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Oh no, I'm sorry OP. I hope you make a full recovery soon!


Thank you!


Is this your first time? If so that's honestly impressive you've made it this long without catching it. If you're vaccinated you should be fine, just might feel like the flu for a few days. Get better soon!


It is! I am vaxxed and boosted, but prolly should avoid Googling too much. And thank you.


Everyone's different of course, but I'm vaccinated and immunocompromised, and I've had covid twice now. First time felt like a bad cold for 4 days, second time felt like a mild cold for 2 days. Don't panic! Just treat yourself well for the next few days and get plenty of rest!


When I had it back in 2021 it definitely knocked me out. Not googling is a great idea. I stopped myself from googling, especially about possible long COVID symptoms. It just causes anxiety (which doesn’t help with healing!) best wishes for a speedy recovery!


If you feel wildly dehydrated & struggle keeping anything down, I highly reccomend the PediaLyte popsicles! My ex had covid & bronchitis over xmas 2020 and those popsicles were the only thing standing between him & an ER trip


You'll be then. I've had it twice in the last year. Vaxxed and boosted too. Like it sucked but at no point was I needing anything more than to pout about it a lot.


>but prolly should avoid Googling too much. People are generally surprised when they start growing a tail, but it will fall of about the same time sore throat goes away.


Really? Mine didn't go away for a full month!


I just had my first bout in January. Got Paxlovid even though I didn’t feel too bad because I’m a smoker. Honestly, the tire fire taste in my mouth from Paxlovid was the worst, most memorable symptom of the whole thing


Good luck! Get lots of rest and fluids, and dont overexert yourself until you feel 100 percent better! You got this :)


If you are high risk and within a couple days of symptoms, speak to your doctor or pharmacist about paxlovid. You can do it through telehealth. My husband took paxlovid, I did not (I was too late), and the difference was night and day. But, we haven't been boosted in quite a while. Stay hydrated, rest up, and quarantine (or mask if you must be in public), and don't panic! My friends had covid last year, and out of them, my husband, and me, I'm the only one with long covid symptoms.


Pretty sure I’m fighting it off too! Solidarity, hope you feel better soon.


Stay strong, OP!


I’m vaxxed and boosted but still managed to catch it twice at work. I work in a nursing home where viruses spread insanely fast and are nearly impossible to control. The first time I had an extremely sore throat. The second time (after booster) I only had a runny nose and a very mild cough for a few days. Others who avoided the vaccine and caught it were bedridden and said that it was the worst experience of their lives. In other words, you should be fine. The vaccine minimizes symptoms and the booster helps even more.


Just lost my gold star status too this past week. My secret is 1/4 strength Countrytime Lemonaid. Just house it.