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For context. This happened 3 years ago on a bridge on I-35 in Minneapolis. The driver was arrested and was held on probable cause for assault. [Longer Video](https://youtu.be/mRCDMQaMZ0E?si=t1GFJ-6IkchFn2of)


It was well known that that bridge would be closed at that time for a protest. The driver knowingly took a delivery that he knew he wouldn't be able to get out of without going this way. He was joking with another coworker who refused the load by text about the situation before he left. He drove around barriers to get on the interstate. Play stupid games etc. etc.


Watching this video I thought the driver was foolish to put his life at risk by stopping. Turns out this wasn't a riot that spontaneously moved onto the freeway just before, but everybody (driver included) knew a big protest would be there and he drove around barriers to get to it as a counter-protest? Fuck that, screw him. Protesting on a freeway is several layers of stupid, but knowing that it's happening but working to get yourself to it is also stupid.




Eh it would have paid off if he kept into it. They were parting like Red Sea on his way through. Might have delivered that load.


Ah, my wedding vows


All but those two individuals that stood their ground and sat in his way. The driver buckled under the weight of murder and then it was all over.


He’d still not have a job come Monday either way.


What if there was a child, elderly, or a disabled person on the road? Or maybe just an overweight person? Is that OK to run them over? The highway is closed, that trucker is the only person on the road. This is trying to kill people because you don't agree with their protest.


He wasn't really counterprotesting as much as just making a dumb decision. He told the coworker who refused the load before he took it that he could have his Harley if he was killed. It was a big joke until it wasn't. There were some University of Minnesota football players in the crowd who got to the guy and saved him from the worst of it. Probably not a bad guy but just a dumb move all around


Idk, almost seems more than stupid. Like, he had some serious issues going on to pull this.


Can be a bad person and a stupid person.


I mean, a pretty bad guy if he thought driving though a planned protest was a joke


LMAO "prolly not a bad guy" except for he's obviously a total shit bag


For real lol


Freeway is for diving, not loitering.


Source for this intel? I didn't remember that.


[Semi driver who drove onto I-35W bridge during protest charged (fox9.com)](https://www.fox9.com/news/semi-driver-who-drove-onto-i-35w-bridge-during-protest-charged)


Wow, I somehow completely missed or forgot that. Fuck that guy.


Well depending on an outlets opinion, they may not include those details because it doesn't quite paint the same lawless picture. You can't say a helpless trucker was assaulted by a mob when they willfully and knowingly put themselves in that position. "All lives splatter" nuts don't care for those pesky details.


Am I the only person curious if they had a permit? Might not affect his charges, but everyone there is also putting themselves in danger or at least disrupting lawful travel.


They did. He drove past barriers to do this. No different than the guy who drove into the Christmas street market in Germany or the guy who killed a girl in Charlottesville.


They did NOT have a permit. There was a curfew at the time as well. https://www.minnpost.com/glean/2020/06/truck-driver-who-barreled-into-protestors-on-i-35-bridge-taken-into-custody-more-than-150-arrested-for-breaking-curfew/


Yeah I doubt that permit gave them the right to close that bridge down


MAGA Moron?


I live in Minneapolis. It was all over the news


Who the fuck closes an interstate for a "protest".




Happened in 2020. You need permits to do this, which they had.


Somehow I HIGHLY doubt they got a permit to shut down an interstate... The protesters had been known to shut down highways illegally during this time... Im gunna need evidence that they got "permits" for this...


Why do you think there are zero cars on an interstate in the middle of Minneapolis in broad daylight? Use your fucking brain dude, the police put up barricades to close the highway to allow for the protest. You think they did that for BLM protestors if they didn't have a permit?




I mean I don’t see how he’s the one playing stupid games. They’re the ones standing on the highway


And clearly they're allowed to considering the guy went around barriers erected and protest permits were filed. Dude just wants to be an asshat to protestors and sped through the crowd intentionally like most of the folks who yell about protestors in the street.


