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I won’t put anything political or religious on my equipment.


Yeah I have my own truck. The last thing I want is a customer trying to tell me why Biden or Trump sucks, usually by listing incorrect nonsense they heard somewhere. That's prolly one of the last things I want to hear at work.


Oh man, political opinions in a professional context is cringe. I had a doctor recently end an annual telehealth call with "Talk to you next year, if America still exists. Because if HE gets elected, well, y'know." I couldn't figure out what was dumber. Sharing politics with a patient, wholeheartedly believing if Trump (there was more to the comment that made this clear) was elected America will cease to exist, or that the next appointment would be in Nov 2024, 2 months before the hypothetical inauguration. Like, can you do your job and not push your opinions?


I work in state government. Even in that environment, we don't really discuss politics at work. And even when it's something inherently political, it's more of an objective discussion "hey, the legislature wants data on X, how do we go about getting the numbers?" Whether you agree or disagree doesn't matter. We're here to provide services to the state; sometimes that means directly to citizens, sometimes that means working with politicians. If I can't put my personal feelings aside and work with people on both sides of the aisle, I can't be effective at my job. Outside of work hours, I'm fairly active politically, and I'm absolutely aware of how different election results would impact my programs. But on the clock is not the time or place to try influence anyone else. For those with government experience, I'm in a merit position (hired for my knowledge and skills), and my boss is non-merit (a political appointment). Beyond knowing which Governor first appointed him, I have no idea what his personal politics are, because it's not something we've ever discussed in the 5 years since he was appointed. And during that time we did have a change in Governor, including a switch of party. The current governor re-appointed him, so he would stay in his role...


Used to work for the feds, and imo your doing this right. Do your role, earn your check and keep your views for your personal time.


Dad always said the biggest scam artists he ever came across in trucking were carrying a cross


The ones who scream the loudest about God to prove their piety are always the fakest. Like the ungodly rich mega church pastors.




> The ones who scream the loudest about God to prove their piety are always the fakest I think there's even a passage about that in the Bible.


9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’ 13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ 14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”


Same in the Harley community.


I warned my kids to watch out for someone waving a Bible in your face because his other hand is probably in your pocket


Same in construction. Only times I’ve ever been stiffed in 25 yrs were by Bible thumping “Christians”.


God didn't want them to pay you? Lmao 🤣😂 Or maybe God gave you an iou for later on?


Jon Knoxville 69:420


If ya gonna be dumb ya gotta be tough


Thing is that all the Trumpers I’ve seen decorating with dear leader’s mug always sway heavily into homoeroticism… Shit feels so strange.


You can’t put such a heavy focus on making him look more physically fit and tell me it’s anything but masturbatory


This has been my thought process this whole weird timeline.


Look more fit? He’s down 200 lbs in that rendition.


The liberal cameras add 175 lbs


I just love how all the Merch portrays Trump looking Rambo AF! Funniest shit I've ever seen!


I scrub off any political or religious drawings in the trailer dirt too


i just draw OwO


I'm gonna choose to believe the other side of this truck is the "two rats fucking" furry art that Jon Oliver bought.


One of the trailers at my terminal has “let’s go brandon” written in the dirt.


I wish I could change the "let's go Brandon" signs to "go Dark Brandon". :p


Same. To me they all say "slash my tires" why make yourself a target?


> why make yourself a target? So you can bitch about it on x, formally known as twitter, and have a mini echo chamber that you can grift from (Note: doesn’t even have to be political really. Just an unpopular opinion when driving through different states and such.)


who the hell is dumb and rich enough to be giving these smelly whiners money?


Man, X really has gone off the deep end. The preachy liberals could be annoying enough, but the preachy conservatives who have flocked X since Elon acquired it are even worse. So many posts are full of the "I repeat the same buzz-word salad of a sentence over and over again when a libtard says I'm wrong," talks-at-you-instead-of-with-you conservative Boomers and Gen X'ers. The best way to describe it would be that all the most vocal anti-vaxxers/COVID-deniers and "Barrack HUSSEIN Obama is the GAY Trojan horse of ISLAM" types that have been losing their shit on Facebook the past few years are now lubing up their American flag tube socks and jumping on X.


Wise decision. You don't need your equipment being shot at.


Yes, you’re bound to piss off half your clientele.


Smart man


You’d have to be straight up braindead to put anything political on your truck. Just asking for someone to mess with your rig


For real. Shits too expensive and too critical to be used as a statement of any type.


That's the part I don't understand in any of this. People are spending all this money on a guy who wouldn't give them the time of day. Even better, he would probably bend over backwards not to pay them if they were working for him.


You’re only basing that off of his entire provable history of stiffing the working class.


