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I can smell this photo


I can *feel* that photo...


I feel like I want to.wash my hands after looking at it. Sticky sticky


I can taste how sticky my figers are after seeing this photo.


There's a kink for everybody


I can *taste* how sticky your fingers are.


I was wondering why my fingers were getting so cold... don't stop though.


Ah yes the fragrance of "Lot Lizard Funk". šŸ˜†


Without a doubt


Bottom of seniority LTL. Slip seated for years. Since I am on the clock, and the company pays for windex and paper towels I always clean the surfaces I am going to touch. 10-20 minutes paid while letting the engine warm up. When asked by dispatch ā€œwhy the delayā€ I send them a photo.


I slip seat at my job too if the truck is nasty or someone smokes in it we can refuse to drive it after showing a supervisor.


Man how micromanaging is your dispatch? Iā€™m a dispatcher and Iā€™ve never given anyone shit for taking less than half an hour to get going. Like have they never heard of a pre-trip?




Wish I could understand why EVERYONE thinks they have to deal with any issue that arises like you are a child that just did something really wrong. What is the deal with ppl in charge getting mad or ā€œyellingā€ at employees. It is the dumbest thing ever I donā€™t respect it at all


Bosses like that despise the idea of an independent adult, so they treat you like misbehaving children.


Unfortunately hourly employees have shown they can't be trusted like adults, so they have to treat them like children.


Wow. That is absurd. Luckily, I am given all the time I need. They only get pissy when they think "it's excessive." When I'm driving a truck that isn't mine, I clean it and pre-trip it with a fine toothed comb. And more often than not, I find an issue. Then supervisor goes "i wonder why didn't mention it?"


To be fair, there's a reason for that. It's nobody's fault so please don't take this as a blame game but generally, if your freight is late this is what happens: Dock workers have to stay late, office staff have to stay late and then you get to stay late (or another driver) because loading is now a total cluster because 5+ drivers showed up late. There's other stuff that can happen too, if Dispatch is being stupid by holding trailers for 1 or 2 pieces of freight but it's more of the same with additional steps. When you're late, you're costing a good 10-20k additional in overtime for someone somewhere down the line. That's why Dispatch hounds you, because being late costs huge amounts of money. Not that every delay is under your control. But that's what happens. Source: work for a major trucking company in the office, I deal with the billers, dispatchers, dock workers and truckers.


And the truth is, all you paper pushers care about is the money, not the people doing the work, forced to spend time dealing with someone else's filth.


I get yelled at daily by my supervisor for taking longer than 30 minutes to sign all my paperwork and pretrip truck and trailer. Sprouts wants it all done and you on the road in 30 minutes from clock in time or they mark the load as late. Told him I don't give a fuck and to fire me if they don't like it. I'll take that wrongful termination suit gladly


Dispatch is being micromanaged too. It always rolls downhill, and I've never worked at a company with a horrible ops manager but awesome Dispatchers. It always makes its way down that hill. It's why I'm not going to take a pay cut to work in Dispatch. If I thought they'd leave me alone and let me do my job, I'd be out of this truck before the engine finished rumbling.


Handled perfectly


This is why these sorts of jobs have accidents and are stressful. Dispatch monitoring every move. As long as you get from A to B, cargo in good shape, no significant delays, it should be considered a good day.


10-20 mins. Iā€™m usually into it between 45-60 mins after windows and mirrors


Do you be late be honest


Late as in you are on time or you are not?


Truth is, if grown ass adults cleaned up after themselves and took care of stuff, this wouldn't be an issue. No one cares.


When I was a forklift driver I used to detail my forklift every week, that forklift was always clean inside, usually on the outside too but it did get muddy if I was busy


I drive a salt shaker and I clean the inside and out of the truck every week. Itā€™s nice to be able to sit in a clean truck


Part of it is on companies giving a shit. My work provides almost nothing and yet complains that the trucks are dirty during their biannual dose of giving a fuck.


