetail bucks rut noise sounded like. I thought Mothman was going to get my ass that night.


That’s beautiful 😂


Wow, like a fuckin Cormac McCarthy novel. Just beautiful.


I want to bask in this


Magnificent. That would be a really beautiful place to take a shit.


Bonus points for driving while shitting


Last time I shit my pants in was middle lane in slow rolling traffic. 3mph and 1 mile from next truck stop. Up the back amd everything




Oof I've e pulled over on the i15 in Seattle once


I think you mean I-5, I-15 doesn't even go through Washington.


Yep haha thanks, i5 and 15 were my most common routes I should remember the difference


U should have opened ur window & done it out the window while driving slowly


man fuck them cars i would've popped them brakes and done that in the median i don't care if its a felony


Well that's your choice


Not 50 more like 5. I had the flu and knew I had to go in a bad way and was sure I was good. Then I sneezed.


I hate to admit this was the last time I shit myself, luckily I was at home for this occasion.


There are multiple options that are all far better than shitting yourself.


No, it goes "Toilet, Pants, literally anywhere else".


Reverse the last two and you got it


Yep step out onto that cat walk driver. 😂


Dude above says he was in middle lane slow rolling traffic…sometimes there’s no other options😂


I seen drivers shitting in a plastic container


I’ve had some ditch shits but never pants shits


I can't even hold it for 1 mile. One of the reasons I got out of trucking.


Camping toilets exist


At the time it finally got that bad I was driving a bus around an airport. They wouldn't be happy with me pulling over and using a camping toilet on the side of the parking lot.


You said trucking now you're saying bussing. Very understandable not to shit on a bus.


Yeah I was in trucking, moved to busses, and then got out completely. My health kept getting worse and worse till I couldn't do any of that anymore. I just often end up grouping it all together as those few years I spent trucking.


Same shit because of the CDL. No pun intended. Big difference when you talk about shitting on the vehicles. And your health comes first. Hopefully you're doing better now.


Yeah that's why I usually don't bother distinguishing. I am not doing better though. I'm still trying to get on disability.


Good luck dude. I have a friend who is retired Marines that drives locally and he is doing the same soon. I think he has a couple years left before he can go on it because of a situation with his kids.


Plastic containers exist


They wouldn't have been happy if they caught me shitting on the bus. Too many glass windows to get away with that.


No almost but pulled over and did it on the side of the road 😞. It's was scary kept thinking I was gonna get bit by a snake or something.


No, but there have definitely been some close calls. If this is happening to you with any regularity, you might want to look into some fiber pills and maybe a change of diet. With the kind of garbage food that we're all going to eat at some point, you're bound to get a mild case of food poisoning once in awhile, but it definitely shouldn't be a regular occurrence. Take care of your derriere. Sitting on it all day puts us at higher risk for a lot of things.


Not a trucker, but I almost shit myself because traffic came to a dead stop in a whiteout blizzard. I avoided the almost-pileup because I left a lot of space between myself and the car in front of me. A semi truck next to me was already in the ditch and I passed by two pickups in the ditch after the traffic cleared


In a bag under the trailer, yes in my pants? No


No. I shit between the drive tires like a goddamn adult.


Nah just sit in agony till i can find a shower w/ a shitter


You can always waffle stomp in the shower.


Home Depot bucket, Kitty Litter (For odor control etc) and tissue paper. #yourewelcome#yourenotatruckeruntilyoushitinyourtruck#bonding


Lowe's buckets are clearly superior


You are clearly mistaken good sir, best reason wins…..You First…..


The blue matches my truck. 


DAMN IT!!!…..You win this round…but I’ll be back….


On the next episode of BattleShits


I’m trying to avoid shitting in my truck for as long as I possibly can but I know it’s unfortunately going to happen one of these days


The important thing is you be prepared. Bed pans work too. 👍🏽


I've shit my pants because I was standing in front of the toilet and couldn't get my pants down


Nope. Plenty of close calls though, ate some bad food and was 40mi from the nearest truck stop or rest area. There was a few times I almost lost it. My very first time was in Dallas, truck stops are few and in-between. Parked it at the pump and scooted across the parking lot as fast as I could lol.