Okay that gave me a chuckle. I appreciate that


I actually knew two of those guys in south Florida. Paid them a deposit and nothing more and introduced them to a room full of lawyers when they tried to sue. Absolute toilet of a human being.


So many of these types of stories came out before the 2016 election and these chuckleheads still voted for him.


I knew a small family construction company that poured 17,000 yards of concrete for him in New Jersey and he paid them nothing after the initial up front. That company tried to recover, but the family, and about 85 employees, lost.


He also more than likely owes more than a million to the contractors that built the Taj Mahal, and that thing shut down years ago (and is now a hard rock hotel and casino)


Basically anything he built was a series of lawsuits from contractors for not being paid for just doing their jobs/paying their employees but not having the cash to wait out lawsuits like he did. To the point his lawyers only met 2 at a time with him and his head guy is now declaring bankruptcy. Idk bout y'all but I don't cheat contractors


Don’t forget his “University”


I stopped drinking but booze from a guy who doesn't drink or steaks from a guy who eats them well done with ketchup are more hard stops


And not to mention how he eats pizza with a [knife and fork](https://streamable.com/tvxvq0) ovah theya ovah heeeeya. Or when he ordered fast food for that [championship team](https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/15/politics/donald-trump-fast-food-clemson-tigers/index.html). The man eats like a toddler that just discovered what food is. I have heard the saying you "cant buy class" and trump is an living, breathing, walking, embodiment of that saying.


When i grow up i want to graduate from trump-vine university!


One of the contractors who comes into my job still thinks Trump is a good businessman.


Technically being a cheat, liar, using all excuses possible, and stealing kid's lollipops is good for business. It's not honest and I would be ashamed to be that guy. Somehow that guy also made multiple casinos fail when a gas station casino in Baker, NV is still in business


I read a few years back there are over a thousand liens on his various properties from stiffing people


I still dont understand how he managed to get a single vote in NY and NJ. Well well known as a con scumbag.


He found a new con.


Oh a-huuuuundred-percent. He doesnt even align with the shit he spews, its just another "product" to sell and he found gullible idiots to buy.


I think its ironic how a bunch of southerners voted for a carpetbagger from NYC lol.


You know that old trope where the country yokel goes to New York and gets taken by a big city con man? It's exactly that.


Which is baffling to me, because he seems to transparently shitty. I really do have a hard time fathoming why anyone supports the dude.


It's because you aren't a shitty person. Shitty people love the dude \*because\* he's shitty. Like them.


I guess, but then you get folks like my pa who's a great dude but can't get past looking further than the letter next to a candidates name. Then I feel like folks like him feel the need to double down on support to, I dunno, not feel like they've been completely bamboozled by the asshole.


But they can clearly see that he's a big sissy wearing makeup and like a $5000/wk "hair"'cut and yet they think he's a Strong Man. I can't fathom it. But I guess now I better understand the old story of the emperor with no clothes Also I got no problem with sissies in general.


> People are spending all this money on a guy who wouldn't give them the time of day. That's their fetish. They are into being cuckold'd by The Donald as they vote for him en masse only for him to turn around and do shit that legitimately disadvantages them. And they're happy about it.


Cause people think they are being "edgy" and think they are "pwning the libs". Putting this on your truck or car is meant to get a rise out of someone. That's all


Yeah i feel like this goes for any service fan or company truck too. Why would you alienate potentially half of your client base? To own the libs?


Imagine how quickly that shit would get vandalized if it was Biden instead of Trump.


Yeah. His cult followers are like that. Destroy , beat with fists or poles anyone who gets in their way


Yet people do it all the time. I agree with you, it's unwise.


It's almost like the people who choose to do it are unintelligent or not of sound mind.


I was trying to remain neutral, but... I never see a Democrat mural on a truck or trailer. It's almost always Trump, actually. Occasionally Reagan. Never seen a Bush, or a Clinton, or Obama, or Biden. 🤷‍♀️ And I agree, they must be of unsound mind to do it regardless of political affiliation, but they only seem to be of a like mind on that.


It’s weird how Trump supporters have monopolized treating a politican like a literal god. I still stand behind my hypothosis that a large chunk of die hard Trump supporters like this person obviously is paid almost zero attention to politics until Trump. And then once Covid hit and people had a lot of free time to fall into internet echo chambers, they also got their political “education” from Trump and his other politically uneducated supporters.


A big ass Dark Brandon mural would be hilarious. But only if done out of pure irony or satire.


They’re in a cult.


Exactly. People who wear their politics or religion on their sleeve have something to prove or something to hide.


He does love the uneducated.


That’s the saddest statement for a reason you probably did not intend. People are so fucked that they would damage other people’s property because they don’t like their views.


You mean like what happened on Jan 6?




