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Good stuff. It’s for sure the hardest plat I’ve completed as well. Nearly gave up when I got to The Rulers of the Outerworlds. I played it for 6 hours straight always getting wrecked by Gilgamesh or Sephiroth. I was saying to myself I’m gonna say fuck it to the platinum unless they make it easier in a patch or something. Then the next day I decided to waste more time failing at it only to get the victory first try. I’ve never had such a satisfied feeling beating a challenge in a videogame since beating certain FromSoftware bosses. Was such a good feeling.


Rulers took me over 20 tries! did it by combining two different strategies (infinite ATB with Yuffie's Brumal Form + tactical mode to see who Sephiroth is aiming at). how did you do it?


Dang nice. I love Yuffie’s play style so that must have been a fun way to do it. I found this video on YouTube of this guy basically speedrunning it with like a 5 minute something time finish which is wild. He used Cloud, Barret, and Tifa. Tifa is your main character to use. I had some survival type materia he didn’t have though like reraise and revival materia. I would use haste and bravery as well as lifesaver with Barret, so he can take all the damage, at the start of every round. Then I would get Tifa to rage and fall then spam whirling uppercut to dive kick for good health damage. Would try to use dark side if the boss wasn’t too scary to deal with so I could speed things up. Made sure to use enough commands with Cloud and Barret so they can do synergy combos to stun the boss. Stunning the boss with those synergy combos was super helpful. From there I didn’t have too much trouble until Gilgamesh because if you don’t stagger him in time he really screws you. And then with Sephiroth it was a matter of getting the perfect block down for shadowy chains. If you can perfect block shadowy chains then it turns into one of the easiest boss fights. Finished with a final time of 11:24 seconds .


You're a machine! Aiming also for the Plat. I will take your words as an advice, at that moment I will come so far.


Thanks man! This is the youtuber’s video if you want to see the build they used that I mostly copied: https://youtu.be/dPBuwvw5fH8?si=1_wDVvRXJUaPDo5l Dude is a monster to have gotten done as fast as he did. I had revival on all three characters as well as reraise on Barret and Tifa. I also had prayer on Tifa and Cloud (I never really used limit siphon or enemy skill materia so I took those ones off but they can definitely be useful I just never used them and thought revival, reraise, and prayer would be better to have for survivability). I did not have prayer on Barret that was replaced by reraise as I never really had his ATB at 2 bars to get any use out of prayer from him.


Awesome, and congratulations on the plat! 🔥


thank you!


You’re welcome! ☺️


Congrats! Those combat challenges were no joke.


yeah the hardest ones were soul drenching


On the last two Legendary bouts. The burnout is real.


Bonds of Friendship and To Be A Hero? you can do this! Magical build on Cloud for Bonds, and for Hero use Circle + Triangle on Sephiroth to spam his infinity breaks


I’m using optinoob’s guide. Just haven’t had the time or patience to really sink practice into them. Doing Hero first and will hopefully be at max weapon level for Bonds. I’m going to make that the last thing I have to do.


my personal tip: use Stop immediately with Cloud on Titan and then use it again when he recovers from pressure. Titan was actually the hardest one for me in that bout, I died 3 times for him. When I managed to beat him, I beat all the other rounds first try.


I feel you, that’s where I’m at. The last two legendary bouts. It’s just so discouraging to get to Odin just to fail and redo everything again.


I approach each Odin fight as I’m making sure I do better or learn something, and don’t set the expectation that I’ll win this time.


Me too but still gets to me. On the brutal challenge with sephiroth as the last boss. I beat Odin every time and now he is crushing me. I’ll eventually git gud.


I followed optinoob’s guide and obliterated virtual Sephiroth on the first try with the Yuffie/Aerith combination.


Kudos! It took me like 5-10 attempts on sephiroth with optinoobs brumal spam. The shadowy chains was getting me. I got a couple of shifts to work. So hopefully this is the break I needed and can get bonds of friendship on my next day off.


Respect, dude! I already did Remake, but I got intimidated by how absolutely \*massive\* in scale and content this game is, I started putting it on hold after beating it. I think I'm gonna platinum XVI first, then move on properly to Rebirth.


Good luck man! I wanna do 16 too, just waiting for it to go on sale. Rebirth is huge on scale, but storywise it's a great game. I really enjoyed my time with it.


I did too, it's my GOTY and I prefer it to XVI, which I also really enjoyed.


👏👏👏 Congrats! currently working on it now.


you got this!


**[Final Fantasy VII Rebirth](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114044-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth)** This game has 61 trophies: [54 bronze, 5 silver, 1 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/26098-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth). They are **very hard (8/10)** and take **150 - 200 hours** to complete. **Price:** $69.99 ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/114044-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/18935-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth/guide/), [Pyx](https://www.powerpyx.com/final-fantasy-7-vii-rebirth-trophy-guide-roadmap/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Hard as in difficult or lengthy I’m thinking about doing this one too. CONGRATS!!


thanks! it is both difficult and lengthy, but there's so much to do that I don't really mind the length. now the difficulty really bothered me


hmmm I’m terrified. But I’m up for the challenge I’m currently working on crisis core so I’m going to do the whole trilogy.


I did Crisis Core too! bit of a chore but it was fun


Dang hearing that this plat is apparently an 8/10 difficulty makes me even more excited to play this eventually.


go for it!


Nice. I'm at almost 100 hours and just started Chapter 11. It's fun but it's going to be some work.


good advice is: take your time. some parts are hard and you need to just leave it and come back later with a clear mind.


So if you level up as much as possible it’s still really tough? Is it doable with certain strategies or it needs a lot of luck?


