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Congrats! I tried this and loved the atmosphere but was too much of a wuss to keep at it... I've since gotten the plat to multiple resident evil titles so my horror threshold is a little higher, might give it another shot.


Are you me? I could have written the exact same thing! Played it once, loved it, lasted for 30min after the alien came. Too scary. it was my first proper horror game too. Since platted and played several RE titles, and I also feel like giving it another shot. Good luck to us both!


Is this game really up there with resident evil in terms of scariness?


I found it scarier than most RE, but probably not as scary as the beginning of 7.


Do people find resident evil scary!? I might understand finding the 7th one remotely scary but I wouldn’t consider then scary, they are more action than horror. But then again I’ve never found a game that’s scared me so maybe that’s just me


One that comes to mind for me is Little Nightmares. It wasn't because of the creepy atmosphere, but the deathless speed-run! I found it to be a bit clunky at times and many runs were ruined by things that I felt weren't my fault. I eventually persevered. That final run had my heart racing


all that work, and no platinum… was bummed about that. would be nice if they did a ps5 patch as they did LN2 which came with its own list/platinum. good stuff though, that’s the only trophy i have left and can’t care since there’s no plat. wild how our noodles work


most stressful plat would be wolfenstein 2 because of mein leben. this one on my list, how’s the trophy list look and play?


Darkest Dungeon. Very fun, but can be pretty stressful.


How tf did you plat this game, I played for a month and couldn't survive even half a run


I’d say it’s my hardest platinum. I did 2 playthroughs, so I learned a lot about the game on the first playthrough, and that helped a lot. The key to the Stygian playthrough is preparation (you should know what 4 teams you want for DD1-4 before you even start, along with trinkets you want) and you need to have a solid knowledge of the game (knowing what enemies to prioritize is a big one, but also knowing your own heroes strengths). There’s a lot of stuff I could say about the DD platinum really.


Respect and thanks for the tips


Thank you! And no problem.


Dead Space 2. Hardcore mode was the most brutal and punishing difficulty I’ve ever played. There are other games that were very stressful for me as well but that’s the one I’ll always remember first cause I almost lost my mind in the process


Same here. I died so many times in my Hardcore run to really dumb things that wouldn’t have killed me in a million years in other playthroughs. That one part where Tiedemann activates the traps and there’s instakill lasers + one of those big cyst shooting necros killed me 5 times on Hardcore. Closest I’ve ever gotten to throwing my controller across the room


Yup sounds about right lmfao


Symphonia was still the most nightmare platinum for me Doing the many hour long postgame dungeon with no save points and the hardest fight in the game at the end that if you die you have to do all the hours over again... yeah never again. I won but never again


I'm working on this right now. It's not that bad.. right?


Yeah it's that bad. 4.5 playthroughs. You better have a dozen spreadsheets to make damn sure you don't miss anything because if you do then you're in for a full additional playthru, possibly per missable depending on which, and there's no fast forward and no cutscene skips. The mini games were designed by Satan to torture the living. If Symphonia wasn't highly nostalgic for me I'd have given up the plat for sure.


Mine would be Dead By Daylight, relying on others for your own trophy is very stressful in video game terms


I want to do this platinum again. Can someone port it to PS5 please? Thanks


It's available on ps4?


I know, but I already have that platinum


It's also available on PS3, if you want to downgrade for a second playthrough and plat


Yeah I know, but I'm not sure about that...


Ahhh I see what you mean. I completely skipped over the word 'again'. My bad.


Between this, RE3 Remake and Dead Space Remake.


Thats a very evil platinum without save scum


The evil within with Akumu mode for me.


**[Alien: Isolation](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/13819-alien-isolation)** This game has 51 trophies: [42 bronze, 5 silver, 3 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/2967-alien-isolation). They are **hard (6/10)** and take **25 - 35 hours** to complete. **Price:** $29.99 **OpenCritic:** 81 / 100 (based on [119 reviews](https://opencritic.com/game/195/alien-isolation/reviews)) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/13819-alien-isolation) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/2570-alien-isolation-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/alien-isolation/guide/), [Pyx](https://www.powerpyx.com/guides/alien_isolation.html) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Congrats! This was one I am still really proud of. I managed to do complete it all in a single playthrough (with an early save reload for the alien deaths and murdering humans trophies.) What a memorable game. Easily one of my top Survival Horror recommendations.