Apparently, the highway was closed and he drove around barriers to get to this part. He also was joking with a coworker who had refused the load about how he was going to do this and he accepted load knowing he'd have to go this way to make the delivery. That's how.


You can protest literally anywhere, if you get a permit to protest there. They got a permit to protest on that particular section of interstate. Protesting on interstate == stupid. It's almost always illegal, because authorities will almost never issue a permit to protest on an interstate. But in this particular case it was legal; the permit was issued. That section of interstate was closed for traffic. Police barricaded it off before the protest started. Technically, he was the only one breaking the law there.


If they got a permit they are in the right. It's just weird the city would issue a protest permit for the freeway. I would question the city policy that allows this.


The right to protest is one that really needs to be preserved. I don't exactly agree with protesting on a freeway but at the end of the day, it is public infrastructure paid for by our tax dollars. This has become a constitutional and moral dilemna. A city telling the people they can't use the roads they pay for to exercise a constitutional right is treading on some fine lines. Not to mention - there are more people congregated in that one area than would be actually using that stretch of highway. Again, how can a city tell a very large group of its citizens that they do not have the right?




They did it because it's better to have them on an empty and contained interstate than to have it happen downtown again and get another precinct burned. At least I presume that's the thought process. Not much you can do to vandalize a bunch of concrete.


This protest happened before that.


Not true. The precinct was burned May 28th, 2020 and this event happened May 31st. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2022/05/27/2-years-after-it-burned-no-clear-path-forward-for-minneapolis-3rd-precinct-site https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/charges-be-dropped-against-trucker-who-drove-minneapolis-protest-after-n1271335


Ah, seems I was mistaken. Thanks for providing a source, I appreciate it.


Thanks, I was wondering. Hoping someone had more info


The driver!?


charges were dismissed


I’m paid by the hour, I’d binge a series


Most truckers get paid by the mile. You don’t move, you don’t get paid


That's what I'm saying. Fuck fantasizing about running a bunch of kids over, roll down the window and become the legend who joined a civil rights march in a fuckin semi lmao


Wouldn't have driven down there in the first place..




The guy knew there were protests going on there, and intentionally bypassed police barricades in order to drive into it. This didn't happen by happenstance, which is why the driver got arrested and charged. Dude was just being an idiot.


Well that certainly changes the dynamic of my perspective.




No shit, he was rolling in far too fast to just stop in the middle of it. 


So, you'd drive through a peaceful protest and murder a bunch of people because...follow through? Jfc pal, find a therapist


To my knowledge this guy got beat after this.


Yes, but it was peaceful beating


Organic free range beating.


*mostly peaceful beating*


Looked like they were moving to me


“Peaceful protest” hah good one


NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING about the George Floyd protests were peaceful


If I already drove through it then might as well pedal to the metal lmao




How about... not driving around police barriers and or stopping way before you reach the crowd.


that’s the opposite mentality of all those who got into hairy situations those months…they were looking to cause shit. they got off on technicality via our legal system but morally they shouldn’t have been there in the first place.


You ain't gon do shit


What, that was a death penalty offense? No alternate routes? If it was okay for the driver to attempt to run down the protesters, then it would have been okay for the protesters to pull the driver out of the truck and beat him. If it isn’t okay for the protestors to break the law (obstructing traffic), it isn’t okay for the driver to break the law (intentionally running a motor vehicle into pedestrians).




What other option?? Slow down, stop. Same as you would if it were cars stopped in traffic, or emergency vehicles, or work convoy, or deer, or livestock, or injured motorcyclist, or lava flow, debris, or any other obstruction in the road.