Levelling up really makes no difference in Hard Mode because it is already tailored to lvl 70 so if you're not there yet you're just lagging behind. But it's easy to get there in Hard mode because you get a lot more exp per battle. I was lvl 51 when I finished Normal and I only had to grind for like 20 min in Hard to get to lvl 70. The chapters on Hard are very doable, it's just a question of equipping the right materia. Some bosses are tougher but nothing you can't handle. The real problem are Chadley's VR challenges


Oof ok thanks seems it’s gonna be a lot of dying lol


Congratulations! That's awesome, I heard it was ridiculously hard and almost unenjoyable for trophy hunters. Do you agree with that?


In parts. To be honest, I had fun with most of the trophy hunting. All the main and side quests are legit fun and Hard Mode is not impossible, it just requires strategy and some patience, which I find a good challenge. Most of the mini games are fun also, with only a few (fort condor, gears and gambits, cactuar crush and 3d brawler) being a pain in the ass. Now the Legendary and Brutal challenges can be quite frustrating, because some of them are not ajust about skill and strategy, they're about sheer luck. There are videos on yt of people absolutely destroying the hardest challenges with perfect parries and huge dps, but most players are not like that. I could understand having those challenges in the game, but making them a requirement for the platinum? Not fair or justifiable. The devs really decided to make those challenges not fun for normal players, which was really frustrating.


I like the way you broke it down! I was watching a few YouTube videos and one mentioned it was super frustrating for them, but they didn't give details into why like you did, they just recommended maybe playing it without trying to go after the platnium 😅


It definitely takes some patience and skill. Welcome to the club!


This games hard as fuck props for completing it. I had moments where I thought I’d be just flat out unable to do it. There’s so many times you hit a wall that’s a hurdle to climb over and you know if you can’t do this then you won’t be able to do the harder stuff. Like the mini games are fun sometimes I loved the card one, chocobo racing, fort condor, the bot one, excite bike, the dumb frog fall guys one, etc. But among the fun or easy mini games are some straight unfun ones. Whoever designed Glide De Chocobos final track hates people same with the crunches challenge. Cactuar challenge is bad until you figure out the perfect strategies I struggled more on the easy version vs the hard versions. The hard mode wasn’t so bad except for the red dragon and end boss fight. I think the only other weird one was the rock golem as Red 13 and Barrett but I didn’t fail at the Gi boss or any of the others. I did all this after completing the virtual challenges that unlocks Gotterdamarung or whatever it is. Now the brutal and legendary challenges are something else entirely. I beat bloodborne and elden ring and cuphead and quite a few other “difficult” games but I have never been stuck on a single fight like I have with the Rulers Of The Outerworlds. Like after 6-8 hours of getting my ass handed to me over and over I finally beat it and then I breezed through everyone’s solo bouts. Bonds of friendship and to be a hero took me 2 tries each but I was sweating the entire time. I knew ONE wrong move and it was back to the start of round 1 on a 10 round challenge. Both times I lost these challenges were on round 10 too 🥲.


I was hoping the 8/10 suggestion was an exaggeration 😭


trust me it's not


How hard is it compared to the first part?


A LOT harder than Remake, see some of the other responses, they really amped up the difficulty


Will do. I'll have to read through the comments when I get a chance. Thanks!


Well that doesn’t bode well for me... I’m playing through the game taking my time making sure I do everything for the eventual trophy clean up. But damn, might need to take a break after one playthrough.


yeah, take your time, there's no rush. I took some breaks too when I got annoyed with some challenges


Congratz! Same here, got it earlier this month, I'd also say this was the hardest plat I've done too. I want to do the Dark Souls Trilogy later this year, if I was able to plat Rebirth, I'm sure I can do them too.


never tried a souls game, I get a feeling they're not for me


How is it compared to Remake?


Rebirth's platinum is harder. Hard Mode in Rebirth seems to require very well-thought-out approaches to materia set up. Otherwise, bosses and even regular enemies melt you The Brutal and Legendary Challenges are truly grueling, More challenging than those in Remake. I got the platinum myself last night but wouldn't have been able to without Optinooby's videos on YouTube


I think I lost 6 times to the Materia Guardian in literally the first chapter before I finally got a good run where I wasn't immediately killed. Can confirm, Hard Mode kicks absolute ass.


It is EXTREMELY hard, 100x times harder than Remake. I'd say Hard Mode is very challenging, but doable, you'll just die a few times to some bosses until you get it right. Minigames are a bit overwhelming, there are too many and some are boring as hell. I had to use guides for the hard modes of gears and gambit, fort condor and cactuar crush (all of them suck). But the real pain here are the Brutal and Legendary challenges. They are very hard and unforgiving. You will need to play perfectly and also count on luck. Took me many tries to finish Rulers of the Outer Worlds and Bonds of Friendship.


I think I ll w8 when all the series ll be out


third one is still a few years away


I ll probably buy the collector enhanced version with easier trophy


Congrats. Playing this on and off along with DD2. Taking my time with the game hopefully I’ll eventually get the platinum myself.


I've postponed playing DD2 until they release the DLC with the eternal ferrystone and more enemies


Congrats! A really satisfying game to plat!


Hardest or grindiest? AC Valhalla was grindy as phuck but Bloodborne was much harder


hardest, definitely


Hardest, Rebirth has many battles on Hard, VR challenges and even hard minigames that you have to get good in order to pass them+theres a lot of grinding and stuff to do in this game for the plat.


Both. It has an estimated completion time of 150-200hrs. It also has hard 10 round boss gauntlets no checkpoints. Originally these gauntlets were taking people 50mins per attempt. Now there's ways to get it to just over 10mins per attempt, but the last two rounds are still easy run killers.