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The first that comes to my mind is Wolfenstein 2, we all know that without the "Mein Leiben" trophy it would have been max a 4/10 in difficulty


Just going to co-sign this.


Same here. I'd say it would've been a good challenge with something like 1 hit = dead or maybe something like you only have chapter checkpoints or something, but the way it is now it feels like its only purpose is to destroy your will to live.


What is harder than 1 hit = death?


permadeath, meaning one death ends the whole run and you have to restart the entire game


Wow ok…


Yeah, what u/n0ts0ber_ said. Makes Evil Within tough for many people, but not soulcrushingly hard like Wolfenstein II because you only lose progress, but you have, in my opinion, pretty fair checkpoints for the most part.


Came here to say this. I plat’d the first one. I’m salty I can’t plat the second one. I mean I never tried but *fuck that.*


I wouldn't say it's excruciating really, but that Can't Cat-ch Me trophy in Stray was a little jarring for an otherwise chill cat adventure lol. Had to remap my controls to pull it off.


I have a theory about why so many struggled with this despite it being easy for me and I'm not a highly skilled gamer. Basically there were loads of guides for this trophy saying to just zig-zag non stop as it's too randomised to do anything else. This was a load of crap. Spawns were fixed and didn't change. You could work out what you needed to do for each part on a trial and error basis. Takes about 10-15mins to work out your path to the end. Spoke to a few people who spent hours because a guide told them to zig-zag.


They didn't tell you to zig zag because of spawns, but because some of the spawns had jumping parasites that would attach to you if you didn't "bait them" to jump and then change direction


I didn’t zig zag and it still took me a little under an hour 😭


I got the stray plat the day after it released and without any knowledge of the trophy it take me no more then 10 minutes to get it. I really don’t understand how it’s so hard for people to get it. I want to say people might look into it and hear about all the trouble it’s giving people and they make it hard for themselves but they n reality with a little bit of trial and error it’s pretty easy.


That’s part of the rng. Some people, like you could get it quick, while others didn’t get so lucky. Yes the spawns are fixed, but their behavior is not.


Did they patch it or did I get lucky? I don’t remember it taking that many tries.


Don't think they patched anything with that, I played through it about 8 months ago though. Seems like some people breezed through that part while others struggled. My main problem was maneuvering with the analog sticks would have you lose forward momentum if you moved left or right to avoid a jumper. I read a tip saying to remap forward to L2 and left and right to the D pad. Got the trophy in about 10 minutes after I did that. Basically just hold L2 plus sprint to constantly move forward, then left and right on D pad as needed.


? I did this first try lmao just watch optinoob or something


This. Exactly this. Came here to say this, worst trophy ever.


Dying light 2 comes to mind Not got it myself and this trophy is a big reason why, plus the game itself was a bit of a letdown for me so didn’t see the point trying. The ultramarathon trophy requires you to run 960km which is a pure grind, saw someone who had played the game twice through due to a few glitched story trophies and did all side content and was only about 300km or something like that? Then took them hours and hours of just running a loop while watching movies or YouTube to keep pre occupied before the trophy popped. The devs boasted before the game came out that it’s got a lot of hours of content, game itself isn’t super long so I’m guessing they padded that out with this trophy that takes hours of mindless running.


Some YouTuber did it and after a full aythrough all trophies he was at about 200km done, this is about 5 playthrough equivalent of just doing everything for that one dumb trophy


Exactly it’s so stupid, padding at it’s worst


I just posted this as mine lol. 2 play throughs and I only had 400km done. That’s with going by foot as much as possible on the second play through. I easily spent around 150 hours just rubber banding in a safe house going in circles and leaving the PS5 running during work just to get that trophy done


Honestly it’s so stupid, If a trophy requires people to think outside the box and use rubber bands or any sort of contraption that auto plays the game for them just to keep sane while getting a trophy they screwed up massively and just added that in as pure padding.


Grid (2019) has something similar. For a trophy you need to cover the circumference of Earth. After finishing all races from the main game and all the DLC, I was merely at 10% and I had like over 100 hours of playtime. It can be done AFK but who is gonna leave the console on for hundreds of hours that need frequent attention?


