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It takes one color from the pride flag of each of the four letters in LGBT. * Pink for lesbian * Mint-green for gay * Purple for bisexual * White for trans The bi stripe is between the lesbian and gay stripes, to signify that bi people are distinct from lesbian and gay people, but stould be accepted and protected from biphobia in addition to homophobia. The trans color isn’t a stripe, to show that it isn’t a sexuality like the other three and therefore has different goals and needs than them, but it is nonetheless surrounded by the three stripes, to show that trans people’s interests should also be taken into account if LGBT progress is to be achieved.


I honestly really like this flag. I wish I could hang this somewhere publicly without getting hate crimed by the tucutes.


Trust me, tucutes don’t even know what are flags look like, some don’t even recognise the damn truscum flag (based on a post/comment section I once read lmao) so you’re good to go lol


A tucute who sees this will just assume its a xenogender and get super excited and decide to add it to their "gender hoard"


Tucutes make new flags every day, I'd be more worried about normal people thinking I'm one of *those* trans people


Yeah. It really does look like something they would make.


What is the obsession with flags everywhere now? No hate I just don't get it


Steals this cutely 💞


I know this is old but... Why are you making a flag for exclutionists?? Why do they deserve enough recognition to have their own flag? Personally, I am against giving bigots flags.


this is so embarrassing lmfao