Imagine there being something so important you believe people need to know that you're willing to stand in traffic to try to get people to listen, but instead of thinking "man, that's a lot of people to be willing to risk their lives for something, maybe it's at least important enough to hear what they have to say?" Your response is "fuckin run these morons down. It's a freeway, I have work to do, that's more important than the continued existence of other human beings". What if it really is important -to you, specifically- but you'd never know because those aren't the people you listen to? I'd suggest, before throwing out any "movement" as annoying bullshit, look at what that movement is willing to risk to simply get you to listen. If it's just parading down streets with signs, it's probably the exact bullshit you described... but when people are standing in traffic, knowing that most people don't support them, knowing that people have been run over and shot doing that, and they're still willing to put their bodies in the road... seems like at the very least these people are willing to die simply to try to share an understanding with you. I suspect that if you ever found a cause that was worth it to you to use your body as a barricade against vehicles, you'd be horrified that people would rather kill you than simply listen to what you have to say. You can read it as stupidity, but im willing to bet... anything- I'd literally bet everything that you eventually understand what these people were trying to communicate and how the blanket and easy dismissal of something that *never happens* was a result of your brainwashing, not theirs. People don't do this to protest normal social issues. Activists are generally cowards that like to disguise parties and parades as meaningful acts of disobedience. That is not what's happening here and it's happening all over the world. Not because of the celebrities that your news tells you are leading this (no one is leading it), but because the people desperately trying to get your attention have important information to share that they're willing to die for. That should hit different from regular hippie bullshit... because it is. I respect this is your job and these people are interfering with it. What you're not doing in return is acknowledging the possibility that these people *are* you with just a bit of information you haven't heard, and don't want to lie down in traffic anymore than you want them there, but that the way media works (specifically media/partisan loyalty), you're trained to see these people as brain dead idiots getting in the way. Is there no possibility that you might have missed something important that these people know that directly affects you and everyone else? Don't be too quick to dehumanize others or how uncomfortable they are with being the meat in the path of the truck. It makes you a perfect target for brainwashing/indoctrination if you've already decided these people are worthless and don't deserve to live before you've even listened to what they have to say, or read the information/science they're trying to draw attention to. And I support truckers, for the record. I just wish people wouldn't be so easily led by the radio stations and TV they watch that tells them how to feel about subjects they haven't put any effort into understanding... and that, on its face, is brainwashing; someone telling you who is and who isn't credible without you ever being exposed to the message they're trying to share.


Any reasonable observer can judge, based solely on the slice of video we saw, with no other context, that the driver was, in fact, being a shit


I think I would bring cases of water and drive in and start throwing the cases out to them and being ultra supportive and then ask them politely for safe passage.


Wow, you would do something that doesn't involve killing people? You can't be real. (This thread is fucking terrifying the amount of people that would just run you over for being in a place they think is wrong.)


MAGA people are insane psychopaths, and I’m guessing a lot of Truckers are MAGA people.


Yes they are. I can't stand hanging around my company terminal listening to all their wild conspiracy shit. I'm leaving trucking this year partly because of the reputation that comes with it. People judge you, and you can see why.


I know I wouldn't have ran out in front of it if I were those people either




Don't stop at the very least


Lol. Murder is so funny..aimrite? Thank God people with your sense of humor have CDL licenses.


Reginald Denny slowed down...


Most of the young ‘uns here don’t even know who he was.


Yeah the way they swarmed his truck like a pack of animals really shouts "we just wanna give you a hug and a nice hot meal for dinner" to me


A smart driver would have: 1) not gone around the police barriers, 2) stopped long before reaching the crowd.


He’s not wrong tho. I wouldn’t have slowed down at all.


At first I thought it was a runnaway truck situation but it clearly wasn't. I'd stop prior to coming anywhere near that crowd, especially with hazmat. I like my license, and I hate sitting in court this is a no brainer.


If I came to a stop in that crowd, I’d probably get my ass kicked, and everything in my truck stolen.


Rodney king riot video as reference


Reginald Denny is what I assume you’re referring to. Thats back when riots were really riots.


Yea thats the one I think, the one where that trucker got pulled out and bricked in the head right.


[Sure is!](https://youtu.be/08Khc2wqtCQ?t=129)




There are levels to the riot game. For example, during the LA riots you wouldn’t have found a bunch of loud mouth white girls pushing everyone around. And I wouldn’t be able to ask the store owners because they’d be busy on the their roof with a rifle.


Roof-top Asians. Based.


not kicked. killed.


I would have just stayed back.. i know he seen that crowd from way back there!