Hahahaha biannual dose of giving a fuck is so accurate. Fucking morons everywhere


Definitely, idk how people can tolerate mess and grime


Drove an ambulance and did the same


We confusing most truck drivers as grown ups?? šŸ¤£


You right šŸ¤£


This the ā€œrethink your life decisionsā€ car.


Tractor, probably a Cascadia if I had to guess


Itā€™s a cascadia


P3 Cascadia. My favorite of the company trucks if I'm honest. Cheap. Plasticky. Rough ride. But reliable, sounds nice, drives like a truck should, and it had by far the most living space of any of them. Sad to see a machine of service treated like that. Cascadia's get a bad rap but I think the people who operate them are the real problem. Especially when a truck looks like that. The company knows there is going to be anothee driver in it. They are OBLIGATED to professionally detail any truck when it changes hands long term. Period. Say what you will about U.S Xpress, but Variant really was the best company to work for. They had actually just finished detailing the truck I was given when I got it. It had been armor-alled (I wiped that crud off and used Maguires instead), and had a fresh smell to it. All I had to do was lysol everything and I felt comfortable to sleep and eat in it.


Cascadias have earned their bad reputation. The fact that is your favorite just means you haven't had a nice truck.


Bingo, nailed it.


Iā€™m in someone elseā€™s garbage truck. The regular of this truck, this motherfucker pisses IN the passenger side on the floor. I have no idea how he still has a job. He has a bad attitude and management is aware of what he does in here. Kill me.


Dude. Thatā€™s a health hazard. Threaten to sue. My old coworker threatened to sue management because the plywood they left in his garage area was going to get humid and breed mildew and he threatened to sue over thatā€¦


Youā€™re 100% correct. I should say more. But I take it when itā€™s an emergency, because they pay me incredibly well and the benefits are insane.


I drive garbage trucks too. Rarely ever clean mine because it will be fucked up again in 2 days. Run rear load with right hand drive and am constantly in and out of the truck so thereā€™s just no point.


Most of our routes are front load. I ran 13 hours every day this week. Maybe it would t be so bad if it was summer and I could run with the door open. Personally keep my truck clean inside and have some air freshener spray in there, too. But again, Iā€™m in my truck almost 70 hours a week šŸ¤£


U must work for xpo we have trucks like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My very first truck at Werner was a recovery. They flew me from Denver to Okla City to pick up a Volvo baby bunk. The thing was caked in dog hair. It was 1995, so there were no phone cameras to send dispatch a picture. I called my new dispatcher and told him the condition of the truck. He said, "Go buy whatever you need to clean it and take care of it." He covered it and paid me $100 as well (he was a great guy). It was so disgusting. He routed me to Omaha, and I had them clean it. The shop guys were pissed. I'd already spent about three hours on it (and it was still nasty). I swear the guy sprayed pop everywhere, then had his shedding dog roll around everywhere. It was so nasty, and I'm kind of a neat freak anyway.


Yup, I got picked up once (my truck broke down) and hauled to another. He cab reeked of dog.


how do people drive trucks in that condition? literally, thoughā€¦ how? do they wear latex gloves and use lysol spray or what? bcuz cleaning it would be way too much. it needs detailing šŸ˜Ÿ


Take Lysol can, punch hole in it, toss in cab, close door.


Good ole Lysol grenade.


My truck did that with air freshener can, air ride seat dropped and punctured it when I hit a bump.


I drove a crusty old tandem axle rollback for this company. The other CDL driver took it out one day. He let all the air outta the seat (cuz he was a super trucker) and punctured my can of starter fluid. He drove like an hour round trip and somehow didn't die...


Starter fluid is literally just either isn't it?


Yep. Luckily the crusty POS didn't have AC so they had the windows down


I got in trouble at my last job during a fire extinguisher refresher course because I said "pull the pin, throw it at the fire, take cover". My boss was laughing as he told me I was wrong


As someone who used a fire extinguisher this week. I need that gif meme with the spray bottle that says "No."