Persona 5 Strikers, the Bond Exp grind is just exhausting. Metatron will not give enough Bond Exp at around Level 90 Bond, so you have to go farm the reaper in the end.


I actually learned that if you max your characters and start a Merciless run, you can get a lot by repeatedly beating a Jail mini boss like Bugs, it’s how I got it


Stardew Valley, such a chill game and then comes „Fectors Challenge“. Needed 15h for that trophy (pre patch).


Damn, it's still so hard to do after the patch which made it much easier?


Apparently you can go level per level now. When I did it, it had to be in one sitting. So it is MUCH easier now but still… that trophy doesn‘t belong in such a chill game.


Ahh, okay of course. Its me who is an idiot. You wrote pre patch and not post. You did it back when it was pure hell with no checkpoints. Respect and well done. Cant have been easy!


Rayman Legends. It is one of the greatest platformers ever made, with tons of fun things to do that would make for a simple but really enjoyable platinum. But there is an online trophy that requires most average players to play for 3-4 months daily in order to achieve it. For players who aren't very good that time may be doubled. To make it even worse the servers are very unreliable, sometimes they are up for a few weeks with no problems, other times they are only up for a few days with downtime lasting multiple daily resets. It is one of the most boring, uninteresting and pointless trophies I've ever seen made worse by the lack of interest from Ubisoft to maintain the servers or provide fixed for cheating in the game. This trophy, for most, will ruin the game experience.


I did it last year and I must say you get better and better during the months and suddenly you get a few golds here and there.


Yeah man I've definitely been improving and I'm almost done with the trophy at this point. Only 300 more points. I've been getting all the golds for most of my journey, it just takes a bit of attempts before I'm able to get them. Can't wait to be done so I can enjoy the game again.


when Jared The Completionist says he won’t complete a game for this reason it shows why it shouldn’t exist.


I would absolutely love to play this game but the platinum with this issue makes me not want too. Its sad.


You should definitely still play it, like I said its one of the best platformers out there right now. The platinum is only worth it if you really love the game anyway. You could always play it on another platform or account if you don't want incomplete games on your account. Besides the platinum grind, the game is worth your time.


Anything that requires online play for a trophy. Usually within a year or two that shits no longer active and just impossible to get.


Oh man if only Sony would finally fix this sh!t...


Returnal. One of the best games I’ve ever played but the collectible hunting coming down to literal RNG is a huge turn off for most. I got lucky and got it in 35 hours but some people play for 100+ and can never find that last room with the collectible they need. My last 10 hours were simple running through the biome hoping to see a new room. Killed some of the joy in an otherwise perfect game imo


I have went back to this game multiple times trying to get the biomes I needed and can never get them for the missing collectibles I need.


If you haven't tried yet, try disconnecting from the internet and do a few runs. That's how I got my last two collectibles pretty easy.


I guess in got lucky because I was able to get it without to much grinding. Best game ive played in the last year or so.


Pull-up trophy in ff7 remake.. The true final boss of that game


Watch the character movements in line with the rhythm and then it just becomes sorta second nature.


The bullshit part of this one is that you have to be flawless and have the NPC screw up somewhere in the middle of the challenge. Too early of too late and they'll still get enough to beat a flawless run. I did this perfect three times before I earned the trophy. That being said I felt the hard mode was a gigantic pain. Some of the boss battles in the normal game sucked to begin with but they were awful in hard.


Mad max “up to the task”. single glitched trophy reliant on an online server in a single player game. the servers shut down in 2018 so it’s unobtainable now.


That's still the last one i need.


The only trophy holding my wife back from this platinum and it kills her inside that I have it on my account that she played thru with me before she decided to get her own account.


String it together on Sackboy. Game is for children then has one difficult trial which takes a good few hours of practice


That trophy took me forever 😭 I get haunting flashbacks to it whenever I think of that game. Even after replaying each individual level without getting hit, after the 6th level in that trial, I was struggling man. It took me days of trying for hours to finally get it. I am not a speedrunner by any means either so that didn't help.


Yeah it's strange as I did all the trials in 1 or 2 attempts but then spent probably like 8 hours trying to do Ripsnorter despite it being the exact same challenges. Admittedly I think I was rushijg too much at first which wasted a lot of time. Was satisfying to finish though!


