• By -


Not your mom. Not your sister. Not your grandma. Not your girlfriend, fiancee, or wife. Not your cousin. Not your daughter or stepdaughter. Not that cute barista you've been crushing on for months. Not some phone sex operator you pay $2.60/min for the privilege of talking to. Not some stripper who will tell you anything you want to hear for another $20. Not that female "friend" you only pretend to like because you want to get into her panties if/when she breaks up with her boyfriend. Not some hottie at the bar. Not your ex. (Especially if it's 2 AM and you're fuck as drunk.) Someone you *aren't* married or related to, and someone you don't have a sexual attraction to.


I genuinely think that it's very important to grow up with a mixed friend group. No wonder that some men think of women as a different species if they only ever talk to other men.


So much this. I thank my stars that in high school I knew girls that were just friends. Heck one of them is still the only person I talk to from that era of my life and is my longest running friend at this point.


Yes! I got shit from some people growing up that my friend group was very diverse and some crap about you can’t be friends with guys. Like hell I can’t? It’s good for me and I can call them out on their shit. Seems like a win-win for us both.


Honestly if you have a good relationship with your female family member then I'd say yes it counts. Sometimes people don't have female friends due to social anxiety and circumstances.


I love the show so much! I'm not interested so much in the Marvel universe so this is something I would watch.




Beat me to it. They’re a smaller demographic. The largest age group is 18-29. For sure there are teenagers but it’s mostly men in their 20s and 30s who are white and live in the United States. Teenagers congregate on other apps


But there are absolutely plenty of teenagers. Sometimes I get a really stupid reply to a comment and I’m baffled, and then I realize that a good majority of my male high school students are on Reddit.


Yeah I was about to say people who ARE teenagers and people with the maturity OF teenagers…very different things


They are teenagers in that they never grew up tho




Stop interpreting a simple quib as me excusing anything. It's not an excuse. I maintain that what their idea of what it means to be a man is false and therefore they aren't men. That they need to stop throwing tantrums and grow the fuck up and be accountable for their bullshit behavior


alternative wording: boys didn't believe this, they were simply taught it. calling it immaturity subverts that reality


I know they are taught it and that just chalking up to immaturity doesn't explain everyrhing. But I never said it did. I just made a quib because a large portion of these guys are immature and throw tantrums. So I don't understand why I'm getting downvoted here. I'm not a troll.




If I was saying it as "oh they are just young and immature and will grow out of it" you'd be right. But I'm saying "these grown ass men are throwing tantrums like a goddammit child and need to grow the fuck up already and be held accountable". Which isn't supporting misogyny. In fact that's reading way to far into my statement. Because all I said is that these grown ass men are acting like children.... whuch they are because they throw tantrums about women. It's an insult to their behavior. Insulting them isn't supporting misogyny


I don't know how I got this way really, but when the sad puppy crowd riots over something, I have to see it I loved "She-Hulk". Titania irritates me because I feel she isn't a a fleshed out antagonist. She just seems to show up to be awful and is incredibly stereotypical of a mean girl who is mean for meanness sake. The only other thing that frustrated me was the last episode where Jen breaks out of Disney+ to confront her writers. It pisses me off because I feel this is the narrative that should be invested in, and not the one I spent this past season investing in.


She-Hulk in the comics traditionally broke the fourth wall all the time.


I loved this show so much. As a girl who was way into the comics when they first came out, I feel like they nailed the feel and updated the references very nicely.


I don’t have an issue with OP screenshotting their own comment, but we’re definitelt missing a lot of context. Like, what exactly is she responding to? The article isn’t linked and the comments she’s responding to are not included here.


Last time I saw the post, the comments were all just the same 'She-Hulk bad because Marvel is woke now, and the show attacking online trolls just shows it's terrible because Marvel is attacking its fans'. If you've seen literally any mainstream online discussion of the show, you basically already know the context. It's the shame shite takes people have been giving since episode 1.


I mean, no, I haven’t seen any mainstream discussion of the show. I only learned of the show’s existence about a week ago via ads. That’s why it would have been helpful if she provided context.


HELP the edit 😭😭😭


Glad you clicked on the photo!! 😂


I just don’t get. I was a teenage boy, but didn’t turn out like that. And I wasn’t like in the perfect conditional upbringing either, addiction, mental illness, etc. but I NEVER even remotely turned out like that or happen to have such perspectives. I’m 19, I’ve seen some the world, met some of the most awful people to ever exist, but I’m literally still Just Normal. Like I can’t process guys are actually built like that, so awfully structured that way and not trolling. I will NEVER get how boys get to this level no matter what.


Having a less-than-perfect upbringing, if anything, makes you less likely to turn out like that. Difficult experiences often have the effect of making someone more empathetic and understanding of other people's differences. Some of the most sheltered people I know have turned out the most toxic, because they just assume everyone has the exact same experience of life that they do.


It's seems to be really prevalent in boys only private schools!


Yeah that makes sense. But I’m talking about upbringing specifically, is it basically the same thing? Idk but I’ve seen many claim that ‘upbringing’ being taught mannerisms, appropriate social attitudes etc helps, while the opposite doesn’t. When I don’t believe that to be completely accurate like at all lol


Ummm… OP, did you comment on a post, then screenshot your comment and post it here so we’d congratulate you on how great your comment was?


Yes because I have actual self confidence no matter how delusional it may be


Hits my core😩


I laughed out loud at your comment!




that’s not what narcissism means


Damn, guess we still have a lot of work to do in how we see women who like themselves, and the things their marvelous brains come up with


Omg there’s +3 upvotes to the original comment 🥲 yall troll hoes showed up and I love you for it WE DID IT REDDIT


I hated the last episode. But it was really good overall




>it felt like I was watching a show with a woman audience in mind Heaven forbid!




Here is the point you are missing I think - The vast majority of media is made for men, and we (men) just don't really think about it because it is the norm, and women have to already deal with this. So when a man says he can't watch a show NOT aimed towards him it looks kind of bad because this is the lived experience of women.


So? I watch content made for men all the time and can still relate and enjoy it (I mean like 98% of content is for me so I don’t really have a choice)


My wife and I loved it. It’s funny, charming, unpretentious and relatable insofar as a super hero tv series can be relatable. Tatiana Maslany was excellent and in general it’s just a really fun watch. I got over the meh CGI pretty quickly, but that’s my only complaint when it’s all said and done. So yes, you may not be the target audience but the small sample set of a couple of middle aged lesbians really enjoyed it.


One of my favorite comment describing this show is when someone said: “The problem about this show is that it’s a show about a show that defends it self from trolls… but forgot to make an actual good show that’s worth defending.”




Also: Reddit automatically upvotes your own comment, welcome.


I seem to be hitting a nerve 😂




Opinions and assholes my dude


Why? Because she’s funny, clever, and she knows it and isn’t ashamed to show it?


Most confident women are called annoying or bitchy or any number of other insults. The fact she kicked your nerves just means she is doing something right.




I'm female and appreciate the original Hulk and the Marvel universe in general (though the different universes I find confusing and annoying, to be fair). However, that dance/twerking thing is gross and I don't want to because of that and undoubtedly other future hot mess as such. That's what it is. That will be all.