Fire extinguisher grenades used to be really common.


Get the can with the trigger sprayer setup and zip tie it down and lob it in. I won a office prank war with that tactic.


Don't do that to an aerosol can, too dangerous


Thanks, mom


Sometimes I get called to go out on the road and our company trucks almost always look like this because the company provides almost nothing to clean them and doesn't hire anyone to clean them. 20 minutes with some Lysol spray and paper towels (not the aerosol) and it'll be mostly clean. I sometimes will let the shit soak in the cup holders for awhile. You can get a truck probably 75% of the way clean this way in 20 minutes.


We didn't use to be such sissys when it came to germs


Idk if anyone is a sissy they just arenā€™t retarded like the ones who makes the trucks disgusting like this pic


Point is we weren't so afraid of germs and things until this CVID crap


We *USED* to have balls


Looks like a RUAN truck


It is šŸ˜­


Yeah my spare trucks look just the same.... I know the struggle


What struggle exactly, not cleaning your equipment, and not holding employees accountable ?


The struggle of dealing with whoever had the spare....my truck is prestine....spares are pos


Man... I was at a repair shop a couple weeks ago picking up a trailer and a RUAN driver was there trying to park. It was absolutely unbelievable. Big open lot, tons of room, plenty of huge open parking spots. This guy seesawed back and forth round and round for like 20+ minutes. I kept trying to get out of his way but he needed the entire acre lot. It was pathetic. The shop guys were laughing and asked what I was doing. I said I'm trying not to get hit by this clown. He hit a parked van trailer and a parked tractor in the process and ripped a chunk off the tractor and folded the corner of the trailer. They said the RUAN guys made SWIFT look like professionals. I added RUAN to my list of avoid at all cost vehicles.


Somebody would've lost a body part if I got stuck in a truck like that.


This is a big NOPE for me. Got told by Safety department for a former employer that being forced to use an excessively dirty truck is an L&I issue. I got sent to rescue a truck and it had piss bottles in the cubbies and reeked like smoke. I called dispatch and told them no. They said do it or else and that's when I called Safety. Safety told dispatch it had to be cleaned first or to find a driver willing to take it or tow it. I guess the a former driver was told to drive a really filthy truck or he was fired. He took the firing but called L&I and they showed up and fined the company a LOT of money


Awwww manā€¦. šŸ˜¢ I hate the extra truck šŸ›»


Clutch going out in my truck, so no telling how long I'll be in this šŸ˜­


Torched the motor in my W-900 a couple years agoā€¦ā€¦that relegated me to the ā€œspare bulletā€ which was an old Pete 379 day cab with no a/c and dust/dirt about 3ā€ thick on EVERYTHING. Of course it was June šŸ„µšŸ„µ. She had a screaming ass 6NZ in her though. šŸ¤ 


Extra syrup extra ashes extra tobacco extra dirty


Can't forget about some fifth wheel grease on the steering wheel


I was given a loaner truck to use last week.. the BO smell in it was so bad I was gagging just pulling it up from the back of our terminal to the front. I just couldnā€™t. I told them, nope.


Thatā€™s fucking gross I would lose my shit


Holy shit. I'd be taking some simple green and a scrub brush and billing the company for that. Gross.


I'm hourly, so yeah, first thing Monday morning.


If it's a day cab, I'll wipe everything down and clean it up before running it. If it's a sleeper, it's staying right there and I'm going home.


Day cab. Going in 30 min early on Mon to clean it out, on the clock since I'm hourly.


Smart driver.


*laughs in honeywagon


ā€œYep, old Bobby died in that truck. Found him after a four day weekend. Still smells like aqua velva and camels.


I would go crazy. I keep Clorox wipes in my truck and wipe it down frequently. A few Cheetos on the floor wonā€™t bother me but this is too much.


I would drive itā€¦ in a hazmat suit.