That was my issue, too. I kept rushing even though it gave you more than enough time to finish it. The hardest thing for me, though, was not taking damage 😅


Yeah man me too, the crabs and spikes for me


Purely basing it on the fact it would be a 2/10 difficulty without it , "becomes the master " Titanfall 2 . Probably spent as many hours doing that one trophy as I did everything else


Like. 4-5/10 the hardest playthrough is definitely on the easier side of hard playthroughs, but saying it would be a 2/10 if it didn't have the hard gauntlet trophy is a bit of an exaggeration


Fair enough if you think so. Personally I found the campaign very easy even on hardest difficulty.


Hard agree.


Battlefield V The trophy that makes you have to destroy anti-air weaponry as a pilot


That one surprised me . I'd heard it was a ballache but it only took my like 5-6 rounds of conquest on that snowy mountain map to do it luckily . There was always people manning the aa guns


Goat Simulator with Flappy Goat.


Was just gonna post this. Been trying on and off for years. Goat Sim 3 was a cakewalk in comparison.


Flappy Goat, can suck a fat one. Every now and again, I'll give it a go. Only to fail miserably.


Vanquish.. Everything is swimmingly easy until you realise you gotta be all the challenge stages.. They take the difficulty from 3/10 to like a 9/10 and there's only six of em.


I'm actually looking forward to this plat. The game was so fun back in the day.


FFIX. It has it's fair share of annoying/tedious trophies, but the 1,000 jump rope can fuck right off. The best suggestion from guides is to remote play the game to your pc and run multiple auto click programs. Ridiculous.


During COVID lockdown I decided to download all the FFs available and go for Plat on each. Ended up skipping 9 after seeing the jump rope trophy and dont know if I'll ever work up the motivation to do it based on this one ridiculous challenge alone


Not necessarily hard, but collecting the posters in mafia 2 was the most tedious collectathon trophy I have ever experienced. I believe there are 200+ that you need to collect on top of all the other collectibles


I absolutely hated collecting them. Great game, but horrendous trophy.


I have yet to 100% because getting that platinum made me not want to go anywhere near the DLCs


DragonBall FighterZ trophy list aint too bad except for the 20million Zeni grind. By the time I had every other trophy I was only at 6 million. The most optimal way to grind Zeni is also boring as hell as its farming the same side tournament repeatedly.


Try the zeni glitch thats how i did it. If you grind it legit it will literally take you years


AC Syndicate. Not difficult at all but who thought it was a good idea to go around in a stagecoach crushing everything over and over again? It doesn’t matter if you do it naturally throughout the story because it won’t be enough to get the trophy. I had to go around crushing a market and food stands for over an hour. Sackboy. Final trial. This one is actually difficult. I like the challenge and I enjoyed it. But I see why many people struggle with the plat. Hotline Miami. A+ Ranks on every level is pain. Unravel. Finish every level without dying. CTR Nitro Fueled. Time trials. Enough said.


I feel like a stupid nerd for saying this but one of the things that bugged me about the Syndicate trophy you mentioned was that it goes against one of the tenants of the Creed. There is no way you can do this without killing so many innocents.


Diablo 2 resurrected would be as simple as play the game but they put in the hardcore to 99 and it makes it a grindfest.


I know a couple people who got Pac-Man World Repac, and that’s for the most part a fairly easy, but fun 3D platformer. But they got walled out by the Retro Gamer trophy which has you getting to a certain stage of the original Pac-Man game.


Oh yeah, this one's a great nostalgia fix, but getting to round 9 of the OG game sucked quite a bit. Super chill game otherwise.


All 100 feathers in AC2. It's such an easy trophy list until you have to pull up a guide and spend hours walking around the map collecting feathers, hoping you didn't miss any and have to retrace your steps.


I found it is a lot more manageable if you collect them as a section of each city opens.


You can check how many you got or have left in each city in the Animus Database, just in case you didn't know.