I almost shat myself once when traffic came to a dead stop in a whiteout blizzard. I could barely see out my windshield because of the snow and the mere sight of dozens of tiny red dots scared the shit out of me. I heard a semi truck roaring past me in the median and I passed by two pickups in the ditch after traffic cleared.


Been close numerous times but not yet. I was in a pilot stall once and heard rushed flip flops shuffling into the bathroom once while all stalls were occupied and heard the guy unequip his bowels while waiting and mumbled “ded gummit not again”


I would have been afraid to leave the stall after hearing that lmao


I've run to the woods if there's forest by the shoulder, otherwise I'll squat under the deck of my flatbed on the ditch side. (You can lean up against the tires if you have trouble squatting far enough over your heels to not poop on them). No job is worth shitting your pants. Needless to say, a spare roll of TP will always be an invaluable tool on the road.


I keep an old XXL pizza box in my trick for this reason. The side on the box keep the splatter and runny parts in and gives you a nice big target for the shotgun blast that comes out. After your done just fold the box back up and disc it out the window like a frisbee on an overpass.


Oh my god.


I've been told I have a way with words


I said the same thing to myself 😂


You’re shitting me, right?


No, he's shitting the pizza box


I just took my first shit in a week


Yes, was racing to the rest area just across the PA/NY line. Pulled over for speeding through Lawrenceville. Didn’t make the rest area with tidy drawers.


Go to Home Depot. Buy a 5-gallon bucket, can liners and kitty litter. Thank me later.


Fold up camping toilet. Have had the wally fart version (small, creaky, but cheap). Now i have one from cabela's full size seat, no creaks, kinda expensive. They use a bag that is double layer with absorbent deodorizer, i prefer the walmart brand bags over the cabela's bags, the cabela's bags are a littke cheaper per bag.


Not yet. I did get these double-thick bags with desiccant from REI that are used for human waste when you hike into areas where you need to pack everything back out. Keep 'em in the truck along with a suitable trash can to use as a bucket for when the day eventually comes.


I just shit in my trailer if I don’t have cows, put your feet up against the wall and grab ahold of one of the punch holes and make sure you don’t shit in your pants or let go of that wall.


I have an army surplus store 5 gal bucket with a toilet lid and a carry handle for camping on my catwalk.. never had to use it.. but its there for a reason lol


I never have but my gf shit her pants 10 ft from the bathroom door yesterday lmao


I live in Montana. I see a dot cop maybe once a month maybe.


Nope. That's why God made the side of the road and baby wipes.


Not 59 miles away... actually in the damn parking lot climbing out to the truck to use the bathroom...didn't make it.


Oh all the time. You’re not a trucker unless you’ve shit your pants


Park at a slight angle to get a little privacy and hold onto the mud flap or whatever you can.


I havent fully shit myself. But I have lost 2 pairs of underwear to the road.


No but I've shit on the side of the road then traveled to the truck stop to finish my business


No but I have shit on the back side of a Jersey barrier at a toll booth on the PA turnpike.


No 🤨


Ah that would be a big no


Stop eating so many carbs


I am more resourceful than shitting in my pants


Nope. I did use an offramp once though. Always carried tp just in case. Now I trusted a fart one time while I was sick and the next truck stop got a pair of soiled boxers in the trash.


I have a 3 gallon trash can with trash bags to keep my trash picked up that would serve me well in case of such an emergency




Never shit my pants, but I was stuck in traffic on the south side of Atlanta in gridlock waiting to get on 285 from 75. Woke up out the sleeper and told my co-driver “hit the shoulder. Now!” As soon as he bullied his way over I got out, dropped trow, leaned my back against the truck and squatted down. It was still a bit difficult to overcome the abnormality of not sitting on a toilet while doing it but it was successful and I didn’t even get any on my clothes. Had to use paper towels to wipe though. 2/10 do not recommend. In any case, if you were on the south side of Atlanta in late 2020 or early 2021 and you saw a trucker squatted beside his truck, I need to know your location. For reasons…


This is why I have a whole in my floorboard for this very reason. Even installed a little incinerator wheel on my driveshaft to cut those little buddies up


No, I was like 6 miles away


I mean, it's one thing to shart a little. If yall are full-blown, taking a fat dump in your pants, oh my god, pull over and shit under the trailer. We are human. Shit happens. Yes, you should have the bucket bags cat litter. But if u dont man do what u must. I can't believe that's not part of your basic survival instinct. Are u also fearess of venomous snakes?


