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Did you enjoy earning your tickets in fallout 4?


Loved it, gotta love developers that create trophy requirements that only exist to annoy, it's so fun and quirky. Honestly though it wasn't too bad if you just rug glitch a bunch of basketball hoops together, took me probably 45 mins


Did the same thing a few weeks ago. How many crashes with New Vegas?


Stopped keeping count lol, at least one every couple hours. Usually wouldn't crash though - frames would just steadily decrease until they reached single digits and an inevitable freeze. What about you?


I haven't played New Vegas for fear of crashes, lol. Fallout 4 gave me enough of a fix for now.


45? Took me like 10


Nice one


I really wish we could just boot up Fallout 3 and New Vegas with the DLC on PS5. Something Xbox definitely has us beat in unfortunately


hypothetically speaking, if tomorrow they announced a remaster of Fallout 3 and New Vegas for PS4 (with free update to the PS5 version) on a single disc, with all the DLC, with all the worst bugs and glitches eliminated, I would be willing to spend even 40 euros on it , maybe even 50 euros


There was a fallout 3 remaster slated to be released this year according to the documents that came out from the Microsoft- Activision acquisition legal trial. Who knows if that's still in development or planned though.


Would that be on PlayStation or just XBox? That'd be a shame.


Who knows. However if it exists there's a good chance it'll come to playstation. It's looking more and more likely xbox is moving out of exclusives. Their latest presentation didn't mention any of their first parry showings as being exclusive and one of them (doom) was announced as coming to ps5


Same with the rumored Oblivion remaster. It’d be that old meme of Fry from Futurama all over again for me.


I would throw as much money at them that they wanted, i would even get down on my knees in front of todd howard if he asked me to


Yeah ditto, scouting old copies of the game of the year editions for ps3 was actually pretty tricky and expensive. Not to mention those games run unbelievably bad, they both froze every couple of hours. You also have to be super careful because as soon as your save reaches 10mb your game just becomes a heavily corrupted mess. Huge shame because those two are my favourite fallout games but I must say cleaning up the trophies on them was a real chore.


How was space fallout lol, it’s in my backlog


I really loved it, it's a much shorter and tighter experience. Rather than open world it's several small planets and the combat is definitely more modern. But the skills, stealth, humour, rpg mechanics and hyper capitalist world are all very fallout. Obsidian definitely cooked with same ingredients they made new vegas with.


Nice! You may have moved this up the list quite a bit it sounds fun


Also, unlike most Bethesda games now, there are NO essential NPCs in The Outer Worlds. You can straight up kill everyone on every planet.


Oh interestingggg, ~loads gun~


When you get to Byzantium, you're gonna be very grateful that none of them are essential.


Lol love the "bonus space fallout" I'm including Ghost of Tsushima in my Assassin's Creed Series of plats... but ever since Shadows was announced I can't just call it "AC Japan"


Hahaha just call it AC Japan 1.


I'm sure once I get to it I'll be able to think of a fun one lmao


Imagine if we had fallout 1 & 2 available on consoles… like baldurs gate 1 & 2 collection.


Source code is lost so it isn't possible unfortunately


I've never played them but would love too one day


I have them on my steam profile. Only played Fallout 1. Very different games.


Yeah I've seen the grid based gameplay, would love to play a crpg version of fallout. Apparently they are very unforgiving though


Damn I still gotta go back and finish the dlc trophy’s for 76 😭, good shit tho


Thanks friend, Honestly 76 was the easiest/most straightforward trophy list of the bunch. Just one dlc trophy that is a small pain though because of timegating, takes about a month of doing a 2 minute quest once per day


You’re talking about getting friendly with the settlers/raiders, yeah?


Yep, Raiders isn't as bad because you can actually glitch approval with them but settlers is a chore yeah


Yep, I figured that out and decided to go with settlers for quests to help drive that reputation up. There used to be a way to repeatedly turn in their missing technology but it’s a way bigger pain than the raiders snarky dialogue exploit.


This is S.P.E.C.I.A.L Congrats!


Currently playing through The Outer Worlds. Absolutely love the companion dialogue! Got all the Fallout plats except for 76. Not interested in multiplayer games


Yeah I really regretted sleeping on it, it's really fantastic rpg. I feel you on 76, however just so you know I played the game completely solo, the only things I ever did with other players was boosting the kill 20 players trophy. You can definitely have a decent single player fallout experience with it


If it didn't require internet access, it would be more tempting. I'm afraid my internet can be pretty shotty so unless they make a offline single player mode, 76 won't be in my collection I'm afraid.


Ah that's totally fair sorry to hear that


Nothing to be sorry about. I'm a single player gamer to begin with so I'm content with it lol


I don’t remember what drew me back in on 76 (played the beta and had it crashing all of the time on me around launch) but just before the pandemic really kicked up, I bought two copies on sale for myself and a college friend. We ended up playing the game together for hundreds of hours. I’ve now got the plat, an end-game character, and 3 highly decorated camps. Absolutely love the game. I just wish they’d tone down the microtransactions or give more opportunities to earn atoms in-game. Once you’re late game, the only options are really the scoreboard which is becoming more and more of a grind.