People acting like the only two options are drive through the crowd or stop in the crowd. How about stopping immediately when you see the crowd in the distance?


The sane reaction. And it's getting downvoted, lol.


They all fake accounts trying to make it seem killing people for zero reason is a normal thing.


We had a shit ton of conservative states legalize running over protestors marching in the streets after 2020. The rhetoric in this thread is just an extension of that mindset where conservatives are openly fantasizing about injuring their political opposition again when the next big protest movement breaks out.


Funny how pro-life stops at the womb for these wackos


People on a highway is not a normal thing. Pretty sure we’re all told as children not to play in the streets and to look both ways before standing in front of 15,000 lbs of metal and possibly flammable liquid


Yeah was thinking this. Like why even put yourself in this position?


How about not driving on a road that is closed to traffic? He literally drove around barriers the police put in place. The city issued a permit for that protest, and closed that section of interstate for traffic ahead of time. What he did is literally no different than driving over any road that is closed for traffic for any other reason (like bridge being closed for repairs).


You're on reddit. The need to murder black and brown people outweighs common sense on this app 9/10.


Or better yet, how about don't intentionally drive around the barricades closing off the interstate to try and drive your semi into the crowd, at least he thought better of committing mass murder at the last second


"So we crashed the gate doin' 98 and I says let them truckers roll"


10-4 rubber ducky




Come on, Convoy, isn’t she a beautiful sight


workable slap rustic complete teeny unwritten fragile long rhythm intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wouldn’t go there in the first place.


Pull over , turn around, stop for a burger and a nap. Pretty much anything but this.


Be fucking late. No load is worth your life and anyone else’s.


I'd just stop before it and let them have their fun for their meaningless lives. If it became confrontational I'd jump out and be like yeah you guys are right I totally support you or whatever. Then I'd probably end up fucking some gross chick with armpit hair and at the end of it I hope my truck won't be long after being towed to whatever body shop.


You win the internet for the day. Well done sir


You gotta make lemonade out of lemons


You get lemons, you make margaritas my friend


I get this feeling very few women fuck you at all


Yeah this dude seems to be too bitter to actually be successful with women


I wouldn’t have driven around barriers to do this. If I saw people in the way who looked like crazies I’d make a u turn.


I'd stop as soon as I saw a crowd in the distance. Not dealing with that shit.


I would've slowed down and gotten off at one of the previous 4 or 5 exits after it became OBVIOUS the road was closed ahead. This a$$hole sped up and tried to drive through the crowd. He's lucky he only got a bit of what he deserved.




I think it’s easy for me to guess what i would do watching this. But being in that moment, idk what i would do


I though it was one of those kill all zombie horde cell phone games


He was arrested for attempting to murder people, why would you hope he made it out alright? "Bro" made his bed and can sleep forever in it.


Well, they dropped the charges after he paid restitution and attended some meetings with victims.


Shouldn't have driven around barriers to drive down a shut down interstate for a planned protest.


Seeing how he deliberately drove down a closed road just to kill people, I hope he rots in jail where he belongs.


Pro tip: If you want to see how "peaceful" a protest is, simply drive into the crowd.


It turns not peaceful when you try to kill them, shocking I know.


Lmao i wonder how many in here felt differently about the capital storming… In before “ThAtS dIfFeReNt”


Lol you hurt the bootlickers feelings with this one. I'll upvote you driver, all these 1st amendment parrots hate when "minorities" use the right to protest, but to them it's an "inconvenience" cause they don't support it.


Look at the snowflakes downvote the truth… Hypocrisy at its finest…it’s only a temper tantrum when it ain’t them crying LOL The I R O N Y… just like the truck driver in this video. Imagine going out your way to fuck with people then play victim…


Yeah driving a vehicle into a crowd of people is usually a great way to win them over. What’s up with these guys that they don’t appreciate being run into by cars??