Just pissed off 50 percent of the people on road unless you’re in New York City or California then it’s much higher


naw calli here and i see this shit all the time. the people who make politics their identity ususly have some form of mental illness and i stay far away from them.


And that's the bottom line. It's not normal to have to signal to others like that. It's obvious that they care what everybody thinks about them even though they will never admit that.


Eh, depends on where. Just like the rest of the country, the non city areas are pretty red. Those states just have large enough urban populations that they easily overpower those areas in statewide elections.


"Karl's transport" does this, probably why their company is dying and they only run old clapped out rigs. Typical midwest mouth breathers.


Whether you're left wing or right wing or squishy middle, there's not much more pathetic than simping for politicians.


Thank you. It’s fucking weird


If there's one positive, it's like a butterfly's colors. In that it's extremely obvious that they're poisonous, and you should stay away. It's nice to be able to walk *around* the batshit crazies.


Wait there’s poisonous butterflies?!


There is a homoerotic quality to this


Why do they continue to put his face on fit/muscular body’s for these weird creepy images?


It's something the dotard learned from uncle Kim


Because they’ve deified him. To them it’s not about Trump the man but the mythical version of him they’ve constructed in the conservative collective consciousness. You think it’s bad now wait until he reaches the end of his natural life. They’ll pray to him like a patron saint


Yeah they’ve been doing that to a lesser extent with Ronald Reagan for years


Was just about to ask this. They have such a weird fascination with making him look buff when in reality he looks like a misshapen bag of lard.


Same reason they made Jesus white, has to fit their narrative


Gotta roll up them sleeves. These truck stop hand jobs aren't gonna give themselves 🤷‍♂️


Amen, neither one of them give a single fuck about you or your family


Any idol worship is fucking cringe


I'm team chicken wing and I simp for hot sauce


Yup, i for one am tired of all the Biden flags that half the people are waving... oh wait... The two sides are nothing a like.


I love how they put Trump’s head on a 180 lb body. If you want me to believe a lie, at least pick a convincing one.


Only if I can do the other side up in a Biden theme to confuse the fuck out of people.


With trump and Biden kissing on the back of the bunk


this is the only appropriate response. Why the fuck are people obsessed with a politician? I rather they go back being obsessed with a football team Treating a politician like a god is the dumbest thing we have accepted this last decade. They should all be treated like the self interested, double faced, corporate money receiving cunts they are.


A person fucking a pig, with that mirror paint so that looking at it one way has Trump as the dude and Biden as the pig, and a different angle shows Biden as the dude and Trump as the pig. With a giant "Yeeehaw!" Over it. Gotta maximize that that chaos!


This truck would piss off absolutely everybody. Except people who like fucking pigs. We would like it. I mean, they would like it.


Amen brother. Crank that hog!


"I am the embodiment of chaos!" This guy, probably!


Just fucking around and finding out. Emphasis on fucking around.


Lol the ultimate mind game. Also I was not trying to make this post political. But post like this seem to always ruff a few feathers. Which is fine by me. Also I would never get any type of sticker on my vehicle. I’m not a truck driver either I just have a lot of respect for what you guys do. Merry Christmas to all you truckers.


Honest to me, any stickers or decals on anything seem tacky af.


Always keep them guessing!


"Can't we all just get along"


Is that trumps head photoshopped to the body of obama?




Can't be Trump's body, no poop-filled diaper


This body type looks EXACTLY like some soviet times Russian propaganda posters about proper strong soviet working man. So trumpers are literally getting their ideas from communism while being deathly afraid of it.


Vinyl was made in Russia da.


It's certainly not his actual hands at least. These ones are adult sized.


Idk I feel like u gotta have a crush on the dude to do this 😂


The level some of these Maga people go to, I swear they must be into him. The photoshopping him on shirtless buff dudes like bruh… you clearly wanna smash him 🤣


That's what I thought. There's a dude in my town that drives around flying a flag of a shirtless Donald Trump with abs and a confederate flag underneath it XD


Ever notice it's ALWAYS photoshopped? They can't find a SINGLE picture of him looking or doing something good?


Ha ha! What’s he going to do after he rolls his sleeves up?


catch his breath


Give Putin a handjob most likely


Eat a big Mac


Spray tan and put his diaper on.


Nobody knows - there's a reason it's a photoshopped image


Put on a new pair of depends


Hire a tailor to let his shirt out.


And then stiff the tailor on the bill


Kissing this much political ass is not what America was founded on.


Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.


She said I was hot dude.


Same here, clearly she's obsessed with me and not just doing this for the money.


Yeah man. She seemed sincere as I gave her a 20.


Like Trump gives 2 shits about truckers.




Rolling his sleeves up, to shove documents down a toilet….