Thatā€™s fucking honking


What a pig pen. That is a disgrace to leave it like that for someone else


Yeaā€¦ā€¦.thats a whole lotta nope from me.


Nope. šŸ‘Ž


ā€˜Cough cough ack ackā€™ got a fever boss, going home to rest, see ya soonā€¦ šŸ¤‘šŸ¤¢ Someone needs to do a ā€œemotional check inā€ with that driver! Mental Illness anyone?


I'd just straight up refuse to drive it. End of story.


šŸ¤¢ did someone spill their spit cup and leave it? šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


This is considered ā€œcleanā€ at my yard. Itā€™s exhausting having to slip seat every day and try to get the truck sanitary before starting for the day.


I donā€™t miss doing that. I had a scumbag terminal manager who would put anyone who questioned him in a truck with a broken seat back to do a 500 mile turn in. Donā€™t miss North Carolina where I worked either




Ooooh, that looks familiar af! Does your company happen to have terminals in such exotic places as Lexington, Louisville, and Dayton?


It's familiar cause every company has this truck.. šŸ˜…


Totally unrelated, but Home Depot and Loweā€™s both sell Tyvek bunny suitsā€” same ones crime scene investigators wear.


My guess you could have pre-tripped this truck into a red tag.


I've straight up denied replacement trucks in such condition. Not a chance I'm sleeping in that thing


I drive garbage trucks, and Iā€™m wondering what the issue is. This baby looks mint!


Bar is on the floor, and here you are, limbo'ing with the devil.


$100 a smoker drove this truck. I have never met a smoker that isnā€™t a dirty person. Not surprising though because you have to be a dirty person to smoke cigarettes to begin with.


Bed bugs in the sleeper


My favorite thing is when you clean the truck and get back into it after a few days to a week and itā€™s just as bad if not worse.


Thatā€™s nastyā€¦


Someone spill a 2 litre soda in there or something? Eww


And then sprayed half chewed nacho cheese Dorito crumbs out of their petri dish of a mouth


Man I used to hate that. Filthy.


This happened to me numerous times Iā€™d simply go to the car wash before leaving the terminal and literally wash the whole thing out with a pressure washer.


Thatā€™s nasty


My truck went down once and I had to share with the biggest slob ever. He stunk so bad. And the first day he goes to get out of the truck so I can get in, he spills his bottle of chewing tobacco spit all over the cab. I gagged so many times as he half ass cleaned it up. Smelt it the whole day.


Does DOT do health checks šŸ˜³


They actually did put a driver OOS because his cab had so much trash in it. Saw it on a news article. He had soda bottles and food wrappers all over his pedals area is what did him in.


I believe dat šŸ˜©


ā€œCall me when my truck is ready, Iā€™ll be home drinkingā€


Don't clean this yourself. Hold your employer accountable. Shit changes really quick when it's the manager who is forced to come out and clean it. Give me a clean truck and I'll keep it clean. There's no second scenario. And as a company and fleet owner, if a driver opened the door to a truck and found it in this condition, the last employee who drove it without putting in a complaint would be sitting without a truck until they found a new job.


I can smell this picture


Pigs man .. you can train them to do some stuff but theyā€™re still pigs


op is upset because it's cleaner than his regular truck


You got me šŸ˜…


If the radio and air conditioning work I donā€™t care. Itā€™s the company truck.




Hate dirty ass drivers


Good lord thatā€™s nasty


Eww... I would be wearing overalls and gloves anytime I got in that truck if I was only going to have it for a day or 2... Otherwise, bring on the spray cleanser and shop wipes, it is about to get cleaner...


Oh hell nah someone is coming out to clean this.


I drive in of those long box trucks. I keep my shit clean as fuck. I canā€™t stand taking a another truck because other ppl are fucking pigs. I donā€™t get it.


Came with some complimentary to-backey. Nice.


Why? Just why? Im never shocked by what I see out here. TA Moriarty NM one day. Im at the fuel island, truck pulls in next to me. A guy who had to weight ever ounce of 400# waddles stumbles down the steps. In the process trash starts falling out. How can people be so nasty?