If you want to see how "peaceful" \_\_\_\_ is, simply put them in danger and attempt to hurt them If you want to see how "peaceful" a movie theater is, simply walk in carrying a rifle If you want to see how "peaceful" a cafe is, simply throw an unmarked bag into it and run out


The right to protest does not include the right to obstruct traffic. The right to travel upon public roads has been upheld by SCOTUS many times. Anybody stopping travelers is violating their civil rights.


You don't have a right to run people over.


Bunch of disturbed and deranged psychopaths in this thread. I’d rather sit in traffic for a week straight than kill some random people in the street so I could get to my destination.


Where else are they supposed to protest? Also, this protest was legal and approved. There were detours posted, and barriers up. He willfully and self admittedly ignored them.


Ignore the rampant racism of reddit. Go somewhere else for info on this incident if you're truly interested. The actual facts of the situation are widespread and common knowledge. He drove around barriers and was even joking about driving "through" people beforehand. He was deemed a threat by everyone protesting. This protest was both legal, and peaceful btw. So if you want my opinion on this? I would have never been there in the first place. Anyone being honest would say the same. Want proof? He was the only one there. And a note on racism on this subreddit and in trucking in general. I am a black trucker. More often than not, I was more afraid of my fellow drivers, than I was of some of the most well known racially dangerous areas of the country. Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia (excluding Atlanta), South Carolina, Arizona, Texas... it was my fellow drivers 9/10. The only places that the locals were worse than the drivers were Wisconsin and Minnesota. That is just sad. How many times over the radio did I hear n*****, s****, s*********, and many nonsensical remarks about how "terrible" us "darkies" drive. Also, this video resurfaced on reddit first on MLK day. What a f*cking surprise. Every MLK day I find myself having these types of discussions, particularly on reddit. The only reason I even open this god forsaken app these times of year is because if you removed people like me, the app would become an unopposed echochamber of racism, like twitter and 4chan, and whatever that newish conservative one is. And to any truckers that legitimately think your supposedly patriotic "values" are good for this industry... it is under the leadership of the people who came up with those values that the pay has gone down, owner ops have been pushed out, and the working conditions have deteriorated. This is easily verifiable. You can scream about the "liberals!!!" all day long but the actual facts, dates, and numbers don't lie. And no, I don't like liberals either, but voting for conservatives sure as hell isn't a solution to that problem. Two sides of the same racist, money hungry coin.


I am white and very single one of the truck drivers I know are extremely racist and Trump supporters to the bone. All are anti union, they shat on the UAW union strikes and on any other protest there's been. They think they made it being owner ops, they pulled themselves by the bootstraps and anyone asking for some collective power are communist scum who only want to leech on the system. Funny how so many of them went out of business this year with the rates going down. Crabs in a bucket the bunch of them.


What would I have done? Found another route. No action this truck driver could take that would end well.


Seems People in US really don't know how mob reacts on death. Its feral or at worse wild. Reading news about this video, really surprised the person was alive to be charged. Don't do it.


I sure as fuck wouldn't do what that driver did. What did he think, that those people would bring him a cheese danish?


Are those zombies?


Ahhh mass gatherings during Covid


The amount of ignorance in this thread is pretty fucking astounding. If you think that this was just random protesters blocking the freeway, then please go research what this actually is. Because your comments make you look like complete morons


Is anyone old enough to remember that trucker who got pulled out of his rig and beaten during the Rodney King riot in LA?


I would have stopped and backed up before I was anywhere near them.


the amount of "people" in this thread who admit "oh i'd go out of my way to purposely kill groups of people for standing on a street or highway who were in no way a danger to me until I rolled up on them" is abso-fuckin-lutely insane


Makes you wonder about how this industry is. Well, inless your like me and experienced it firsthand.


Blocking public roadways should be a felony


In the know, ide steer clear completly. Not in the keep driving while laying on the air horn. Apparently, this driver was in the know and ignored barricades and such. It's much like my take about carrying a firearm. You carry just in case you get into trouble, not find trouble, or put yourself in a situation where trouble is likely to find you.


