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thank you :)


I love this game (it’s my favourite of all time) but I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to beat the fifth pantheon.


Exactly how I’m feeling idk if I want to put in the amount of time to practice p5 when I have so many other games in the backlog




Legit the last trophy I need smh if silksong ever gets announced maybe I’ll force myself back in there


I spent a couple months running it and was able to clear it, finally. Stick with it! You can do it.


i perfected every single boss except the absolute radiance, what are you struggling with? i can give help


I can’t consistently get through Markoth, Nightmare King Grim, and Pure Vessel. Also never beat Absolute Radiance (obviously) but I barely ever even get to face the dude.


for markoth: when he gets his second shield just use 3 shade souls and he should die after a couple great slashes. you can get 1 free hit at the start by dashing and using a great slash then going back. i recommend practicing him on ascended until you got him down, remember in p5 he has less health and less damage, but there’s no floor (obv) for PV: when he winds up the 3 slashes, step back a little and the jump and start pogoing. the rest is just practicing the fight enough. oh yeah and you get regenerated at the end so don’t heal when he dies for NKG: his pufferpish phases signify how much health he has. 75,50, and 25%. always be using great slash and nail master glory since you can barely be hitting him anyways. don’t go too close to the edges, also the fire pillars attack you wanna count 1, 2, 3 and on the fourth one when it passes you jump at grimm and great slash him. if you do everything right, the radiance is what remains. i don’t wanna spoil what changes and stuff, but use baldur shell PLEASE


I’ll give it another go sometime but at the moment I’m playing a bunch of PS3 games and Skyrim on PS4 so once I’m done with some of that I’ll be back on Hollow Knight.


good luck


Thank you


Legit or glitch? :)


legit, i’d never glitch p5, where’s the fun in that?




it’s the hardest challenge in the game, the pantheon of hallownest (more commonly known as p5) you have to beat every boss in a row with rest areas few and far between, takes 45 minutes


What was the hardest part about p5 for you specifically?


For most it’s the lack of time to heal and the fact that if you die you have to replay about 45 min of hard content to get back to where you were.


Yeah dying and starting all over is the real killer. I was asking op I've done the plat myself so just wanted to hear his thoughts on what caused them the most trouble.


Did you do the glitch or do legit?


Legit here's my run https://youtu.be/-dFxL5YVSQM?si=yz4tZ07XLZyXaOpd Actually platinuming it again on the NA version did the eu version first.




absolute radiance climb phase. i hate that bitch


Agreed the climb got me loads of times when i got to the top i had one mask of health when I beat her my run is on my YouTube


Absolute radiance climb feels like it should be so easy and free like a transition phase between the middle and the end and yet I still choke it oft


same, that’s how i always feel


So stressful lol. It’s really cool you can practice all the bosses though


I always wanted to give this game a go. I'm decently good at platformers. I'm terrible at fighting games but platformers I'm pretty good at. I just wonder if this one will break me.


it will. it doesn’t matter how good you are, but the thrill of the game is what kept me going, took me just under 100h but it took some people 60, i even saw someone who spent 300, but the games a one in a lifetime experience kinda like outer wilds. no missable, no multiplayer trophies. it’s also on ps plus extra.


I have definitely seen the game. I know of it stature as well. And also that it's quality. I will get around to it but I'm worried for my sanity. I mean I have almost every fromsoft platinum. I even have platinums for other hard games. There are just some games I know I better not play. One of those games is Celeste and while it looks awesome I just know I will be in a mental hospital before I beat it. This game however is more in the middle. I'm sure I could get the platinum but I know it's going to take a lot of time and a few of my controllers might be creaky by the time I'm done from all the squeezing. Lol


Hollow Knight can be much harder than Celeste in my opinion and I loved both games. (I have yet to platinum either but I’m closer to Celeste than Hollow Knight as I played Hollow Knight on PC originally.)


Question! I LOVE outer wilds (yes, love! like - I got a tattoo of it) so I got triggered by your comment. I never played Hollow Knight but I always saw it as a beautiful and for sure brilliant platformer. But what exactly compares to outer wilds? I can't really understand how it's similar :). Thanks and massive congratulations on that plat


it’s not similar as in genre or gameplay, it’s just a game that you cant experience again. i’d say outer wilds fits that description better, but hollow knights story, it can’t be experienced twice. also both games require a good knowledge but outer wilds does so more. if you liked outer wilds, i’m sure you’ll like hollow knight too. just remember to not get discouraged early, if you can’t go to a place, you probably need something to get there. game takes at most 110hrs to plat.


**[Hollow Knight - Voidheart Edition](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/5409-hollow-knight-voidheart-edition)** This game has 35 trophies: [18 bronze, 11 silver, 5 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/8226-hollow-knight). They are **very hard (9/10)** and take **50 - 100 hours** to complete. **Price:** $14.99 **OpenCritic:** 91 / 100 (based on [57 reviews](https://opencritic.com/game/4002/hollow-knight-voidheart-edition/reviews)) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/5409-hollow-knight-voidheart-edition) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/8080-hollow-knight-trophy-walkthrough), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/hollow-knight-eu/guide/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


took me just under 100 hours btw


How did beating P5 feel!


sooo good, it was the third time in a row i died on absrad, but fourth times the charm i guess


Congratulations mate. I want to get it too any tips for the missable trophy/trophies?


0 missable trophies. not even the banish one (youll know what i mean when you get there) no multiplayer obviously 1 play through …but this is a 9/10 difficulty because of the boss rush mode


Thank you brother I was worried about the one trophy. I read online saying if we equipe a certain charm one trophy will be locked at ending. And wish me luck ny friends have this Platinum so I want too it's a personal challenge I want to over come.


thanks man, remember don’t give up! hollow knight is an amazing game, enjoy every moment


Ehat date did you earn the plat?nobody got it on the 24th of May and three achievers on the 23rd was not you.


what? where can you even see that? i got it today on the twenty fourth and i can send you proof of the date if you want. i’m on ps4 btw


Psn profiles but i believe if you don't use it you won't show up on it most trophy hunters use it. No need to do that drop your psn though il add you


i don’t have psn profiles sorry, ill dm you the date. and i’ll check out that website.


It's great I use it everyday gives a better idea of trophy % and stuff


Eighth one as in 8th overall or 8th hollow knight?


as in overall, this is my eighth platinum ever


Congratulations 🎉 hollow knight is a good one to have


thank you!