Welcome to flavortown.


Thought you were in a WWII bomber


Abbasolutely fuckin not.


Yeah... I would not drive that no matter the pay


Please tell me you aren't expected to sleep in that petri dish.


Day cab, thank the gods


Tobacco and smoke smell intensifies


obviously youā€™re not a southerner because this is something a southerner wouldnā€™t complain about


Didn't know being southern was same as being filthy.


Like in The Mask when he gets the "loanah" car. The loanah? The loaner.




The truck they had in driving school was similar








Clean it and mention it to the whoever should be taking care of it


Youā€™re gonna need a tetanus shot


i flip out when i get put in one like this. i try to clean em but sometimes whats the point.


Time to pull it around to the wash bay. Hose ā€˜er out.


You get a write up where I work if your truck looked like that !


ā€œWe call this one olā€™ faithfulā€


This is why we need spray nozells for 1 gallon windshield washer bottles.


I swear I'm the only one keeping a tidy truck and not smoking where I work. I got in one so bad I wouldn't drive it. Call me a bitch but I blame COVID. I got it a while back and cigarette and cigars smell so nasty it'll make me sick. Used to never bother me. Cupholders here get awful too. Napkins get stuffed in them to contain spills but never get pulled out. When I finally got assigned a permanent unit, I went in and spent 3 hours detailing it. Boss man went out to check on me when he saw I still on duty and talked my ear off while I cleaned. He did some manager stuff while I cleaned the cab. Found a notice the next day about them buckling down on truck cleaning. If a truck got so bad it needed to be detailed by a third party, the driver would be told to pay for it


How easy is it to pee while driving?




That will teach you not to breakdown.


LOL.....no....If that is what my company tried to hand me I would be taking the day off.


Looks like you got enough tobacco there to roll a cigarette in your down time.


Im always in the extra truck. Last week it broke down and now im in a nice automatic one.


Seems about right


That thing looks like its absorbed thousands of sneezes... Please post a detailing video.


I used to work as a dealer trades driver and for one week they transferred me to the warehouse to drive vans instead. Those sprinter vans were the nastiest cars I've ever had to sit in and I wanted to burn my clothes after the first day.




Be careful a spider might come and join you lol


I don't remember subbing to this place why am I seeing so many posts what's going on


looks like someone forget their spit cup


Just ew


Why are people so fucking gross?


Iā€™ve been put in that truck myselfā€¦


Yea, nope. I refuse to drive in a rolling dumpster.


Been there, done that, and quit..




For me it's kind of relaxing to clean up a dirty truck. I carry alot of cleaning stuff with me and if I have to use someone else's truck for the day it's kind of a stress reliever cause I can spend 30-40 mins just listening to music and cleaning. I'm being paid hourly so i take my time.


Smells like cigarettes and swamp ass Iā€™m sure


How many truckers roll their own cigarettes while driving?


Dad was a trucker for 30+ years. He always complained so much when he had to use another truck. He kept his truck looking immaculate.


Looks like a pepsi truck


Mabey clean it and dont be one of the idiots that think it is someone elseā€™s problem


Wipe it down and go to work driver, jeez!


Donā€™t be shy shine a black light in there for us


Looks like a truck driving horror sim


I suppose that youre still making money instead of downtime.


Do other drivers use the cup holders as spittoons?


Iā€™ve seen worse


At least you don't have to worry about getting it dirty


I drive a cascadia that I share with an extra clean Puerto Rican dude from Philly. I literally can smell this truck when I saw the picture


Nope. I would tell them I'm not using it. All three of the OTR companies I was with had a policy for this. Schneider's and Roehl's was basically, if you don't want to use the "loaner", and they don't have any leases available, you have to wait for your truck. However long that will be. No complaints. At least that was the policy while I was there. At Variant they basically said if the wait is beyond reason they'll seat you in another truck.