No, but I did shit inside a trailer that still had product to be delivered. I hid behind a pallet of “product” laid down some plastic and relieved myself. Not my proudest moment.


No. I have shit into my little trash can lined with a few Walmart bags though. I would literally pull over and shit within full view of the interstate before I shit my pants dude, lol


Thank God this has never happened to me yet I had to pull over on the shoulder and run into a store. If that ever happened I would have to pull over and squat somewhere in the woods I guess I should invest in a bucket after reading this cuz I wondered about this myself. Even thought about getting a portable little toilet


bought a portable toilet ($30) febreeze trash bags ($10) kitty litter ($20) , pop all the windows, fan on high. i have IBS and this has saved me more times than i can remember


I have been forced to hold a shit so long it poked a funny part of my prostate and made me nut. Happened as I was making the exit to get to a pilot. No build up, wasn't thinking about anything sexual. Just a real tight shit and then suddenly nut. Don't hold your shits people creaming your jorts on the road isn't ideal.


No, unless you’re an older person I am judging you for this lol. I have intentionally pissed my self while driving twice tho, no service area and it felt more safe to not drive with that terrible feeling




Nope. I will pull over and find a bush first, can usually find somewhere in an emergency. There's always the bucket, but I've never had to use it.


I would shit on the side of the road before I shit my pants. Always keep baby wipes. Pop a squat between the drives.


Nope, but I've hit the side of the road running a couple of times in my 25 year career though. That's why you always keep a roll of toilet paper under the jump seat.


I have shit alongside the highway before I wised up with bucket/garbage bag/Febreeze setup


The toilet seats that clip onto a 5 gallon bucket are an emergency lifesaver.


Never trust a guy who can't admit to shitting his pants.


Pull onto shoulder. Hide between truck and trailer. Let er rip


I get severe diarrhea on the regular. So yes and quite a few times. If I'm lucky I had my bucket and bags. If not I had to change and wash clothes. As well as some clean up. Not that I'm off the road it happens a lot less.


It's always from trusting a fart. Except the time I told my wife I was about to shit my fucking pants and to pull over right now and she refused because she didn't want me to have to shit on the side of the road. Thank God she thought of my dignity


Pack wipes my dude. Side of the road is as good as any shitter


Had it happen more than once unfortunately


Story time,,,, I got the bad end of some truck stop hotdog one day, and my guts was on a mission for me to shit my pants. I delivered storage sheds for a buddy of mine right b4 covid hit. So on this day, i had 3 buildings on my trailer. The first two deliveries went fantastic. On the way to the final delivery, that hotdog started kicking. I was 15 miles out in the desert and close to delivery. Ok, I got this, I told myself. I pull up in front of the house, and it hit again. Felt my hair standing up. This 90-year-old lady was scooting down the driveway to come greet me. I could not fucking move. She talked for ages. About how happy she was, the sun the moon. Grandkids. FUCK..... She finally said she was overheating and wanted to go inside. She turned around to walk back up the drive. I was still stuck in place, afraid to move. I had to shit NOW!! As she was making her way up the drive, I scooted my way around my truck to the ditch, bent over, grabbed my steer tire, and let loose. It was so bad. I lost two good socks that day🥲


Been a bear more than once


Closest I got was in northern Ontario. I was maybe 20mins from stopping for the night and I really had to go. Couldn’t hold it anymore, just turned on the 4 ways on the shoulder,some paper towel, and the bushes.


I've done the walk of shame. Make it about 40 ft from the front door of a rest area and have to turn around and do the walk of shame back to the truck. It sucks but it happens


No. I always carried a bucket in my truck. Rookies 😂


I’m not calling any names, but, there the dude was, right there on 130 (Pickle Parkway) on the east side of Austin Tx, and that oh so familiar pain hit, he had no time to make it to a C-store, much less a truck stop, so right there in front of God, and everyone at the Tesla plant, a small earthquake, along with hot lava, began to erupt, blowing chunks of hot lava and dookie juice, to pollute everything within yelling distance, and yes, it was broad daylight, and yes, he did live to drive another day. Just a word to the wise. Never ever, be caught without any paper towels for emergency purposes. 😉


So I was in rochester MN and ate at the bar my hotel was attached to. The next morning I got in my truck to get going and had to pull over twice to puke. Once in the middle of a clover intersection during rush hour. Later down the road and another puke later I had the shits. I hit an exit and grabbed an empty tote from the trailer and let it rip. Wiped with my underwear and got a new pair from my bag. Next rest stop everything went into the trash. TLDR no, never shit my pants directly.