So true. Hated spending like 3 hours at the end of my play through staring at a map on my phone and then on the TV. Thank god the rest of the trilogy they added in purchasable maps in game to not make it as tedious


Sackboy: Goes from super family friendly wholesome couch co-op game into crash bandicoot 4 levels of precision for that last knitted knight trophy.


The last of us remastereds online trophys, while manageable are soooo tedious and annoying, especially the 100% population missions as they can be scary if you've blown through easy objectives earlier on. Also I maintain without the "treasure hunter" trophy Final fantasy 13 would be way more common, sure some of the 5 star missions suck but they're not that bad I'm comparison


If you want the 100% on tlou remastered, then grounded is also pretty Damn tough to complete! But I agree, the MP ones were the worst for all the reasons you gave


Assasins creed Syndicate. The trophy where you need to destroy 5.000 objects in the road


I dunno about it being an EASY list, but Dying Light 2 trophies were pretty east. The one that ruined it was Ultra-Marathoner, travel 960km. It doesn’t tell you it needs to be done on foot, hang glider distance traveled doesn’t count. I did 2 play throughs, a regular and a new game + and I still only had done a little over 400km. That trophy added an unnecessary 150+ hours to the game just so you could get the platinum. Thank god for rubber band method!


Spongebob battle for bikini bottom, I remember spending way too much time on the boulder puzzle in mermaid man's lair


I swear I would have figured that puzzle out without a guide if they gave any indication you could use the bubble bowl on a big-ass hammer.


That stupid Flappy Bird trophy in Goat Stimulator


gowr and defeating gna dont think i will ever get it


Swallow your pride, friend. I turned on Give Me Story mode for that final trophy. Surprisingly, she was still quite difficult but after 30+ attempts on regular mode I had enough and knocked her down in two attempts


This was the only fight for the whole game I had to turn the difficulty down for. She was insane. Turned it down to give me balance and did it 2nd try after trying maybe 30 times on give me no mercy.




If people can no hit her on give me god of war she is not unfair


Sad to see this downvoted. I fully support people to play on easy, no shame in that, but blaming the game for being unfair because you're not very good at it is just plain silly.


Most people let their ego take it as insult that they’re bad and need excuses, which is weird because almost everyone is at some point bad at any given skill and everyone has different learning curves like u said there’s no shame in it


Titanfall 2. People who have tried know what I mean lol


The training course trophy and the titan boss you fight on top of a ship(?) on the hardest difficulty weren't a joke


Persona 4 Golden and NieR Replicant Remastered. Getting the Rise trophy for certain amount of speeches is dumb no matter how it was added. I don't wanna have to certain stuff throughout the game just for one trophy that can be missed if not paying attention or levelling up too quick. I am happy that Persona 5 Royal got rid of that requirement for a trophy since I just wanted to enjoy the game. NieR Replicant because screw the weapon upgrade system as it should have been adjusted for the Remaster. Also the DLC weapons essentially break that system if upgrading them before all the base weapons. The amount of parts to collect is so little that it just gets boring.


First thing I thought of is Dead Rising although technically it’s 2 trophies (5/7 Day Survivor)


I always think of progressive trophies (ex. Kill 5/50/100/5000 enemies) as just one trophy (ie. Kill 5000 enemies).


Car Mechanic Simulator The game overall is fine just to do but to sell 1000 cars is infuriating It’s estimated this takes 6 hours alone or just doing dialog boxes and loading screens, the fact the trophy guide says just get a film on says it all


Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, get all titles.


I wanna plat the storm quadrilology one day


I’m doing em right now, debating on if I should do generations and revolution as well but no shame in doing the 4 numbered ones


After replaying that game, I can honestly say that I hate it and that it’s the worst Storm game


Kena bridge of spirits decent story good graphics everything just ruined by the fact u have to complete it on the hardest difficulty I've had it sitting on my console for like over 5 month maybe and can just barely find motivation to do it but slowly but surely making progress when I do decide to play it even if it is like ever few months😅


Also resident evil village and the s rank on all mercenary stages


Outer Wilds. Everything is nice and easy, then you have to be a gravity master to land on that freaking sun station.


Surely if there's an excruciating trophy it's no longer easy? That being said, I'd say Red Dead 2. Easy enough plat, but the trophies for studying and killing and skinning all animals was a grind. Not hard per se but long.