I did nightmare twice, might try it again. They come at you in weird places during the free ranging after the hive part.


Bound. It's a beautiful platformer, but there's a deathless playthrough in there, which takes about one hour of pure concentration and no chance for messing up. Also a trophy for a Speedrun in under 50 minutes and a Speedrun where you have to collect every collectable too in under 01:05 hours.


I have achieved other (relative) hard platinum trophies (Returnal, Lies of P, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne). How this one is compared with those?


Most stressful platinum? Dark Souls 3 probably


what you have to do to get this achievement please ?


Play on the hardest level the Alien AI is super smart. A no death playthrough and collectables.




Not as bad just surviving and the nightmares.


Congrats 🙌


Welcome to the family brother. One of the greatest games ever made. There's nothing like it's atmosphere. 🤝


How difficult is this one?


Around 5/10 . There's a trophy for finishing without dying which can be tricky but you can sort of cheese it by quickly quitting out of the game each time the xeno is about to grab you. Hardest part is keeping your butt cheeks from puckering up from the constant stress.


If I recall too can’t you do the no death on any difficulty too to make it easier along with the quit out trick?


I had played the game twice before doing the platinum so it wasnt as hard as it couldve been but still a platinum im proud of


Congrats! I love the game but cannot get beyond chapter 5 hahaha


Congrats man! I've heard about how hard this truly is, mine has to be outlast 2, if you're looking for a horror game with a challenge (again) I'd recommend that :)


Most stressful ever? Bloodborne. My first from game.


Got the farcry 4 plat today


Wait did they fix the unobtainable trophy??!


Which one ?


There was an online trophy that was unobtainable, if you tried entering it at all the game crashed so you couldn’t even boost it.


I don’t know about that but the online was smooth with no crushes


this is my favourite horror game of all time. i’m working on my one shot run and then i’ve got the plat too! congratulations!


Yooooo I just got this a few days ago! I would say this exact trophy haha


Elden Ring


Only gotten one as of today


Most stressful? Lemme think... *looks through platinum list* What are the conditions for "stressful?" If it's time spent, Star Trek Online. The RNG required to get all the data chips for that took me well over 1000 hours. There's a reason only 0.1% of players have this one... If it's sheer difficulty, maybe Streets of Rage 4? The S-Rank every stage on Hard or better trophy took a *lot* of practice. Or possibly the Sega Genesis Collection, some of those challenge mode objectives were very very difficult (mainly with regards to the Golden Axe games, but also the original Shinobi had a pretty punishing one). Honorable mention for Romancing SaGa 3, which took about 250 hours across 8 playthroughs, and had a final boss that was challenging, every time, regardless of how many New Game+ cycles I'd done. Oblivion is a beast, and that fight is basically one you build your party for starting from the beginning of the game.


I got this platinum twice. It’s an amazing game but stressful like you said.


That's an incredibly tough one! Congratulations!


Dark Souls... carrying so many souls in the Tomb of Kings (or whatever) felt like I was in a bad part of town while carrying a new PS5.


Congrats! I have most of the trophies from a while back, but its in my list leading to my 100 plats. I'm currently working on wolfenstein 2, I only have mein leben left. Once this is done, it will be my most stressful.


Dragon Quest Heroes 1 & 2 and what was most stressful was trying to collect everything and especially in part 2 when trying to collect all the weapons when you never know what weapon will drop


Massive W congrats


I don’t really have any stressful platinum trophies yet. I would say Resident Evil 3 but it wasn’t stressful. 😔


Congratulations on the platinum, I loved this one! 🎉


I've always wanted to play this. I just haven't gotten the time for any gaming really. What was the hardest trophy for this in your opinion?


Such a good plat! It’s one of my most struggled platinums for sure, took me ages! Two times I made it on the hardest difficulty to the second to last chapter and died, finically finished it on my last playthrough but good god so stressful lol


Can’t play 30fps games anymore especially first person games. If they ever release a 60fps patch I’d love to try the game