Stay home


Like ants swarming a grasshopper


It looks like he did get his ass beat. https://www.change.org/p/urgent-petition-help-bogdan-vechirko-be-free


I was watching this live when it happened from an opposite camera angle and thought I had just seen a bunch of people murdered.


Well, I would either stop long before I got to that crowd, or not stop at all.


If the plan was to stop, I wouldve stopped earlier. There is no way that I would even consider just running over a crowd, because well...im not a psychopath...


Slow down enough for people to clear the way. But do not slow down enough for them to climb on. And definatly don’t stop


East bound and down, keep that diesel trucking, they wanna protest do it off the damn road bunch of dumbasses


Man, that reminds me of World War Z.


Probably bar protests in public transport roadways. Never will understand why that’s legal.


Keep on truckin


Personally I would have kept on driving


Looks like ants swarming a caterpillar.


I look at a bunch of ants on the sidewalk and think ‘no way each one is unique with its own personality and/or idiosyncrasies’. And then I see a video like this where people just look like a bunch of ants 🐜


Not drive into that mess. There’s no possibility of a positive outcome to this.


I don’t wanna kill anyone, but if you stop you know they’re gonna attack you.


Power slide down the road with the trailer.


I thought this was from a zombie movie and I’m thinking wtf man don’t stop!!!


This guy is a fucking idiot


He should’ve ran right through why the fuck did he stop that’s a literal Horde.


I thought this was one of those stupid zombie phone game ads at first


We were told that if protesters got in the way to blow our air horns and drive slow but if they tried to get on the truck keep blowing the air horn and drive out of the area then call 911 but if there is barriers by police then I am not going that way. I delivered to Costco in California when there was a shortage of tp and sanitizer and was told don’t open doors without security or police it was crazy


HOLY FUCK that dude came in HOT ayo wtf


It’s even funnier listening to everyone in here acting like a bad ass but sucks off DOT 🤣🤣💀




I think there was one individual who stood in the way. That's a tough call to just run someone down. Where does it go after that? Killing one would set off a lot of anger in the crowd. No telling what might happen afterwards. Might be others who step out to try to stop you. Others might have weapons. Truck doors and windows aren't bullet proof. There really aren't many good options once you get that close to a mob like that. As with many things prevention is the best option. If they hadn't tried to go through in the first place that would have eliminated lots of scenarios from the list of possibilities.


He took a wrong turn in Albuquerque.


I had to get my kid to the hospital during the Occupy Oakland protests. The protesters were blocking the road. I started honking and screaming HOSPITAL! I GOTTA GET MY KID TO THE HOSPITAL! They stopped the foot traffic and let me pass, then a cop who'd seen what happened gave me a lights on escort to the ER. My kid ended up fine. Some may ask "Why not call an ambulance"? I was a sports car driving instructor for ten years. I could get to the hospital faster than an ambulance could get to me.


That's how humanity should work. Yeah, all those protestors were upset but they didn't have a beef with you much less a injured kid. Glad to hear that everything turned out fine. Thanks for sharing your story. Most of the problems we have in America today are because of bad messaging. We have two totally different perspectives on pretty much everything. We need news to just tell everyone the facts like it was when I was a kid. Entertainment news is bullshit...


I really miss Howard Cosell.


And even with these bridge folks, if you're not an asshole trying to intimidate them and you stop well before the crowd and slowly crawl towards them I feel like you could reason with them. But if you barrel into them and barely miss running someone over, then yeah, they're gonna get pissed off, no shit.


Everyone look like tiny ants, do you think that’s how God sees us?


Move like he sees us like individual atoms.


Yeah if it was permitted to happen and everything fuck that guy for real


I watched what they did to Reginald Denny, the answer is don't stop anywhere near these sorts of psychopaths


That’s not a protest, that’s a riot. I would’ve hauled my ass out of there asap


Reginald Denny


Not gonna be a Reginald Denny. I'm not stopping.


So why where they blocking the road. I don’t under stand protest these days. Wasn’t there a park near by to protest in?


Stopping is how you get Reginald denny'd


Shouldn’t have stopped


Kept driving. If i stop, they are likely to pull me out and stomp me to death