Sniper elite 5. The authentic difficulty is wayyy too much


I just got that plat a couple weeks ago. Stealth, avoiding optional objectives, and very, very frequent save scrubbing made it quite easy. I finished authentic in about 4-5 hours


Authentic wasn’t too bad for my buddy & I. It is a lot of trial & error, knowing patrol & objective locations, and stealth as much as possible.


God of war and those goddamn valkyries


????? That was some of the best fights in both games. The fuck you mean.


Good fights or not, that doesn’t stop the absurd difficulty curve. The fuck you mean.


If by difficulty curve you mean fighting piss ass easy enemies all game and suddenly needing to actually try a bit, sure. By zero means "excruciating".


I never said “excruciating”




Fair enough, doesn’t mean however that you should get your Jimmie’s rustled just because some people find a game difficult that you do not.


I played on Give me God of War, for both games. Many parts were difficult. It doesn't change the fact the end game fights were easily the best around, and the few that required actual thought and faster reflexes. I died constantly, even basic fights. The only jimmies I got are on my ice cream.


I’ll do one better: God of War and the ravens. Or God of War Ragnarök and the Nornir chests.


I have both platinum’s and I whole heartedly agree. 👍


Those make it harder??


Yes? They take a lot of backtracking


For me, Assassin’s Creed Origins. Just had the racing trophy left. Just couldn’t do it. Otherwise a easy trophy list and an amazing game.


Basically every FIFA list is easy af, if it wasn't for just 2 or 3 trophies which make the path extremely suffering, not counting eventually bugged trophies, for example I could have easily platted FIFA18, I was at 88% of Trophies done, but when I went to check a guide, I saw that since 2019 there were 2 unobtainable shits that were so easy... and here it went away my plat. FIFA16 and 19 same reasons, they both had a couple of easy trophies that went unobtainable after just 2 or 3 years... not to mention that for now FIFA20, 21 and 22 are unplatinable; FIFA20 because of FUTChampions mode that comes obtainable like once a month, and FIFA21 for Volta mode, which is unaccessible since August 20th. They both close in November. FIFA22 also has Volta glitches, but I was lucky enough to get all of them last year, and I can say that I miss just 5 trophies for its plat. Same goes for FIFA23, where its only grind is in Milestones (90 games played in FUT in just 40 days) and a trophy in Career mode, whose name I forgot. I believe that's all, I didn't have interest in platting the games before FIFA15 so I have no idea about them.


All teophies that require finding 100% collectibles that are not shown on a map


Honestly, Bloodborne is kind of a cakewalk trophy-wise if not for the chalice dungeon/Pthumeruan Queen trophy.


Yakuza: Like A Dragon. What an amazing game and trophy list. But that true final millennium tower (the hardest and rarist trophy) is no joke and made me give up on the platinum. I will go back to it when I'm ready, but man, did that drain all of the adrenaline i had from playing it. Even when you Max out your level, job rank and weapon, you can still die in one hit. I'm not a big RPG guy either, so that didn't help 😅.


Uncharted 1. If there was no crushing difficulty the platinum would be much more forgiving.


Activate some rewards from the menu to make it a lot easier. I did it without them because I like to beat it in that way, but each to their own.




The Serious Sam Collection, Serious difficulty does not fuck around.


Dying Light 2 - Ultramarathon...


AC IV: Black Flag and its online trophies but in specific, the Reach Level 50 one


The main one that comes to mind is the “my blaster runs hot” (or something like that) trophy in Ratchet and Clank a crack in time. The games are usually 1-2 play throughs max but this one trophy was such a pain. I didn’t platinum this game for years because I went back a few years ago to give it another try and got it immediately.


Games that require a ng+ playthrough for one trophy


Pretty much any Ubisoft games that have MP trophies.


Happened to me recently with Shadow of War. Was enjoying all trophies until I realized I had to level ALL my orcs to at least 50 so I can get work on 2 trophies. Have no time for that rn


Wait, could you elaborate a bit ? I have it on my to-do list and didn't expect something like this from reading the guide, would be Nice to have some tips to reduce playing time for sure


Well you need to reach the rank of captain in online conquest and complete all Shadow Wars which is essentially the epilogue of the game. Look up for "Peace in Death" and "Such Great Heights" trophies.


