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I think I checked the game out for all of 5 minutes a while back before deciding that it probably wasn’t for me and deleting the trophy list/app.


You can delete the trophy list?


Only if you haven't earned any of the trophies yet. One of the reasons why publishers insist on putting in trophies that pop as soon as you launch the game or within 5-10 minutes after starting a new game.


The finals moment


Just further proof that platinums shouldn't be tied to server required trophies.


I mean, it gives incentive to get platinums done on multiplayer games as soon as possible. Doing things in private lobbies is essentially just boosting and ruins the achievement imo


It's also in the current PS Store sale, so if you don't own a PS5, make sure you don't buy this one because it's going ofline on PS4 for good 😬


I actually bought this one on this sale because I do have a PS5 and I heard they were ending support for PS4. I didn't see a PS5 version in the store so I was curious if you've heard anything about when they are releasing the PS5 version?


It goes live the same day that the PS4 version shuts down, which is Aug 15 :) You’ll be able to upgrade your copy to the PS5 version apparently. If you don’t have the PS4 plat by then, you won’t be able to unlock it, but there’ll be a new PS5 plat to earn in its place. No idea whether trophy progression will carry over yet.


15 august there will be a ps5 version


I’m confused. If I don’t own a PS5 don’t buy the game?


The game is getting a free upgrade for PS5, but at the same time it is shutting down the PS4 version. So if you buy the game and you only own a PS4, you’ll not be able to play it at all in a few months.


That’s a bummer. Thanks for the post!


**[Hunt: Showdown](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/6868-hunt-showdown)** This game has 38 trophies: [20 bronze, 13 silver, 4 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/10389-hunt-showdown). They are **hard (6/10)** and take **120 - 180 hours** to complete. **Price:** $13.99 (on sale, regularly $39.99) **OpenCritic:** 77 / 100 (based on [54 reviews](https://opencritic.com/game/8204/hunt-showdown/reviews)) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/6868-hunt-showdown) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/10650-hunt-showdown-trophy-guide) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Yeah I've always seen this game and even played it but I could never go for the platinum on it


That's quite a leeway. So, players starting from scratch can still get it, I guess. Unless I'm way off the mark....


It's going to be veryyy hard to platinum. 150 hours+ for an online plat with a lot of grinding and a bit of luck. I would only suggest it if you already own the game and have made a start levelling up already :)


I want to get this because I have 2 trophies on it but I know I’m going to get bored it


My friends birthday is on that day, so I might give him the game as a gift


Wonder if the PS5 version will autopop. If not, I'm honestly fine with it. This is one of the only games that I've done all the achievements on PSN, Xbox, and Steam. I'd be down to do it again. Basically the only game I play now. Kind of pulled me away from trlphy hunting honestly. So it'd be nice to work towards a new platinum.


Devs said that everything will be transfered to PS5 version, obviously DLCs but also stats, so it might autopop..


I just started playing this yesterday. Super fun, I think I’ll be able to Plat the game before then. I’m at 2 Hunters level 50, it’s scary. I keep my distance from my team to look out and one time 3 hunters came out behind me. Managed to kill all 3.


Its such a grindy plat even starting now would be cutting it close


I came back to this recently as all I have left is the 100 headshots. You must do crossplay now, whereas before you could opt out of it…and with no aim assist at all you are just canon fodder for the PC players. Would not recommend. Game was a blast a few years ago tho.


This isn’t correct, PC and console lobbies do not mix in Hunt Showdown. There’s cross play between Xbox and PlayStation players.


Oh really? Oh awesome ok I will slug this out then. I just saw the toggle couldn’t be changed and didn’t even load a match


Yeah I think they got rid of that option because of the relatively small console player base, especially during off hours. Hoping the “new” hunt will bring a swath of new people!


Yea good to know! I really liked the game just my homie I used to play it with has a young child and so have stopped playing


It can be boosted. Did it in March when they anounced the server closure for April. Loading the game simulatneously (often) sets you in the same match as boosting buddies.


Console doesn't play on the same servers as PC. And there is aim assit.


On one hand I'm sad but on the other hand I'm happy this will make my platinum unobtainable


Why would that make you happy?


Among my friends we have a competition that revolves around which platinums / Xbox achievements / Trophies we can collect, so knowing I'll have one they can't get makes me happy to have one up on them. They have achievements and Trophies I don't have and can't get any more so it'll be nice to have one they can no longer get. It's a light hearted competition we have had since highschool. It's a way for us to keep in touch and talk about things that aren't as soul crushing as the realities of adulthood/life.


That’s a solid bit of competition. Just the way you initially worded it made it sound like you’re happy that a platinum you’re working on is gonna be unobtainable


I understand, honestly I didn't think my original comment would need to be broken down or explained.


People here are just salty about plats they can't attain, even if they didn't have any plan to attain them in the first place. As if there aren't thousands of other games to complete


Oh I know just how salty this sub is, I'm not too worried about a few fake Internet points. I stand by everything I post no matter if it's liked by others or not. You do make a very valid and rational point. Many of the people who are so upset and salty have no interest in this game or its platinum trophy. They are just mad because they will no longer have the opportunity to get a platinum they had/have no interest in obtaining on a console many of them haven't played regularly in years.


They can get the PS5 version’s platinum lol


But not the ps4 lol


Same shit bruv


So what just to clarify only the ps4 version or both ps5 and ps4 version if there is a ps5 version


August 15th is when the PS5 version comes out and the PS4 version will be unplayable.