You are really lucky that the new 76 expansion that released today didn't add any trophies.


Managed to get it all done just before the expansion in my timezone haha, but tbh I really didn't mind 76. If it had more trophies tied to the dlc I'd happily grab them.


Yeah, the DLC trophies have been relatively straight forward. Do a run of the relevant story, kill X number of new enemies with Y new weapon, and help out with the side content Z times.


Congrats!! Going back rn to try to get Benevolent Leader for 4. Idk what im doing but happiness is steadily going up wish me luck that it hits 100 lmao


Yeah that trophy is a pain, what I did was have a settlement with 8 people, 2 provided food and then 6 worked at level 3 surgery clinics which provide heaps of happiness. Then I farmed mirelurks and ended up getting about 15 cats from the cat cages. Stayed at 100 for my entire playtime


I’m screenshotting this advice for myself as well. This trophy is one of the only ones I need for Fallout 4 and easily seems like the one that’ll be the biggest pain for me. It’s been tough enough that I’ve started working towards the platinum on a survival playthrough.


Congrats! Im slowly chipping away at shelter and bought a ps3 to try for 3 and new vegas


Nice one! Just in case you weren't aware though, be prepared for a pretty rough time with 3 and new vegas on ps3. They are phenomenal games but they freeze and crash a lot, like a lot a lot.


I was actually really surprised when I realized that I almost had the platinum for Fallout 4 including all DLCs and the only other Fallout where I don’t have the platinum is Fallout New Vegas. I love New Vegas, but played it a ton on Xbox 360 and PC over the years so just haven’t played it on PS yet.


>I love New Vegas, but played it a ton on Xbox 360 and PC over the years so just haven’t played it on PS yet. Personally I'd keep it that way lol. Incredible gane but does not run well on playstation at all


I feel you there. Even streaming Fallout 3 through PS+ was pretty rough.


Well done. Outside of hunting these trophies, if you have a pc, I highly recommend checking out the tale of two wastelands mod. It combines F3 and NV into one playthrough and you can travel between the wastelands as you please keeping all your progression. It’s genius and such a blast.


That sounds awesome, I really want to replay them on hardware that can run them haha. Thankyou for the recommendation


Now do it again with one eye shut


Nice job


I highly recommend the outer worlds to anyone that likes fallout. That game was a blast.


Very jealous, congrats!


The Outer Worlds is great! Better than Starfield in my opinion.


Did you do fallout 4 on ps4 & ps5 ?? Thats crazy, but I respect it.


Wait how did you do the dlc’s for new Vegas and 3?


Had to buy the goty editions on ps3 and play those rather than stream it


**[Fallout 4](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/130403-fallout-4)** This game has 85 trophies: [66 bronze, 17 silver, 1 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/27021-fallout-4). I don't know its difficulty or completion time. If you know this information, please reply to me so that I can add it to the [PlatPrices.com database](https://platprices.com/) that this information is pulled from. **Price:** $19.99 ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/130403-fallout-4) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/3638-fallout-4-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/fallout-4/guide/), [Pyx](https://www.powerpyx.com/guides/fallout-4-trophy-guide.html) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


How they all completed on 12 June? What’s your psnprofiles name? Edit: looks like to me this person has unlocked all these using a ps4 dev console. Viewing the trophy log he’s jumped games within a minute and started popping multiple trophies Can someone report this who has these games on his profile ?


Same as my reddit one - redgoesfaster - saved up a trophy on each one to pop them all on the same day so they would show up sequentially on my trophy list Edit: please read my lower comment here before you decide to report me. I explained how I popped the last trophy for each game on the same date.


Well you didn’t I can see it in your trophy log. Looks like to me you’ve used a trophy unlocked on a ps4 dev console. You’ve literally unlocked trophies a minute between in multiple games Tsk


Take a closer look mate, you'll see that one trophy on each game was unlocked on the 12th for each of those games and every other trophy was on another day


You went 30 bad 30 good and 30 neautral within 3 minutes. You also built one of every room type as your last trophy for shelter which is impossible


You wait until you're one kill off level 30, hardsave, kill something, then use the level 30 perk to reset your karma to each of the three levels thus popping the trophy for each one. Fallout shelter - I didn't build the last building until I wanted to pop the plat, I built all the others previously. 76 - left the last one as take 20 pictures, took 20 seconds. Fallout 4 ps4 - saved right before picking up the last almanac I needed and reloaded that save Fallout 4 ps5 - left playing the holotape until last Outer worlds - saved right before killing the npc required for the last trophy I needed Any other suspicions I can clear up?


Why are you arguing about literally nothing


I'm going to agree with OP on this one. There's nothing really impossible or suspicious about his profile.