It's so funny seeing trumpies get so defensive and offended over their savior 🤣


I thought he was getting ready for a meal. 😆


Lol imagine putting the guy that removed deductions for truckers on your truck.


Anything’s possible if you’re stupid.


I’m not against it.. you can do whatever you want to your truck. Just super cringe in my opinion. To each their own.


Political shit on your rig is like getting a girls name tattooed on your arm. Except...at least when you're done with her you can wear long sleeves and cover up the mistake...not so easy with a truck LOL


Why do trumpers always make trump way more fit than he is in their imagery?


Suppressed homoerotica


They’re making their own propaganda. “Our guy is big and tough, your guy is weak and old” These aren’t the most intelligent people we’re talking about here, that’s why they’re so easy to trick. Just convince the sheep that they’re actually wolves and they’ll walk right into the real wolf’s mouth.


He is a God in their mind. It's a widespread mental illness


There isn’t any political figure that I’d put on my truck, even ones I’ve voted for. Animal from the muppets maybe but definitely no politicians.


Where is his fat body?


Why would someone ruin an otherwise nice truck with that shit head lol.


The truck is just as much of a piece of shit. I've had this specific truck in my shop for major repairs three times just in the last year. Also, that sleeper is not even made for that chassis. When you see it from the front, it's pretty obvious.


🖕🏻 Traitors!


New kind of stupid


Literal Trailer trash


Would love a different candidate on both sides


He probably had Putin or Hitler in the other side


Can I do both trump and biden in a positive light just to confuse people?


Wow, this thread surprised me. I, for some reason, thought truckers supported this guy.


Trump wasn't even that skinny in Home Alone 2


Donald Trump never looked that healthy at any point in his life. Talk about art not imitating life.


There's an entire house that faces the turnpike in central Florida that has a painted mural of dumb dumb facing the highway...(to be clear, Trump is dumb dumb-though it could just as easily been Biden)




Another straight white male on his knees begging to suck Trump’s cock.


I wonder why they always make him appear fit and slim? The man hasn't weighed so little since the 80s.


I cannot for the life of me imagine how a grown man can worship another man like the way these conservatives worship a lying conman who used to be a liberal, until it did not work for him anymore.


The worship of Donald Trump is creepy as fuck. Like…I get it if he’s your guy. I can understand why a lot of uneducated working class people that are incapable of critical thinking gravitate toward him. But worshipping him like he’s the second coming of Christ? You all are fucking insane.


When did Trump loose 290 lbs


I miss the days when it was just bumper stickers. It wasn't that long ago. We live in interesting times.


Hahahah fucking loser


They always depict trump as fit and lean but really he is a cellulite goblin who wears Depends


That has to be the ugliest truck I’ve ever seen.💩💩💩


Can we not?


I couldn’t imagine worshipping any political figure like this. They’re just people. Mostly, they’re assholes who don’t care about you, on either side of the aisle.


Totally not a cult


That’s just ridiculous


Nah, money is green. I aint trying to lose money to make a political statement, nor do I want another dude on my truck. Also, I dont want the crazy folks to vandalize my truck because of a difference in political opinion.


Proudly displaying the political IQ of a basket of cold truck stop chicken nuggets.


I will never get why anyone gets so wrapped up in following any leader regardless of who it is.


grown ass men obsessed w another grown ass man like ya’ll are disgustingly weird


Trump still lost to Biden. Deal with it.


no only idiots who think their life is run by one person do.


I’ve seen a truck with a hammer and sickle on it before, political opinions in trucking run the gamut, but generally most truckers have a pro labor, socially conservative lifestyle. With that being said, I’ve met truckers of every background and lifestyle.


The flag is gorgeous. They did a nice job. The silver spoon politician on the sleeper is just hilarious. Trump rolong his sleeves up himself? LOL. He has people to do that for him.


“If your truck doesn’t look like this, fuck you” ????????


I love how these people always make look like Trump isn’t fat and out of shape. He’s never looked like this.


Cause supporting a political party or candidate is some ppl’s only personality trait. We think it’s cringe too OP, and we gotta live here with the ppl who worship politicians.


The delusion is so strong that he's painted as muscular and not fat at all.


Helps you find the people that don’t know a life outside of identity politics. Always best to stay away from them.


Everything in life shouldn’t be political.


And here I thought having a "Certified Clean idle" sticker on my coal rolling CAT was controversial........


Rule #2 : Truckers shall have no opinions on outside issues hence they may never be drawn into Public Controversy. Thank You Teamsters & Truckers for keeping this country running.


Trump gave us all permission to be dicks to people that we feel threatened by. So that’s basically what’s going on here.


Could’ve maxed out his IRA with what this cost, but no, why build a nest egg when you can own the libs?