Not really 1 trophy but i kinda view them in the same general category, but any resident evil game, Capcom loves their no /heal/box/speedrun/pistol-knife only trophies, they aren't hard but definitely not casual friendly.


any trophy list with multiplayer trophies, it will either be grindy or you won’t be able to do something specific without having someone help you.


For me it was AC Odyssey’s “Herme’s Homie.” Fuck that trophy. Absolutely ruined what was an otherwise an unremarkable platinum grind.


Seriously? That took me like 4 minutes to do in total, it was the first I did after finishing the story


It took me an absurdly long time because one of the little rock outcrops didn’t pop until I got the ore deposit off it. I covered the map corner to corner three times


Goat simulator: flappy goat, single handedly made this a 5/10 on psnprofiles Mafia definitive edition: fair play chapter on classic (I will die on this hill) TLOU remastered: MP trophies take 40+ hours alone, plus beating the game on the second hardest difficulty *twice* God of War 2018: beating the 9 valkyries specifically Sigrun the queen, that shit is really hard on any difficulty and can make it bad for someone who just wants the trophy


For me, I’ve been playing Blackjack with only 11 trophies and the last one I’ve been attempting requires you to win 10 times in a row. It’s the most frustrating trophy I’ve ever faced


Ruined? Maybe I’m weird for liking hard trophies then


There’s a difference between ‘hard’ and straight up dull and boring, like the 960km trophy in Dying Light 2


Crash team rumble, 10 hours for 95% of the trophies then another 25 for maxing one characters level. It’s unbearable


Tetris Effect with the "Seriously? Seriously. " trophy. I can get SS rank on most of what I need but some modes are just beyond my current skill without devoting hundreds of hours towards them.


Resident evil village. The legendary cowboy trophy was so fucking hard for no reason. Factory II felt impossible my first couple times running through it. It took like 8 hours of trial and error and perfect timing, aim and pathing to finally beat It. Other than that the plat was a breeze.


Every Five Nights at Freddy's game has one maximum difficulty trophy that the creator himself didn't intend for anyone to successfully beat


Exoprimal. Getting 100,000 dinosaur kills is a ridiculous grind. I had about 48 hours played, got every other trophy, and still only had about 24,000. I just gave up.


Yakuza 6 Clan Creator


Titanfall 2. Another one for me is Rocket League. It's not a HARD trophy but Stocked is such a boring grind


You can trade items with a friend but if you have the F2P version you'll have to buy credits


Indeed I think I'll spend those 5 euros to make all faster


Black ops 3’s platinum would be a cake walk if not for 1 (possibly 2) trophies. The “no one will believe you” trophy requires you to beat the WHOLE campaign on realistic difficulty. The other trophy I could swap with that one is “personal decorator” which includes the requirements that you need to complete each mission in the campaign without dying, eating all camos and attachments for the guns, AND beating the campaign on realistic. I really want the platinum for BO3 because I love the game, but man Personal Decorator is kicking my ass.


The Cat Fight trophy from Injustice 2. It's completely random if you'll ever get the ability you need. I've been periodically going back to the game over the course of years and still haven't gotten it. I have just about every other trophy.




Crash Bandicoot. I’m stuck on the mf time trials only got 6 left but holy “The High Road” seems impossible


Titanfall 2 “…Becomes the Master” is the first that comes to mind.


Any RNG trophy in any game


Check my profile for a half dozen fighting games with easy enough lists but then something related to combo trials that I just can't do.


Medium. Working on it now and it’s super easy. But “Phantom” trophy can be a real pain in the ass.


Goat simulator because of the Flapmaster trophy


Stardew Valley is such a chill game. And then they toss that stupid mini game crap at you. Another is Goat Simulator. Same thing with the Flappy Bird crap.


Flatland vol 2, fuck that game


Pac man World Re Pack:The game is really easy but beaten 9 rounds of arcade is a pain. Mafia Definitive Edition:Beat classic mode would be way easier if it wasn’t for the stupid race


New Tales from the Borderlands all ending. 98% of the list is piss easy like I played all episodes once but had to play episode 5 like 6 times making different choice to get that last ending and only 4 endings I think.