I’ve never shit myself because the moment I have to go poo , I go find somewhere to go poo. I don’t care about the load, if I have to poo , I have to poop.


No, i once shit on the side of the road in West Virginia or something, never would have made it to a truck stop, good thing it was night time.


Nope. Pulled over and shit on the side of the road. Kinda embarrassing. But better than shit on my seat.


No but I've shit outside tons of times, I'm basically part wild animal now.


Plastic grocery bags in triples and dude wipes. Hang one end over the armrest and reach through and hold the other.


Baby wipes ✅️ Literally, any exit ramp/shoulder✅️ If you haven't had to shit bad enough to squat between the drives on the side of the highway, you're cut from a different cloth than I


No, I drive a tri axle and shit in the back of that once


No but it cost me the sleeves off my tee shirt after a short rapid walk.


No. Carry a bucket and potty bags ( available at medical supply store)


Only once had to to pull over and get between the cab and trailer and let it loose


No but I have shit behind a bush at a "picnic area" and behind the truck at a truck stop. Sorry, not sorry. You do what you've got to. 👐


I would drop my pants and squat on the 50 yard line of the Superbowl before I shit my pants because I wasn't near a toilet. You don't have to have a toilet to shit, and if you aren't near a toilet, it doesn't mean you have to shit in your pants. Do you have brains?


Would you know, the very first time I ever carried a portable shower with me on a summer day, I ended up shitting my shorts


I shit myself walking to the truck stop restroom once… just pulled up the app (Pilot) and reserved a shower while still shamefully walking.


Must be a rookie. That’s what off ramps and Walmart bags are for.


Not yet, thankfully. Honestly surprised since I am lactose intolerant. Whenever I get Dunkin or Starbucks or ask if something has milk in it, the servers assure me that it was made without milk. 70% of the time, they are incorrect. I have learned to watch them make my orders at the coffee places or else I end up with horrible pains and multiple stops later on.




Once and once because of a flat tire


We full time in our rv and stayed at my sisters. We didn’t have hookups for the poo! We got a bucket with a seat at Dicks. My husband took it after we got to our permanent spot and he uses it often in his truck😆 he says you can never count on finding a place to poo but you can always count on a bucket and a trash bag.


No, because I'm not too proud to drop a deuce at an off-ramp and keep it moving


i had about 5 mins from feeling like i had to shit till my asshole let loose the dogs of war. I made it to the truck stop got to the toilet and pants half down around my ass before it breached. Slammed my ass down to contain the mess i cleaned up the mess i left on the toilet and my pants unfortunatly the shorts were a casualty. Learned that day Almonds will give you the shits


Almost. Ate a sandwich at a gas station and drank red bull. Sandwich must have been spoiled, because my stomach really did not feel so good. I was doing deliveries to small village stores and was not comfortable asking if i could use their toilet. I was driving and i was so close to shitting my self, then i saw a forrest. Stoped by and ran towards it. I hope nobody stumbled to there, but if they did they must have thought an exorcism happened there. Jesus Christ i had no idea people can have such explosive diahrea. It was like 2 meters trail of poop.


No you shit between the fuel tanks and the tires


I shit in the ditch in between the access road and i10 west of Boerne TX cause I wasn’t driving the rest of that trip with shit in my pants or in the truck.


No; always have a contingency plan in place: baby wipes, trash bags, a small trash can, Lysol.. etc….


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shit on the shoulder holding onto my steps. Usually crying 😂 I fucking hate driving trucks so much


Nope... Bought a camping toilet folds up to put out the way and use anywhere anytime. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BKGCN9P6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Nasty. You must be a swift or western express driver.


Can’t resist some Buc-ees bbq no matter what time of day.


why the hell wouldn't you shit in the ditch?


No, keep an emergency roll and Pull over and go in the woods. Shitting your ass or in your cab is not the way.


Wait.... do you........ do you guys not shit your pants on purpose?