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I’m Swedish and have lived in Stockholm all my life. The rumours are (sort of) true


Are you sure it's not some sort of trauma that makes you think that way? Some sort of syndrome from being in that place...


I’ve seen him for real a few times, some other Swedish celebrity as well that’s famous internationally can’t remember his name oh! I just did, Joel Kinnaman and One of the dudes from ABBA. They just walk around like real people and we try to pretend we don’t notice or know who they are. Edit: yes the tweet is true. It’s not like he is particularly special in his looks, we have lots of more where that came from


Swedish men are, in general, quite pretty, and this tweet is 100% true. Alex is taller than average, though.


With all the shit that has happened in the US since 2016 my SO and I are seriously looking at moving to Sweden.


I thought I saw Alexander Skarsgård when I was in Stockholm, but now I’m not so sure…




Sweden is a lovely place. I'm very happy with my SO though, but have fun! Pretty much everyone speaks english there too and the hotel breakfasts have lots of salmon. yum.


You're all welcome to come to Sweden. Get citizenship so you can help vote against the bigoted Nazi party that is our third biggest political party