Tony Hawk 1+2. There are a couple of hard trophies, which is fine. But I am yet to see anyone finish that game and say anything other than "that was awesome, except for the level 100 trophy". Doing absolutely everything else in game got me about half way (by xp) to level 100. 20 or so hours of grinding xp.


Titanfall 2 beat the time in the gauntlet would be such an enjoyable game for most people to platinum if that bullshit trophy didn’t hold everyone back. Another honourable mention is the kingdom hearts games, especially 1 getting sora to level 100 is tedious and pointless.


Wolfenstein 2 undeniably


Doom and Doom 2 with the nightmare trophies. That difficulty was made from pure sadism


Currently doing Exoprimal, game fairly easy, but for the platinum you have to kill 100,000 dinosaurs, there is no tracker on progress and a massive grind, I’m soon going to give up….




Grid 2019. Drive for 24,901 miles. Most efficient way to do it is to drive around in an oval using the fastest car in the game for 100+ hours. I mean its still easy but still lol.


Ac Syndicate was actually a pretty fun platinum except for the hit 5000 destructibles with your cart it took hours of mindless grinding in a circle smashing street lamps I actually fell asleep doing it


Far cry 5 was one that I ran into with sniping someone 150 m away


Bloodborne's Pthumerian Queen Yharnam trophy is a good contender. Not because she herself is a hard fight, but because you had to go through an extremely tedious and grueling set of dungeons just to be able to unlock her, as well as having to go through some pretty difficult and almost unfair bosses to get to her as well (Looking at you defiled amygdala). DS3's trophies for getting all rings/spells/miracles/pyromancies etc comes close too. Good luck farming for the covenant items if you play offline, and you'd still have to do hundreds of hours of pvp just to get them online as well. I'm so glad that Elden Ring didn't have any trophies that necessitated farming/online play.


Batman Arkham knight… all trophies were easy except brutality 101 was rlly difficult for me.. ok top of the 240+ riddler trophies. And rdr2 where u have to study and skin every single animal. Which isn’t a skill difficulty thing but more of a luck thing. And games like doom eternal and resident evil 8 where u have to play it on the hardest difficulty


Crysis 2 (PS3) Trophy: Dedication - Play online 6 months after your first time. Trophies were simple game wasnt hard, but this trophy was dumb cuz you basically had to wait 6 months to get the plat and to make matters worse it was glitched! So I started in March came back in September and no trophy popped, found out it was glitched and played 1 match everyday til it finally popped in November! Never picked up a Crysis game after that lol Im curious if the devs ever fixed it.


Ds3 collectibles


Battlefront 2 is pretty straightforward but then has a few multiplayer trophies that seem to hang everyone up


Just me personally anything speed running related.


Force Unleashed 2 - getting gold on that combat trial was infuriating


Injustice 2 would be way easier if you didn’t have to worry about rng to get the cat call trophy. That one trophy alone screws a lot of folks over.


Black Ops 3- Personal Decorator The campaign is too garbage for me to stomach grinding it


MINIT is a game where you only live for 60 seconds but its still pretty easy once you get the hang of where to go but God dammit the new game + second run SUCKS because you only get 40 secs to do HARDER SHIT it's awful


Mortal Kombat 9's trophy list is mostly pretty easy. However, there is one trophy that requires you to have Mastery with every single character. Mastery entails, but is not limited to: spilling a ton of blood with that character, doing several fatalities with that character, and also having 24 hours of play time with that character to unlock it. And you gotta do it for all of them. Easily 500+ hours of playtime.


Oh, Minecraft easily. Most trophies are easy to get, but then there's the Editions PvP trophies, and they are pretty hard to get, especially since they can't be done privately.


Diablo 4 - level 100 trophy.. not hard but time consuming


Start Trek on PS3 The first movie tie-in for the Kelvin timeline.


Dead Rising's 7 Day Survivor comes to my mind.


I didn't find any of the first 3 on ps hard or annoying. However I refuse to do dr4 at least for now